Exemple #1
 def combine_max_LLH(self, bestpar, tpartitions, pmap, spe_setting = None, fo = "", plot = True):
     idxpar = self._convert2idx(bestpar)
     bestsupport = [0.0] * self.numtaxa
     for par in idxpar:
         w = pmap.get(par, 0.0)
         for idx in par:
             bestsupport[idx] = float(w)/float(len(tpartitions))
     self.meansupport = numpy.mean(bestsupport)
     spes, support = self._partition2names(bestpar, bestsupport)
     if spe_setting != None and plot:
         spe_setting = add_bayesain_support(delimitation = spe_setting, pmap = pmap, taxaorder =self.taxaorder, numpar = len(tpartitions))
         spe_setting.root.write(features = ["bs"], outfile = fo + ".ml.tre", format = 0)
         showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "svg", show_support = True)
         showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "png", show_support = True)
     fo_bestpar = open(fo, "w")
     fo_bestpar.write("# Max likilhood partition \n")
     for i in range(len(spes)):
         spe = spes[i]
         sup = support[i]
         fo_bestpar.write("Species " + str(i+1) + " (support = " + "{0:.3f}".format(sup) + ")\n")
         fo_bestpar.write("     " + self._print_list(spe) + "\n")
Exemple #2
    def combine_max_LLH(self, bestpar, tpartitions, pmap, spe_setting = None, fo = "", plot = True):
        idxpar = self._convert2idx(bestpar)
        bestsupport = [0.0] * self.numtaxa
        for par in idxpar:
            w = pmap.get(par, 0.0)
            for idx in par:
                bestsupport[idx] = float(w)/float(len(tpartitions))

        self.meansupport = numpy.mean(bestsupport)
        spes, support = self._partition2names(bestpar, bestsupport)

        if spe_setting != None and plot:
            spe_setting = add_bayesain_support(delimitation = spe_setting, pmap = pmap, taxaorder =self.taxaorder, numpar = len(tpartitions))
            spe_setting.root.write(features = ["bs"], outfile = fo + ".ml.tre", format = 0)
            showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "svg", show_support = True)
            showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "png", show_support = True)

        fo_bestpar = open(fo, "w")
        fo_bestpar.write("# Max likilhood partition \n")
        for i in range(len(spes)):
            spe = spes[i]
            sup = support[i]
            fo_bestpar.write("Species " + str(i+1) + " (support = " + "{0:.3f}".format(sup) + ")\n")
            fo_bestpar.write("     " + self._print_list(spe) + "\n")
Exemple #3
 def combine_simple_heuristic(self, tpartitions, pmap, idxpars, fo, sp_setting = [], plot = True):
     maxw = 0
     bestpar = None
     bestsupport = None
     for i in range(len(tpartitions)): 
         partition = tpartitions[i]
         pars = idxpars[i]
         support = [0.0] * self.numtaxa
         sumw = 0.0
         for par in pars:
             w = pmap.get(par, 0.0)
             for idx in par:
                 support[idx] = float(w)/float(len(tpartitions))
                 sumw = sumw + w 
         if sumw > maxw:
             maxw = sumw
             bestpar = i
             bestsupport = support
     self.meansupport = numpy.mean(bestsupport)
     spes, support = self._partition2names(tpartitions[bestpar], bestsupport)
     spe_setting = sp_setting[bestpar]
     if plot:
         spe_setting = add_bayesain_support(delimitation = spe_setting, pmap = pmap, taxaorder =self.taxaorder, numpar = len(tpartitions))
         spe_setting.root.write(features = ["bs"], outfile = fo + ".sh.tre", format = 0)
         showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "svg", show_support = True)
         showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "png", show_support = True)
     fo_bestpar = open(fo, "w")
     fo_bestpar.write("# Most supported partition found by simple heuristic search\n")
     for i in range(len(spes)):
         spe = spes[i]
         sup = support[i]
         fo_bestpar.write("Species " + str(i+1) + " (support = " + "{0:.3f}".format(sup) + ")\n")
         fo_bestpar.write("     " + self._print_list(spe) + "\n")
     return tpartitions[bestpar]
Exemple #4
    def combine_simple_heuristic(self, tpartitions, pmap, idxpars, fo, sp_setting = [], plot = True):
        maxw = 0
        bestpar = None
        bestsupport = None

        for i in range(len(tpartitions)):
            partition = tpartitions[i]
            pars = idxpars[i]
            support = [0.0] * self.numtaxa
            sumw = 0.0
            for par in pars:
                w = pmap.get(par, 0.0)
                for idx in par:
                    support[idx] = float(w)/float(len(tpartitions))
                    sumw = sumw + w
            if sumw > maxw:
                maxw = sumw
                bestpar = i
                bestsupport = support

        self.meansupport = numpy.mean(bestsupport)
        spes, support = self._partition2names(tpartitions[bestpar], bestsupport)
        spe_setting = sp_setting[bestpar]

        if plot:
            spe_setting = add_bayesain_support(delimitation = spe_setting, pmap = pmap, taxaorder =self.taxaorder, numpar = len(tpartitions))
            spe_setting.root.write(features = ["bs"], outfile = fo + ".sh.tre", format = 0)
            showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "svg", show_support = True)
            showTree(delimitation = spe_setting, scale = self.scale, render = True, fout = fo, form = "png", show_support = True)

        fo_bestpar = open(fo, "w")
        fo_bestpar.write("# Most supported partition found by simple heuristic search\n")
        for i in range(len(spes)):
            spe = spes[i]
            sup = support[i]
            fo_bestpar.write("Species " + str(i+1) + " (support = " + "{0:.3f}".format(sup) + ")\n")
            fo_bestpar.write("     " + self._print_list(spe) + "\n")

        return tpartitions[bestpar]