Exemple #1
    def checkAdaptTrapsTypeErrorsOnConform(self):
        class Conformer:
            def __conform__(self, ob):
                return []

        assert adapt(Conformer, list, None) is None
        assert adapt(Conformer(), list, None) == []
Exemple #2
def chainLinker(obj, proto, default=None):
    A function that generates a chain
    used by, for instance invoke to get at all verb methods in an object.
    We can add more functionality here but it's probably best to keep it to 
    a minimum.

    # First loop through the obj to see if it has any components
    adapted = adapt(obj, ISymbol, None)
    if adapted is not None:
        for com in adapted.components:
            for adapted in chainLinker(com, proto):
                yield adapted

    # Second try to adapt those components to the relevant protocol
    # This is the function that builds the chain even though it get's
    # passed through the above.
    adapted = adapt(obj, proto, None)
    if adapted is not None:
        yield adapted

    # Third add a default method.
    if default is not None:
        yield default
Exemple #3
def chainLinker(obj, proto, default=None):
    A function that generates a chain
    used by, for instance invoke to get at all verb methods in an object.
    We can add more functionality here but it's probably best to keep it to 
    a minimum.

    obj can be either a list or something that provides IDynamicComponentRack.
    # First loop through the obj to see if it has any components
    if type(obj) == type([]):
        for item in obj:
            adapted = adapt(item, IDynamicComponentRack, None)
            if adapted is not None:
                for com in adapted.components:
                    for adapted in chainLinker(com, proto):
                        yield adapted
    # Second try to adapt those components to the relevant protocol
    # This is the function that builds the chain even though it get's 
    # passed through the above.
        adapted = adapt(obj, proto, None)
        if adapted is not None:
            yield adapted
    # Third add a default method.
    if default is not None:
        yield default
Exemple #4
    def checkAdaptTrapsTypeErrorsOnConform(self):
        class Conformer:
            def __conform__(self, ob):
                return []

        assert adapt(Conformer, list, None) is None
        assert adapt(Conformer(), list, None) == []
Exemple #5
def chainLinker(obj, proto, default=None):
    A function that generates a chain
    used by, for instance invoke to get at all verb methods in an object.
    We can add more functionality here but it's probably best to keep it to 
    a minimum.

    obj can be either a list or something that provides IDynamicComponentRack.

    # First loop through the obj to see if it has any components
    if type(obj) == type([]):
        for item in obj:
            adapted = adapt(item, IDynamicComponentRack, None)
            if adapted is not None:
                for com in adapted.components:
                    for adapted in chainLinker(com, proto):
                        yield adapted
    # Second try to adapt those components to the relevant protocol
    # This is the function that builds the chain even though it get's
    # passed through the above.
        adapted = adapt(obj, proto, None)
        if adapted is not None:
            yield adapted

    # Third add a default method.
    if default is not None:
        yield default
Exemple #6
 def insert(self, item):
     """Insert an item into the scene."""
     protocols.adapt(item, ISceneItem)
     #        if isinstance(item, worldobject.WorldObject):
     if isinstance(item, _core.WorldObject):
Exemple #7
    def insert(self, item):
        """Insert an item into the scene."""
        protocols.adapt(item, ISceneItem)
#        if isinstance(item, worldobject.WorldObject):
        if isinstance(item, _core.WorldObject):
Exemple #8
    def checkSimpleAdaptation(self):
        class Conformer:
            def __conform__(self,protocol):
                if protocol==42:
                    return "hitchhiker",self
        class AdaptingProtocol:
            def __adapt__(klass,ob):
                return "adapted", ob
            __adapt__ = classmethod(__adapt__)

        c = Conformer()
        assert adapt(c,42,None) == ("hitchhiker",c)
        assert adapt(c,AdaptingProtocol,None) == ("adapted",c)
        assert adapt(42,AdaptingProtocol,None) == ("adapted",42)
        assert adapt(42,42,None) is None
Exemple #9
def returns(check):
    '''Typecheck the returned value from a function.

    In python 2.4+, the typical use is in function decorators:
        >>> from typecheck import *
        >>> @returns(tupleOf(int, size=3))
        ... def f(x):
        ...     y = x+x; z = x*2
        ...     return y,z,y==z
        >>> f(5)
        (10, 10, True)
        >>> f([5])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: container<int> expected (([5, 5], [5, 5], True) given)

    @param check: L{TypeCheck}, type or class.
    @return: A higher-level function that accepts a function f for argument
        and returns a proxy of f that performs runtime type checking on f's
        returned value.
    if not __debug__:
        return lambda func: func
    check = adapt(check, TypeCheck)

    def closure(func):
        def typecheckedFunc(*args, **kwds):
            r = func(*args, **kwds)
            return r

        return typecheckedFunc

    return closure
Exemple #10
    def __or__(self, other):
        Make a new composite L{TypeCheck} that expresses the logical OR of its
        components (self and other). For example, a "number" pseudo-type
        can be defined as::
            instanceOf(int) | instanceOf(float) | instanceOf(complex)

        @param other: The other L{TypeCheck} component.
        @type other: L{TypeCheck}
        @return: A L{TypeCheck} that accepts an object if and only if either
            component accepts it.
        @rtype: L{TypeCheck}
        other = adapt(other, TypeCheck)

        class CompositeCheck(TypeCheck):
            def __call__(my, obj):
                except TypeError:
                    except TypeError:
                        raise TypeError("%s or %s expected (%s given)" %
                                        (self, other, _typename(obj)))

            def __str__(my):
                return "%s | %s" % (self, other)

        return CompositeCheck()
Exemple #11
    def _computeRules(self, memo=None):

        obs = [adapt(ob, IRule) for ob in self.initArgs]


        closeAll = self.closingChars
        closeCtx = ''

        syn = []
        self.__dict__.setdefault('rules', syn)

        if not memo:
            memo = {(id(self), closeAll): (self, self)}

        if obs:
            self.openingChars = obs[-1].getOpening('', memo)

        for ob in obs:
            terms = uniquechars(closeAll + closeCtx)
            key = id(ob), terms
            if key in memo:
                ob = memo[key][0]
                ob = ob.withTerminators(terms, memo)
                memo[key] = ob, self
            closeCtx = ob.getOpening(closeCtx, memo)

        self.openingChars = closeCtx
        self.rules = syn
        return syn
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, key=object, value=object):
        @param key: The check for the mapping's keys.
        @param value: The check for the mapping's values.
        @type key,value: L{TypeCheck}, type or class.
        keyCheck, valueCheck = [
            adapt(check, TypeCheck) for check in key, value
        typesStr = ["*", "*"]
        if value is object:
            # 1. check only keys
            typesStr[0] = str(keyCheck)
            verify = containerOf(key).__call__
            self._verify = lambda mapping: verify(mapping.iterkeys())
            typesStr[1] = str(valueCheck)
            if key is object:
                # 2. check only values
                verify = containerOf(value).__call__
                self._verify = lambda mapping: verify(mapping.itervalues())
                # 3. check both keys and values
                typesStr[0] = str(keyCheck)

                def verify(obj):
                    for k, v in obj.iteritems():

                self._verify = verify
        self._itemTypeStr = ",".join(typesStr)
Exemple #13
def getListing(dir=None):
    a function that returns a generator of language modules.
    Each item returned consists of a language name and a module.

    lang = pub.interfaces.ILangMod
    if dir == None:

        pubdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(pub.__file__))[0]
        dir = os.path.join(pubdir, "lang/")
        if pub.debugging: print dir

    dirlist = os.walk(dir).next()[1]  # a list of dirs
    if pub.debugging: print dirlist

    for item in dirlist:
        if pub.debugging: print item
        if item[-4:] == 'Lang':
            x = "pub/lang/" + item
            if pub.debugging: print x
            i = adapt(__import__(x, globals, locals), lang, None)

            if i != None:
                if pub.debugging: print i
                yield i.name, i
Exemple #14
def getListing(dir=None):
    a function that returns a generator of language modules.
    Each item returned consists of a language name and a module.
    lang = pub.interfaces.ILangMod
    if dir == None: 
        pubdir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(pub.__file__))[0]
        dir = os.path.join(pubdir, "lang/")
        if pub.debugging: print dir
    dirlist = os.walk(dir).next()[1] # a list of dirs
    if pub.debugging: print dirlist

    for item in dirlist:
        if pub.debugging: print item
        if item[-4:] == 'Lang':
            x = "pub/lang/"+item
            if pub.debugging: print x
            i = adapt(__import__(x, globals, locals), lang, None)

            if i != None:
                if pub.debugging: print i
                yield i.name, i
Exemple #15
def obtain(obj,proto,default=None):
    Minimal interface to chainLinker that simply finds out if an object has a
    component that matches the protocol and returns it. If there are more or
    less than one an error is raised.
    adapted = adapt(obj, IDynamicComponentRack, default)  
    if adapted is not None: 
        for com in adapted.components:
            com = adapt(com, proto, None)
            if com is not None: # The first match is returned
                return com 
            else: return False
    else: return False
Exemple #16
    def _add(self, obj, categorybits, collidebits):
        if isinstance(obj, ODEJointBase):

            obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
        except NotImplementedError:
            print 'Object "%s" is not a rigid body.'%obj.name

        # Should the object be ignored?
        if not obj.dynamics:

#       print "#####################",obj.name,"#########################"
#       print "Old center of gravity:",obj.cog
#       print "Old inertiatensor:"
#        print obj.inertiatensor
#       print "Old Offset transform:"
        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()
#       print P
        obj.pivot = P*obj.cog
#       print "Setting pivot to", obj.pivot
#        print "New center of gravity:", obj.cog
#        print "Intermediate inertia tensor:"
#        print obj.inertiatensor
#        I = obj.inertiatensor
#        a = numarray.array([I.getRow(0), I.getRow(1), I.getRow(2)], type=numarray.Float64)
#        vals, vecs = numarray.linear_algebra.eigenvectors(a)
#        print "Eigenvalues:",vals
        # Eigenvektoren sind ungenau! (bei cube_base_cog grosse Abweichungen)
#        b1 = vec3(vecs[0]).normalize()
#        b2 = vec3(vecs[1]).normalize()
#        b3 = vec3(vecs[2]).normalize()
#        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()        
#        Pnull = P*vec3(0,0,0)
#        b1 = P*b1 - Pnull
#        b2 = P*b2 - Pnull
#        b3 = P*b3 - Pnull        
#        I2 = mat3(b1,b2,b3)
#        print I2
#        if I2.determinant()<0:
#            I2.setColumn(0, -I2.getColumn(0))
#        print "Det of new basis",I2.determinant()
#        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()
#        P.setMat3(I2)
#        obj.setOffsetTransform(P)
#        print "New offset transform:"
#        print P
#        print "New center of gravity:",obj.cog
#        print "New inertia tensor:"
#        print obj.inertiatensor

        body = ODEBody(obj, self, categorybits=categorybits, collidebits=collidebits)
        self.body_dict[obj] = body
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, *__args, **__kw):
     if len(__args) <> 1:
         return self.__init__(Sequence(*__args), **__kw)
     self.initArgs = __args
     self.sep = adapt(self.separator, IRule)
     if 'closingChars' not in self.__dict__:
         self.closingChars = self.sep.getOpening('', {})
Exemple #18
    def checkSimpleAdaptation(self):
        class Conformer:
            def __conform__(self, protocol):
                if protocol == 42:
                    return "hitchhiker", self

        class AdaptingProtocol:
            def __adapt__(klass, ob):
                return "adapted", ob

            __adapt__ = classmethod(__adapt__)

        c = Conformer()
        assert adapt(c, 42, None) == ("hitchhiker", c)
        assert adapt(c, AdaptingProtocol, None) == ("adapted", c)
        assert adapt(42, AdaptingProtocol, None) == ("adapted", 42)
        assert adapt(42, 42, None) is None
Exemple #19
 def __init__(self, *itemChecks):
     @param itemChecks: Each itemCheck specifies the check for the
         respective field of the record.
     @type itemChecks: Sequence of L{typechecks <TypeCheck>}, types or
     self._itemChecks = [adapt(check, TypeCheck) for check in itemChecks]
Exemple #20
def obtain(obj, proto, default=None):
    Minimal interface to chainLinker that simply finds out if an object has a
    component that matches the protocol and returns it. If there are more or
    less than one an error is raised.

    adapted = adapt(obj, IDynamicComponentRack, default)
    if adapted is not None:
        for com in adapted.components:
            com = adapt(com, proto, None)
            if com is not None:  # The first match is returned
                return com
                return False

        return False
Exemple #21
    def checkStickyAdapter(self):
        class T: pass
        t = T()
        class I(Interface): pass
        from protocols.adapters import StickyAdapter
        class A(StickyAdapter):
            attachForProtocols = I,
            advise(instancesProvide=[I], asAdapterForTypes=[T])

        a = I(t)
        assert adapt(t, I) is a
        assert a.subject is t

        n = T()
        a2 = I(n)
        assert a2 is not a
        assert a2.subject is n
        assert adapt(n, I) is a2
Exemple #22
 def __init__(self, itemCheck, size=None):
     @param itemCheck: The check for the container's items.
     @type itemCheck: L{TypeCheck}, type or class.
     @param size: If not None, constrains the container's size.
     @type size: None, int (for exact size) or a predicate f(n) that
         returns True if a container of size n is valid.
     self._itemCheck = adapt(itemCheck, TypeCheck)
     self._size = size
Exemple #23
    def checkAdaptFiltersTypeErrors(self):
        class Nonconformist:
            def __conform__(self, ob):
                raise TypeError("You got me!")

        class Unadaptive:
            def __adapt__(self, ob):
                raise TypeError("You got me!")

        # These will get a type errors calling __conform__/__adapt__
        # but should be ignored since the error is at calling level
        assert adapt(None, Unadaptive, None) is None
        assert adapt(Nonconformist, None, None) is None

        # These will get type errors internally, and the error should
        # bleed through to the caller
        self.assertTypeErrorPassed(None, Unadaptive(), None)
        self.assertTypeErrorPassed(Nonconformist(), None, None)

        self.assertRaises(AdaptationFailure, adapt, None, None)
Exemple #24
    def checkAdaptFiltersTypeErrors(self):
        class Nonconformist:
            def __conform__(self, ob):
                raise TypeError("You got me!")

        class Unadaptive:
            def __adapt__(self, ob):
                raise TypeError("You got me!")

        # These will get a type errors calling __conform__/__adapt__
        # but should be ignored since the error is at calling level
        assert adapt(None, Unadaptive, None) is None
        assert adapt(Nonconformist, None, None) is None

        # These will get type errors internally, and the error should
        # bleed through to the caller
        self.assertTypeErrorPassed(None, Unadaptive(), None)
        self.assertTypeErrorPassed(Nonconformist(), None, None)

        self.assertRaises(AdaptationFailure, adapt, None, None)
Exemple #25
def typecheck(vars=None, **checkedVars):
    '''Typecheck a set of named variables.

        >>> from typecheck import *
        >>> def f(x,y):
        ...     typecheck(x=str, y=listOf(int))
        >>> f('1',[2,3])
        >>> f(1,[2,3])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: str expected (int given)
        >>> f('1',(2,3))
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: list expected (tuple given)
        >>> f('1',[2,'3'])
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        TypeError: container<int> expected ([2, '3'] given)

    @param vars: Dictionary of a scope's variables, with the variables' names
        for keys and the respective variable values for values. By default, it
        is set to the locals of the caller's frame.
    @param checkedVars: A set of C{var=typecheck} keyword arguments for the
        variables to be typechecked.
    @raise TypeError: If any L{TypeCheck} fails.
    @raise ValueError: If a variable in checkedVars is not in vars.
    if vars is None:
        import sys
        vars = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
    for var, check in checkedVars.iteritems():
            value = vars[var]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Unknown variable '%s'" % var)
            adapt(check, TypeCheck)(value)
Exemple #26
def parse(input, rule):

    out = []
    input = adapt(input, IInput)
    state = rule.parse(input, out.append, input.startState())

    if isinstance(state, ParseError):
        raise state

    if not input.finished(state):
        raise ParseError("Expected EOF, found %r at position %d in %r" %
                         (input[state:], state, input))

    return dict(out)
Exemple #27
    def checkStickyAdapter(self):
        class T:

        t = T()

        class I(Interface):

        from protocols.adapters import StickyAdapter

        class A(StickyAdapter):
            attachForProtocols = I,
            advise(instancesProvide=[I], asAdapterForTypes=[T])

        a = I(t)
        assert adapt(t, I) is a
        assert a.subject is t

        n = T()
        a2 = I(n)
        assert a2 is not a
        assert a2.subject is n
        assert adapt(n, I) is a2
Exemple #28
    def autoAdd(self):
        scene = getScene()
        # Add all rigid bodies first...
        for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
            if obj not in self.body_dict:
                    obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
                except NotImplementedError:

        # Then add all joints...
        for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
            if obj not in self.joints:
                if isinstance(obj, cgkit.odedynamics.ODEJointBase):
Exemple #29
    def autoAdd(self):
        scene = getScene()
        # Add all rigid bodies first...
        for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
            if obj not in self.body_dict:
                    obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
                except NotImplementedError:

        # Then add all joints...
        for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
            if obj not in self.joints:
                if isinstance(obj, cgkit.odedynamics.ODEJointBase):
Exemple #30
def lingo(lang, cls, args = []):
    method to access a couple of dictionaries and dig out a language
    and subsequently a specific class.

    lang should be a string like 'english' or 'swedish'
    cls should be a string containing something like 'parser' 

    try: temp = pub.lang.mods[lang.lower()] # a language module
    except KeyError: raise pub.errors.PubError, "Language doesn't exist."

    if adapt(temp, ILangMod, None) != None: 
        try: out = temp.get[cls.lower()] # get the named class
        except KeyError: raise pub.errors.PubError, "Can't find class"
        return out(*args) # if args is not empty args will be passed. 
Exemple #31
    def _computeRule(self, memo=None):

        rule = self.rule = adapt(self.initArgs[0], IRule)

        closeAll = uniquechars(self.closingChars)

        if not memo:
            memo = {(id(self), closeAll): (self, self)}

        key = id(rule), closeAll

        if key in memo:
            rule = memo[key][0]
            rule = rule.withTerminators(closeAll, memo)
            memo[key] = rule, self

        return rule
Exemple #32
def lingo(lang, cls, args=[]):
    method to access a couple of dictionaries and dig out a language
    and subsequently a specific class.

    lang should be a string like 'english' or 'swedish'
    cls should be a string containing something like 'parser' 

        temp = pub.lang.mods[lang.lower()]  # a language module
    except KeyError:
        raise pub.errors.PubError, "Language doesn't exist."

    if adapt(temp, ILangMod, None) != None:
            out = temp.get[cls.lower()]  # get the named class
        except KeyError:
            raise pub.errors.PubError, "Can't find class"

        return out(*args)  # if args is not empty args will be passed.
Exemple #33
def _boostedMeta(meta, name, cdict):

    classAttrs = dict([(k, v.binding) for (k, v) in cdict.items()
                       if v is not None and adapt(v, classAttr, None) is v])

    if not classAttrs:
        return meta, None

    stdAttrs = dict(cdict)
    map(stdAttrs.__delitem__, classAttrs)

    classAttrs['__module__'] = stdAttrs.get('__module__')

    if meta is ClassType:
        meta = type

    metameta = type(meta)
    if metameta is type:
        metameta = Activator  # Ensure that all subclasses are activated, too

    meta = metameta(name + 'Class', (meta, ), classAttrs)
    return meta, stdAttrs
Exemple #34
    def __and__(self, other):
        Make a new composite L{TypeCheck} that expresses the logical AND of
        its components (self and other). For example, a "list of strings"
        pseudo-type could be defined as::
            instanceOf(list) & containerOf(str)

        @param other: The other L{TypeCheck} component.
        @type other: L{TypeCheck}
        @return: A L{TypeCheck} that accepts an object if and only if both
            components accept it.
        @rtype: L{TypeCheck}
        other = adapt(other, TypeCheck)

        class CompositeCheck(TypeCheck):
            def __call__(my, obj):

            def __str__(my):
                return "%s & %s" % (self, other)

        return CompositeCheck()
Exemple #35
    def _add(self, obj, categorybits, collidebits):

        if isinstance(obj, ODEJointBase):

            obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
        except NotImplementedError:
            print 'Object "%s" is not a rigid body.' % obj.name

        # Should the object be ignored?
        if not obj.dynamics:

#       print "#####################",obj.name,"#########################"
#       print "Old center of gravity:",obj.cog
#       print "Old inertiatensor:"
#        print obj.inertiatensor
#       print "Old Offset transform:"
        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()
        #       print P
        obj.pivot = P * obj.cog
        #       print "Setting pivot to", obj.pivot
        #        print "New center of gravity:", obj.cog
        #        print "Intermediate inertia tensor:"
        #        print obj.inertiatensor
        #        I = obj.inertiatensor
        #        a = numarray.array([I.getRow(0), I.getRow(1), I.getRow(2)], type=numarray.Float64)
        #        vals, vecs = numarray.linear_algebra.eigenvectors(a)
        #        print "Eigenvalues:",vals
        # Eigenvektoren sind ungenau! (bei cube_base_cog grosse Abweichungen)
        #        b1 = vec3(vecs[0]).normalize()
        #        b2 = vec3(vecs[1]).normalize()
        #        b3 = vec3(vecs[2]).normalize()
        #        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()
        #        Pnull = P*vec3(0,0,0)
        #        b1 = P*b1 - Pnull
        #        b2 = P*b2 - Pnull
        #        b3 = P*b3 - Pnull
        #        I2 = mat3(b1,b2,b3)
        #        print I2
        #        if I2.determinant()<0:
        #            I2.setColumn(0, -I2.getColumn(0))
        #        print "Det of new basis",I2.determinant()
        #        P = obj.getOffsetTransform()
        #        P.setMat3(I2)
        #        obj.setOffsetTransform(P)
        #        print "New offset transform:"
        #        print P
        #        print "New center of gravity:",obj.cog
        #        print "New inertia tensor:"
        #        print obj.inertiatensor

        body = ODEBody(obj,
        self.body_dict[obj] = body
Exemple #36
 def checkAdaptHandlesIsInstance(self):
     assert adapt([1,2,3],list,None) == [1,2,3]
     assert adapt('foo',str,None) == 'foo'
     assert adapt('foo',list,None) is None
Exemple #37
 def __init__(self, *alternatives):
     self.alternatives = [adapt(a, IRule) for a in alternatives]
Exemple #38
 def assertTypeErrorPassed(self, *args):
         # This should raise TypeError internally, and be caught
     except TypeError, v:
         assert v.args == ("You got me!", )
Exemple #39
 def checkAdaptHandlesIsInstance(self):
     assert adapt([1, 2, 3], list, None) == [1, 2, 3]
     assert adapt('foo', str, None) == 'foo'
     assert adapt('foo', list, None) is None
Exemple #40
def getPositionalArgs(ob):
    return adapt(ob, ISignature).getPositionalArgs()
Exemple #41
 def __init__(self, ob):
     self.funcSig = adapt(ob.im_func, ISignature)
     self.offset = ob.im_self is not None
     self.subject = ob
Exemple #42
    def __init__(self,
                 gravity = 9.81,
                 substeps = 1,
                 cfm = None,
                 erp = None,
                 defaultcontactproperties = None,
                 enabled = True,
                 show_contacts = False,
                 contactmarkersize = 0.1,
                 contactnormalsize = 1.0,
                 collision_events = False,
                 auto_add = False,

        \param name (\c str) Component name
        \param auto_add (\c bool) Automatically add the world objects to the simulation
        \param auto_insert (\c bool) Automatically add the component to the scene
        Component.__init__(self, name=name, auto_insert=auto_insert)

        scene = getScene()

        self.substeps = substeps
        self.collision_events = collision_events

        self.world = ode.World()
        g = -gravity*scene.up
        if cfm!=None:
        if erp!=None:
#        self.world.setAutoDisableFlag(True)

        self.enabled = enabled

        self.eventmanager = eventManager()
        self.eventmanager.connect(STEP_FRAME, self)
        self.eventmanager.connect(RESET, self.reset)

        # Space object
        self.space = ode.Space()

        # Joint group for the contact joints
        self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

        # A dictionary with WorldObjects as keys and ODEBodies as values
        self.body_dict = {}
        # A list of all bodies
        self.bodies = []
        # A list of all joints
        self.joints = []

        # A dictionary with contact properties
        # Key is a 2-tuple (material1, material2). Value is a
        # ODEContactProperties object.
        # The value of (mat1, mat2) should always be the same than
        # the value of (mat2, mat1).
        self.contactprops = {}

        # Default contact properties
        if defaultcontactproperties==None:
            defaultcontactproperties = ODEContactProperties()
        self.defaultcontactprops = defaultcontactproperties

        self.show_contacts = show_contacts
        self.contactmarkersize = contactmarkersize
        self.contactnormalsize = contactnormalsize

        # A list of weakrefs to body manipulators
        self.body_manips = []

        # Debug statistics (the number of contacts per simulation step)
        self.numcontacts = 0

        # Automatically add world objects
        if auto_add:
            # Add all rigid bodies first...
            for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
                    obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
                except NotImplementedError:

            # Then add all joints...
            for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
                if isinstance(obj, ODEJointBase):
Exemple #43
    def __init__(self,

        \param name (\c str) Component name
        \param auto_add (\c bool) Automatically add the world objects to the simulation
        \param auto_insert (\c bool) Automatically add the component to the scene
        Component.__init__(self, name=name, auto_insert=auto_insert)

        scene = getScene()

        self.substeps = substeps
        self.collision_events = collision_events

        self.world = ode.World()
        g = -gravity * scene.up
        if cfm != None:
        if erp != None:

#        self.world.setAutoDisableFlag(True)

        self.enabled = enabled

        self.eventmanager = eventManager()
        self.eventmanager.connect(STEP_FRAME, self)
        self.eventmanager.connect(RESET, self.reset)

        # Space object
        self.space = ode.Space()

        # Joint group for the contact joints
        self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroup()

        # A dictionary with WorldObjects as keys and ODEBodies as values
        self.body_dict = {}
        # A list of all bodies
        self.bodies = []
        # A list of all joints
        self.joints = []

        # A dictionary with contact properties
        # Key is a 2-tuple (material1, material2). Value is a
        # ODEContactProperties object.
        # The value of (mat1, mat2) should always be the same than
        # the value of (mat2, mat1).
        self.contactprops = {}

        # Default contact properties
        if defaultcontactproperties == None:
            defaultcontactproperties = ODEContactProperties()
        self.defaultcontactprops = defaultcontactproperties

        self.show_contacts = show_contacts
        self.contactmarkersize = contactmarkersize
        self.contactnormalsize = contactnormalsize

        # A list of weakrefs to body manipulators
        self.body_manips = []

        # Debug statistics (the number of contacts per simulation step)
        self.numcontacts = 0

        # Automatically add world objects
        if auto_add:
            # Add all rigid bodies first...
            for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
                    obj = protocols.adapt(obj, IRigidBody)
                except NotImplementedError:

            # Then add all joints...
            for obj in scene.worldRoot().iterChilds():
                if isinstance(obj, ODEJointBase):
Exemple #44
 def checkAdaptHandlesIsInstance(self):
     assert adapt([1, 2, 3], list, None) == [1, 2, 3]
     assert adapt("foo", str, None) == "foo"
     assert adapt("foo", list, None) is None
Exemple #45
 def assertTypeErrorPassed(self, *args):
         # This should raise TypeError internally, and be caught
     except TypeError, v:
         assert v.args == ("You got me!",)