Exemple #1
import sv

from provabgs import util as UT
from provabgs import infer as Infer
from provabgs import models as Models
from provabgs import flux_calib as FluxCalib

i0 = int(sys.argv[1])
i1 = int(sys.argv[2])
sample = sys.argv[3]
niter = int(sys.argv[4])
n_cpu = int(sys.argv[5])

# declare SPS model
m_nmf = Models.NMF(burst=True, emulator=True)

# declare flux calibration
m_fluxcalib = FluxCalib.constant_flux_factor

def run_mcmc(igal):
    # get observations
    zred_i, photo_flux_i, photo_ivar_i, w_obs, f_obs, i_obs, f_fiber, sigma_f_fiber\
            = sv.get_spectrophotometry(igal, sample=sample)
    # set prior
    prior = Infer.load_priors([
        Infer.UniformPrior(7., 12.5, label='sed'),
        Infer.FlatDirichletPrior(4, label='sed'),  # flat dirichilet priors
        Infer.UniformPrior(0., 1., label='sed'),  # burst fraction
        Infer.UniformPrior(1e-2, 13.27, label='sed'),  # tburst
Exemple #2
def fsps_prior_samples(name, ibatch, ncpu=1):
    ''' run FSPS SPS model and get composite stellar population luminosity.
    if ibatch == 'test':
        nspec = 100000  # batch size
        nspec = 10000  # batch size

    # load priors
    priors = prior_nmf(4)

    dat_dir = '/global/cscratch1/sd/chahah/provabgs/emulator'  # hardcoded to NERSC directory
    if ibatch == 'test':
        ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.theta.test.npy' % name)
        fspectrum = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.lnspectrum.test.npy' % name)
        ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir,
                              'fsps.%s.theta.seed%i.npy' % (name, ibatch))
        fspectrum = os.path.join(
            dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.lnspectrum.seed%i.npy' % (name, ibatch))

    if os.path.isfile(ftheta) and os.path.isfile(fspectrum):
        print('--- batch %s already exists ---' % str(ibatch))
        print('--- do not overwrite ---')
        return None

    # load SPS model
    Msps = Models.NMF(burst=False, emulator=False)

    # sample prior and transform
    _thetas = np.array(
        [priors.transform(priors.sample()) for i in range(nspec)])
    zred = _thetas[:, -1]
    tage = Msps.cosmo.age(zred).value  # age in Gyr
    thetas = np.zeros((nspec, 11))
    thetas[:, 1:-1] = _thetas[:, :-1]
    thetas[:, -1] = tage

    w_fsps, _ = Msps._fsps(thetas[0, :-1], thetas[0, -1])

    # wavelength range set to cover the DESI spectra and photometric filter (up
    # to W2
    wmin, wmax = 2300., 60000.
    wlim = (w_fsps >= wmin) & (w_fsps <= wmax)

    fwave = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'wave_fsps.npy')
    if not os.path.isfile(fwave):  # save FSPS wavelength if not saved
        np.save(fwave, w_fsps[wlim])

    print('--- batch %s ---' % str(ibatch))
    # save parameters sampled from prior
    print('  saving thetas to %s' % ftheta)
    np.save(ftheta, _thetas)

    if (ncpu == 1):  # run on serial
        logspectra = []
        for _theta in thetas:
            _, _spectrum = Msps._fsps(_theta[:-1], _theta[-1])

        def _fsps_model_wrapper(theta):
            _, _spectrum = Msps._fsps(theta[:-1], theta[-1])
            return np.log(_spectrum[wlim])

        pewl = mp.Pool(ncpu)
        logspectra = pewl.map(_fsps_model_wrapper, thetas)

    print('  saving ln(spectra) to %s' % fspectrum)
    np.save(fspectrum, np.array(logspectra))
    return None
if ibatch == 'test': 
    nspec = 100000 # batch size 
    ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.theta.test.npy' % (name, version)) 
    ftheta_unt = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.theta_unt.test.npy' % (name, version)) 
    fspectrum = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.lnspectrum.test.npy' % (name, version)) 
    nspec = 10000 # batch size 
    ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.theta.seed%i.npy' % (name, version, ibatch)) 
    ftheta_unt = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.theta_unt.seed%i.npy' % (name, version, ibatch)) 
    fspectrum = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.v%s.lnspectrum.seed%i.npy' % (name, version, ibatch)) 

# load SPS model  
Msps = Models.NMF(burst=False, emulator=False)

# sample prior and transform 
_thetas = np.array([priors.transform(priors.sample()) for i in range(nspec)])
zred    = _thetas[:,-1]
tage    = Msps.cosmo.age(zred).value  # age in Gyr
thetas  = np.zeros((nspec, 11))
thetas[:,1:-1]  = _thetas[:,:-1]
thetas[:,-1]    = tage

_thetas_unt = priors.untransform(_thetas)
thetas_unt          = np.zeros((nspec, 10))
thetas_unt[:,0]     = thetas[:,0]
thetas_unt[:,1:-1]  = _thetas_unt[:,:-1]
thetas_unt[:,-1]    = tage
Exemple #4
def fsps_burst_prior_samples(ibatch, ncpu=1):
    ''' run FSPS SPS model and get stellar population luminosity for a single
    burst. This is to build a separate emulator for the burst component 
    if ibatch == 'test':
        nspec = 100000  # batch size
        nspec = 10000  # batch size

    # load priors
    name = 'burst'
    priors = prior_burst()

    #if os.environ['machine'] in ['della', 'tiger']:
    #    dat_dir='/tigress/chhahn/provabgs/'
    dat_dir = '/global/cscratch1/sd/chahah/provabgs/emulator'  # hardcoded to NERSC directory

    if ibatch == 'test':
        ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.theta.test.npy' % name)
        fspectrum = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.lnspectrum.test.npy' % name)
        ftheta = os.path.join(dat_dir,
                              'fsps.%s.theta.seed%i.npy' % (name, ibatch))
        fspectrum = os.path.join(
            dat_dir, 'fsps.%s.lnspectrum.seed%i.npy' % (name, ibatch))

    #if os.path.isfile(ftheta) and os.path.isfile(fspectrum):
    #    print()
    #    print('--- batch %s already exists ---' % str(ibatch))
    #    print('--- do not overwrite ---')
    #    print()
    #    return None

    # sample prior for burst
    thetas = np.array([priors.sample() for i in range(nspec)])

    # load SPS model
    Msps = Models.NMF(burst=True, emulator=False)

    def lssp_burst(_theta):
        tburst, zburst, dust1, dust2, dust_index = _theta
        # luminosity of SSP at tburst
        Msps._ssp.params['logzsol'] = np.log10(zburst / 0.0190)  # log(Z/Zsun)
        Msps._ssp.params['dust1'] = dust1
        Msps._ssp.params['dust2'] = dust2
        Msps._ssp.params['dust_index'] = dust_index

        return Msps._ssp.get_spectrum(tage=np.clip(tburst, 1e-8, None),
                                      peraa=True)  # in units of Lsun/AA

    w_fsps, _ = lssp_burst(thetas[0])

    # wavelength range set to cover the DESI spectra and photometric filter
    # wavelength range
    wmin, wmax = 2300., 60000.
    wlim = (w_fsps >= wmin) & (w_fsps <= wmax)

    fwave = os.path.join(dat_dir, 'wave_fsps.npy')
    if not os.path.isfile(fwave):  # save FSPS wavelength if not saved
        np.save(fwave, w_fsps[wlim])

    print('--- batch %s ---' % str(ibatch))
    # save parameters sampled from prior
    print('  saving thetas to %s' % ftheta)
    np.save(ftheta, thetas)

    if (ncpu == 1):  # run on serial
        logspectra = []
        for _theta in thetas:
            _, _spectrum = lssp_burst(_theta)

        def _fsps_model_wrapper(theta):
            _, _spectrum = lssp_burst(theta)
            return np.log(_spectrum[wlim])

        pewl = mp.Pool(ncpu)
        logspectra = pewl.map(_fsps_model_wrapper, thetas)

    print('  saving ln(spectra) to %s' % fspectrum)
    np.save(fspectrum, np.array(logspectra))
    return None