Exemple #1
    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(RemotesConfigurable, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # If remotes are passed
        if "remotes" in kwargs:

            # Get the remotes
            self.remotes = kwargs.pop("remotes")

            # Check if they are setup
            for remote in self.remotes:
                if not remote.connected:
                    raise RuntimeError("Remotes must be connected")

        # Remotes are not passed

            # Gather host IDs
            if self.config.not_remotes is not None:
                host_ids = [
                    host_id for host_id in self.config.host_ids
                    if host_id not in self.config.not_remotes
                host_ids = self.config.host_ids

            # Loop over the different hosts
            for host_id in host_ids:

                # Setup the remote (login)
                remote = Remote(log_conda=kwargs.pop("log_conda", False))
                if not remote.setup(host_id,
                    log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id +
                                "' is down: skipping")

                # Add the remote to the list
Exemple #2
    def setup(self, **kwargs):

        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(RemotesConfigurable, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # If remotes are passed
        if "remotes" in kwargs:

            # Get the remotes
            self.remotes = kwargs.pop("remotes")

            # Check if they are setup
            for remote in self.remotes:
                if not remote.connected: raise RuntimeError("Remotes must be connected")

        # Remotes are not passed

            # Gather host IDs
            #if self.config.not_remotes is not None: host_ids = [host_id for host_id in self.config.host_ids if host_id not in self.config.not_remotes]
            #else: host_ids = self.config.host_ids

            # Loop over the different hosts
            #for host_id in host_ids:
            for host in self.config.hosts:

                # Create the remote object
                remote = Remote(log_conda=kwargs.pop("log_conda", False))

                # Login to the remote
                #if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=self.config.one_attempt, cluster_name=self.config.clustername):
                if not remote.setup(host, one_attempt=self.config.one_attempt):
                    log.warning("Remote host '" + host.id + "' is down: skipping")

                # Add the remote to the list
Exemple #3
    def setup(self, **kwargs):

        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(Uninstaller, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # Check if remote instance is passed
        if "remote" in kwargs: self.remote = kwargs.pop("remote")
        elif self.config.remote is not None:

            remote = Remote()
            if not remote.setup(self.config.remote): raise RuntimeError("The remote host is not available")
            self.remote = remote

        else: log.warning('No remote host is specified, will be uninstalling locally')
Exemple #4
    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(Uninstaller, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # Check if remote instance is passed
        if "remote" in kwargs: self.remote = kwargs.pop("remote")
        elif self.config.remote is not None:

            remote = Remote()
            if not remote.setup(self.config.remote):
                raise RuntimeError("The remote host is not available")
            self.remote = remote

                'No remote host is specified, will be uninstalling locally')
Exemple #5
definition.add_required("id", "positive_integer", "task ID")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
#setter = InteractiveConfigurationSetter("show_log", "Show the log output of a remote PTS task")
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Show the log output of a remote PTS task")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create and setup the remote
remote = Remote()

# Open the task
task_path = fs.join(introspection.pts_run_dir, config.remote,
                    str(config.id) + ".task")
task = Task.from_file(task_path)

# Check whether the log file is present
log_output_path = task.remote_log_path
log_path = None
for filename in remote.files_in_path(log_output_path):
    if "log" in filename:
        log_path = fs.join(log_output_path, filename)

if log_path is None: raise RuntimeError("Log does not exist remotely")
Exemple #6
definition.add_flag("full", "fully clear the simulations, also remove remote simulation directories")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments("clear_tasks", definition, description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id + "' is not available: skipping ...")
    else: remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path): log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the simulation files in the run directory
    for path, name in fs.files_in_path(host_run_path, extension="sim", returns=["path", "name"], sort=int):
Exemple #7
# Set log level in a special way
if config.debug: setup_log("DEBUG")
else: setup_log("ERROR")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the hosts
for host in config.hosts:

    # Debugging
    log.debug("Connecting to remote host '" + host.id + "' ...")

    # Create remote, try connecting
    remote = Remote()
    connected = remote.setup(host, login_timeout=10) # only try for 10 seconds

    # Connection succeeded?
    if connected: print(fmt.green + host.id + ": up" + fmt.reset)
        print(fmt.red + host.id + ": down" + fmt.reset)

    # Show clustername
    if remote.cluster_name is not None: print("Cluster name: " + remote.cluster_name)

    print(" - " + fmt.bold + "uses scheduling system: " + fmt.reset + str(remote.scheduler))

    # Show status
Exemple #8
# Add flags
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
definition.add_flag("one_attempt", "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=config.one_attempt):
        log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id + "' is offline")

    # Create uninstaller
    uninstaller = Uninstaller()

    # Set options
    uninstaller.config.skirt_and_or_pts = config.skirt_and_or_pts
    uninstaller.config.conda = config.conda
    uninstaller.config.qt = config.qt

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Running the uninstaller for remote host '" + host_id + "' ...")

    # Uninstall
Exemple #9
# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Show the progress of a remotely running simulation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the simulation
simulation = get_simulation_for_host(config.remote, config.id)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the remote
remote = Remote()
if not remote.setup(host_id=config.remote):
    raise RuntimeError("Could not connect to the remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the status object
status = LogSimulationStatus(simulation.remote_log_file_path,

# Show the simulation progress
if config.debug_output: success = status.show_progress(simulation.handle)
    with no_debugging():
        success = status.show_progress(simulation.handle)
Exemple #10
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_optional("remotes", "string_list", "remote host ID", choices=find_host_ids(), default=find_host_ids())
config = parse_arguments("sessions", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote host
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Create and setup the remote
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id): raise RuntimeError("The remote host '" + host_id + "' is not available at the moment")

    # Get screen names and tmux session names
    screen_names = remote.screen_names()
    tmux_names = remote.tmux_names()

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Closing sessions on remote host '" + host_id + "' ...")

    # Loop over the screens
    for name in screen_names:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Closing screen session '" + name + "' ...")

        # Close
Exemple #11
# Add required
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "the remote host ID")

# Add flags
definition.add_flag("versions", "compare versions", "v")

# Get configuration
config = parse_arguments("compare_python_packages", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the remote execution environment
remote = Remote()

# Log in

# Get remote python session
remote_python = remote.start_python_session(assume_pts=False)

# Get all python packages installed on the remote host
remote_packages = remote_python.installed_packages

# Get local python package version
local_packages = introspection.installed_python_packages()

# Loop over all python packages necessary for PTS
for dependency in introspection.get_all_dependencies():

    # Skip standard modules
    if introspection.is_std_lib(dependency): continue
Exemple #12
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host to mount", choices=all_host_ids())
definition.add_required("id", "positive_integer", "simulation ID")
definition.add_flag("debug_output", "show all simulation output in debug mode")

# Read the command line arguments
config = parse_arguments("show_progress", definition, description="Show the progress of a remotely running simulation")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the simulation
simulation = get_simulation_for_host(config.remote, config.id)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Load the remote
remote = Remote()
if not remote.setup(host_id=config.remote): raise RuntimeError("Could not connect to the remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the status object
status = LogSimulationStatus(simulation.remote_log_file_path, remote=remote, debug_output=config.debug_output)

# Show the simulation progress
with log.no_debugging(): success = status.show_progress(simulation.handle)

# Check whether not crashed
if not success: raise RuntimeError("The simulation crashed")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #13
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
                    "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=config.one_attempt):
        log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id + "' is offline")

    # Create uninstaller
    uninstaller = Uninstaller()

    # Set options
    uninstaller.config.skirt_and_or_pts = config.skirt_and_or_pts
    uninstaller.config.conda = config.conda
    uninstaller.config.qt = config.qt

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Running the uninstaller for remote host '" + host_id + "' ...")

    # Uninstall
Exemple #14
class SourcesTest(SourcesTestBase):

    This class ...

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        The constructor ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the constructor of the base class
        super(SourcesTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # The galaxy properties
        self.properties = None

        # The rotation masks
        self.rotation_masks = dict()

        # The catalog fetcher
        self.fetcher = CatalogFetcher()

        # Catalogs
        self.extended_source_catalog = None

        # The real FWHMs
        self.real_fwhms = dict()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def _run(self, **kwargs):

        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # 2. Load galaxy properties

        # 3. Load the coordinate system

        # 4. Initialize the frames

        # 5. Set FWHMs

        # 6. Make rotation mask

        # 7. Get catalogs

        # 8. Generate the sources

        # 9. Make noise

        # 10. Make sky

        # 11. Create the dataset

        # 12. Create the directories

        # 13. Find sources

        # 14. Extract sources

        # 15. Write

        # 16. Plot

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def setup(self, **kwargs):

        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(SourcesTest, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # Set remote
        if self.config.remote is not None:
            self.remote = Remote()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def load_properties(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the galaxy properties ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(m81_data_path, "properties.dat")

        # Load
        self.properties = GalaxyProperties.from_file(path)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def load_coordinate_systems(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the coordinate systems ...")

        nfilters_stars = 0
        nfilters_extra = 0

        # Loop over the header files
        for path, name in fs.files_in_path(headers_path, extension="txt", returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Get the filter and wavelength
            fltr = parse_filter(name)
            wavelength = fltr.effective if fltr.effective is not None else fltr.center

            # SKip Planck
            if fltr.observatory == "Planck": continue

            # Wavelength greater than 25 micron
            if wavelength > wavelengths.ranges.ir.mir.max:

                if nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: continue
                else: nfilters_extra += 1

            # Wavelength smaller than 25 micron

                if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars: continue
                else: nfilters_stars += 1

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Loading the coordinate system for the '" + str(fltr) + "' filter ...")

            # Get WCS
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_header_file(path)

            # Add the coordinate system
            self.coordinate_systems.append(wcs, fltr=fltr)

            # Break the loop if we have enough
            if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars and nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: break

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_rotation_masks(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making rotation masks ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Debugging
            log.info("Making rotation mask for the '" + str(fltr) + "' image ...")

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Rotate
            if self.config.rotate:

                # Choose a random rotation angle
                angle = Angle(np.random.uniform(-90, 90), "deg")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("The random rotation angle is '" + stringify.stringify(angle)[1] + "'")

                # Create mask
                mask = frame.rotation_mask(angle)

            # Don't rotate
            else: mask = Mask.empty_like(frame)

            # Set the mask
            self.rotation_masks[fltr] = mask

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_catalogs(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Getting catalogs of point and extended sources ...")

        # Adding catalogued sources
        if self.config.add_catalogued_sources: self.fetch_catalogs()
        else: self.initialize_catalogs()

        # Add random sources

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def fetch_catalogs(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Fetching catalogs ...")

        # Get extended source catalog
        self.extended_source_catalog = self.fetcher.get_extended_source_catalog(self.coordinate_systems.bounding_box)

        # Fetch
        self.point_source_catalog = self.fetcher.get_point_source_catalog(self.coordinate_systems.bounding_box, self.coordinate_systems.min_pixelscale, self.config.point_source_catalogs)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def initialize_catalogs(self):

        This function ...
        :param self:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Initializing catalogs ...")

        # Extended sources
        self.extended_source_catalog = ExtendedSourceCatalog()

        # Add principal galaxy

        # Point sources
        self.point_source_catalog = PointSourceCatalog()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def add_principal_galaxy(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding principal galaxy ...")

        # Get info
        name, position, redshift, galaxy_type, names, distance, inclination, d25, major, minor, pa = get_galaxy_info("M81", self.properties.center)

        ra = position.ra
        dec = position.dec

        principal = True
        companions = []
        parent = None

        # Add to the catalog
        self.extended_source_catalog.add_entry("M81", ra, dec, redshift, galaxy_type, names, distance, inclination, d25, major, minor, pa, principal, companions, parent)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_sources(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making sources ...")

        # Extended

        # Point

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_extended_sources(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making extended sources ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Loop over the sources
            for index in range(len(self.extended_source_catalog)):

                principal = self.extended_source_catalog["Principal"][index]

                # Determine flux
                if principal: central_flux = 1e2
                else: central_flux = np.random.uniform(10,50)

                # Get pixel position
                coordinate = self.extended_source_catalog.get_position(index).to_pixel(frame.wcs)

                initial_sersic_amplitude = central_flux
                initial_sersic_x_0 = coordinate.x
                initial_sersic_y_0 = coordinate.y

                if principal:

                    s4g_name, pa, ellipticity, n, re, mag = catalogs.get_galaxy_s4g_one_component_info("M81")

                    angle = Angle(pa, "deg")
                    angle_deg = pa

                    effective_radius = re.to("arcsec").value / frame.average_pixelscale.to("arcsec").value

                    initial_sersic_n = n
                    initial_sersic_r_eff = effective_radius
                    initial_sersic_ellip = ellipticity
                    initial_sersic_theta = np.deg2rad(angle_deg)

                    # 1 / axial_ratio = 1 - ellipticity
                    axial_ratio = 1. / (1. - ellipticity)


                    # Get position angle and axes lengths
                    pa = self.extended_source_catalog["Posangle"][index]
                    major = self.extended_source_catalog["Major"][index]
                    minor = self.extended_source_catalog["Minor"][index]
                    axial_ratio = major / minor

                    angle = Angle(pa, "deg")
                    angle_deg = pa

                    effective_radius = major

                    # Produce guess values
                    initial_sersic_r_eff = effective_radius
                    initial_sersic_n = self.config.galaxy_sersic_index
                    initial_sersic_ellip = (axial_ratio - 1.0) / axial_ratio
                    initial_sersic_theta = np.deg2rad(angle_deg)

                # Produce sersic model from guess parameters, for time trials
                sersic_x, sersic_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(frame.xsize), np.arange(frame.ysize))
                sersic_model = Sersic2D(amplitude=initial_sersic_amplitude, r_eff=initial_sersic_r_eff,
                                        n=initial_sersic_n, x_0=initial_sersic_x_0,
                                        y_0=initial_sersic_y_0, ellip=initial_sersic_ellip,

                sersic_map = sersic_model(sersic_x, sersic_y)

                # Limit galaxy?
                if self.config.limit_galaxy:

                    limit_radius = self.config.galaxy_relative_asymptotic_radius * effective_radius

                    # Create galaxy region
                    galaxy_center = PixelCoordinate(initial_sersic_x_0, initial_sersic_y_0)
                    galaxy_radius = PixelStretch(limit_radius, limit_radius / axial_ratio)
                    galaxy_region = PixelEllipseRegion(galaxy_center, galaxy_radius, angle)

                    galaxy_mask = galaxy_region.to_mask(frame.xsize, frame.ysize)

                    # Set galaxy map zero outside certain radius
                    sersic_map[galaxy_mask.inverse()] = 0.0

                # Add
                frame += sersic_map

            # mask
            frame[self.rotation_masks[fltr]] = 0.0

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_point_sources(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making point sources ...")

        # Call the appropriate function
        if self.config.vary_fwhm: self.make_point_sources_variable_fwhm(self.rotation_masks)
        else: self.make_point_sources_fixed_fwhm(self.rotation_masks)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_sky(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding sky ...")

        # Loop over the frames
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Determine random sky level
            sky_level = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.)

            # Create sky gradient
            y, x = np.mgrid[:frame.ysize, :frame.xsize]
            sky_gradient =  x * y

            # Normalize so that the maximal sky is 20%
            sky_gradient = sky_gradient / np.max(sky_gradient) * 20

            # Add the sky
            frame += sky_level + sky_gradient

            # Mask
            frame[self.rotation_masks[fltr]] = 0.0

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_galaxy(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding galaxy ...")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def find(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Finding the sources ...")

        # Settings
        settings = dict()
        #settings["input"] =
        settings["output"] = self.find_path
        settings["nprocesses"] = self.config.nprocesses

        # Input
        input_dict = dict()
        input_dict["dataset"] = self.dataset
        input_dict["extended_source_catalog"] = self.extended_source_catalog
        input_dict["point_source_catalog"] = self.point_source_catalog
        input_dict["output_paths"] = self.find_paths

        # Construct the command
        command = Command("find_sources", "find sources", settings, input_dict)

        # Run the command
        self.finder = self.run_command(command, remote=self.remote)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def write(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing ...")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def plot(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Plotting ...")
Exemple #15
# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id +
                        "' is not available: skipping ...")
        remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")
Exemple #16
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.tools import formatting as fmt
from pts.core.basics.log import setup_log
from pts.core.basics.configuration import parse_logging_arguments

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

config = parse_logging_arguments("hosts")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Set log level in a special way
if config.debug: setup_log("DEBUG")
else: setup_log("ERROR")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    remote = Remote()
    connected = remote.setup(host_id, login_timeout=15) # only try for 15 seconds
    if connected: print(fmt.green + host_id + ": up" + fmt.reset)
    else: print(fmt.red + host_id + ": down" + fmt.reset)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #17
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host ID")
definition.add_required("line", "string", "line to be executed on the remote host")
config = parse_arguments("sessions", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Initialize the remote
remote = Remote()
if not remote.setup(config.remote): raise RuntimeError("The remote host '" + config.remote + "' is not available at the moment")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------


# Execute the line, show the output
output = remote.execute(config.line)
for line in output: print(line)

Exemple #18
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.log import log
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_required("remote", "string", "remote host ID")
setter = parse_arguments("sessions", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

remote = Remote()
if not remote.setup(config.remote):
    raise RuntimeError("The remote host '" + config.remote +
                       "' is not available at the moment")

screen_names = remote.screen_names()

tmux_names = remote.tmux_names()



Exemple #19
class SourcesTest(SourcesTestBase):
    This class ...
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        The constructor ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the constructor of the base class
        super(SourcesTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # The galaxy properties
        self.properties = None

        # The rotation masks
        self.rotation_masks = dict()

        # The catalog fetcher
        self.fetcher = CatalogFetcher()

        # Catalogs
        self.extended_source_catalog = None

        # The real FWHMs
        self.real_fwhms = dict()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def run(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # 1. Call the setup function

        # 2. Load galaxy properties

        # 3. Load the coordinate system

        # 4. Initialize the frames

        # 5. Set FWHMs

        # 6. Make rotation mask

        # 7. Get catalogs

        # 8. Generate the sources

        # 9. Make noise

        # 10. Make sky

        # 11. Create the dataset

        # 12. Create the directories

        # 13. Find sources

        # 14. Extract sources

        # 15. Write

        # 16. Plot

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(SourcesTest, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # Set remote
        if self.config.remote is not None:
            self.remote = Remote()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def load_properties(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the galaxy properties ...")

        # Determine the path
        path = fs.join(m81_data_path, "properties.dat")

        # Load
        self.properties = GalaxyProperties.from_file(path)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def load_coordinate_systems(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Loading the coordinate systems ...")

        nfilters_stars = 0
        nfilters_extra = 0

        # Loop over the header files
        for path, name in fs.files_in_path(headers_path,
                                           returns=["path", "name"]):

            # Get the filter and wavelength
            fltr = parse_filter(name)
            wavelength = fltr.effective if fltr.effective is not None else fltr.center

            # SKip Planck
            if fltr.observatory == "Planck": continue

            # Wavelength greater than 25 micron
            if wavelength > wavelengths.ranges.ir.mir.max:

                if nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra: continue
                else: nfilters_extra += 1

            # Wavelength smaller than 25 micron

                if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars: continue
                else: nfilters_stars += 1

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Loading the coordinate system for the '" + str(fltr) +
                      "' filter ...")

            # Get WCS
            wcs = CoordinateSystem.from_header_file(path)

            # Add the coordinate system
            self.coordinate_systems.append(wcs, fltr=fltr)

            # Break the loop if we have enough
            if nfilters_stars == self.config.nfilters_stars and nfilters_extra == self.config.nfilters_extra:

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_rotation_masks(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making rotation masks ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Debugging
            log.info("Making rotation mask for the '" + str(fltr) +
                     "' image ...")

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Rotate
            if self.config.rotate:

                # Choose a random rotation angle
                angle = Angle(np.random.uniform(-90, 90), "deg")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("The random rotation angle is '" +
                          stringify.stringify(angle)[1] + "'")

                # Create mask
                mask = frame.rotation_mask(angle)

            # Don't rotate
                mask = Mask.empty_like(frame)

            # Set the mask
            self.rotation_masks[fltr] = mask

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def get_catalogs(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Getting catalogs of point and extended sources ...")

        # Adding catalogued sources
        if self.config.add_catalogued_sources: self.fetch_catalogs()
        else: self.initialize_catalogs()

        # Add random sources

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def fetch_catalogs(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Fetching catalogs ...")

        # Get extended source catalog
        self.extended_source_catalog = self.fetcher.get_extended_source_catalog(

        # Fetch
        self.point_source_catalog = self.fetcher.get_point_source_catalog(

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def initialize_catalogs(self):
        This function ...
        :param self:

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Initializing catalogs ...")

        # Extended sources
        self.extended_source_catalog = ExtendedSourceCatalog()

        # Add principal galaxy

        # Point sources
        self.point_source_catalog = PointSourceCatalog()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def add_principal_galaxy(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding principal galaxy ...")

        # Get info
        name, position, redshift, galaxy_type, names, distance, inclination, d25, major, minor, pa = get_galaxy_info(
            "M81", self.properties.center)

        ra = position.ra
        dec = position.dec

        principal = True
        companions = []
        parent = None

        # Add to the catalog
        self.extended_source_catalog.add_entry("M81", ra, dec, redshift,
                                               galaxy_type, names, distance,
                                               inclination, d25, major, minor,
                                               pa, principal, companions,

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_sources(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making sources ...")

        # Extended

        # Point

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_extended_sources(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making extended sources ...")

        # Loop over the filters
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Loop over the sources
            for index in range(len(self.extended_source_catalog)):

                principal = self.extended_source_catalog["Principal"][index]

                # Determine flux
                if principal: central_flux = 1e2
                else: central_flux = np.random.uniform(10, 50)

                # Get pixel position
                coordinate = self.extended_source_catalog.get_position(

                initial_sersic_amplitude = central_flux
                initial_sersic_x_0 = coordinate.x
                initial_sersic_y_0 = coordinate.y

                if principal:

                    s4g_name, pa, ellipticity, n, re, mag = catalogs.get_galaxy_s4g_one_component_info(

                    angle = Angle(pa, "deg")
                    angle_deg = pa

                    effective_radius = re.to(
                        "arcsec").value / frame.average_pixelscale.to(

                    initial_sersic_n = n
                    initial_sersic_r_eff = effective_radius
                    initial_sersic_ellip = ellipticity
                    initial_sersic_theta = np.deg2rad(angle_deg)

                    # 1 / axial_ratio = 1 - ellipticity
                    axial_ratio = 1. / (1. - ellipticity)


                    # Get position angle and axes lengths
                    pa = self.extended_source_catalog["Posangle"][index]
                    major = self.extended_source_catalog["Major"][index]
                    minor = self.extended_source_catalog["Minor"][index]
                    axial_ratio = major / minor

                    angle = Angle(pa, "deg")
                    angle_deg = pa

                    effective_radius = major

                    # Produce guess values
                    initial_sersic_r_eff = effective_radius
                    initial_sersic_n = self.config.galaxy_sersic_index
                    initial_sersic_ellip = (axial_ratio - 1.0) / axial_ratio
                    initial_sersic_theta = np.deg2rad(angle_deg)

                # Produce sersic model from guess parameters, for time trials
                sersic_x, sersic_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(frame.xsize),
                sersic_model = Sersic2D(amplitude=initial_sersic_amplitude,

                sersic_map = sersic_model(sersic_x, sersic_y)

                # Limit galaxy?
                if self.config.limit_galaxy:

                    limit_radius = self.config.galaxy_relative_asymptotic_radius * effective_radius

                    # Create galaxy region
                    galaxy_center = PixelCoordinate(initial_sersic_x_0,
                    galaxy_radius = PixelStretch(limit_radius,
                                                 limit_radius / axial_ratio)
                    galaxy_region = PixelEllipseRegion(galaxy_center,
                                                       galaxy_radius, angle)

                    galaxy_mask = galaxy_region.to_mask(
                        frame.xsize, frame.ysize)

                    # Set galaxy map zero outside certain radius
                    sersic_map[galaxy_mask.inverse()] = 0.0

                # Add
                frame += sersic_map

            # mask
            frame[self.rotation_masks[fltr]] = 0.0

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_point_sources(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making point sources ...")

        # Call the appropriate function
        if self.config.vary_fwhm:

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_sky(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding sky ...")

        # Loop over the frames
        for fltr in self.frames:

            # Get the frame
            frame = self.frames[fltr]

            # Determine random sky level
            sky_level = np.random.uniform(0.0, 10.)

            # Create sky gradient
            y, x = np.mgrid[:frame.ysize, :frame.xsize]
            sky_gradient = x * y

            # Normalize so that the maximal sky is 20%
            sky_gradient = sky_gradient / np.max(sky_gradient) * 20

            # Add the sky
            frame += sky_level + sky_gradient

            # Mask
            frame[self.rotation_masks[fltr]] = 0.0

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_galaxy(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Adding galaxy ...")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def find(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Finding the sources ...")

        # Settings
        settings = dict()
        #settings["input"] =
        settings["output"] = self.find_path
        settings["nprocesses"] = self.config.nprocesses

        # Input
        input_dict = dict()
        input_dict["dataset"] = self.dataset
        input_dict["extended_source_catalog"] = self.extended_source_catalog
        input_dict["point_source_catalog"] = self.point_source_catalog
        input_dict["output_paths"] = self.find_paths

        # Construct the command
        command = Command("find_sources", "find sources", settings, input_dict)

        # Run the command
        self.finder = self.run_command(command, remote=self.remote)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def write(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Writing ...")

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    def plot(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Plotting ...")