Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, nd, name="defaultDomain", units="m"):
     Set dimensions (nd), name string, and units string
     if nd not in [1, 2, 3]:
         raise RuntimeError("Domain object must have dimension 1,2, or 3")
     self.nd = nd
     self.name = name
     self.units = units
     # make default empty list for parameters
     self.vertices = []
     self.vertexFlags = []
     self.segments = []
     self.segmentFlags = []
     self.facets = []  # necessary in 2D for gmsh
     self.facetFlags = []
     self.holes = []
     self.holes_ind = []  # for gmsh: index of hole (2D: facet; 3D: volume)
     self.regions = []
     self.regionFlags = []
     self.volumes = []  # only for gmsh: loop of facets
     # for bounding box
     self.x = []
     self.L = []
     # list of shape instances (from proteus.SpatialTools.py)
     self.shape_list = []
     # list of boundary conditions
     self.bc = []
     # list of auxiliaryVariables
     self.auxiliaryVariables = []
     # needed for gmsh
     self.volumes = []
     self.boundaryTags = {}
     self.BC = {}
     self.BCbyFlag = {}
     # use_gmsh hack
     self.use_gmsh = False
     self.MeshOptions = MeshTools.MeshOptions(self)