def test_cache_conditional_get_last_modified_expired(self, mock_requests):
        Tests that the cache performs a conditional GET request when asked to
        update the response for a URL with a Last-Modified header, which has
        since expired.
        last_modified = http_date(time.time() - 3600)
        self.set_mock_response(mock_requests, headers={
            'Last-Modified': last_modified
        cache = HttpCache(self.cache_directory)
        url = ''
        # Set a new Last-Modified and content value
        new_last_modified = http_date(time.time())
        self.response_content = b'Response'
        self.set_mock_response(mock_requests, headers={
            'Last-Modified': new_last_modified

        # Run the update again
        response, updated = cache.update(url)

        self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
        # The new content is found in the cache
        self.assertEqual(self.response_content, cache.get_content(url))
        # The new Last-Modified is found in the headers cache
    def test_conditional_get_etag_expired(self, mock_requests):
        Tests that the cache performs a conditional GET request when asked to
        update the response for a URL with an ETag header, which has since
        etag = '"466010a-11bf9-4e17efa8afb81"'
        self.set_mock_response(mock_requests, headers={
            'ETag': etag,
        cache = HttpCache(self.cache_directory)
        url = ''
        # Set a new ETag and content value
        new_etag = '"57ngfhty11bf9-9t831116kn1qw1'
        self.response_content = b'Response'
        self.set_mock_response(mock_requests, headers={
            'ETag': new_etag

        # Run the update again
        response, updated = cache.update(url)

        self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
        # The new content is found in the cache
        self.assertEqual(self.response_content, cache.get_content(url))
        # The new Last-Modified is found in the headers cache
    def test_update_cache_new_item(self, mock_requests):
        Tests the simple case of updating the cache with a new URL's response.
        headers = {
            'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
            'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
        self.set_mock_response(mock_requests, headers=headers)
        cache = HttpCache(self.cache_directory)
        url = ''
        # The URL cannot be found in the cache at this point
        self.assertFalse(url in cache)

        response, updated = cache.update(url)

        # The returned response is correct
        self.assertEqual(self.response_content, response.content)
        self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
        # The return value indicates the cache has been updated
        # The URL is now found in the cache
        self.assertTrue(url in cache)
        # The content is accessible through the cache
        self.assertEqual(self.response_content, cache.get_content(url))
        # The returned headers are accessible through the cache
        cached_headers = cache.get_headers(url)
        for key, value in headers.items():
            self.assertIn(key, cached_headers)
            self.assertEqual(value, cached_headers[key])