def tstamps_run_and_now(trun_sec): # unix epoch time, e.g. 1607569818.532117 sec
       Returns (str) tstamp_run, tstamp_now#, e.g. (str) 20201209191018, 20201217140026
    ts_run = str_tstamp(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time_sec=trun_sec)
    ts_now = str_tstamp(fmt='%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time_sec=None)
    return ts_run, ts_now
Exemple #2
def add_metadata_kwargs(orun, odet, **kwa):

    trun_sec = seconds(orun.timestamp)  # 1607569818.532117 sec

    # check opt "-t" if constants need to be deployed with diffiernt time stamp or run number
    tstamp = kwa.get('tstamp', None)
    use_external_run = tstamp is not None and tstamp < 10000
    use_external_ts = tstamp is not None and tstamp > 9999
    tvalid_sec = time_sec_from_stamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT_SHORT, time_stamp=str(tstamp))\
                  if use_external_ts else trun_sec
    ivalid_run = tstamp if use_external_run else orun.runnum\
                  if not use_external_ts else 0

    kwa['experiment'] = orun.expt
    kwa['detector'] = odet.raw._uniqueid
    kwa['detname'] = odet.raw._det_name
    kwa['dettype'] = odet.raw._dettype
    kwa['longname'] = odet.raw._uniqueid
    kwa['time_sec'] = tvalid_sec
    kwa['time_stamp'] = str_tstamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT, time_sec=int(tvalid_sec))
    kwa['tsshort'] = str_tstamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT_SHORT,
    kwa['tstamp_orig'] = str_tstamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT, time_sec=int(trun_sec))
    kwa['run'] = ivalid_run
    kwa['run_end'] = kwa.get('run_end', 'end')
    kwa['run_orig'] = orun.runnum
    kwa['version'] = kwa.get('version', 'N/A')
    kwa['comment'] = kwa.get('comment', 'no comment')
    kwa['extpars'] = {
        'content': 'extended parameters dict->json->str',
    return kwa
def get_config_info_for_dataset_detname(**kwargs):

    detname = kwargs.get('det', None)
    idx     = kwargs.get('idx', None)

    ds = DataSource(**data_source_kwargs(**kwargs))
    logger.debug('ds.runnum_list = %s' % str(ds.runnum_list))
    logger.debug('ds.detectors = %s' % str(ds.detectors))'ds.xtc_files:\n  %s' % ('\n  '.join(ds.xtc_files)))

    #for orun in ds.runs():
    orun = next(ds.runs())
    if orun:

      logger.debug('==run.runnum   : %d' % orun.runnum)        # 27
      logger.debug('  run.detnames : %s' % str(orun.detnames)) # {'epixquad'}
      logger.debug('  run.expt     : %s', orun.expt)           # ueddaq02

      runtstamp = orun.timestamp    # 4193682596073796843 relative to 1990-01-01
      trun_sec = seconds(runtstamp) # 1607569818.532117 sec
      #tstamp_run = str_tstamp(time_sec=int(trun_sec)) #fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
      tstamp_run, tstamp_now = tstamps_run_and_now(int(trun_sec)) # (str) 20201209191018, 20201217140026
      logger.debug('  run.timestamp: %d' % orun.timestamp)
      logger.debug('  run unix epoch time %06f sec' % trun_sec)
      logger.debug('  run tstamp: %s' % tstamp_run)
      logger.debug('  now tstamp: %s' % tstamp_now)

      det = orun.Detector(detname)

      #co = det.raw._config_object()

      cpdic = {}
      cpdic['expname']    = orun.expt
      cpdic['strsrc']     = None
      cpdic['shape']      = det.raw._seg_geo.shape() # (352, 384) for epix10ka or (288,384) for epixhr2x2
      cpdic['gain_mode']  = ue.find_gain_mode(det.raw, evt=None) #data=raw: distinguish 5-modes w/o data
      cpdic['panel_ids']  = det.raw._segment_ids() #ue.segment_ids_det(det)
      cpdic['panel_inds'] = det.raw._segment_indices() #ue.segment_indices_det(det)
      cpdic['longname']   = det.raw._fullname() #ue.fullname_det(det) #det.raw._uniqueid
      cpdic['det_name']   = det._det_name # det.raw._det_name epixquad
      cpdic['dettype']    = det._dettype # epix
      cpdic['tstamp']     = tstamp_run # (str) 20201209191018
      cpdic['tstamp_now'] = tstamp_now # (str) 20201217140026
      cpdic['trun_sec']   = int(trun_sec) # 1607569818.532117 sec
      cpdic['tsrun_dark'] = str_tstamp(time_sec=int(trun_sec)) #fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
      cpdic['gains_def']  = det.raw._gains_def # e.g. for epix10ka (16.4, 5.466, 0.164) ADU/keV
      return cpdic
def deploy_constants(*args, **kwa):

    from psana.pscalib.calib.NDArrIO import save_txt; global save_txt
    import psana.pscalib.calib.MDBUtils as mu
    import psana.pscalib.calib.MDBWebUtils as wu
    cc = # import psana.pscalib.calib.CalibConstants as cc

    exp        = kwa.get('exp', None)
    detname    = kwa.get('det', None)
    runs       = kwa.get('runs', None)
    tstamp     = kwa.get('tstamp', None) # (int) time stamp in format YYYYmmddHHMMSS or run number(<10000)
    dirxtc     = kwa.get('dirxtc', None)
    dirrepo    = kwa.get('dirrepo', CALIB_REPO_EPIX10KA)
    deploy     = kwa.get('deploy', False)
    fmt_peds   = kwa.get('fmt_peds', '%.3f')
    fmt_gain   = kwa.get('fmt_gain', '%.6f')
    fmt_rms    = kwa.get('fmt_rms',  '%.3f')
    fmt_status = kwa.get('fmt_status', '%4i')
    logmode    = kwa.get('logmode', 'DEBUG')
    dirmode    = kwa.get('dirmode',  0o777)
    filemode   = kwa.get('filemode', 0o666)
    high       = kwa.get('high',   16.40) # ADU/keV
    medium     = kwa.get('medium', 5.466) # ADU/keV
    low        = kwa.get('low',    0.164) # ADU/keV
    proc       = kwa.get('proc', 'prsg')
    paninds    = kwa.get('paninds', None)
    version    = kwa.get('version', 'N/A')
    run_end    = kwa.get('run_end', 'end')
    comment    = kwa.get('comment', 'no comment')
    dbsuffix   = kwa.get('dbsuffix', '')


    #dsname = 'exp=%s:run=%d'%(exp,irun) if dirxtc is None else 'exp=%s:run=%d:dir=%s'%(exp, irun, dirxtc)
    irun = irun_first(runs)
    #_name = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
    _name = SCRNAME
    save_log_record_at_start(dirrepo, _name, dirmode, filemode, logmode)

    cpdic = get_config_info_for_dataset_detname(**kwa)
    tstamp_run  = cpdic.get('tstamp',    None) # str
    expnum      = cpdic.get('expnum',    None)
    shape       = cpdic.get('shape',     None)
    strsrc      = cpdic.get('strsrc',    None)
    panel_ids   = cpdic.get('panel_ids', None)
    panel_inds  = cpdic.get('panel_inds',None)
    dettype     = cpdic.get('dettype',   None)
    det_name    = cpdic.get('det_name',  None)
    longname    = cpdic.get('longname', detname)
    gains_def   = cpdic.get('gains_def', None)

    req_inds = None if paninds is None else [int(i) for i in paninds.split(',')] # conv str '0,1,2,3' to list [0,1,2,3]'In %s\n      detector: "%s" \n      requested_inds: %s' % (_name, detname, str(req_inds)))

    assert isinstance(gains_def, tuple)
    assert len(gains_def) == 3

    if high   is None: high   = gains_def[0]
    if medium is None: medium = gains_def[1]
    if low    is None: low    = gains_def[2]

    global GAIN_FACTOR_DEF
    #GAIN_MODES     = ['FH','FM','FL','AHL-H','AML-M','AHL-L','AML-L']
    GAIN_FACTOR_DEF = [high, medium, low, high, medium, low, low]

    CTYPE_FMT = {'pedestals'   : fmt_peds,
                 'pixel_gain'  : fmt_gain,
                 'pixel_rms'   : fmt_rms,
                 'pixel_status': fmt_status}

    CTYPE_DTYPE = cc.dic_calib_name_to_dtype # {'pedestals': np.float32,...}

    logger.debug('detector "%s" panel ids:\n  %s' % (detname, '\n  '.join(panel_ids)))

    #if tstamp is None: tstamp = tstamp_run
    _tstamp = tstamp_run

    logger.debug('search for calibration files with tstamp <= %s' % _tstamp)

    # dict_consts for constants octype: 'pixel_gain', 'pedestals', etc.
    dic_consts = {}
    for ind, panel_id in zip(panel_inds,panel_ids):

        if req_inds is not None and not (ind in req_inds): continue # skip non-selected panels'%s\nmerge constants for panel:%02d id: %s' % (98*'_', ind, panel_id))

        dir_panel, dir_offset, dir_peds, dir_plots, dir_work, dir_gain, dir_rms, dir_status = dir_names(dirrepo, panel_id)
        fname_prefix, panel_alias = file_name_prefix(dirrepo, dettype, panel_id, _tstamp, exp, irun)

        prefix_offset, prefix_peds, prefix_plots, prefix_gain, prefix_rms, prefix_status =\
            path_prefixes(fname_prefix, dir_offset, dir_peds, dir_plots, dir_gain, dir_rms, dir_status)

        #mpars = (('pedestals', 'pedestals',    prefix_peds,   dir_peds),\
        #         ('rms',       'pixel_rms',    prefix_rms,    dir_rms),\
        #         ('status',    'pixel_status', prefix_status, dir_status),\
        #         ('gain',      'pixel_gain',   prefix_gain,   dir_gain))

        mpars = []
        if 'p' in proc: mpars.append(('pedestals', 'pedestals',    prefix_peds,   dir_peds))
        if 'r' in proc: mpars.append(('rms',       'pixel_rms',    prefix_rms,    dir_rms))
        if 's' in proc: mpars.append(('status',    'pixel_status', prefix_status, dir_status))
        if 'g' in proc: mpars.append(('gain',      'pixel_gain',   prefix_gain,   dir_gain))
        if 'c' in proc: mpars.append(('gainci',    'pixel_gain',   prefix_gain,   dir_gain))
        if 'c' in proc:
             add_links_for_gainci_fixed_modes(dir_gain, fname_prefix) # FH->AHL-H, FM->AML-M, FL->AML-L/AHL-L

        for (ctype, octype, prefix, dir_ctype) in mpars:
            fmt = CTYPE_FMT.get(octype,'%.5f')
            nda_dtype = CTYPE_DTYPE.get(octype, np.float32)

            logger.debug('begin merging for ctype:%s, octype:%s, fmt:%s,\n  prefix:%s' % (ctype, octype, fmt, prefix))
            fname = '%s_%s.txt' % (prefix, ctype)
            nda = merge_panel_gain_ranges(dir_ctype, panel_id, ctype, _tstamp, shape, nda_dtype, fname, fmt, filemode)
            if octype in dic_consts: dic_consts[octype].append(nda) # append for panel per ctype
            else:                    dic_consts[octype] = [nda,]'\n%s\nMERGE PANEL CONSTANTS AND DEPLOY THEM\n' % (80*'_'))

    #if deploy:

    dmerge = dir_merge(dirrepo)
    create_directory(dmerge, mode=dirmode)
    fmerge_prefix = fname_prefix_merge(dmerge, detname, _tstamp, exp, irun)

    for octype, lst in dic_consts.items():
        mrg_nda = merge_panels(lst), 'merged constants for %s ' % octype))
        fmerge = '%s-%s.txt' % (fmerge_prefix, octype)
        fmt = CTYPE_FMT.get(octype,'%.5f')
        save_ndarray_in_textfile(mrg_nda, fmerge, filemode, fmt)

        if True: # deploy:

          # check opt "-t" if constants need to be deployed with diffiernt time stamp or run number
          use_external_run = tstamp is not None and tstamp<10000
          use_external_ts  = tstamp is not None and tstamp>9999
          tvalid_sec = time_sec_from_stamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT_SHORT, time_stamp=str(tstamp))\
                  if use_external_ts else cpdic.get('trun_sec', None)
          ivalid_run = tstamp if use_external_run else irun\
                  if not use_external_ts else 0

          dtype = 'ndarray'

          kwa = {
            'iofname'    : fmerge,
            'experiment' : exp,
            'ctype'      : octype,
            'dtype'      : dtype,
            'detector'   : detname,
            'detname'    : det_name,
            'longname'   : longname,
            'time_sec'   : tvalid_sec,
            'time_stamp' : str_tstamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT, time_sec=int(tvalid_sec)),
            'tsshort'    : str_tstamp(fmt=cc.TSFORMAT_SHORT, time_sec=int(tvalid_sec)),
            'tstamp_orig': cpdic.get('tsrun_dark', None),
            'run'        : ivalid_run,
            'run_end'    : run_end,
            'run_orig'   : irun,
            'version'    : version,
            'comment'    : comment,
            'extpars'    : {'content':'extended parameters dict->json->str',},
            'dettype'    : dettype,
            'dbsuffix'   : dbsuffix

          logger.debug('DEPLOY metadata: %s' % str(kwa))

          data = mu.data_from_file(fmerge, octype, dtype, True)
          logger.debug(info_ndarr(data, 'merged constants loaded from file'))

          if deploy:
            resp = wu.deploy_constants(data, exp, longname, url=cc.URL_KRB, krbheaders=cc.KRBHEADERS, **kwa)
            #id_data_exp, id_data_det, id_doc_exp, id_doc_det = resp if resp is not None

            logger.warning('TO DEPLOY CONSTANTS ADD OPTION -D')
Exemple #5
def timestamp_run(run, fmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'):
    """converts LCLS2 run.timestamp to human readable timestamp, e.g. 2020-10-27T12:54:47
    return str_tstamp(fmt=fmt, time_sec=seconds(run.timestamp))