Exemple #1
        move_visualization_files(skirtrun, filenames)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build temperature histograms
if vistype == 'temperature':
    from pts.eagle.plottemperature import plottemperature
    print "Building temperature histograms for {} SKIRT-runs".format(
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building temperature histogram for SKIRT-run {}...".format(

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build wavelength movies for each SKIRT-run
if vistype == 'wavemovie':
    from pts.core.plot.wavemovie import makewavemovie
    print "Building wavelength movies for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building wavelength movie for SKIRT-run {}...".format(
        move_visualization_files(skirtrun, filenames)

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #2
from pts.core.plot.wavemovie import makewavemovie

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# a value of None means that the axis is autoscaled;
# alternatively specify a range through a tuple with min and max values
xlim = None
ylim = None
#xlim = ( 5e-2, 1e3 )
#ylim = ( 1e-13, 1e-9 )

# the percentile values, in range [0,100], used to clip the luminosity values
# loaded from the fits files; the default values are 30 and 100 respectively
from_percentile = 30
to_percentile = 100

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

print "Starting makewavemovie..."

# get the command-line argument specifying the simulation(s)
argument = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else ""

# construct the list of simulation objects and make the movies
for simulation in createsimulations(argument):
    makewavemovie(simulation, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, from_percentile=from_percentile, to_percentile=to_percentile)

print "Finished makewavemovie"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #3
    print "Building SED plots for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building SED plot for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())
        move_visualization_files(skirtrun, filenames)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build temperature histograms
if vistype=='temperature':
    from pts.eagle.plottemperature import plottemperature
    print "Building temperature histograms for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building temperature histogram for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build wavelength movies for each SKIRT-run
if vistype=='wavemovie':
    from pts.core.plot.wavemovie import makewavemovie
    print "Building wavelength movies for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building wavelength movie for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())
        move_visualization_files(skirtrun, filenames)

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #4
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building SED plot for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())
        plotseds(skirtrun.simulation(), output_path=skirtrun.vispath())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build temperature histograms
if vistype == 'temperature':
    from pts.eagle.plottemperature import plottemperature
    print "Building temperature histograms for {} SKIRT-runs".format(
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building temperature histogram for SKIRT-run {}...".format(

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build wavelength movies for each SKIRT-run
if vistype == 'wavemovie':
    from pts.core.plot.wavemovie import makewavemovie
    print "Building wavelength movies for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building wavelength movie for SKIRT-run {}...".format(
        makewavemovie(skirtrun.simulation(), output_path=skirtrun.vispath())

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #5
if vistype=='seds':
    from pts.core.plot.seds import plotseds
    print "Building SED plots for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building SED plot for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())
        plotseds(skirtrun.simulation(), output_path=skirtrun.vispath())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build temperature histograms
if vistype=='temperature':
    from pts.eagle.plottemperature import plottemperature
    print "Building temperature histograms for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building temperature histogram for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# build wavelength movies for each SKIRT-run
if vistype=='wavemovie':
    from pts.core.plot.wavemovie import makewavemovie
    print "Building wavelength movies for {} SKIRT-runs".format(len(skirtruns))
    for skirtrun in skirtruns:
        print "Building wavelength movie for SKIRT-run {}...".format(skirtrun.runid())
        makewavemovie(skirtrun.simulation(), output_path=skirtrun.vispath())

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------