Exemple #1
class DbPool(object):
	"""DB class that makes connection transparently. Thread-safe - every
	thread get its own database connection.

	def __init__(self, config, min_connections=1, max_connections=5):
		"""Configures the Db, connection is not created yet.
		@param config: instance of RawConfigParser or subclass.
		@param min_connections: minimum connections in pool
		@param max_connections: maximum allowed connections in pool

		self.host = config.get("database", "host")
		self.port = config.getint("database", "port")
		self.user = config.get("database", "user")
		self.password = config.get("database", "password")
		self.db_name = config.get("database", "dbname")
		self.min_connections = min_connections
		self.max_connections = max_connections

		self.pool = PersistentConnectionPool(
			minconn = self.min_connections,
			maxconn = self.max_connections,
			host = self.host,
			port = self.port,
			user = self.user,
			password = self.password,
			database = self.db_name)

	def cursor(self, **kwargs):
		"""Creates and returns cursor for current thread's connection.
		Cursor is a "dict" cursor, so you can access the columns by
		names (not just indices), e.g.:

		cursor.execute("SELECT id, name FROM ... WHERE ...", sql_args)
		row = cursor.fetchone()
		id = row['id']
		Server-side cursors (named cursors) should be closed explicitly.
		@param kwargs: currently string parameter 'name' is supported.
		Named cursors are for server-side cursors, which
		are useful when fetching result of a large query via fetchmany()
		method. See http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/usage.html#server-side-cursors
		return self.connection().cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor, **kwargs)
	def connection(self):
		"""Return connection for this thread"""
		return self.pool.getconn()

	def commit(self):
		"""Commit all the commands in this transaction in this thread's
		connection. If errors (e.g. duplicate key) arose, this will
		cause transaction rollback.

	def rollback(self):
		"""Rollback last transaction on this thread's connection"""
	def putconn(self):
		"""Put back connection used by this thread. Necessary upon finishing of
		spawned threads, otherwise new threads won't get connection if the pool
		is depleted."""
		conn = self.connection()
	def close(self):
		"""Close connection."""
    except Exception as e:
        print e
    return reply

townreply = {'Columns' : ['TimingPointTown'], 'Rows' : []}
conn = pool.getconn()
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT distinct timingpointtown FROM timingpoint ORDER BY timingpointtown", [])
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:

def queryTowns(conn,environ, start_response):
    params = parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING',''))
    if 'sgh' in params:
        reply = {'Columns' : ['TimingPointTown'], 'Rows' : []}
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT distinct timingpointtown FROM timingpoint where sgh = true ORDER BY timingpointtown", [])
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
        return reply
        return townreply
Exemple #3
class DbPool(object):
	"""DB class that makes connection transparently. Thread-safe - every
	thread get its own database connection.

	def __init__(self, config, min_connections=1, max_connections=5):
		"""Configures the Db, connection is not created yet.
		@param config: instance of RawConfigParser or subclass.
		@param min_connections: minimum connections in pool
		@param max_connections: maximum allowed connections in pool

		self.host = config.get("database", "host")
		self.port = config.getint("database", "port")
		self.user = config.get("database", "user")
		self.password = config.get("database", "password")
		self.db_name = config.get("database", "dbname")
		self.min_connections = min_connections
		self.max_connections = max_connections

		self.pool = PersistentConnectionPool(
			minconn = self.min_connections,
			maxconn = self.max_connections,
			host = self.host,
			port = self.port,
			user = self.user,
			password = self.password,
			database = self.db_name)

	def cursor(self, **kwargs):
		"""Creates and returns cursor for current thread's connection.
		Cursor is a "dict" cursor, so you can access the columns by
		names (not just indices), e.g.:

		cursor.execute("SELECT id, name FROM ... WHERE ...", sql_args)
		row = cursor.fetchone()
		id = row['id']
		Server-side cursors (named cursors) should be closed explicitly.
		@param kwargs: currently string parameter 'name' is supported.
		Named cursors are for server-side cursors, which
		are useful when fetching result of a large query via fetchmany()
		method. See http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/usage.html#server-side-cursors
		return self.connection().cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor, **kwargs)
	def connection(self):
		"""Return connection for this thread"""
		return self.pool.getconn()

	def commit(self):
		"""Commit all the commands in this transaction in this thread's
		connection. If errors (e.g. duplicate key) arose, this will
		cause transaction rollback.

	def rollback(self):
		"""Rollback last transaction on this thread's connection"""
	def putconn(self):
		"""Put back connection used by this thread. Necessary upon finishing of
		spawned threads, otherwise new threads won't get connection if the pool
		is depleted."""
		conn = self.connection()
	def close(self):
		"""Close connection."""
Exemple #4
    return reply

townreply = {'Columns': ['TimingPointTown'], 'Rows': []}
conn = pool.getconn()
cur = conn.cursor()
    "SELECT distinct timingpointtown FROM timingpoint ORDER BY timingpointtown",
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:

def queryTowns(conn, environ, start_response):
    params = parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
    if 'sgh' in params:
        reply = {'Columns': ['TimingPointTown'], 'Rows': []}
        cur = conn.cursor()
            "SELECT distinct timingpointtown FROM timingpoint where sgh = true ORDER BY timingpointtown",
        rows = cur.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
        return reply