def getBackupAddMap(self): """""" data = None if Io.file_exists(self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT): call = " ".join( [ Sys.executable, "", "dec", "-qf", self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT, "-z", "-r", "-m", "-o", self.addmapPath, "-k", self.idxu.index.keyPath, ] ) print(call) Sys.sysCall(call) data = jloads(Io.get_data(self.addmapPath)) Io.removeFile(self.addmapPath) return data
def save(self,path=None,notAssign=False): """""" path = path if path is not None else self.path Io.set_data(path, '# last updated : '+str( call = ' '.join(['python3', '', 'enc', '-qf', path, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', path+'.kmh', '-k', self.keyPath ]) Sys.sysCall(call) Io.removeFile(path) if not notAssign : self.path = path
def encrypt(self, fromPath=None): """""" if fromPath is None : fromPath = self.pathPlain Sys.pwlog([(' Encrypt Index... ' , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) Io.set_data(fromPath, jdumps(self.dic)) call = ' '.join([Sys.executable, '', 'enc', '-qfj2' if Sys.isUnix() else '-qf', fromPath, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', fromPath+Kirmah.EXT, '-k', self.keyPath ]) #~ print(call) Sys.sysCall(call) Io.removeFile(fromPath) Sys.pwlog([(' done', Const.CLZ_2, True)]) return Io.get_data(fromPath+Kirmah.EXT, True)
def read(self): """""" try: call = ' '.join([Sys.executable, '', 'dec', '-qf', self.path+'.kmh', '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', self.path, '-k', self.keyPath ]) Sys.sysCall(call) with Io.rfile(self.path, False) as fi: csection = 'main' self.dic[csection] = {} for l in fi: l = l.rstrip().lstrip() if len(l) > 0 and not l[0]=='#' : d = regsplit(' *= *', l , 1) if len(d)> 1: self.dic[csection][d[0]] = d[1] if d[1] is not None else '' elif len(l)>0 and l[0]=='[': csection = l.strip('[]') self.dic[csection] = {} Io.removeFile(self.path) except IOError : pass
def decrypt(self, fromPath=None): """""" done = False try : if fromPath is None : fromPath = self.path toPath = fromPath[:-len(Kirmah.EXT)] if fromPath.endswith(Kirmah.EXT) else fromPath+'.dump' if Io.file_exists(fromPath) : Sys.pwlog([(' Decrypt Index... ' , Const.CLZ_0, True)]) call = ' '.join([Sys.executable, '', 'dec', '-qfj2' if Sys.isUnix() else '-qf', fromPath, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', toPath, '-k', self.keyPath ]) print(call) Sys.sysCall(call) data = jloads(Io.get_data(toPath)) Io.removeFile(toPath) else : data = {} done = True except ValueError as e: raise BadKeyException(e) Sys.pwlog([(' done'if done else ' ko' , Const.CLZ_2 if done else Const.CLZ_1, True)]) return data
def backupAddMap(self, data): """""" Io.set_data(self.addmapPath, jdumps(data)) call = " ".join( [ Sys.executable, "", "enc", "-qf", self.addmapPath, "-z", "-r", "-m", "-o", self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT, "-k", self.idxu.index.keyPath, ] ) print(call) Sys.sysCall(call) Io.removeFile(self.addmapPath)