def sendPositionDataZero(self, longitude, latitude, altitude, heading, accX, accY, accZ, gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ): """ Send gps data for the tricc-kit pi zero :param longitude: Longitude of gps stamp (float) :param latitude: Latitude of gps stamp (float) :param altitude: Altitude of gps stamp (float) :param heading: Heading of the gps stamp (float) :param accX: X component of the acceleration (float) :param accY: Y component of the acceleration (float) :param accZ: Z component of the acceleration (float) :param gyroX: X Component of the gyroscope (float) :param gyroY: Y Component of the gyroscope (float) :param gyroZ: Z Component of the gyroscope (float) """ positionData = tricc.PositionData() positionData.header.CopyFrom(self.__createHeader("PositionZero")) positionData.longitude = longitude positionData.latitude = latitude positionData.altitude = altitude positionData.heading = heading positionData.acceleration.CopyFrom( self.__createAcceleration(accX, accY, accZ)) positionData.gyro.CopyFrom(self.__createGyro(gyroX, gyroY, gyroZ)) self.mqtt.publish(positionData.header.topic, bytearray(positionData.SerializeToString()))
def handlePositionZeroMsg(data, mqttClient): """ Received a message with gps data :param data: The data received :param mqttClient: Client that received the data """ posData = tricc.PositionData() posData.ParseFromString(data) if (mqttClient.serverInterface != None): serverInterfaceMethod(mqttClient.serverInterface, posData) print "Received position zero data"
def sendPositionDataRelay(self, longitude, latitude): """ Send gps data for a relay node :param longitude: Longitude of gps stamp (float) :param latitude: Latitude of gps stamp (float) """ positionData = tricc.PositionData() positionData.header.CopyFrom(self.__createHeader("PositionRelay")) positionData.longitude = longitude positionData.latitude = latitude self.mqtt.publish(positionData.header.topic, bytearray(positionData.SerializeToString()))