Exemple #1
async def list(ctx, *, action=''):
    """action=chars: shows all characters
    action=newchars: shows the newest 10 characters that have been added to the game
    action=items: shows all items"""
    # write_log(command_prefix + ctx.invoked_with + ' ' + action, ctx.author, ctx.server)
    txt_list = []
    if action in ['chars', 'newchars']:
        txt_list = p.get_char_list(action)
    elif action == 'items':
        txt_list = mkt.get_item_list()
    elif action == 'research':
        txt_list = rs.get_research_names()
    elif action == 'rooms':
        txt_list = rs.get_room_names()

    for txt in txt_list:
        await ctx.send(txt)
Exemple #2
async def list(ctx, *, action=''):
    """action=crew:  shows all characters
    action=newcrew:  shows the newest 10 characters that have been added to the game
    action=items:    shows all items
    action=research: shows all research
    action=rooms:    shows all rooms"""

    txt_list = []
    if action in ['chars', 'characters', 'crew', 'newchars', 'newcrew']:
        txt_list = p.get_char_list(action)
    elif action == 'items':
        txt_list = mkt.get_item_list()
    elif action == 'research':
        txt_list = rs.get_research_names()
    elif action == 'rooms':
        txt_list = rs.get_room_names()

    for txt in txt_list:
        await ctx.send(txt)