def setOris(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the orientation for each element.
        Should either be a single value or an Nx1 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,)]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            pass #is already Nx1
            raise ValueError("New value for setOris should be either Nx1 or a single value")

        # flip orientation so, when drawn, it matches the convention of other
        # visual stimuli
        value = -value

        #set value
        setWithOperation(self, 'oris', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s oris=%s" %(, type(value)),
    def setSfs(self, value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the spatial frequency for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list (spatial frequency of the element in X and Y).

        If the units for the stimulus are 'pix' or 'norm' then the units of sf
        are cycles per stimulus width. For units of 'deg' or 'cm' the units
        are c/cm or c/deg respectively.


        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,),(2,)]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements,2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            value.shape=(self.nElements,1)#set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2,1) #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements,2):
            pass#all is good
            raise ValueError("New value for setSfs should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value")

        # Set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'sfs', value, operation)
        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s sfs=%s" %(, type(value)),
    def setPhases(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the phase for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list (for separate X and Y phase)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,),(2,)]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements,2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            value.shape=(self.nElements,1)#set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2,1) #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements,2):
            pass#all is good
            raise ValueError("New value for setPhases should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'phases', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s phases=%s" %(, type(value)),
    def setContrs(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the contrast for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,)]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            pass #is already Nx1
            raise ValueError("New value for setContrs should be either Nx1 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'contrs', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s contrs=%s" %(, type(value)),
Exemple #5
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        """Use this to set attributes of your stimulus after initialising it.


        attrib : a string naming any of the attributes of the stimulus (set during init)
        val : the value to be used in the operation on the attrib
        op : a string representing the operation to be performed (optional) most maths operators apply ('+','-','*'...)


            myStim.set('rgb',0) #will simply set all guns to zero (black)
            myStim.set('rgb',0.5,'+') #will increment all 3 guns by 0.5
            myStim.set('rgb',(1.0,0.5,0.5),'*') # will keep the red gun the same and halve the others

        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in [tuple, list]:
            val = numpy.array(val, float)

        #change the attribute as requested
        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)

        #update the actual coherence for the requested coherence and nDots
        if attrib in ['nDots', 'coherence']:
            self.coherence = round(self.coherence * self.nDots) / self.nDots

        logAttrib(self, log, attrib)
Exemple #6
    def setSizes(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the size for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,),(2,)]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements,2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            value.shape=(self.nElements,1)#set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2,1) #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements,2):
            pass#all is good
            raise ValueError("New value for setSizes should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'sizes', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s sizes=%s" %(, type(value)),
Exemple #7
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        """Use this to set attributes of your stimulus after initialising it.


        attrib : a string naming any of the attributes of the stimulus (set during init)
        val : the value to be used in the operation on the attrib
        op : a string representing the operation to be performed (optional) most maths operators apply ('+','-','*'...)


            myStim.set('rgb',0) #will simply set all guns to zero (black)
            myStim.set('rgb',0.5,'+') #will increment all 3 guns by 0.5
            myStim.set('rgb',(1.0,0.5,0.5),'*') # will keep the red gun the same and halve the others

        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in [tuple,list]:

        #change the attribute as requested
        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)

        #update the actual coherence for the requested coherence and nDots
        if attrib in ['nDots','coherence']:

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s %s=%s" %(, attrib, getattr(self,attrib)),
Exemple #8
    def setSizes(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the size for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,),(2,)]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements,2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            value.shape=(self.nElements,1)#set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2,1) #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements,2):
            pass#all is good
            raise ValueError("New value for setSizes should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'sizes', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'sizes', type(value))
Exemple #9
    def setSfs(self, value, operation="", log=True):
        """Set the spatial frequency for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list (spatial frequency of the element in X and Y).

        If the units for the stimulus are 'pix' or 'norm' then the units of sf
        are cycles per stimulus width. For units of 'deg' or 'cm' the units
        are c/cm or c/deg respectively.


        # make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        # check shape
        if value.shape in [(), (1,), (2,)]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements, 2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements, 1)]:
            value.shape = (self.nElements, 1)  # set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2, 1)  # repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements, 2):
            pass  # all is good
            raise ValueError("New value for setSfs should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value")

        # Set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, "sfs", value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, "sfs", type(value))
        self._needTexCoordUpdate = True
Exemple #10
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        Deprecated. Use methods specific to the parameter you want to set

        e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op == None: op = ''
        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in (tuple, list):
            val = numpy.array(val, float)

        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s %s=%s" %
                               (, attrib, getattr(self, attrib)),
    def setSfs(self, value, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the spatial frequency for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list (spatial frequency of the element in X and Y).

        If the units for the stimulus are 'pix' or 'norm' then the units of sf
        are cycles per stimulus width. For units of 'deg' or 'cm' the units
        are c/cm or c/deg respectively.


        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(), (1, ), (2, )]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements, 2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements, ), (self.nElements, 1)]:
            value.shape = (self.nElements, 1)  #set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2, 1)  #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements, 2):
            pass  #all is good
            raise ValueError(
                "New value for setSfs should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value"

        # Set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'sfs', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'sfs', type(value))
    def setPhases(self, value, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the phase for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
          - an Nx2 array/list (for separate X and Y phase)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(), (1, ), (2, )]:
            value = numpy.resize(value, [self.nElements, 2])
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements, ), (self.nElements, 1)]:
            value.shape = (self.nElements, 1)  #set to be 2D
            value = value.repeat(2, 1)  #repeat once on dim 1
        elif value.shape == (self.nElements, 2):
            pass  #all is good
            raise ValueError(
                "New value for setPhases should be either Nx1, Nx2 or a single value"

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'phases', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'phases', type(value))
        self._needTexCoordUpdate = True
Exemple #13
    def setContrs(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the contrast for each element.
        Should either be:

          - a single value
          - an Nx1 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,)]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            pass #is already Nx1
            raise ValueError("New value for setContrs should be either Nx1 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'contrs', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s contrs=%s" %(, type(value)),
Exemple #14
    def setXYs(self, value=None, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the element centres (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - None
            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        If value is None then the xy positions will be generated automatically, based
        on the fieldSize and fieldPos. In this case opacity will also be overridden
        by this function (it is used to make elements outside the field invisible.
        if value == None:
            if self.fieldShape in ['sqr', 'square']:
                self.xys = numpy.random.rand(
                    self.nElements, 2
                ) * self.fieldSize - self.fieldSize / 2  #initialise a random array of X,Y
                #gone outside the square
                self.xys[:, 0] = ((self.xys[:, 0] + self.fieldSize[0] / 2) %
                                  self.fieldSize[0]) - self.fieldSize[0] / 2
                self.xys[:, 1] = ((self.xys[:, 1] + self.fieldSize[1] / 2) %
                                  self.fieldSize[1]) - self.fieldSize[1] / 2
            elif self.fieldShape is 'circle':
                #take twice as many elements as we need (and cull the ones outside the circle)
                xys = numpy.random.rand(
                    self.nElements * 2, 2
                ) * self.fieldSize - self.fieldSize / 2  #initialise a random array of X,Y
                #gone outside the square
                xys[:, 0] = ((xys[:, 0] + self.fieldSize[0] / 2) %
                             self.fieldSize[0]) - self.fieldSize[0] / 2
                xys[:, 1] = ((xys[:, 1] + self.fieldSize[1] / 2) %
                             self.fieldSize[1]) - self.fieldSize[1] / 2
                #use a circular envelope and flips dot to opposite edge if they fall
                #beyond radius.
                #NB always circular - uses fieldSize in X only
                normxy = xys / (self.fieldSize / 2.0)
                dotDist = numpy.sqrt((normxy[:, 0]**2.0 + normxy[:, 1]**2.0))
                self.xys = xys[dotDist < 1.0, :][0:self.nElements]
            #make into an array
            if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
                value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
            #check shape
            if not (value.shape in [(), (2, ), (self.nElements, 2)]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "New value for setXYs should be either None or Nx2")
            #set value
            setWithOperation(self, 'xys', value, operation)
        self._needVertexUpdate = True
        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s XYs=%s" % (, type(value)),
Exemple #15
    def setFieldPos(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the centre of the array (X,Y)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape != (2,):
            raise ValueError("New value for setFieldPos should be [x,y]")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'fieldPos', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'fieldPos', type(value))
    def setFieldPos(self, value, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the centre of the array (X,Y)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape != (2, ):
            raise ValueError("New value for setFieldPos should be [x,y]")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'fieldPos', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'fieldPos', type(value))
        self._needVertexUpdate = True
Exemple #17
    def setFieldSize(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the size of the array on the screen (will override
        current XY positions of the elements)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape not in [(2,),(1,)]:
            raise ValueError("New value for setFieldSize should be [x,y] or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'fieldSize', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'fieldSize')
        self.setXYs(log=False)#to reflect new settings, overriding individual xys
Exemple #18
    def setFieldPos(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the centre of the array (X,Y)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape != (2,):
            raise ValueError("New value for setFieldPos should be [x,y]")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'fieldPos', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s fieldPos=%s" %(, type(value)),
    def setFieldSize(self, value, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the size of the array on the screen (will override
        current XY positions of the elements)
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if value.shape not in [(2, ), (1, )]:
            raise ValueError(
                "New value for setFieldSize should be [x,y] or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'fieldSize', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'fieldSize')
            log=False)  #to reflect new settings, overriding individual xys
Exemple #20
    def setVertices(self, value=None, operation="", log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the vertices (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        # make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        # check shape
        if not (value.shape == (2,) or (len(value.shape) == 2 and value.shape[1] == 2)):
            raise ValueError("New value for setXYs should be 2x1 or Nx2")
        # set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, "vertices", value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, "vertices", value)
        self._needVertexUpdate = True
Exemple #21
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        Use this method when you want to be able to suppress logging (e.g., in
        tests). Typically better to use methods specific to the parameter, e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op==None: op=''
        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in [tuple, list, numpy.ndarray]:
            val = val2array(val)
        # Handle operations
        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)
Exemple #22
    def setXYs(self, value=None, operation="", log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the element centres (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - None
            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        If value is None then the xy positions will be generated automatically, based
        on the fieldSize and fieldPos. In this case opacity will also be overridden
        by this function (it is used to make elements outside the field invisible.
        if value == None:
            if self.fieldShape in ["sqr", "square"]:
                self.xys = (
                    numpy.random.rand(self.nElements, 2) * self.fieldSize - self.fieldSize / 2
                )  # initialise a random array of X,Y
                # gone outside the square
                self.xys[:, 0] = ((self.xys[:, 0] + self.fieldSize[0] / 2) % self.fieldSize[0]) - self.fieldSize[0] / 2
                self.xys[:, 1] = ((self.xys[:, 1] + self.fieldSize[1] / 2) % self.fieldSize[1]) - self.fieldSize[1] / 2
            elif self.fieldShape is "circle":
                # take twice as many elements as we need (and cull the ones outside the circle)
                xys = (
                    numpy.random.rand(self.nElements * 2, 2) * self.fieldSize - self.fieldSize / 2
                )  # initialise a random array of X,Y
                # gone outside the square
                xys[:, 0] = ((xys[:, 0] + self.fieldSize[0] / 2) % self.fieldSize[0]) - self.fieldSize[0] / 2
                xys[:, 1] = ((xys[:, 1] + self.fieldSize[1] / 2) % self.fieldSize[1]) - self.fieldSize[1] / 2
                # use a circular envelope and flips dot to opposite edge if they fall
                # beyond radius.
                # NB always circular - uses fieldSize in X only
                normxy = xys / (self.fieldSize / 2.0)
                dotDist = numpy.sqrt((normxy[:, 0] ** 2.0 + normxy[:, 1] ** 2.0))
                self.xys = xys[dotDist < 1.0, :][0 : self.nElements]
            # make into an array
            if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
                value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
            # check shape
            if not (value.shape in [(), (2,), (self.nElements, 2)]):
                raise ValueError("New value for setXYs should be either None or Nx2")
            # set value
            setWithOperation(self, "xys", value, operation)
        self._needVertexUpdate = True
        logAttrib(self, log, "XYs", type(value))
Exemple #23
    def setOpacities(self,value,operation='', log=True):
        """Set the opacity for each element.
        Should either be a single value or an Nx1 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(),(1,)]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements,1)]:
            pass #is already Nx1
            raise ValueError("New value for setOpacities should be either Nx1 or a single value")

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'opacities', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'opacities', type(value))
Exemple #24
    def setVertices(self,value=None, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the vertices (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if not (value.shape==(2,) \
            or (len(value.shape)==2 and value.shape[1]==2)
                raise ValueError("New value for setXYs should be 2x1 or Nx2")
        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'vertices', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'vertices', value)
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        Deprecated. Use methods specific to the parameter you want to set

        e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op==None: op=''
        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in (tuple, list):
            val=numpy.array(val, float)

        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)
        logAttrib(self, log, attrib)
Exemple #26
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        Deprecated. Use methods specific to the parameter you want to set

        e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op==None: op=''
        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in (tuple, list):
            val=numpy.array(val, float)

        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)
        logAttrib(self, log, attrib)
Exemple #27
    def setOris(self, value, operation="", log=True):
        """Set the orientation for each element.
        Should either be a single value or an Nx1 array/list
        # make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        # check shape
        if value.shape in [(), (1,)]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements,), (self.nElements, 1)]:
            pass  # is already Nx1
            raise ValueError("New value for setOris should be either Nx1 or a single value")

        # set value
        setWithOperation(self, "oris", value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, "oris", type(value))
        self._needVertexUpdate = True
    def setOpacities(self, value, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the opacity for each element.
        Should either be a single value or an Nx1 array/list
        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)

        #check shape
        if value.shape in [(), (1, )]:
            value = value.repeat(self.nElements)
        elif value.shape in [(self.nElements, ), (self.nElements, 1)]:
            pass  #is already Nx1
            raise ValueError(
                "New value for setOpacities should be either Nx1 or a single value"

        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'opacities', value, operation)
        logAttrib(self, log, 'opacities', type(value))
Exemple #29
    def setVertices(self,value=None, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the vertices (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if not (value.shape==(2,) \
            or (len(value.shape)==2 and value.shape[1]==2)
                raise ValueError("New value for setXYs should be 2x1 or Nx2")
        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'vertices', value, operation)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s vertices=%s" %(, value),
Exemple #30
    def setVertices(self, value=None, operation='', log=True):
        """Set the xy values of the vertices (relative to the centre of the field).
        Values should be:

            - an array/list of Nx2 coordinates.

        #make into an array
        if type(value) in [int, float, list, tuple]:
            value = numpy.array(value, dtype=float)
        #check shape
        if not (value.shape==(2,) \
            or (len(value.shape)==2 and value.shape[1]==2)
            raise ValueError("New value for setXYs should be 2x1 or Nx2")
        #set value and log
        setWithOperation(self, 'vertices', value, operation)
        self._needVertexUpdate = True

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s vertices=%s" % (, value),
Exemple #31
    def _set(self, attrib, val, op='', log=True):
        Deprecated. Use methods specific to the parameter you want to set

        e.g. ::

             stim.pos = [3,2.5]
             stim.ori = 45
             stim.phase += 0.5

        NB this method does not flag the need for updates any more - that is
        done by specific methods as described above.
        if op==None: op=''
        #format the input value as float vectors
        if type(val) in (tuple, list):
            val=numpy.array(val, float)

        setWithOperation(self, attrib, val, op)

        if log and self.autoLog:
  "Set %s %s=%s" %(, attrib, getattr(self,attrib)),
Exemple #32
 def setVertices(self, value=None, operation='', log=True):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setWithOperation(self, 'vertices', value, operation, autoLog=log)
Exemple #33
def setColor(obj, color, colorSpace=None, operation='',
                rgbAttrib='rgb', #or 'fillRGB' etc
                colorAttrib='color', #or 'fillColor' etc
                colorSpaceAttrib=None, #e.g. 'colorSpace' or 'fillColorSpace'
    """Provides the workings needed by setColor, and can perform this for
    any arbitrary color type (e.g. fillColor,lineColor etc)

    #how this works:
    #rather than using obj.rgb=rgb this function uses setattr(obj,'rgb',rgb)
    #color represents the color in the native space
    #colorAttrib is the name that color will be assigned using setattr(obj,colorAttrib,color)
    #rgb is calculated from converting color
    #rgbAttrib is the attribute name that rgb is stored under, e.g. lineRGB for obj.lineRGB
    #colorSpace and takes name from colorAttrib+space e.g. obj.lineRGBSpace=colorSpace

    if colorSpaceAttrib==None:
        colorSpaceAttrib = colorAttrib+'Space'

    # Handle strings and returns immediately as operations, colorspace etc. does not apply here.
    if type(color) in [str, unicode, numpy.string_]:
        if color.lower() in colors.colors255.keys():
            #set rgb, color and colorSpace
            setattr(obj,rgbAttrib,numpy.array(colors.colors255[color.lower()], float))
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'named'  #e.g. 3rSpace='named'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  #e.g. obj.color='red'
        elif color[0]=='#' or color[0:2]=='0x':
            setattr(obj,rgbAttrib,numpy.array(colors.hex2rgb255(color)))#e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'hex'  #e.g. obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  #e.g. Qr='#000000'
        #we got a string, but it isn't in the list of named colors and doesn't work as a hex
            raise AttributeError("PsychoPy can't interpret the color string '%s'" %color)

    # If it wasn't a strin, do check and conversion of scalars, sequences and other stuff.
        color = val2array(color, length=3)

        if color==None:
            setattr(obj,rgbAttrib,None)#e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = None  #e.g. obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = None  #e.g. obj.color='#000000'

    #at this point we have a numpy array of 3 vals (actually we haven't checked that there are 3)
    #check if colorSpace is given and use obj.colorSpace if not
    if colorSpace==None:
        #using previous color space - if we got this far in the _stColor function
        #then we haven't been given a color name - we don't know what color space to use.
        if colorSpace == 'named':
            logging.error("If you setColor with a numeric color value then you need to specify a color space, e.g. setColor([1,1,-1],'rgb'), unless you used a numeric value previously in which case PsychoPy will reuse that color space.)")
    #check whether combining sensible colorSpaces (e.g. can't add things to hex or named colors)
    if operation!='' and getattr(obj,colorSpaceAttrib) in ['named','hex']:
            raise AttributeError("setColor() cannot combine ('%s') colors within 'named' or 'hex' color spaces"\
    elif operation!='' and colorSpace!=getattr(obj,colorSpaceAttrib) :
            raise AttributeError("setColor cannot combine ('%s') colors from different colorSpaces (%s,%s)"\
                %(operation, obj.colorSpace, colorSpace))
    else:#OK to update current color
        setWithOperation(obj, colorAttrib, color, operation, True)
    #get window (for color conversions)
    if colorSpace in ['dkl','lms']: #only needed for these spaces
        if hasattr(obj,'dkl_rgb'):
            win=obj #obj is probably a Window
        elif hasattr(obj, 'win'):
   #obj is probably a Stimulus
            logging.error("_setColor() is being applied to something that has no known Window object")
    #convert new obj.color to rgb space
    newColor=getattr(obj, colorAttrib)
    if colorSpace in ['rgb','rgb255']:
        setattr(obj,rgbAttrib, newColor)
    elif colorSpace=='dkl':
        if numpy.all(win.dkl_rgb==numpy.ones([3,3])):
        setattr(obj,rgbAttrib, colors.dkl2rgb(numpy.asarray(newColor).transpose(), dkl_rgb) )
    elif colorSpace=='lms':
        if numpy.all(win.lms_rgb==numpy.ones([3,3])):
        elif win.monitor.getPsychopyVersion()<'1.76.00':
            logging.error("The LMS calibration for this monitor was carried out before version 1.76.00." +\
                      " We would STRONGLY recommend that you repeat the color calibration before using this color space (contact Jon for further info)")
        setattr(obj,rgbAttrib, colors.lms2rgb(newColor, lms_rgb) )
    elif colorSpace=='hsv':
        setattr(obj,rgbAttrib, colors.hsv2rgb(numpy.asarray(newColor)) )
        logging.error('Unknown colorSpace: %s' %colorSpace)
    obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = colorSpace  #store name of colorSpace for future ref and for drawing
    #if needed, set the texture too

    if hasattr(obj, 'autoLog'):
        autoLog = obj.autoLog
        autoLog = False
    if autoLog and log:
        if hasattr(obj,'win'):
  "Set %s.%s=%s (%s)" %(,colorAttrib,newColor,colorSpace),
            obj.logOnFlip("Set Window %s=%s (%s)" %(colorAttrib,newColor,colorSpace),
Exemple #34
def setColor(
        rgbAttrib='rgb',  #or 'fillRGB' etc
        colorAttrib='color',  #or 'fillColor' etc
        colorSpaceAttrib=None,  #e.g. 'colorSpace' or 'fillColorSpace'
    """Provides the workings needed by setColor, and can perform this for
    any arbitrary color type (e.g. fillColor,lineColor etc)

    #how this works:
    #rather than using obj.rgb=rgb this function uses setattr(obj,'rgb',rgb)
    #color represents the color in the native space
    #colorAttrib is the name that color will be assigned using setattr(obj,colorAttrib,color)
    #rgb is calculated from converting color
    #rgbAttrib is the attribute name that rgb is stored under, e.g. lineRGB for obj.lineRGB
    #colorSpace and takes name from colorAttrib+space e.g. obj.lineRGBSpace=colorSpace

    if colorSpaceAttrib == None:
        colorSpaceAttrib = colorAttrib + 'Space'

    # Handle strings and returns immediately as operations, colorspace etc. does not apply here.
    if type(color) in [str, unicode, numpy.string_]:
        if color.lower() in colors.colors255.keys():
            #set rgb, color and colorSpace
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib,
                    numpy.array(colors.colors255[color.lower()], float))
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'named'  #e.g. 3rSpace='named'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  #e.g. obj.color='red'
        elif color[0] == '#' or color[0:2] == '0x':
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, numpy.array(
                colors.hex2rgb255(color)))  #e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = 'hex'  #e.g. obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = color  #e.g. Qr='#000000'
        #we got a string, but it isn't in the list of named colors and doesn't work as a hex
            raise AttributeError(
                "PsychoPy can't interpret the color string '%s'" % color)

    # If it wasn't a strin, do check and conversion of scalars, sequences and other stuff.
        color = val2array(color, length=3)

        if color == None:
            setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, None)  #e.g. obj.rgb=[0,0,0]
            obj.__dict__[colorSpaceAttrib] = None  #e.g. obj.colorSpace='hex'
            obj.__dict__[colorAttrib] = None  #e.g. obj.color='#000000'

    #at this point we have a numpy array of 3 vals (actually we haven't checked that there are 3)
    #check if colorSpace is given and use obj.colorSpace if not
    if colorSpace == None:
        colorSpace = getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib)
        #using previous color space - if we got this far in the _stColor function
        #then we haven't been given a color name - we don't know what color space to use.
        if colorSpace == 'named':
                "If you setColor with a numeric color value then you need to specify a color space, e.g. setColor([1,1,-1],'rgb'), unless you used a numeric value previously in which case PsychoPy will reuse that color space.)"
    #check whether combining sensible colorSpaces (e.g. can't add things to hex or named colors)
    if operation != '' and getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib) in ['named', 'hex']:
        raise AttributeError("setColor() cannot combine ('%s') colors within 'named' or 'hex' color spaces"\
    elif operation != '' and colorSpace != getattr(obj, colorSpaceAttrib):
        raise AttributeError("setColor cannot combine ('%s') colors from different colorSpaces (%s,%s)"\
            %(operation, obj.colorSpace, colorSpace))
    else:  #OK to update current color
        setWithOperation(obj, colorAttrib, color, operation, True)
    #get window (for color conversions)
    if colorSpace in ['dkl', 'lms']:  #only needed for these spaces
        if hasattr(obj, 'dkl_rgb'):
            win = obj  #obj is probably a Window
        elif hasattr(obj, 'win'):
            win =  #obj is probably a Stimulus
            win = None
                "_setColor() is being applied to something that has no known Window object"
    #convert new obj.color to rgb space
    newColor = getattr(obj, colorAttrib)
    if colorSpace in ['rgb', 'rgb255']:
        setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, newColor)
    elif colorSpace == 'dkl':
        if numpy.all(win.dkl_rgb == numpy.ones([3, 3])):
            dkl_rgb = None
            dkl_rgb = win.dkl_rgb
        setattr(obj, rgbAttrib,
                colors.dkl2rgb(numpy.asarray(newColor).transpose(), dkl_rgb))
    elif colorSpace == 'lms':
        if numpy.all(win.lms_rgb == numpy.ones([3, 3])):
            lms_rgb = None
        elif win.monitor.getPsychopyVersion() < '1.76.00':
            logging.error("The LMS calibration for this monitor was carried out before version 1.76.00." +\
                      " We would STRONGLY recommend that you repeat the color calibration before using this color space (contact Jon for further info)")
            lms_rgb = win.lms_rgb
            lms_rgb = win.lms_rgb
        setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, colors.lms2rgb(newColor, lms_rgb))
    elif colorSpace == 'hsv':
        setattr(obj, rgbAttrib, colors.hsv2rgb(numpy.asarray(newColor)))
        logging.error('Unknown colorSpace: %s' % colorSpace)
        colorSpaceAttrib] = colorSpace  #store name of colorSpace for future ref and for drawing
    #if needed, set the texture too

    if hasattr(obj, 'autoLog'):
        autoLog = obj.autoLog
        autoLog = False
    if autoLog and log:
        if hasattr(obj, 'win'):
  "Set %s.%s=%s (%s)" %
                              (, colorAttrib, newColor, colorSpace),
            obj.logOnFlip("Set Window %s=%s (%s)" %
                          (colorAttrib, newColor, colorSpace),
Exemple #35
 def setFieldCoherence(self, val, op="", log=True):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setWithOperation(self, "coherence", val, op, autoLog=log)  # calls attributeSetter
Exemple #36
 def setSpeed(self, val, op="", log=True):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setWithOperation(self, "speed", val, op, autoLog=log)
Exemple #37
 def setRadialPhase(self, value, operation='', log=True):
     """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
     but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
     setWithOperation(self, 'radialPhase', value, operation, autoLog=log)  # calls the attributeSetter