def EXTRACT(): path = input("-> Enter path to target's exposure time directory: ") images = glob.glob(path + '/data/*.fits') psf_data = glob.glob(path + '/psf/*') if len(psf_data) == 3 * len(images): sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path) else: sex.sextractor_psf(path) psf.psfex(path) sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path)
def sim_fakes(location, n_fakes=20, iterations=50, input_mode='flux', PSF='moffat', subtract_method='ois', f_min=0, f_max=40000): '''Simulates transient signals (fakes) and tests **OASIS**'s ability to detect them. The procedure of the simulation is as follows: 1. Makes a copy of the specified data set and moves it to the **simulations** directory. 2. Chooses a random image out of the data set and adds in fakes. 3. Runs the data set through the **OASIS Pipeline**. 4. Outputs a catalog of all fakes and whether or not they were detected. 5. Simulation is repeated with a different set of fakes. :param str location: Path of data file tree (contains the **configs**, **data**, **psf**, **residuals**, **sources**, **templates** directories). Use a comma-separated list for mapping to multiple datasets. :param int n_fakes: Number of fakes added to the chosen image. :param int iterations: Number of iterations the simulation goes through. The total number of fakes added is then :math:`n\_fakes * iterations`. It is reccommended to choose *n_fakes* and *iterations* such that the total number of fakes is high, at least a few hundred, ideally more than 1000. :param str input_mode: How to interpret fake's flux parameter. * *flux* (default): Fake's brightness is assumed to be total flux of the fake in ADU and is determined by *f_min* and *f_max* parameters. * *mag*: Fake's brightness is given in magnitudes instead of ADU flux. *f_min* and *f_max* are then assumed to be apparent magnitudes rather than ADU counts. :param str PSF: Type of PSF model used for fake construction. See documentation for details. * *moffat* (default): Fakes are convolved with a 2D Moffat kernel. * *gaussian*: Fakes are convolved with a symmetric 2D Gaussian kernel. :param str subtract_method: Subtraction method used, can be either *ois* or *hotpants*, default is *ois*. See ``subtract`` method's documentation for details. :param float f_min: Minimum flux for fakes. Assumed to either be given in ADU counts or apparent magnitudes depending on *input_mode*. :param float f_max: Maximum flux for fakes. Assumed to either be given in ADU counts or apparent magnitudes depending on *input_mode*. :returns: Catalog of all fakes, the image they were added to, iteration, and whether or not they were detected. See documentation for details. ''' try: #pick a random image in location dataset to use as the fake dataImages = glob.glob(location + '/data/*.fits') imIndex = np.random.randint(low=0, high=(len(dataImages)-1)) image = dataImages[imIndex] tarIndex = len(loc.split('/')) target = location.split('/')[tarIndex+2:tarIndex+3] target = target[0] #copy data to simulations directory check = loc + '/OASIS/simulations/' + target if os.path.exists(check) == False: copy_to_sim(target) #rename image paths to correspond to simulations directory image = image.replace('targets', 'simulations') image_name = image.split('/')[-1] length = len(image_name) + 6 location = image[:-length] location = location.replace(target, "%s_fakes" % (target)) image = image.replace(target, "%s_fakes" % (target)) # #copy image to be faked to exposure time directory so it can be retrieved # os.system('cp %s %s' % (image, location)) #define location of simulation results files fake_txt = location + '/results_fake.txt' MR_txt = location + '/results_MR.txt' #get PSF FWHM of original input image if os.path.exists(image.replace('data','psf')[:-4]+'cat') == False: sex.sextractor_psf_sim(location, image) psfex(location) FWHM = fwhm(image) #get input image data and header image_hdu = image_header = image_hdu[0].header image_data = image_hdu[0].data image_mask = image_hdu[1].data image_hdu.close() shape = image_data.shape #move fake image to configs directory os.system("mv %s %s/configs" % (image, location)) #redefine location of image image_new_loc = image.replace('data', 'configs') #convert input mags to fluxes if input_mode == 'mag': f_min = mag_to_flux(image, f_min) f_max = mag_to_flux(image, f_max) fake_name = image #perform simulation for 'iterations' number of loops for i in tqdm(range(iterations)): #define blank results slates fake_results = [] MR_results = [] #delete all previous simluations data clear_image(image) #make 'n_fakes' fluxes print("-> Creating fakes...") flux_scales = np.random.random(n_fakes) flux = ((f_max-f_min)*flux_scales) + f_min x = [round(shape[0]*np.random.random()) for i in range(n_fakes)] y = [round(shape[1]*np.random.random()) for j in range(n_fakes)] #print fake sources' info print("-> Fake fluxes: \n" + "-> " + str(flux)) print("-> Fake x: \n" + "-> " + str(x)) print("-> Fake y: \n" + "-> " + str(y)) print("-> Fake PSF: %s" % (PSF)) print("-> Fake FWHM: %.3f\n" % (FWHM)) if PSF == 'gaussian': #make fake image with Gaussian profile print("-> Gaussian smearing fakes...") gaussian_kernel_1 = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=(FWHM/2.355), y_stddev=(FWHM/2.355)) gaussian_kernel_2 = Gaussian2DKernel(x_stddev=((FWHM*2)/2.355), y_stddev=((FWHM*2)/2.355)) conv_kernel = (0.9*gaussian_kernel_1) + (0.1*gaussian_kernel_2) fake = make_stars.make_image(shape[0], shape[1], x_loc=x, y_loc=y, fluxes=flux, psf=[conv_kernel]) elif PSF == 'moffat': print("-> Moffat smearing fakes...") #define Moffat convolution kernel conv_kernel = Moffat2DKernel(gamma=make_stars.get_moffat_gamma(FWHM), alpha=4.765) #make image using fluxes na dpositions defined earlier, then convolve with above kernel fake = make_stars.make_image(shape[0], shape[1], x_loc=x, y_loc=y, fluxes=flux, psf=[conv_kernel]) #add fake to original image and overwrite the OG fits file print("-> Adding fake to original image...") fake += image_data hduData = fits.PrimaryHDU(fake, header=image_header) hduMask = fits.ImageHDU(image_mask) hduList = fits.HDUList([hduData, hduMask]) hduList.writeto(fake_name, overwrite=True) #run images through pipeline subtract.subtract_run(location, method=subtract_method) #run SExtractor on only fake image sex.sextractor_sim(fake_name.replace('_N_', '_A_')) #run SExtractor also on master residual to look for fakes sex.sextractor_MR(location) #find any fakes that were detected by SExtractor in fake catalog with open(location+'/sources/filtered_sources.txt', 'r') as src: detects = src.readlines() src.close() for n in range(n_fakes): found = 0 for d in detects: try: float(d.split()[0]) if (y[n]-2)<float(d.split()[2])<(y[n]+2) and (x[n]-2)<float(d.split()[3])<(x[n]+2): found += 1 except: pass fake_results.append([i,image_name,x[n],y[n],flux[n],found]) #write simulation results to fake_results.txt file with open(fake_txt, 'a+') as sim_data: sim_data.writelines(tabulate(fake_results)) sim_data.close() #find any fakes that were detected by SExtractor in MR catalog with open(location+'/sources/MR_sources_filtered.txt', 'r') as src: detects = src.readlines() src.close() for n in range(n_fakes): found = 0 for d in detects: try: float(d.split()[0]) if (y[n]-2)<float(d.split()[2])<(y[n]+2) and (x[n]-2)<float(d.split()[3])<(x[n]+2): found += 1 except: pass MR_results.append([i,image_name,x[n],y[n],flux[n],found]) #write simulation results to MR_results.txt file with open(MR_txt, 'a+') as sim_data: sim_data.writelines(tabulate(MR_results)) sim_data.close() #move fake image from configs back to data directory os.system("mv %s %s/data" % (image_new_loc, location)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n-> Interrupted-- Exiting..') try: clear_image(image) os.system("mv %s %s/data" % (image_new_loc, location)) sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: os._exit(0)
def TEST(): #get data from LCO public archive and put in target directory under 'TEST' folder print("-> Getting data from LCO...") response = requests.get('' + 'RLEVEL=91&' + 'PROPID='+'standard&' 'OBJECT='+'L113&' + 'FILTER='+'B&' 'start='+'2018-9-14'+'&' + 'end='+'2018-9-15'+'&' ).json() frames = response['results'] #delete bad images del_fr = [] for fr in frames: if fr['id'] != 9602135 and fr['id'] != 9602132: del_fr.append(fr) for delete in del_fr: del frames[frames.index(delete)] #download data temp_loc = loc + '/sdi/temp/' os.mkdir(temp_loc+'test_data') for frame in frames: with open(temp_loc + 'test_data/' + frame['filename'], 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(frame['url']).content) #funpack and move to 'TEST' folder obtain.process() obtain.movetar() old_data_location = obtain.rename() data_location = old_data_location.replace('L113', 'TEST') os.rename(old_data_location[:29], data_location[:29]) #align and combine images test_loc = data_location[:-5] check_saturation.check_saturate(test_loc + '/data') ref_image.ref_image(test_loc + '/data') align_astroalign.align2(test_loc + '/data') # align_skimage.skimage(test_loc + '/data') combine_numpy.combine_median(test_loc + '/data') # align_skimage.skimage_template(test_loc + '/data') #add three fake stars to reference image print("\n-> Adding fake stars to test image...") hdu = fits.getdata(test_loc + '/data/09:14:00.260_A_.fits') h, w = img_shape = np.shape(hdu) pos_x = [1500,2000,1200] pos_y = [1600,1400,2200] array = np.array([ 0.65343465, 0.50675629, 0.84946314]) fluxes = 2000000.0 + array * 300.0 img = np.zeros(img_shape) for x, y, f in zip(pos_x, pos_y, fluxes): img[x, y] = f img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=15.0, mode='constant') final = fits.PrimaryHDU(hdu+img) final.writeto(test_loc + '/data/09:14:00.260_A_.fits', overwrite=True) #subtract images using ISIS subtract_ais.isis_sub_test(test_loc) #get PSFs then perform SExtractor on residual images sex.sextractor_psf(test_loc) psf.psfex(test_loc) sex.sextractor(test_loc) #test the results of the test function against known values # with open(test_loc + '/sources/sources.txt', 'r') as source: # lines = source.readlines() # source.close() # # with open(os.path.dirname(sex.__file__) + '/test_config/test_sources.txt', 'r') as test_source: # lines2 = test_source.readlines() # test_source.close() res_image_loc = os.path.dirname(sex.__file__) + '/test_config/09:14:00.260_A_residual_.fits' test_image_data = fits.getdata(res_image_loc) residual = glob.glob(test_loc + '/residuals/*_A_residual_.fits') residual_data = fits.getdata(residual[0]) # # if lines == lines2: # print("\t-> Sources matched to control") if test_image_data.all() == residual_data.all(): print("-> Residuals matched to control\n-> TEST SUCCESSFUL!") # if lines == lines2 and test_image_data.all() == residual_data.all(): # print("\t-> Test successful!") if test_image_data.all() != residual_data.all(): print("-> Test failure: Results do not match controls") #display final residual test image os.system('ds9 %s -scale zscale' % (residual[0]))
fluxes = 2000000.0 + array * 300.0 img = np.zeros(img_shape) for x, y, f in zip(pos_x, pos_y, fluxes): img[x, y] = f img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=15.0, mode='constant') final = fits.PrimaryHDU(hdu+img) final.writeto(test_loc + '/data/09:14:00.260_A_.fits', overwrite=True) #subtract images using ISIS subtract_ais.isis_sub_test(test_loc) #get PSFs then perform SExtractor on residual images sex.sextractor_psf(test_loc) psf.psfex(test_loc) sex.sextractor(test_loc) #test the results of the test function against known values # with open(test_loc + '/sources/sources.txt', 'r') as source: # lines = source.readlines() # source.close() # # with open(os.path.dirname(sex.__file__) + '/test_config/test_sources.txt', 'r') as test_source: # lines2 = test_source.readlines() # test_source.close() res_image_loc = os.path.dirname(sex.__file__) + '/test_config/09:14:00.260_A_residual_.fits' test_image_data = fits.getdata(res_image_loc)
import sex import psf import glob def EXTRACT(): path = input("-> Enter path to target's exposure time directory: ") images = glob.glob(path + '/data/*.fits') psf_data = glob.glob(path + '/psf/*') if len(psf_data) == 3 * len(images): sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path) else: sex.sextractor_psf(path) psf.psfex(path) sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path) if __name__ == '__main__': path = input("-> Enter path to target's exposure time directory: ") images = glob.glob(path + '/data/*.fits') psf_data = glob.glob(path + '/psf/*') if len(psf_data) == 3 * len(images): sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path) else: sex.sextractor_psf(path) psf.psfex(path) sex.sextractor(path) sex.src_filter(path)