def __init__(self):

        import psspy
        import redirect

        self._i = psspy.getdefaultint()
        self._f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
        self._s = psspy.getdefaultchar()
sys.path.append(r"""C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSPY27""")
os.environ['PATH'] = (r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSPY27;" +
import psse34
import psspy
import redirect
import numpy
import math
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dyntools

_i = psspy.getdefaultint()
_f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
_s = psspy.getdefaultchar()

ierr = psspy.progress_output(6, ' ', [0, 0])  # disable output
ierr = psspy.prompt_output(6, ' ', [0, 0])  # disable output
ierr = psspy.report_output(6, ' ', [0, 0])  # disable output

# Set Simulation Path.
LoadScenario = "SimplifiedSystem"
ClauseName = " Reactive Power Capability"
ProgramPath = "F:/PosDoc Projects/11_Industrial Projects/NEOEN_HW/P_SimulationProgram/"
GridInfoPath = "F:/PosDoc Projects/11_Industrial Projects/NEOEN_HW/NEM_files/" + LoadScenario + "/"
HuaweiModelPath = "F:/PosDoc Projects/11_Industrial Projects/NEOEN_HW/D_HuaweiModels/34"
OutputFilePath = ProgramPath + "SimulationOutput.out"
FigurePath = "F:/PosDoc Projects/11_Industrial Projects/NEOEN_HW/R_Results/"
def main():
        ''' Drives a PSS/E Dynamic simulation and returns values '''

        ##### Get everything set up on the PSSE side

        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence():
            _i = psspy.getdefaultint()
            _f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
            _s = psspy.getdefaultchar()
        # Redirect any psse outputs to psse_log
        psspy.progress_output(2,psse_log,[0,0]) #ignored
        psspy.alert_output(2,psse_log,[0,0]) #ignored
        psspy.prompt_output(2,psse_log,[0,0]) #ignored

        k = 1
        for rawFile in RawFileList:

            # get the percentage loading from the raw file name
            if rawFile == 'savnw_conp.raw':
                PL = '100'
                rawFileName = rawFile.replace('.raw', '')
                PL = rawFileName[-3:]

            #Parameters. CONFIGURE THIS
            settings = {
                # use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph #####################################
                rawFile,  #use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph
                'pf_options': [
                    0,  #disable taps
                    0,  #disable area exchange
                    0,  #disable phase-shift
                    0,  #disable dc-tap
                    0,  #disable switched shunts
                    0,  #do not flat start
                    0,  #apply var limits immediately
                    0,  #disable non-div solution

            ##### Load Raw Datafile and do power flow

            print "\n Reading raw file:", settings['filename']
            #    " Reading raw file: {0:s}".format('text')

            FaultRpu = 1e-06
            Sbase = 100.0

            #FaultBusNomVolt = float(BusDataDict[FaultBus].NominalVolt)

            #Zbase = FaultBusNomVolt**2/Sbase  # float since Sbase is a float
            #Rohm = FaultRpu*Zbase # fault impedance in ohms

            # run nested loops to see if there are any abnormal low voltages
            simCount = 0  # to keep track of how many simulations are already done
            croppedHVLineSet = list(HVLineSet)

            for line1 in croppedHVLineSet:
                for line2 in croppedHVLineSet:
                    # stability_indicator = 1
                    # Bus_issues = [] # list of buses where issues (low voltage or high dv_dt) are reported
                    # the lines cannot be the same
                    if line1 == line2:
                    # part to ensure there is no duplication of events
                    currentSet = line1 + ';' + line2
                    currentSetReverse = line2 + ';' + line1
                    # if case causes topology inconsistencies, continue
                    if currentSet in topology_inconsistent_set or currentSetReverse in topology_inconsistent_set:

                    line1Elements = line1.split(',')
                    line2Elements = line2.split(',')

                    # Line 1 params
                    L1Bus1 = int(line1Elements[0])
                    L1Bus2 = int(line1Elements[1])
                    L1cktID = line1Elements[2].strip("'").strip()

                    # Line 2 params
                    L2Bus1 = int(line2Elements[0])
                    L2Bus2 = int(line2Elements[1])
                    L2cktID = line2Elements[2].strip("'").strip()

                    FaultBusList = [L2Bus1,
                                    L2Bus2]  # apply faults at both buses

                    for FaultBus in FaultBusList:

                        output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence():
                            ierr =, settings['filename'])
                            #This is for the power flow. I'll use the solved case instead
                            ierr = psspy.fnsl(settings['pf_options'])

                            ##### Prepare case for dynamic simulation
                            # Load conversion (multiple-step)
                            psspy.conl(_i, _i, 1, [0, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f])
                            # all constant power load to constant current, constant reactive power load to constant admittance
                            # standard practice for dynamic simulations, constant MVA load is not acceptable
                            psspy.conl(1, 1, 2, [_i, _i],
                                       [100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0])
                            psspy.conl(_i, _i, 3, [_i, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f])

                            ierr = psspy.cong(0)  #converting generators
                            ierr = psspy.ordr(
                            )  #order the network nodes to maintain sparsity
                            ierr = psspy.fact(
                            )  #factorise the network admittance matrix
                            ierr = psspy.tysl(0)  #solving the converted case
                            ierr = psspy.dynamicsmode(0)  #enter dynamics mode

                            print "\n Reading dyr file:", settings['dyr_file']

                            ierr = psspy.dyre_new([1, 1, 1, 1],
                            ierr = psspy.docu(0, 1, [
                                0, 3, 1
                            ])  #print the starting point of state variables

                            # select time step ##############################################################
                            ierr = psspy.dynamics_solution_params(
                                [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [
                                    _f, _f, 0.00833333333333333, _f, _f, _f,
                                    _f, _f
                                'out_file')  # the number here is the time step

                            ##### select channels
                            ierr = psspy.delete_all_plot_channels(
                            )  # clear channels

                            # get all the bus voltages, angles and frequencies
                            for bus in BusDataDict:
                                bus = int(bus)
                                ierr = psspy.voltage_and_angle_channel(
                                    [-1, -1, -1, bus])
                                ierr = psspy.bus_frequency_channel([-1, bus])

                        eventStr = PL + '/' + line1 + ';' + line2 + '/F' + str(
                        print 'Event: {}'.format(eventStr)
                        # get the nominal voltages as well as the fault impedance in ohms
                        FaultBusNomVolt = float(
                        Zbase = FaultBusNomVolt**2 / Sbase  # float since Sbase is a float
                        Rohm = FaultRpu * Zbase  # fault impedance in ohms

                        # run simulation till just before the fault
                        ResultsDict = {}

                        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence(output):
                            ierr = psspy.strt(0, settings['out_file'])
                            ierr =, 0.1, 1, 1, 1)
                            ierr = psspy.dist_branch_trip(
                                L1Bus1, L1Bus2, L1cktID)

                        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence(output):
                            ierr =, 0.2, 1, 1, 1)  #fault on time

                        outputStr = output.getvalue()
                        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
                            print 'For ' + eventStr + ':'
                            print 'Network did not converge between branch 1 trip and fault application, skipping...'

                        # check for convergence during fault
                        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence(output):
                            ierr = psspy.dist_bus_fault(
                                FaultBus, 3, 0.0, [Rohm, 0.0])
                            ierr =, 0.3, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time
                            ierr = psspy.dist_clear_fault(1)

                        outputStr = output.getvalue()
                        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
                            print 'For ' + eventStr + ':'
                            print 'Network did not converge during fault, skipping...'

                        # check for convergence between fault clearance and second branch trip
                        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence(output):
                            ierr =, 0.31, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time
                            ierr = psspy.dist_branch_trip(
                                L2Bus1, L2Bus2, L2cktID)
                            ierr =, 0.35, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time

                        # check for non-convergence
                        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        outputStr = output.getvalue()
                        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
                            print 'For ' + eventStr + ':'
                            print 'Network did not converge between fault clearance and branch 2 trip, skipping...'

                        # select run time ##############################################################
                        output = StringIO.StringIO()
                        with silence(output):
                            ierr =
                                0, 10.0, 1, 1, 1
                            )  #exit time (second argument is the end time)
                        # check for non-convergence

                        outputStr = output.getvalue()
                        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
                            print 'For ' + eventStr + ':'
                            print 'Network did not converge sometime after 2nd branch trip, skipping...'

                        outputData = dyntools.CHNF(settings['out_file'])

                        data = outputData.get_data()

                        channelDict = data[
                            1]  # dictionary where the value is the channel description
                        valueDict = data[
                            2]  # dictionary where the values are the signal values, keys match that of channelDict

                        tme = valueDict['time']  # get time
                        ResultsDict['time'] = tme
                        for key in channelDict:
                            if key == 'time':

                            signalDescr = channelDict[key]
                            words = signalDescr.split()
                            signalType = words[0].strip()
                            bus = words[1].strip()
                            #print Bus + ' ' + signalType
                            if bus not in ResultsDict:
                                ResultsDict[bus] = Results()

                            if signalType == 'VOLT':
                                ResultsDict[bus].volt = valueDict[key]

                            elif signalType == 'ANGL':
                                ResultsDict[bus].angle = valueDict[key]
                            elif signalType == 'FREQ':
                                ResultsDict[bus].freq = valueDict[key]

                        EventsDict[eventStr] = ResultsDict
                        simCount += 1
                        print 'Simulation ' + str(simCount) + ' out of ' + str(

                        # Uncomment next two lines if you want to see the output
                        #with open('output'+str(k) + '.txt','w') as f:
                        #    f.write(outputStr)
                        k += 1

        save_obj(EventsDict, 'EventData')
    except Exception:
Exemple #4
def runPSSESimBatches(simList, dyrFile, objName):
    import sys, os
    # add psspy to the system path
    sys.path.append(r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN")
    os.environ['PATH'] = (r"C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN;" +

    from contextlib import contextmanager
    import StringIO
    from getBusDataFn import getBusData

    def silence(file_object=None):

        #Discard stdout (i.e. write to null device) or
        #optionally write to given file-like object.

        if file_object is None:
            file_object = open(os.devnull, 'w')

        old_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = file_object
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
            if file_object is None:

    # Local imports
    import redirect
    import psspy
    import dyntools

    # getting the raw file

    ##### Get everything set up on the PSSE side

    #output = StringIO.StringIO()
    with silence():
        _i = psspy.getdefaultint()
        _f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
        _s = psspy.getdefaultchar()

    # some important parameters
    FaultRpu = 1e-06
    Sbase = 100.0
    EventsDict = {}
    for event in simList:
        eventWords = event.split('/')
        RawFileIndicator = eventWords[0].strip()
        linesOutage = eventWords[1].strip()
        FaultBus = eventWords[2].strip()[
            1:]  # exclude the 'F' at the beginning

        # get the raw file
        if RawFileIndicator == '100':
            rawFile = 'savnw_conp.raw'
            rawFile = 'savnw_conp{}.raw'.format(RawFileIndicator)

        #Parameters. CONFIGURE THIS
        settings = {
            # use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph #####################################
            rawFile,  #use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph
            'pf_options': [
                0,  #disable taps
                0,  #disable area exchange
                0,  #disable phase-shift
                0,  #disable dc-tap
                0,  #disable switched shunts
                0,  #do not flat start
                0,  #apply var limits immediately
                0,  #disable non-div solution

        output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr =, settings['filename'])
            #This is for the power flow. I'll use the solved case instead
            ierr = psspy.fnsl(settings['pf_options'])

            ##### Prepare case for dynamic simulation
            # Load conversion (multiple-step)
            psspy.conl(_i, _i, 1, [0, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f])
            # all constant power load to constant current, constant reactive power load to constant admittance
            # standard practice for dynamic simulations, constant MVA load is not acceptable
            psspy.conl(1, 1, 2, [_i, _i], [100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0])
            psspy.conl(_i, _i, 3, [_i, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f])

            ierr = psspy.cong(0)  #converting generators
            ierr = psspy.ordr(0)  #order the network nodes to maintain sparsity
            ierr = psspy.fact()  #factorise the network admittance matrix
            ierr = psspy.tysl(0)  #solving the converted case
            ierr = psspy.dynamicsmode(0)  #enter dynamics mode

            print "\n Reading dyr file:", settings['dyr_file']

            ierr = psspy.dyre_new([1, 1, 1, 1], settings['dyr_file'])
            ierr = psspy.docu(
                0, 1, [0, 3, 1])  #print the starting point of state variables

            # select time step ##############################################################
            ierr = psspy.dynamics_solution_params(
                [_i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i],
                [_f, _f, 0.00833333333333333, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f],
                'out_file')  # the number here is the time step

            ##### select channels
            ierr = psspy.delete_all_plot_channels()  # clear channels

            BusDataDict = getBusData(rawFile)
            # get all the bus voltages, angles and frequencies
            for bus in BusDataDict:
                bus = int(bus)
                ierr = psspy.voltage_and_angle_channel([-1, -1, -1, bus])
                ierr = psspy.bus_frequency_channel([-1, bus])

        print 'Event: {}'.format(event)

        # get the nominal voltages as well as the fault impedance in ohms
        FaultBusNomVolt = float(BusDataDict[str(FaultBus)].NominalVolt)
        Zbase = FaultBusNomVolt**2 / Sbase  # float since Sbase is a float
        Rohm = FaultRpu * Zbase  # fault impedance in ohms

        # run simulation till just before the fault
        ResultsDict = {}

        # get the line params
        line1Elements = linesOutage.split(';')[0].strip()
        line2Elements = linesOutage.split(';')[1].strip()

        # Line 1 params
        line1 = line1Elements.split(',')
        L1Bus1 = int(line1[0].strip())
        L1Bus2 = int(line1[1].strip())
        L1cktID = line1[2].strip("'").strip()
        #print L1Bus1
        #print L1Bus2
        #print L1cktID

        # Line 2 params
        line2 = line2Elements.split(',')
        L2Bus1 = int(line2[0].strip())
        L2Bus2 = int(line2[1].strip())
        L2cktID = line2[2].strip("'").strip()
        #print L2Bus1
        #print L2Bus2
        #print L2cktID

        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr = psspy.strt(0, settings['out_file'])
            ierr =, 0.1, 1, 1, 1)
            ierr = psspy.dist_branch_trip(L1Bus1, L1Bus2, L1cktID)

        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr =, 0.2, 1, 1, 1)  #fault on time

        outputStr = output.getvalue()
        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
            print 'For ' + event + ':'
            print 'Network did not converge between branch 1 trip and fault application, skipping...'

        # check for convergence during fault
        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr = psspy.dist_bus_fault(int(FaultBus), 3, 0.0, [Rohm, 0.0])
            ierr =, 0.3, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time
            ierr = psspy.dist_clear_fault(1)

        outputStr = output.getvalue()
        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
            print 'For ' + event + ':'
            print 'Network did not converge during fault, skipping...'

        # check for convergence between fault clearance and second branch trip
        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr =, 0.31, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time
            ierr = psspy.dist_branch_trip(L2Bus1, L2Bus2, L2cktID)
            ierr =, 0.35, 1, 1, 1)  #fault off time

        # check for non-convergence
        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        outputStr = output.getvalue()
        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
            print 'For ' + event + ':'
            print 'Network did not converge between fault clearance and branch 2 trip, skipping...'

        # select run time ##############################################################
        #output = StringIO.StringIO()
        with silence(output):
            ierr =, 10.0, 1, 1,
                             1)  #exit time (second argument is the end time)
        # check for non-convergence

        outputStr = output.getvalue()
        if "Network not converged" in outputStr:
            print 'For ' + event + ':'
            print 'Network did not converge sometime after 2nd branch trip, skipping...'

        # write to output file
        #with open('outputTmp.txt','w') as f:
        #   f.write(outputStr)

        outputData = dyntools.CHNF(settings['out_file'])

        data = outputData.get_data()

        channelDict = data[
            1]  # dictionary where the value is the channel description
        valueDict = data[
            2]  # dictionary where the values are the signal values, keys match that of channelDict

        tme = valueDict['time']  # get time
        ResultsDict['time'] = tme
        for key in channelDict:
            if key == 'time':

            signalDescr = channelDict[key]
            words = signalDescr.split()
            signalType = words[0].strip()
            bus = words[1].strip()
            #print Bus + ' ' + signalType
            if bus not in ResultsDict:
                ResultsDict[bus] = Results()

            if signalType == 'VOLT':
                ResultsDict[bus].volt = valueDict[key]

            elif signalType == 'ANGL':
                ResultsDict[bus].angle = valueDict[key]
            elif signalType == 'FREQ':
                ResultsDict[bus].freq = valueDict[key]

        EventsDict[event] = ResultsDict

    return EventsDict
Exemple #5
def changeLoad(raw, start, end, step, newdir):
        New raw files are created for each percentage step in [start,end]. 
        The current step defines the percentage scaling up (or down) factor for load and generation

    # convert the raw file to another one where all the load is constant power
    raw_conp = raw.replace('.raw', '') + '_conp.raw'

    # ignore the output
    psspy.report_output(6, '', [0, 0])
    psspy.progress_output(6, '', [0, 0])
    psspy.alert_output(6, '', [0, 0])
    psspy.prompt_output(6, '', [0, 0])

    # read the raw file and convert all the loads to constant power
    ierr =, raw)

    # multi-line command to convert the loads to 100% constant power
    psspy.conl(0, 1, 1, [1, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    psspy.conl(0, 1, 2, [1, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    psspy.conl(0, 1, 3, [1, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    ierr = psspy.rawd_2(0, 1, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, raw_conp)
    # run change Load on the constant power load raw file

    rawBusDataDict = getBusData(raw_conp)
    # create a new directory to put the files in
    currentdir = os.getcwd()

    if not os.path.exists(newdir):
    output_dir = currentdir + '/' + newdir
    #genDiscount = 0.90 # ratio of the actual increase in generation
    genDiscount = 1.0
    lossRatio = 0.0  # gen scale-up factor: (scalePercent + (scalePercent-100)*lossRatio)/100

    # create new raw files with scaled up loads and generation
    for scalePercent in range(start, end + step, step):
        scalePercent = float(
            scalePercent)  # float is needed, otherwise 101/100 returns 1

        scalePercentInt = int(
            scalePercent)  # integer value needed to append to filename
        scalePercentStr = str(scalePercentInt)

        # variables to store load data
        loadBusList = []  # list of load buses (string)
        loadPList = []  # list of Pload values (string)
        loadQList = []  # list of Qload values (string)
        loadPListInt = []  # list of Pload values (float)
        loadQListInt = []  # list of Qload values (float)
        #loadBusListInt = [] # list of load buses (int)

        # variables to store gen data
        genBusList = []
        #genBusListInt = []
        genPList = []
        genMVAList = []
        genMVAListInt = []
        genPListInt = []

        raw_name = raw_conp.replace('.raw', '')
        out_file = raw_name + scalePercentStr + '.raw'  # output file
        out_path = output_dir + '/' + out_file
        impLoadBuses = [
        ]  # enter specified load buses to scale, if empty all loads are scaled
        incLoss = (
            scalePercent - 100
        ) * lossRatio  # Additional percentage increase in Pgen (to account for losses)

        #Read raw file
        with open(raw_conp, 'r') as f:
            filecontent =
            filelines = filecontent.split('\n')

            ## Get start and end indices of load and gen info
            loadStartIndex = filelines.index(
                '0 / END OF BUS DATA, BEGIN LOAD DATA') + 1
            loadEndIndex = filelines.index(

            genStartIndex = filelines.index(
            genEndIndex = filelines.index(

            totalPincr = 0.0
            totalQincr = 0.0
            percentIncr = (scalePercent -
                           100.0) / 100  # increment in percentage

            newPConList = []
            newQConList = []
            newIPList = []
            newIQList = []
            newZPList = []
            newZQList = []
            # Extract load info
            for i in range(loadStartIndex, loadEndIndex):
                words = filelines[i].split(',')
                loadBus = words[0].strip()
                loadPCon = float(words[5].strip())
                loadQCon = float(words[6].strip())
                loadIP = float(words[7].strip())
                loadIQ = float(words[8].strip())
                loadZP = float(words[9].strip())
                loadZQ = float(words[10].strip())

                # calculate the total MW (MVAr) increase in load
                loadBusVolt = float(rawBusDataDict[loadBus].voltpu)

                Pincr = percentIncr * (
                    loadPCon + loadIP * loadBusVolt + loadZP * loadBusVolt**2
                )  # this equation is provided in PAGV1 page 293
                Qincr = percentIncr * (loadQCon + loadIQ * loadBusVolt +
                                       loadZQ * loadBusVolt**2)
                totalPincr += Pincr
                totalQincr += Qincr

                # new load values
                newPConList.append(loadPCon * scalePercent / 100)
                newQConList.append(loadQCon * scalePercent / 100)
                newIPList.append(loadIP * scalePercent / 100)
                newIQList.append(loadIQ * scalePercent / 100)
                newZPList.append(loadZP * scalePercent / 100)
                newZQList.append(loadZQ * scalePercent / 100)
                loadPList.append(words[5].strip()) # adding P value (constant power)
                loadQList.append(words[6].strip()) # adding Q value (constant power)
                loadIPList.append(words[7].strip()) # constant current P
                loadIQList.append(words[7].strip()) # constant current Q
                loadZPList.append(words[9].strip()) # adding P value (constant admittance)
                loadZQList.append(words[10].strip()) # adding Q value (constant admittance)

            # get total MW gen
            totalGenMW = 0.0  # total generation excluding the swing bus
            for i in range(genStartIndex, genEndIndex):
                words = filelines[i].split(',')
                GenBus = words[0].strip()
                if rawBusDataDict[GenBus].type == '3':
                PGen = float(words[2].strip())
                totalGenMW += PGen

            # get new MW Gen
            GenMWDict = {}  # dictionary to hold new PGen values
            for i in range(genStartIndex, genEndIndex):
                words = filelines[i].split(',')
                Bus = words[0].strip()
                if rawBusDataDict[Bus].type == '3':
                macID = words[1].strip()
                key = Bus + macID
                PGen = float(words[2].strip())
                genIncr = PGen / totalGenMW * totalPincr
                newPGen = (PGen + genIncr) * genDiscount
                GenMVA = float(words[8].strip())
                if newPGen < GenMVA:
                    GenMWDict[key] = newPGen
                    GenMWDict[key] = GenMVA

        #  generate the new raw file
        with open(out_path, 'w') as f:
            # copy everything before load data
            for i in range(loadStartIndex):

            # modify the load data
            j = 0
            for i in range(loadStartIndex, loadEndIndex):
                words = filelines[i].split(',')

                # change the constant MVA values
                words[5] = '%.3f' % newPConList[j]
                words[6] = '%.3f' % newQConList[j]
                words[5] = words[5].rjust(10)
                words[6] = words[6].rjust(10)

                # change the constant current values
                words[7] = '%.3f' % newIPList[j]
                words[8] = '%.3f' % newIQList[j]
                words[7] = words[7].rjust(10)
                words[8] = words[8].rjust(10)

                # change the constant impedance values
                words[9] = '%.3f' % newZPList[j]
                words[10] = '%.3f' % newZQList[j]
                words[9] = words[9].rjust(10)
                words[10] = words[10].rjust(10)

                # construct a whole string by inserting commas between the words list
                filelines[i] = reconstructLine2(words)
                # increment the load list index
                j += 1

            # copy the shunt data, which is in between the load and gen data
            for i in range(loadEndIndex, genStartIndex):

            # update and write the gen data
            for i in range(genStartIndex, genEndIndex):
                words = filelines[i].split(',')
                Bus = words[0].strip()

                if rawBusDataDict[Bus].type == '3':
                macID = words[1].strip()
                key = Bus + macID
                newPGen = GenMWDict[key]

                words[2] = '%.3f' % newPGen
                words[2] = words[2].rjust(10)

                # construct a whole string by inserting commas between the words list
                filelines[i] = reconstructLine2(words)

                # copy the rest of the raw data
            for i in range(genEndIndex, len(filelines)):

    # solves each of the newly generated raw files and saves them
    output_dir = currentdir + '/' + newdir
    NewRawFiles = os.listdir(output_dir)
    PathList = [(output_dir + '/' + f) for f in NewRawFiles]


    _i = psspy.getdefaultint()
    _f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
    _s = psspy.getdefaultchar()

    for i in range(len(PathList)):
        #Settings. CONFIGURE THIS
        settings = {
            # use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph #####################################
            PathList[i],  #use the same raw data in PSS/E and TS3ph
            'pf_options': [
                0,  #disable taps
                0,  #disable area exchange
                0,  #disable phase-shift
                0,  #disable dc-tap
                0,  #disable switched shunts
                0,  #do not flat start
                0,  #apply var limits immediately
                0,  #disable non-div solution

        psse_log = output_dir + '/' + 'log' + NewRawFiles[i].replace(
            '.raw', '.txt')
        psspy.report_output(2, psse_log, [0, 0])
        psspy.progress_output(2, psse_log, [0, 0])
        psspy.alert_output(2, psse_log, [0, 0])
        psspy.prompt_output(2, psse_log, [0, 0])

        print "\n Reading raw file:", settings['filename']
        ierr =, settings['filename'])
        ierr = psspy.fnsl(settings['pf_options'])
        converge = psspy.solved()
        if converge == 0:
            ierr = psspy.rawd_2(0, 1, [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], 0, PathList[i])
        else:  # file does not converge, remove raw file, keep log file
Exemple #6
def run_savnw_simulation(datapath, outfile1, outfile2, outfile3, prgfile):

    _F2_start = 300
    _F2_end = 400;

    import psspy

    savfile = 'IEEE 9 Bus_modifiedj4ab.sav'
    snpfile = 'IEEE 9 Bus_modifiedj4ab.snp'
    _i = psspy.getdefaultint()
    _f = psspy.getdefaultreal()
    _s = psspy.getdefaultchar()
    INTGAR = [_i] * 7
    REALAR = [_f] * 8

    if datapath:
        savfile = os.path.join(datapath, savfile)
        snpfile = os.path.join(datapath, snpfile)

    psspy.progress_output(2,prgfile,[0,0])  #Use this API to specify the progress output device.

    ierr =   #Use this API to open a PSSE Saved Case file and transfers its data into the PSSE working case
    if ierr:
        print(" Error")
    ierr = psspy.rstr(snpfile)#Use this API to read a dynamics Snapshot File into PSSE working memory (activity RSTR).
    if ierr:
        print(" psspy.rstr Error")

    psspy.strt(0,outfile1)  #strt(option, outfile)   #Use this API to initialize a PSSE dynamic simulation for state-space simulations (i.e., in preparation for activity RUN) and to specify the Channel Output File into which the output channel values are to be recorded during the dynamic simulation (activity STRT)., _F1_start,5000,1,0) #Use this API to calculate PSSE state-space dynamic simulations (activity RUN).
    #psspy.dist_bus_fault(8,1, 230.0,[0.0,-0.2E+10]) #Use this API routine to apply a fault at a bus during dynamic simulations. (Note: use DIST_BUS_FAULT_2 if phase voltages are to be calculated during the simulation.)

    businfo = subsystem_info('bus', ['NUMBER', 'NAME', 'PU'], sid=-1)
    print businfo
    psspy.dist_branch_fault(8,9, '1',3,0.0,[0.0,0.000001])
    ##psspy.dist_branch_trip(8, 7, '1')
    ##psspy.load_chng_5(11, r"""1""", [0, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f])
    businfo = subsystem_info('bus', ['NUMBER', 'NAME', 'PU'], sid=-1)
    print businfo, _F1_end+1.5*1/60,5000,1,0)
    businfo = subsystem_info('bus', ['NUMBER', 'NAME', 'PU'], sid=-1)
    print businfo

   ## psspy.load_chng_5(11, r"""1""", [1, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i, _i], [_f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f, _f])
    psspy.dist_clear_fault(1), _F1_end+2.0, 5000, 1, 0)
    businfo = subsystem_info('bus', ['NUMBER', 'NAME', 'PU'], sid=-1)
    print businfo

    #psspy.dist_clear_fault(1)  #Use this API to clear a fault during dynamic simulations. The fault must have previously been applied using one of the following APIs:, _runto,5000,1,0)
#trigger machine
#    #Use this API to open a PSSE Saved Case file and transfers its data into the PSSE working case
#    psspy.rstr(snpfile)     #Use this API to read a dynamics Snapshot File into PSSE working memory (activity RSTR).
#    psspy.strt(0,outfile2)
#, 1.0,1000,1,0)
#    psspy.dist_machine_trip(2,'1')
#, 10.0,1000,1,0)
#trigger line
#    psspy.rstr(snpfile)
#    psspy.strt(0,outfile3)
#, 1.0,1000,1,0)
#    psspy.dist_branch_trip(7,8,'1')
#, 10.0,1000,1,0)
