def on_start(self): """ get token :return: """ print("on start") self.oauth_enabled = getEnviron('OAUTH_ENABLED', "false") self.oauth_key = getEnviron('OAUTH_KEY', "key") self.oauth_secret = getEnviron('OAUTH_SECRET', "secret") self.data_size = int(getEnviron('DATA_SIZE', "1")) self.send_feedback = int(getEnviron('SEND_FEEDBACK', "1")) self.oauth_endpoint = getEnviron('OAUTH_ENDPOINT', "") self.endpoint = getEnviron('API_ENDPOINT', "external") #self.grpc_endpoint = getEnviron('GRPC_ENDPOINT',"") if self.oauth_enabled == "true": self.get_token() else: self.access_token = "NONE" channel = grpc.insecure_channel(HOST) if self.endpoint == "external": self.stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.SeldonStub(channel) else: self.stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) self.rewardProbas = [0.5, 0.2, 0.9, 0.3, 0.7] self.routeRewards = {} self.routesSeen = []
def run(args): contract = json.load(open(args.contract, 'r')) contract = unfold_contract(contract) feature_names = [feature["name"] for feature in contract["features"]] REST_url = "http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + "/predict" for i in range(args.n_requests): batch = generate_batch(contract, args.batch_size) if args.prnt: print('-' * 40) print("SENDING NEW REQUEST:") if not args.grpc: headers = {} REST_request = gen_REST_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(REST_request) if args.oauth_key: token = get_token(args) headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token} response ="http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + "/api/v0.1/predictions", json=REST_request, headers=headers) else: response = "http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + args.ambassador_path + "/api/v0.1/predictions", json=REST_request, headers=headers) jresp = response.json() if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(jresp) print() else: GRPC_request = gen_GRPC_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(GRPC_request) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(, args.port)) stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) response = stub.Predict(GRPC_request) if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(response) print()
def run(args): contract = json.load(open(args.contract, 'r')) contract = unfold_contract(contract) feature_names = [feature["name"] for feature in contract["features"]] REST_url = "http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + "/predict" for i in range(args.n_requests): batch = generate_batch(contract, args.batch_size) if args.prnt: print('-' * 40) print("SENDING NEW REQUEST:") if not args.grpc: REST_request = gen_REST_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(REST_request) t1 = time() response =, data={ "json": json.dumps(REST_request), "isDefault": True }) t2 = time() jresp = response.json() if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(jresp) print() print("Time " + str(t2 - t1)) else: GRPC_request = gen_GRPC_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(GRPC_request) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(, args.port)) stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) response = stub.Predict(GRPC_request) if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(response) print()
def on_start(self): print("on_start") self.oauth_enabled = getEnviron('OAUTH_ENABLED', "false") self.oauth_key = getEnviron('OAUTH_KEY', "key") self.oauth_secret = getEnviron('OAUTH_SECRET', "secret") self.data_size = int(getEnviron('DATA_SIZE', "1")) self.send_feedback = int(getEnviron('SEND_FEEDBACK', "0")) self.endpoint = getEnviron('API_ENDPOINT', "external") if self.oauth_enabled == "true": self.get_token() else: self.access_token = "NONE" channel = grpc.insecure_channel(HOST) if self.endpoint == "external": self.stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.SeldonStub(channel) else: self.stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) self.mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)
def run_predict(args): contract = json.load(open(args.contract, 'r')) contract = unfold_contract(contract) feature_names = [feature["name"] for feature in contract["features"]] REST_url = "http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + "/predict" for i in range(args.n_requests): batch = generate_batch(contract, args.batch_size, 'features') if args.prnt: print('-' * 40) print("SENDING NEW REQUEST:") if not args.grpc and not args.fbs: REST_request = gen_REST_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(REST_request) t1 = time() response =, data={ "json": json.dumps(REST_request), "isDefault": True }) t2 = time() jresp = response.json() if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(jresp) print() print("Time " + str(t2 - t1)) elif args.grpc: GRPC_request = gen_GRPC_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) if args.prnt: print(GRPC_request) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(, args.port)) stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) response = stub.Predict(GRPC_request) if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print(response) print() elif args.fbs: import socket import struct from tester_flatbuffers import NumpyArrayToSeldonRPC, SeldonRPCToNumpyArray data = NumpyArrayToSeldonRPC(batch, feature_names) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((, args.port)) totalsent = 0 MSGLEN = len(data) print("Will send", MSGLEN, "bytes") while totalsent < MSGLEN: sent = s.send(data[totalsent:]) if sent == 0: raise RuntimeError("socket connection broken") totalsent = totalsent + sent data = s.recv(4) obj = struct.unpack('<i', data) len_msg = obj[0] data = s.recv(len_msg) arr = SeldonRPCToNumpyArray(data) print(arr)
def run_send_feedback(args): contract = json.load(open(args.contract, 'r')) contract = unfold_contract(contract) feature_names = [feature["name"] for feature in contract["features"]] response_names = [feature["name"] for feature in contract["targets"]] REST_url = "http://" + + ":" + str(args.port) + "/send-feedback" for i in range(args.n_requests): batch = generate_batch(contract, args.batch_size, 'features') response = generate_batch(contract, args.batch_size, 'targets') if args.prnt: print('-' * 40) print("SENDING NEW REQUEST:") if not args.grpc and not args.fbs: REST_request = gen_REST_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) REST_response = gen_REST_request(response, features=response_names, tensor=args.tensor) reward = 1.0 REST_feedback = { "request": REST_request, "response": REST_response, "reward": reward } if args.prnt: print(REST_feedback) t1 = time() response =, data={"json": json.dumps(REST_feedback)}) t2 = time() if args.prnt: print("Time " + str(t2 - t1)) print(response) elif args.grpc: GRPC_request = gen_GRPC_request(batch, features=feature_names, tensor=args.tensor) GRPC_response = gen_GRPC_request(response, features=response_names, tensor=args.tensor) reward = 1.0 GRPC_feedback = prediction_pb2.Feedback(request=GRPC_request, response=GRPC_response, reward=reward) if args.prnt: print(GRPC_feedback) channel = grpc.insecure_channel('{}:{}'.format(, args.port)) stub = prediction_pb2_grpc.ModelStub(channel) response = stub.SendFeedback(GRPC_feedback) if args.prnt: print("RECEIVED RESPONSE:") print()