Exemple #1
def virtmem_usage():
    """Return the amount of total, used and free virtual memory
    on the system in bytes plus the percentage usage.

    On Linux they match the values returned by free command line utility.
    On OS X and FreeBSD they represent the same values as returned by
    sysctl vm.vmtotal. On Windows they are determined by reading the
    PageFile values of MEMORYSTATUSEX structure.
    return _psplatform.virtmem_usage()
Exemple #2
def virtmem_usage():
    """Return the amount of total, used and free virtual memory
    on the system in bytes plus the percentage usage.

    On Linux they match the values returned by free command line utility.
    On OS X and FreeBSD they represent the same values as returned by
    sysctl vm.vmtotal. On Windows they are determined by reading the
    PageFile values of MEMORYSTATUSEX structure.
    return _psplatform.virtmem_usage()