def extractIframeValue(iframe, html, referer): file = "" if iframe.find("http:") != 0: iframe = Decoder.extract("<iframe src='", "' ", html).replace( "'", "") #take into account .lower() characters, so is not ' SRC= if iframe.find("http:") != 0: iframe = Decoder.extract(' src="', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("using iframeUrl: " + iframe) if iframe.find( "filmon." ) > -1: # i prefer this fix to change all logic, really, I boried about this provider and is a 'silly' provider logger.debug("Detected exceptional|tv provider: " + iframe) file = Filmoncom.launchScriptLogic(iframe, referer)[0]["url"] else: html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(iframe, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, referer) #print html2 if html2.find("") > -1: iframe2 = Decoder.extractWithRegex( "", '"', html2).replace('"', "") logger.debug("detected a sawlive: " + iframe2 + ", from: " + iframe) #file = Live9net.getChannels(iframe2) #Live9net has the sawlive decoder, so it decodes target link file = Decoder.extractSawlive(iframe2, Cricfreetv.cookie, iframe) else: file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, referer, iframe) return file
def drawFilmon(page): jsonChannels = Filmoncom.getChannelsJSON() for itemFirst in jsonChannels: if page == "0": add_dir(itemFirst["title"], "" + itemFirst["alias"], 4, icon, "filmoncom", itemFirst["title"]) elif (page == itemFirst["title"]) and itemFirst.has_key("channels"): for item in itemFirst["channels"]: add_dir(item["title"], "" + item["alias"], 5, item["logo"], "filmoncom", item["title"]) else:"no channel: " + page)
def extractIframeValue(iframe,html,referer): file = "" if iframe.find("http:")!=0: iframe = Decoder.extract("<iframe src='","' ",html).replace("'","") #take into account .lower() characters, so is not ' SRC= if iframe.find("http:")!=0: iframe = Decoder.extract(' src="','"',html).replace('"',"") logger.debug("using iframeUrl: "+iframe) if iframe.find("filmon.")>-1: # i prefer this fix to change all logic, really, I boried about this provider and is a 'silly' provider logger.debug("Detected exceptional|tv provider: "+iframe) file = Filmoncom.launchScriptLogic(iframe,referer)[0]["url"] else: html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(iframe,"",Cricfreetv.cookie,referer) #print html2 if html2.find("")>-1: iframe2 = Decoder.extractWithRegex("",'"',html2).replace('"',"") logger.debug("detected a sawlive: "+iframe2+", from: "+iframe) #file = Live9net.getChannels(iframe2) #Live9net has the sawlive decoder, so it decodes target link file = Decoder.extractSawlive(iframe2,Cricfreetv.cookie,iframe) else: file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2,referer,iframe) return file
def drawFilmon(page): jsonChannels = Filmoncom.getChannelsJSON() for itemFirst in jsonChannels: if page == "0": add_dir( itemFirst["title"], "" + itemFirst["alias"], 4, icon, "filmoncom", itemFirst["title"], ) elif (page == itemFirst["title"]) and itemFirst.has_key("channels"): for item in itemFirst["channels"]: add_dir( item["title"], "" + item["alias"], 5, item["logo"], "filmoncom", item["title"], ) else:"no channel: " + page)
def drawFilmonLinks(url, page, provider=""): finalUrls = Filmoncom.getChannelUrl(url) for finalUrl in finalUrls: add_dir(page + ", " + finalUrl["name"], finalUrl["url"], 2, provider, page)
def seekIframeScript(html,referer, iframeUrl): lastIframeHtml = html file = "" logger.debug("seek iframe logic... ") if html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find('')>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("",html,referer,iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif '' in html: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif "" in html: id = Decoder.extract('fid="','"',html) scriptUrl = ""+id+"&vw=620&vh=490" logger.debug("using script url: "+scriptUrl) lastIframeHtml = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(scriptUrl, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: "+lastIframeHtml) lastIframeHtml = Decoder.rExtract("<body","</body>",lastIframeHtml) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(lastIframeHtml, iframeUrl, scriptUrl) elif html.find("")>-1: id = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='","'",html) logger.debug("violadito id="+id) #newUrl = ""+id+"&width=620&height=460" jsLogic = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl('',"",Cricfreetv.cookie,iframeUrl) try: jsLogic = jsunpack.unpack(jsLogic) logger.debug("jsLogic: "+jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://','"',jsLogic).replace("\\'+id+\\'",str(id)) except: logger.debug("could not use unpack from jsunpack, using new method...") logger.debug("jsLogic is: " + jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extract(' src="', '"', jsLogic).replace("'+id+'", id) pass logger.debug("using referer: "+iframeUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(newUrl,"",Cricfreetv.cookie,iframeUrl) logger.debug("extracting file from "+newUrl) if html2.find('file: "')>-1: file = Decoder.extract('file: "','"',html2) logger.debug("obtained file: "+file) elif html.find("")>-1: url = Decoder.extractWithRegex("",'"',html).replace('"',"") logger.debug("using first url from provider, url: "+url+", r: "+referer) file = Filmoncom.launchScriptLogic(url,referer)[0]["url"] elif html.find('file: "http')>-1: #found final link file = Decoder.extract('file: "','"',html) logger.debug("found final link: "+file) elif html.find('return(["r","t","m","p"')>-1: #changed order to build final url first swfUrl = "" if '' in html: swfUrl = "" elif '' in html: swfUrl = "" if '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' elif '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' bruteData = Decoder.extract(scriptSplit,"</script>",html) rtmp = "" file = Decoder.extract('file: ','}],',bruteData).replace(' ','') logger.debug("file form is: "+file) playpath = "" for functionName in file.split('+'): if functionName.find("/")==-1: logger.debug("using function: "+functionName) bruteData2 = Decoder.extract('function '+functionName+' {',"}",bruteData) line = Decoder.extract('return([',');',bruteData2) #now begin the fix for linePart in line.split("+"): if '].join' in linePart: linePart = linePart[:linePart.find('].join')] linePart2 = linePart.replace('","',"").replace('"','').replace('\\',"").replace(",","") logger.debug("at this moment linePart1 is: "+linePart2) rtmp+=linePart2 if '/' not in linePart2: playpath = linePart2 elif 'document.getElementById' in linePart: #extract id and get content idSpan = Decoder.extract('(',')',linePart).replace("\"","").replace("'","") content = Decoder.extract(' id='+idSpan+'>','</span>',html) logger.debug("at this moment linePart2 is: " + content) rtmp+=content elif 'join("")' in linePart: #array to join with a replace like first condition idArrayVar = linePart.replace('.join("")','').replace(' ','') content = Decoder.extract('var '+idArrayVar+" = [","];",bruteData).replace(",","").replace('"','') logger.debug("at this moment linePart3 is: " + content) rtmp+=content else: rtmp+="/" logger.debug("at this moment final rtmp is: " + rtmp) ''' token = "" if bruteData.find('securetoken: ')>-1: token = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ','\n',bruteData) swfUrlJS = '' htmlToken = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=swfUrlJS) token = Decoder.extract('var '+token+' = "','"',htmlToken) logger.debug("Fresh token is: "+token) ''' if "/live" in rtmp: app = 'live'+Decoder.extract('/live','==/',rtmp)+"==/" else: #/hd app = 'hd' + Decoder.extract('/hd', '==/', rtmp) + "==/" file = rtmp+" app="+app+" playpath="+playpath+r" token=%XB00(nKH@#. flashver=WIN\2021,0,0,182 timeout=30 live=1 swfUrl="+swfUrl+" pageUrl="+iframeUrl+"" logger.debug("Built a rtmp with data: "+file) elif html.find('securetoken:')>-1: logger.debug("building final link from html: "+html) file = Decoder.extract('file: "','"',html) securetoken = Decoder.extract('securetoken: "','"',html) #logger.debug(html) flashPlayer = '' tokenString = "" if "html>" not in securetoken: tokenString = " token="+securetoken else: jsUrl = Decoder.rExtract('<script type="text/javascript" src="','" ></script>',html) jsContent = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=jsUrl) var = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ',"\n",html) logger.debug("seeking var: "+var) tokenString = Decoder.extract('var '+var+" = \"",'";',jsContent) logger.debug("new token string is: "+tokenString) tokenString = " token="+tokenString rtmpUrl = file[0:file.rfind('/')+1]+" playpath="+file[file.rfind('/')+1:]+tokenString+" swfUrl="+flashPlayer+" live=1 timeout=13 pageUrl="+iframeUrl logger.debug("found final link: "+rtmpUrl) file = rtmpUrl elif html.find("eval(unescape('")>-1: html = Cricfreetv.decodeContent(html).lower() elif html.find('<a href="')>-1 or html.find('')>-1: if html.find('')>-1: urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('','"',html).replace('"',"") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: "+urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink,"",Cricfreetv.cookie,iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2,iframeUrl,urlLink) elif html.find('<a href="')>-1: logger.debug("urlLink...") urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('<a href="','/"',html) logger.debug("urlLink2..."+urlLink) urlLink = urlLink[urlLink.find('"')+1:urlLink.rfind('"')] logger.debug("urlLinkFinal..."+urlLink) if urlLink != iframeUrl: urlLink = urlLink.replace(".tv/",".pw/") html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=urlLink,cookie=Cricfreetv.cookie,referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html2 is: "+html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2,iframeUrl,urlLink) if file=='': #extract iframe value iframe = Decoder.extract('<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginWidth="0" height="490" id="iframe" src="','" id="',html).replace('"',"") file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe,html,referer) elif ' src="' in html: #it's a native page, so launch this logic urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: " + urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) elif '' in html: logger.debug("repeating proccess...") newOldUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('','"',html).replace('"','') logger.debug("new old url is: "+newOldUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=newOldUrl, referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: " + html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, newOldUrl) else: if html.find('<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="')>-1: iframe = Decoder.extract('<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="','"',html) file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe,html,referer) elif html.find('<iframe ')>-1: #brute method forced logger.debug("brute method launched...") iframe = Decoder.rExtract('<iframe ','</iframe>',html) iframe = Decoder.extract('src="','"',iframe) file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe,html,referer) else: logger.debug(html) return file
def seekIframeScript(html, referer, iframeUrl): lastIframeHtml = html file = "" logger.debug("seek iframe logic... ") if html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find('') > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic( "", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif '' in html: file = Cricfreetv.launchScriptLogic("", html, referer, iframeUrl) elif "" in html: id = Decoder.extract('fid="', '"', html) scriptUrl = "" + id + "&vw=620&vh=490" logger.debug("using script url: " + scriptUrl) lastIframeHtml = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( scriptUrl, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: " + lastIframeHtml) lastIframeHtml = Decoder.rExtract("<body", "</body>", lastIframeHtml) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(lastIframeHtml, iframeUrl, scriptUrl) elif html.find("") > -1: id = Decoder.extract("<script type='text/javascript'>id='", "'", html) logger.debug("violadito id=" + id) #newUrl = ""+id+"&width=620&height=460" jsLogic = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( '', "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) try: jsLogic = jsunpack.unpack(jsLogic) logger.debug("jsLogic: " + jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('http://', '"', jsLogic).replace( "\\'+id+\\'", str(id)) except: logger.debug( "could not use unpack from jsunpack, using new method...") logger.debug("jsLogic is: " + jsLogic) newUrl = Decoder.extract(' src="', '"', jsLogic).replace("'+id+'", id) pass logger.debug("using referer: " + iframeUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(newUrl, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) logger.debug("extracting file from " + newUrl) if html2.find('file: "') > -1: file = Decoder.extract('file: "', '"', html2) logger.debug("obtained file: " + file) elif 'file: "rtmp:' in html: # found final link logger.debug("detected rtmp link...") rtmp = "rtmp:" + Decoder.extract('file: "rtmp:', '"', html) swfJS = Decoder.extract('<script src="', '"', html[html.find('<div id="myElement">'):]) jsContent = Downloader.getContentFromUrl(url=swfJS, referer=referer) swfUrl = Decoder.extract('"flashplayer": "', '"', jsContent) if "http:" not in swfUrl: swfUrl = "http:" + swfUrl logger.debug("swfUrl is: " + swfUrl) logger.debug("iframeUrl is: " + iframeUrl) logger.debug("referer is: " + referer) link = rtmp + " swfUrl=" + swfUrl + " pageUrl=" + iframeUrl logger.debug("final rtmp link built is: " + link) file = link elif 'file: "http' in html: # found final link logger.debug("using http file extractor...") file = "http" + Decoder.extract('file: "http', '"', html) file += "|" + Downloader.getHeaders( iframeUrl) #TODO review this part logger.debug("found final link: " + file) elif html.find("") > -1: url = Decoder.extractWithRegex("", '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("using first url from provider, url: " + url + ", r: " + referer) file = Filmoncom.launchScriptLogic(url, referer)[0]["url"] elif html.find('return(["r","t","m","p"' ) > -1: #changed order to build final url first logger.debug("launching array logic for rtmp link...") swfUrl = "" if '' in html: swfUrl = "" elif '' in html: swfUrl = "" if '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\nvar' elif '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' in html: scriptSplit = '<script type="text/javascript">\n\nvar' bruteData = Decoder.extract(scriptSplit, "</script>", html) rtmp = "" file = Decoder.extract('file: ', '}],', bruteData).replace(' ', '') logger.debug("file form is: " + file) playpath = "" for functionName in file.split('+'): if functionName.find("/") == -1: logger.debug("using function: " + functionName) bruteData2 = Decoder.extract( 'function ' + functionName + ' {', "}", bruteData) line = Decoder.extract('return([', ');', bruteData2) #now begin the fix for linePart in line.split("+"): if '].join' in linePart: linePart = linePart[:linePart.find('].join')] linePart2 = linePart.replace('","', "").replace( '"', '').replace('\\', "").replace(",", "") logger.debug("at this moment linePart1 is: " + linePart2) rtmp += linePart2 if '/' not in linePart2: playpath = linePart2 elif 'document.getElementById' in linePart: #extract id and get content idSpan = Decoder.extract('(', ')', linePart).replace( "\"", "").replace("'", "") content = Decoder.extract(' id=' + idSpan + '>', '</span>', html) logger.debug("at this moment linePart2 is: " + content) rtmp += content elif 'join("")' in linePart: #array to join with a replace like first condition idArrayVar = linePart.replace('.join("")', '').replace(' ', '') content = Decoder.extract( 'var ' + idArrayVar + " = [", "];", bruteData).replace(",", "").replace('"', '') logger.debug("at this moment linePart3 is: " + content) rtmp += content else: rtmp += "/" logger.debug("at this moment final rtmp is: " + rtmp) ''' token = "" if bruteData.find('securetoken: ')>-1: token = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ','\n',bruteData) swfUrlJS = '' htmlToken = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=swfUrlJS) token = Decoder.extract('var '+token+' = "','"',htmlToken) logger.debug("Fresh token is: "+token) ''' if "/live" in rtmp: app = 'live' + Decoder.extract('/live', '==/', rtmp) + "==/" else: #/hd app = 'hd' + Decoder.extract('/hd', '==/', rtmp) + "==/" file = rtmp + " app=" + app + " playpath=" + playpath + r" token=%XB00(nKH@#. flashver=WIN\2021,0,0,182 timeout=30 live=1 swfUrl=" + swfUrl + " pageUrl=" + iframeUrl + "" logger.debug("Built a rtmp with data: " + file) elif html.find('securetoken:') > -1: logger.debug("building final link from html: " + html) file = Decoder.extract('file: "', '"', html) securetoken = Decoder.extract('securetoken: "', '"', html) #logger.debug(html) flashPlayer = '' tokenString = "" if "html>" not in securetoken: tokenString = " token=" + securetoken else: jsUrl = Decoder.rExtract( '<script type="text/javascript" src="', '" ></script>', html) jsContent = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=jsUrl) var = Decoder.extract('securetoken: ', "\n", html) logger.debug("seeking var: " + var) tokenString = Decoder.extract('var ' + var + " = \"", '";', jsContent) logger.debug("new token string is: " + tokenString) tokenString = " token=" + tokenString rtmpUrl = file[0:file.rfind('/') + 1] + " playpath=" + file[ file.rfind('/') + 1:] + tokenString + " swfUrl=" + flashPlayer + " live=1 timeout=13 pageUrl=" + iframeUrl logger.debug("found final link: " + rtmpUrl) file = rtmpUrl elif html.find("eval(unescape('") > -1: logger.debug("eval unescape js logic...") html = Cricfreetv.decodeContent(html).lower() elif html.find('<a href="' ) > -1 or html.find('') > -1: logger.debug("embed link logic...") if html.find('') > -1: urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: " + urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) elif html.find('<a href="') > -1: logger.debug("urlLink...") urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex( '<a href="', '/"', html) logger.debug("urlLink2..." + urlLink) urlLink = urlLink[urlLink.find('"') + 1:urlLink.rfind('"')] logger.debug("urlLinkFinal..." + urlLink) if urlLink != iframeUrl: urlLink = urlLink.replace(".tv/", ".pw/") html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl( url=urlLink, cookie=Cricfreetv.cookie, referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html2 is: " + html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) if file == '': #extract iframe value iframe = Decoder.extract( '<iframe frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginWidth="0" height="490" id="iframe" src="', '" id="', html).replace('"', "") file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue( iframe, html, referer) elif ' src="' in html: logger.debug("native logic") #it's a native page, so launch this logic urlLink = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', "") logger.debug("seek new iframe url with: " + urlLink) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(urlLink, "", Cricfreetv.cookie, iframeUrl) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, urlLink) elif '' in html: logger.debug("repeating proccess...") newOldUrl = Decoder.extractWithRegex('', '"', html).replace('"', '') logger.debug("new old url is: " + newOldUrl) html2 = Cricfreetv.getContentFromUrl(url=newOldUrl, referer=iframeUrl) logger.debug("html is: " + html2) file = Cricfreetv.seekIframeScript(html2, iframeUrl, newOldUrl) else: logger.debug("enterring to ELSE logic") if html.find( '<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="' ) > -1: iframe = Decoder.extract( '<iframe id="player" scrolling="no" width="620" height="490" allowtransparency="no" frameborder="0" src="', '"', html) file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe, html, referer) elif html.find('<iframe ') > -1: # brute method forced logger.debug("brute method launched...") logger.debug("referer is: " + referer) logger.debug("iframeUrl is: " + iframeUrl) iframe = Decoder.rExtract('<iframe ', '</iframe>', html) iframe = Decoder.extract('src="', '"', iframe) if iframe == referer or iframe == iframeUrl: logger.debug("is the same page so needs to be changed!") logger.debug("html is: " + html) for content in html.split(".php"): link = content[content.rfind('"') + 1:] + ".php" logger.debug("target ELSE link is: " + link) if "http://" in link and "/update/" not in link and "/update/" in iframeUrl: logger.debug("ELSE link has been updated from: " + iframeUrl + ", to: " + link) iframe = link if iframe != referer and iframe != iframeUrl: logger.debug("fixed the same url, continue...") file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue( iframe, html, referer) else: logger.debug("NOT fixed the same url, stopping...") else: file = Cricfreetv.extractIframeValue(iframe, html, referer) else: logger.debug(html) return file