class FormatoptionWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """ Widget to update the formatoptions of the current project This widget, mainly made out of a combobox for the formatoption group, a combobox for the formatoption, and a text editor, is designed for updating the selected formatoptions for the current subproject. The widget is connected to the :attr:`psyplot.project.Project.oncpchange` signal and refills the comboboxes if the current subproject changes. The text editor either accepts python code that will be executed by the given `console`, or yaml code. """ no_fmtos_update = _temp_bool_prop( 'no_fmtos_update', """update the fmto combo box or not""") #: The combobox for the formatoption groups group_combo = None #: The combobox for the formatoptions fmt_combo = None #: The help_explorer to display the documentation of the formatoptions help_explorer = None #: The formatoption specific widget that is loaded from the formatoption fmt_widget = None #: A line edit for updating the formatoptions line_edit = None #: A multiline text editor for updating the formatoptions text_edit = None #: A button to switch between :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`text_edit` multiline_button = None @property def shell(self): """The shell to execute the update of the formatoptions in the current project""" return def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- help_explorer: psyplot_gui.help_explorer.HelpExplorer The help explorer to show the documentation of one formatoption console: psyplot_gui.console.ConsoleWidget The console that can be used to update the current subproject via:: psy.gcp().update(**kwargs) where ``**kwargs`` is defined through the selected formatoption in the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox and the value in the :attr:`line_edit` editor ``*args, **kwargs`` Any other keyword for the QWidget class """ help_explorer = kwargs.pop('help_explorer', None) console = kwargs.pop('console', None) super(FormatoptionWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.help_explorer = help_explorer self.console = console self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Child widgets ---------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.fmt_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.line_edit = QLineEdit(parent=self) self.text_edit = QTextEdit(parent=self) self.run_button = QToolButton(parent=self) # completer for the fmto widget self.fmt_combo.setEditable(True) self.fmt_combo.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.NoInsert) self.fmto_completer = completer = QCompleter( ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'lev']) completer.setCompletionMode( QCompleter.PopupCompletion) completer.activated[str].connect(self.set_fmto) if with_qt5: completer.setFilterMode(Qt.MatchContains) completer.setModel(QStandardItemModel()) self.fmt_combo.setCompleter(completer) self.dim_widget = DimensionsWidget(parent=self) self.dim_widget.setVisible(False) self.multiline_button = QPushButton('Multiline', parent=self) self.multiline_button.setCheckable(True) self.yaml_cb = QCheckBox('Yaml syntax') self.yaml_cb.setChecked(True) self.keys_button = QPushButton('Keys', parent=self) self.summaries_button = QPushButton('Summaries', parent=self) self.docs_button = QPushButton('Docs', parent=self) self.grouped_cb = QCheckBox('grouped', parent=self) self.all_groups_cb = QCheckBox('all groups', parent=self) self.include_links_cb = QCheckBox('include links', parent=self) self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Descriptions ----------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption group') self.fmt_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption to update') self.line_edit.setToolTip( 'Insert the value which what you want to update the selected ' 'formatoption and hit right button. The code is executed in the ' 'main console.') self.yaml_cb.setToolTip( "Use the yaml syntax for the values inserted in the above cell. " "Otherwise the content there is evaluated as a python expression " "in the terminal") self.text_edit.setToolTip(self.line_edit.toolTip()) self.run_button.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('run_arrow.png'))) self.run_button.setToolTip('Update the selected formatoption') self.multiline_button.setToolTip( 'Allow linebreaks in the text editor line above.') self.keys_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption keys in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.summaries_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption summaries in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.docs_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption documentations in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.grouped_cb.setToolTip( 'Group the formatoptions before displaying them in the help ' 'explorer') self.all_groups_cb.setToolTip('Use all groups when displaying the ' 'keys, docs or summaries') self.include_links_cb.setToolTip( 'Include links to remote documentations when showing the ' 'keys, docs and summaries in the help explorer (requires ' 'intersphinx)') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Connections ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.fill_fmt_combo) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.show_fmt_info) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.load_fmt_widget) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self.set_current_fmt_value) self.run_button.clicked.connect(self.run_code) self.line_edit.returnPressed.connect( self.multiline_button.clicked.connect(self.toggle_line_edit) self.keys_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'keys')) self.summaries_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'summaries')) self.docs_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'docs')) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ Layouts ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.combos = QHBoxLayout() self.combos.addWidget(self.group_combo) self.combos.addWidget(self.fmt_combo) self.execs = QHBoxLayout() self.execs.addWidget(self.line_edit) self.execs.addWidget(self.text_edit) self.execs.addWidget(self.run_button) self.info_box = QHBoxLayout() self.info_box.addWidget(self.multiline_button) self.info_box.addWidget(self.yaml_cb) self.info_box.addStretch(0) for w in [self.keys_button, self.summaries_button, self.docs_button, self.all_groups_cb, self.grouped_cb, self.include_links_cb]: self.info_box.addWidget(w) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addLayout(self.combos) self.vbox.addWidget(self.dim_widget) self.vbox.addLayout(self.execs) self.vbox.addLayout(self.info_box) self.vbox.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(self.vbox) # fill with content self.fill_combos_from_project(psy.gcp()) psy.Project.oncpchange.connect(self.fill_combos_from_project) rcParams.connect('fmt.sort_by_key', self.refill_from_rc) def refill_from_rc(self, sort_by_key): from psyplot.project import gcp self.fill_combos_from_project(gcp()) def fill_combos_from_project(self, project): """Fill :attr:`group_combo` and :attr:`fmt_combo` from a project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use""" if rcParams['fmt.sort_by_key']: def sorter(fmto): return fmto.key else: sorter = self.get_name current_text = self.group_combo.currentText() with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.clear() if project is None or project.is_main or not len(project): self.fmt_combo.clear() self.groups = [] self.fmtos = [] self.line_edit.setEnabled(False) return self.line_edit.setEnabled(True) # get dimensions it_vars = chain.from_iterable( arr.psy.iter_base_variables for arr in project.arrays) dims = next(it_vars).dims sdims = set(dims) for var in it_vars: sdims.intersection_update(var.dims) coords = [d for d in dims if d in sdims] coords_name = [COORDSGROUP] if coords else [] coords_verbose = ['Dimensions'] if coords else [] coords = [coords] if coords else [] if len(project.plotters): # get formatoptions and group them alphabetically grouped_fmts = defaultdict(list) for fmto in project._fmtos: grouped_fmts[].append(fmto) for val in six.itervalues(grouped_fmts): val.sort(key=sorter) grouped_fmts = OrderedDict( sorted(six.iteritems(grouped_fmts), key=lambda t: psyp.groups.get(t[0], t[0]))) fmt_groups = list(grouped_fmts.keys()) # save original names self.groups = coords_name + [ALLGROUP] + fmt_groups # save verbose group names (which are used in the combo box) self.groupnames = ( coords_verbose + ['All formatoptions'] + list( map(lambda s: psyp.groups.get(s, s), fmt_groups))) # save formatoptions fmtos = list(grouped_fmts.values()) self.fmtos = coords + [sorted( chain(*fmtos), key=sorter)] + fmtos else: self.groups = coords_name self.groupnames = coords_verbose self.fmtos = coords self.group_combo.addItems(self.groupnames) ind = self.group_combo.findText(current_text) self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.fill_fmt_combo(self.group_combo.currentIndex()) def get_name(self, fmto): """Get the name of a :class:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption` instance""" if isinstance(fmto, six.string_types): return fmto return '%s (%s)' % (, fmto.key) if else fmto.key @property def fmto(self): return self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()][ self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()] @fmto.setter def fmto(self, value): name = self.get_name(value) for i, fmtos in enumerate(self.fmtos): if i == 1: # all formatoptions continue if name in map(self.get_name, fmtos): with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(i) self.fill_fmt_combo(i, name) return def toggle_line_edit(self): """Switch between the :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`text_edit` This method is called when the :attr:`multiline_button` is clicked and switches between the single line :attr:``line_edit` and the multiline :attr:`text_edit` """ # switch to multiline text edit if (self.multiline_button.isChecked() and not self.text_edit.isVisible()): self.line_edit.setVisible(False) self.text_edit.setVisible(True) self.text_edit.setPlainText(self.line_edit.text()) elif (not self.multiline_button.isChecked() and not self.line_edit.isVisible()): self.line_edit.setVisible(True) self.text_edit.setVisible(False) self.line_edit.setText(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) def fill_fmt_combo(self, i, current_text=None): """Fill the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox based on the current group name """ if not self.no_fmtos_update: with self.no_fmtos_update: if current_text is None: current_text = self.fmt_combo.currentText() self.fmt_combo.clear() self.fmt_combo.addItems( list(map(self.get_name, self.fmtos[i]))) ind = self.fmt_combo.findText(current_text) self.fmt_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) # update completer model self.setup_fmt_completion_model() idx = self.fmt_combo.currentIndex() self.show_fmt_info(idx) self.load_fmt_widget(idx) self.set_current_fmt_value(idx) def set_fmto(self, name): self.fmto = name def setup_fmt_completion_model(self): fmtos = list(unique_everseen(map( self.get_name, chain.from_iterable(self.fmtos)))) model = self.fmto_completer.model() model.setRowCount(len(fmtos)) for i, name in enumerate(fmtos): model.setItem(i, QStandardItem(name)) def load_fmt_widget(self, i): """Load the formatoption specific widget This method loads the formatoption specific widget from the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption.get_fmt_widget` method and displays it above the :attr:`line_edit` Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the current formatoption""" self.remove_fmt_widget() group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if not self.no_fmtos_update: from psyplot.project import gcp if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: dim = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.fmt_widget = self.dim_widget self.dim_widget.set_dim(dim) self.dim_widget.set_single_selection( dim not in gcp()[0].dims) self.dim_widget.setVisible(True) else: fmto = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.fmt_widget = fmto.get_fmt_widget(self, gcp()) if self.fmt_widget is not None: self.vbox.insertWidget(2, self.fmt_widget) def reset_fmt_widget(self): idx = self.fmt_combo.currentIndex() self.load_fmt_widget(idx) self.set_current_fmt_value(idx) def remove_fmt_widget(self): if self.fmt_widget is not None: self.fmt_widget.hide() if self.fmt_widget is self.dim_widget: self.fmt_widget.reset_combobox() else: self.vbox.removeWidget(self.fmt_widget) self.fmt_widget.close() del self.fmt_widget def set_current_fmt_value(self, i): """Add the value of the current formatoption to the line text""" group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if not self.no_fmtos_update: if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: from psyplot.project import gcp dim = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.set_obj(gcp().arrays[0].psy.idims[dim]) else: fmto = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.set_obj(fmto.value) def show_fmt_info(self, i): """Show the documentation of the formatoption in the help explorer """ group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if (not self.no_fmtos_update and self.groups[group_ind] != COORDSGROUP): fmto = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()][i] fmto.plotter.show_docs( fmto.key, include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked()) def run_code(self): """Run the update of the project inside the :attr:`shell`""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): text = str(self.line_edit.text()) else: text = str(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) if not text or not self.fmtos: return group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()] param = 'dims' else: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()].key param = 'fmt' if self.yaml_cb.isChecked(): import psyplot.project as psy psy.gcp().update(**{key: yaml.load(text)}) else: code = "psy.gcp().update(%s={'%s': %s})" % (param, key, text) if ExecutionInfo is not None: info = ExecutionInfo(raw_cell=code, store_history=False, silent=True, shell_futures=False) e = ExecutionResult(info) else: e = ExecutionResult() self.console.run_command_in_shell(code, e) try: e.raise_error() except Exception: # reset the console and clear the error message raise finally: self.console.reset() def get_text(self): """Get the current update text""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): return self.line_edit.text() else: return self.text_edit.toPlainText() def get_obj(self): """Get the current update text""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): txt = self.line_edit.text() else: txt = self.text_edit.toPlainText() try: obj = yaml.load(txt) except Exception: self.error_msg.showTraceback("Could not load %s" % txt) else: return obj def insert_obj(self, obj): """Add a string to the formatoption widget""" current = self.get_text() use_yaml = self.yaml_cb.isChecked() use_line_edit = self.line_edit.isVisible() # strings are treated separately such that we consider quotation marks # at the borders if isstring(obj) and current: if use_line_edit: pos = self.line_edit.cursorPosition() else: pos = self.text_edit.textCursor().position() if pos not in [0, len(current)]: s = obj else: if current[0] in ['"', "'"]: current = current[1:-1] self.clear_text() if pos == 0: s = '"' + obj + current + '"' else: s = '"' + current + obj + '"' current = '' elif isstring(obj): # add quotation marks s = '"' + obj + '"' elif not use_yaml: s = repr(obj) else: s = yaml.dump(obj).strip() if s.endswith('\n...'): s = s[:-4] if use_line_edit: self.line_edit.insert(s) else: self.text_edit.insertPlainText(s) def clear_text(self): if self.line_edit.isVisible(): self.line_edit.clear() else: self.text_edit.clear() def set_obj(self, obj): self.clear_text() self.insert_obj(obj) def show_all_fmt_info(self, what): """Show the keys, summaries or docs of the formatoptions Calling this function let's the help browser show the documentation etc. of all docs or only the selected group determined by the state of the :attr:`grouped_cb` and :attr:`all_groups_cb` checkboxes Parameters ---------- what: {'keys', 'summaries', 'docs'} Determines what to show""" if not self.fmtos: return if (self.all_groups_cb.isChecked() or self.group_combo.currentIndex() < 2): fmtos = list(chain.from_iterable( fmto_group for i, fmto_group in enumerate(self.fmtos) if self.groups[i] not in [ALLGROUP, COORDSGROUP])) else: fmtos = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()] plotter = fmtos[0].plotter getattr(plotter, 'show_' + what)( [fmto.key for fmto in fmtos], grouped=self.grouped_cb.isChecked(), include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked())
class FormatoptionWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """ Widget to update the formatoptions of the current project This widget, mainly made out of a combobox for the formatoption group, a combobox for the formatoption, and a one-line text editor, is designed for updating the selected formatoptions for the current subproject. The widget is connected to the :attr:`psyplot.project.Project.oncpchange` signal and refills the comboboxes if the current subproject changes. The one-line text editor accepts python code that will be executed in side the given `shell`. """ no_fmtos_update = _temp_bool_prop('no_fmtos_update', """update the fmto combo box or not""") #: The combobox for the formatoption groups group_combo = None #: The combobox for the formatoptions fmt_combo = None #: The help_explorer to display the documentation of the formatoptions help_explorer = None #: The shell to execute the update of the formatoptions in the current #: project shell = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- help_explorer: psyplot_gui.help_explorer.HelpExplorer The help explorer to show the documentation of one formatoption shell: IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell The shell that can be used to update the current subproject via:: psy.gcp().update(**kwargs) where ``**kwargs`` is defined through the selected formatoption in the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox and the value in the :attr:`line_edit` editor ``*args, **kwargs`` Any other keyword for the QWidget class """ help_explorer = kwargs.pop('help_explorer', None) shell = kwargs.pop('shell', None) super(FormatoptionWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.help_explorer = help_explorer = shell # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Child widgets ---------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.fmt_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.line_edit = QLineEdit(parent=self) self.run_button = QToolButton(parent=self) self.keys_button = QPushButton('Formatoption keys', parent=self) self.summaries_button = QPushButton('Summaries', parent=self) self.docs_button = QPushButton('Docs', parent=self) self.grouped_cb = QCheckBox('grouped', parent=self) self.all_groups_cb = QCheckBox('all groups', parent=self) self.include_links_cb = QCheckBox('include links', parent=self) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Descriptions ----------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption group') self.fmt_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption to update') self.line_edit.setToolTip( 'Insert the value which what you want to update the selected ' 'formatoption and hit right button. The code is executed in the ' 'main console.') self.run_button.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('run_arrow.png'))) self.run_button.setToolTip('Update the selected formatoption') self.keys_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption keys in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.summaries_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption summaries in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.docs_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption documentations in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.grouped_cb.setToolTip( 'Group the formatoptions before displaying them in the help ' 'explorer') self.all_groups_cb.setToolTip('Use all groups when displaying the ' 'keys, docs or summaries') self.include_links_cb.setToolTip( 'Include links to remote documentations when showing the ' 'keys, docs and summaries in the help explorer (requires ' 'intersphinx)') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Connections ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.fill_fmt_combo) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.show_fmt_info) self.run_button.clicked.connect(self.run_code) self.line_edit.returnPressed.connect( self.keys_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'keys')) self.summaries_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'summaries')) self.docs_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'docs')) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ Layouts ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.combos = QHBoxLayout() self.combos.addWidget(self.group_combo) self.combos.addWidget(self.fmt_combo) self.execs = QHBoxLayout() self.execs.addWidget(self.line_edit) self.execs.addWidget(self.run_button) self.info_box = QHBoxLayout() self.info_box.addStretch(0) for w in [ self.keys_button, self.summaries_button, self.docs_button, self.all_groups_cb, self.grouped_cb, self.include_links_cb ]: self.info_box.addWidget(w) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addLayout(self.combos) self.vbox.addLayout(self.execs) self.vbox.addLayout(self.info_box) self.setLayout(self.vbox) # fill with content self.fill_combos_from_project(psy.gcp()) psy.Project.oncpchange.connect(self.fill_combos_from_project) def fill_combos_from_project(self, project): """Fill :attr:`group_combo` and :attr:`fmt_combo` from a project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use""" current_text = self.group_combo.currentText() with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.clear() if project is None or project.is_main or not len(project.plotters): self.fmt_combo.clear() self.groups = [] self.fmtos = [] self.line_edit.setEnabled(False) return self.line_edit.setEnabled(True) # get dimensions coords = sorted(project.coords_intersect) coords_name = [COORDSGROUP] if coords else [] coords_verbose = ['Dimensions'] if coords else [] coords = [coords] if coords else [] # get formatoptions and group them alphabetically grouped_fmts = defaultdict(list) for fmto in project._fmtos: grouped_fmts[].append(fmto) for val in six.itervalues(grouped_fmts): val.sort(key=self.get_name) grouped_fmts = OrderedDict( sorted(six.iteritems(grouped_fmts), key=lambda t: psyp.groups.get(t[0], t[0]))) fmt_groups = list(grouped_fmts.keys()) # save original names self.groups = coords_name + [ALLGROUP] + fmt_groups # save verbose group names (which are used in the combo box) self.groupnames = coords_verbose + ['All formatoptions'] + list( map(lambda s: psyp.groups.get(s, s), fmt_groups)) # save formatoptions fmtos = list(grouped_fmts.values()) self.fmtos = coords + [sorted(chain(*fmtos), key=self.get_name) ] + fmtos self.group_combo.addItems(self.groupnames) ind = self.group_combo.findText(current_text) self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.fill_fmt_combo(self.group_combo.currentIndex()) def get_name(self, fmto): """Get the name of a :class:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption` instance""" if isinstance(fmto, six.string_types): return fmto return '%s (%s)' % (, fmto.key) if else fmto.key def fill_fmt_combo(self, i): """Fill the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox based on the current group name """ if not self.no_fmtos_update: with self.no_fmtos_update: current_text = self.fmt_combo.currentText() self.fmt_combo.clear() self.fmt_combo.addItems(list(map(self.get_name, self.fmtos[i]))) ind = self.fmt_combo.findText(current_text) self.fmt_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.show_fmt_info(self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()) def show_fmt_info(self, i): """Show the documentation of the formatoption in the help explorer """ group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if (not self.no_fmtos_update and self.groups[group_ind] != COORDSGROUP): fmto = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()][i] fmto.plotter.show_docs( fmto.key, include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked()) def run_code(self): """Run the update of the project inside the :attr:`shell`""" text = str(self.line_edit.text()) if not text or not self.fmtos: return group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()] param = 'dims' else: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()].key param = 'fmt' e = ExecutionResult() "psy.gcp().update(%s={'%s': %s})" % (param, key, text), e) e.raise_error() def show_all_fmt_info(self, what): """Show the keys, summaries or docs of the formatoptions Calling this function let's the help browser show the documentation etc. of all docs or only the selected group determined by the state of the :attr:`grouped_cb` and :attr:`all_groups_cb` checkboxes Parameters ---------- what: {'keys', 'summaries', 'docs'} Determines what to show""" if not self.fmtos: return if self.all_groups_cb.isChecked(): fmtos = list( chain(*(fmto_group for i, fmto_group in enumerate(self.fmtos) if not self.groups[i] in [ALLGROUP, COORDSGROUP]))) else: if self.groups[self.group_combo.currentIndex()] == COORDSGROUP: return fmtos = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()] plotter = fmtos[0].plotter getattr(plotter, 'show_' + what)([fmto.key for fmto in fmtos], grouped=self.grouped_cb.isChecked(), include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked())
class FormatoptionWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """ Widget to update the formatoptions of the current project This widget, mainly made out of a combobox for the formatoption group, a combobox for the formatoption, and a text editor, is designed for updating the selected formatoptions for the current subproject. The widget is connected to the :attr:`psyplot.project.Project.oncpchange` signal and refills the comboboxes if the current subproject changes. The text editor either accepts python code that will be executed by the given `console`, or yaml code. """ no_fmtos_update = _temp_bool_prop('no_fmtos_update', """update the fmto combo box or not""") #: The combobox for the formatoption groups group_combo = None #: The combobox for the formatoptions fmt_combo = None #: The help_explorer to display the documentation of the formatoptions help_explorer = None #: The formatoption specific widget that is loaded from the formatoption fmt_widget = None #: A line edit for updating the formatoptions line_edit = None #: A multiline text editor for updating the formatoptions text_edit = None #: A button to switch between :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`text_edit` multiline_button = None @property def shell(self): """The shell to execute the update of the formatoptions in the current project""" return def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- help_explorer: psyplot_gui.help_explorer.HelpExplorer The help explorer to show the documentation of one formatoption console: psyplot_gui.console.ConsoleWidget The console that can be used to update the current subproject via:: psy.gcp().update(**kwargs) where ``**kwargs`` is defined through the selected formatoption in the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox and the value in the :attr:`line_edit` editor ``*args, **kwargs`` Any other keyword for the QWidget class """ help_explorer = kwargs.pop('help_explorer', None) console = kwargs.pop('console', None) super(FormatoptionWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.help_explorer = help_explorer self.console = console self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Child widgets ---------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.fmt_combo = QComboBox(parent=self) self.line_edit = QLineEdit(parent=self) self.text_edit = QTextEdit(parent=self) self.run_button = QToolButton(parent=self) # completer for the fmto widget self.fmt_combo.setEditable(True) self.fmt_combo.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox.NoInsert) self.fmto_completer = completer = QCompleter( ['time', 'lat', 'lon', 'lev']) completer.setCompletionMode(QCompleter.PopupCompletion) completer.activated[str].connect(self.set_fmto) if with_qt5: completer.setFilterMode(Qt.MatchContains) completer.setModel(QStandardItemModel()) self.fmt_combo.setCompleter(completer) self.dim_widget = DimensionsWidget(parent=self) self.dim_widget.setVisible(False) self.multiline_button = QPushButton('Multiline', parent=self) self.multiline_button.setCheckable(True) self.yaml_cb = QCheckBox('Yaml syntax') self.yaml_cb.setChecked(True) self.keys_button = QPushButton('Keys', parent=self) self.summaries_button = QPushButton('Summaries', parent=self) self.docs_button = QPushButton('Docs', parent=self) self.grouped_cb = QCheckBox('grouped', parent=self) self.all_groups_cb = QCheckBox('all groups', parent=self) self.include_links_cb = QCheckBox('include links', parent=self) self.text_edit.setVisible(False) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Descriptions ----------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption group') self.fmt_combo.setToolTip('Select the formatoption to update') self.line_edit.setToolTip( 'Insert the value which what you want to update the selected ' 'formatoption and hit right button. The code is executed in the ' 'main console.') self.yaml_cb.setToolTip( "Use the yaml syntax for the values inserted in the above cell. " "Otherwise the content there is evaluated as a python expression " "in the terminal") self.text_edit.setToolTip(self.line_edit.toolTip()) self.run_button.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('run_arrow.png'))) self.run_button.setToolTip('Update the selected formatoption') self.multiline_button.setToolTip( 'Allow linebreaks in the text editor line above.') self.keys_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption keys in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.summaries_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption summaries in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.docs_button.setToolTip( 'Show the formatoption documentations in this group (or in all ' 'groups) in the help explorer') self.grouped_cb.setToolTip( 'Group the formatoptions before displaying them in the help ' 'explorer') self.all_groups_cb.setToolTip('Use all groups when displaying the ' 'keys, docs or summaries') self.include_links_cb.setToolTip( 'Include links to remote documentations when showing the ' 'keys, docs and summaries in the help explorer (requires ' 'intersphinx)') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------- Connections ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.group_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.fill_fmt_combo) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.show_fmt_info) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect(self.load_fmt_widget) self.fmt_combo.currentIndexChanged[int].connect( self.set_current_fmt_value) self.run_button.clicked.connect(self.run_code) self.line_edit.returnPressed.connect( self.multiline_button.clicked.connect(self.toggle_line_edit) self.keys_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'keys')) self.summaries_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'summaries')) self.docs_button.clicked.connect( partial(self.show_all_fmt_info, 'docs')) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------ Layouts ------------------------------ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.combos = QHBoxLayout() self.combos.addWidget(self.group_combo) self.combos.addWidget(self.fmt_combo) self.execs = QHBoxLayout() self.execs.addWidget(self.line_edit) self.execs.addWidget(self.text_edit) self.execs.addWidget(self.run_button) self.info_box = QHBoxLayout() self.info_box.addWidget(self.multiline_button) self.info_box.addWidget(self.yaml_cb) self.info_box.addStretch(0) for w in [ self.keys_button, self.summaries_button, self.docs_button, self.all_groups_cb, self.grouped_cb, self.include_links_cb ]: self.info_box.addWidget(w) self.vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.addLayout(self.combos) self.vbox.addWidget(self.dim_widget) self.vbox.addLayout(self.execs) self.vbox.addLayout(self.info_box) self.vbox.setSpacing(0) self.setLayout(self.vbox) # fill with content self.fill_combos_from_project(psy.gcp()) psy.Project.oncpchange.connect(self.fill_combos_from_project) rcParams.connect('fmt.sort_by_key', self.refill_from_rc) def refill_from_rc(self, sort_by_key): from psyplot.project import gcp self.fill_combos_from_project(gcp()) def fill_combos_from_project(self, project): """Fill :attr:`group_combo` and :attr:`fmt_combo` from a project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use""" if rcParams['fmt.sort_by_key']: def sorter(fmto): return fmto.key else: sorter = self.get_name current_text = self.group_combo.currentText() with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.clear() if project is None or project.is_main or not len(project): self.fmt_combo.clear() self.groups = [] self.fmtos = [] self.line_edit.setEnabled(False) return self.line_edit.setEnabled(True) # get dimensions it_vars = chain.from_iterable(arr.psy.iter_base_variables for arr in project.arrays) dims = next(it_vars).dims sdims = set(dims) for var in it_vars: sdims.intersection_update(var.dims) coords = [d for d in dims if d in sdims] coords_name = [COORDSGROUP] if coords else [] coords_verbose = ['Dimensions'] if coords else [] coords = [coords] if coords else [] if len(project.plotters): # get formatoptions and group them alphabetically grouped_fmts = defaultdict(list) for fmto in project._fmtos: grouped_fmts[].append(fmto) for val in six.itervalues(grouped_fmts): val.sort(key=sorter) grouped_fmts = OrderedDict( sorted(six.iteritems(grouped_fmts), key=lambda t: psyp.groups.get(t[0], t[0]))) fmt_groups = list(grouped_fmts.keys()) # save original names self.groups = coords_name + [ALLGROUP] + fmt_groups # save verbose group names (which are used in the combo box) self.groupnames = ( coords_verbose + ['All formatoptions'] + list(map(lambda s: psyp.groups.get(s, s), fmt_groups))) # save formatoptions fmtos = list(grouped_fmts.values()) self.fmtos = coords + [sorted(chain(*fmtos), key=sorter) ] + fmtos else: self.groups = coords_name self.groupnames = coords_verbose self.fmtos = coords self.group_combo.addItems(self.groupnames) ind = self.group_combo.findText(current_text) self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.fill_fmt_combo(self.group_combo.currentIndex()) def get_name(self, fmto): """Get the name of a :class:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption` instance""" if isinstance(fmto, six.string_types): return fmto return '%s (%s)' % (, fmto.key) if else fmto.key @property def fmto(self): return self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()][ self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()] @fmto.setter def fmto(self, value): name = self.get_name(value) for i, fmtos in enumerate(self.fmtos): if i == 1: # all formatoptions continue if name in map(self.get_name, fmtos): with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(i) self.fill_fmt_combo(i, name) return def toggle_line_edit(self): """Switch between the :attr:`line_edit` and :attr:`text_edit` This method is called when the :attr:`multiline_button` is clicked and switches between the single line :attr:``line_edit` and the multiline :attr:`text_edit` """ # switch to multiline text edit if (self.multiline_button.isChecked() and not self.text_edit.isVisible()): self.line_edit.setVisible(False) self.text_edit.setVisible(True) self.text_edit.setPlainText(self.line_edit.text()) elif (not self.multiline_button.isChecked() and not self.line_edit.isVisible()): self.line_edit.setVisible(True) self.text_edit.setVisible(False) self.line_edit.setText(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) def fill_fmt_combo(self, i, current_text=None): """Fill the :attr:`fmt_combo` combobox based on the current group name """ if not self.no_fmtos_update: with self.no_fmtos_update: if current_text is None: current_text = self.fmt_combo.currentText() self.fmt_combo.clear() self.fmt_combo.addItems(list(map(self.get_name, self.fmtos[i]))) ind = self.fmt_combo.findText(current_text) self.fmt_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) # update completer model self.setup_fmt_completion_model() idx = self.fmt_combo.currentIndex() self.show_fmt_info(idx) self.load_fmt_widget(idx) self.set_current_fmt_value(idx) def set_fmto(self, name): self.fmto = name def setup_fmt_completion_model(self): fmtos = list( unique_everseen(map(self.get_name, chain.from_iterable(self.fmtos)))) model = self.fmto_completer.model() model.setRowCount(len(fmtos)) for i, name in enumerate(fmtos): model.setItem(i, QStandardItem(name)) def load_fmt_widget(self, i): """Load the formatoption specific widget This method loads the formatoption specific widget from the :meth:`psyplot.plotter.Formatoption.get_fmt_widget` method and displays it above the :attr:`line_edit` Parameters ---------- i: int The index of the current formatoption""" self.remove_fmt_widget() group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if not self.no_fmtos_update: from psyplot.project import gcp if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: dim = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.fmt_widget = self.dim_widget self.dim_widget.set_dim(dim) self.dim_widget.set_single_selection(dim not in gcp()[0].dims) self.dim_widget.setVisible(True) else: fmto = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.fmt_widget = fmto.get_fmt_widget(self, gcp()) if self.fmt_widget is not None: self.vbox.insertWidget(2, self.fmt_widget) def reset_fmt_widget(self): idx = self.fmt_combo.currentIndex() self.load_fmt_widget(idx) self.set_current_fmt_value(idx) def remove_fmt_widget(self): if self.fmt_widget is not None: self.fmt_widget.hide() if self.fmt_widget is self.dim_widget: self.fmt_widget.reset_combobox() else: self.vbox.removeWidget(self.fmt_widget) self.fmt_widget.close() del self.fmt_widget def set_current_fmt_value(self, i): """Add the value of the current formatoption to the line text""" group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if not self.no_fmtos_update: if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: from psyplot.project import gcp dim = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.set_obj(gcp().arrays[0].psy.idims[dim]) else: fmto = self.fmtos[group_ind][i] self.set_obj(fmto.value) def show_fmt_info(self, i): """Show the documentation of the formatoption in the help explorer """ group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if (not self.no_fmtos_update and self.groups[group_ind] != COORDSGROUP): fmto = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()][i] fmto.plotter.show_docs( fmto.key, include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked()) def run_code(self): """Run the update of the project inside the :attr:`shell`""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): text = str(self.line_edit.text()) else: text = str(self.text_edit.toPlainText()) if not text or not self.fmtos: return group_ind = self.group_combo.currentIndex() if self.groups[group_ind] == COORDSGROUP: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()] param = 'dims' else: key = self.fmtos[group_ind][self.fmt_combo.currentIndex()].key param = 'fmt' if self.yaml_cb.isChecked(): import psyplot.project as psy psy.gcp().update(**{key: yaml.load(text, Loader=yaml.Loader)}) else: code = "psy.gcp().update(%s={'%s': %s})" % (param, key, text) if ExecutionInfo is not None: info = ExecutionInfo(raw_cell=code, store_history=False, silent=True, shell_futures=False) e = ExecutionResult(info) else: e = ExecutionResult() self.console.run_command_in_shell(code, e) try: e.raise_error() except Exception: # reset the console and clear the error message raise finally: self.console.reset() def get_text(self): """Get the current update text""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): return self.line_edit.text() else: return self.text_edit.toPlainText() def get_obj(self): """Get the current update text""" if self.line_edit.isVisible(): txt = self.line_edit.text() else: txt = self.text_edit.toPlainText() try: obj = yaml.load(txt, Loader=yaml.Loader) except Exception: self.error_msg.showTraceback("Could not load %s" % txt) else: return obj def insert_obj(self, obj): """Add a string to the formatoption widget""" current = self.get_text() use_yaml = self.yaml_cb.isChecked() use_line_edit = self.line_edit.isVisible() # strings are treated separately such that we consider quotation marks # at the borders if isstring(obj) and current: if use_line_edit: pos = self.line_edit.cursorPosition() else: pos = self.text_edit.textCursor().position() if pos not in [0, len(current)]: s = obj else: if current[0] in ['"', "'"]: current = current[1:-1] self.clear_text() if pos == 0: s = '"' + obj + current + '"' else: s = '"' + current + obj + '"' current = '' elif isstring(obj): # add quotation marks s = '"' + obj + '"' elif not use_yaml: s = repr(obj) else: s = yaml.dump(obj, default_flow_style=True).strip() if s.endswith('\n...'): s = s[:-4] if use_line_edit: self.line_edit.insert(s) else: self.text_edit.insertPlainText(s) def clear_text(self): if self.line_edit.isVisible(): self.line_edit.clear() else: self.text_edit.clear() def set_obj(self, obj): self.clear_text() self.insert_obj(obj) def show_all_fmt_info(self, what): """Show the keys, summaries or docs of the formatoptions Calling this function let's the help browser show the documentation etc. of all docs or only the selected group determined by the state of the :attr:`grouped_cb` and :attr:`all_groups_cb` checkboxes Parameters ---------- what: {'keys', 'summaries', 'docs'} Determines what to show""" if not self.fmtos: return if (self.all_groups_cb.isChecked() or self.group_combo.currentIndex() < 2): fmtos = list( chain.from_iterable( fmto_group for i, fmto_group in enumerate(self.fmtos) if self.groups[i] not in [ALLGROUP, COORDSGROUP])) else: fmtos = self.fmtos[self.group_combo.currentIndex()] plotter = fmtos[0].plotter getattr(plotter, 'show_' + what)([fmto.key for fmto in fmtos], grouped=self.grouped_cb.isChecked(), include_links=self.include_links_cb.isChecked())