# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Subtraction factor
definition.add_optional("factor_range", "real_range", "range (min,max) of values for the factor that denotes the contribution of the old stellar population to the MIPS 24 micron emission", "0.2,0.7", convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("factor_nvalues", "integer", "the number of values for the factor", 8)

# Remake?
definition.add_flag("remake", "remake already existing maps", False)

# Replot?
definition.add_flag("replot", "replot already existing plots", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Plot
definition.add_flag("plot", "plotting", False)

# Clear?
definition.add_flag("clear", "clear maps", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.magic.view.html import scales, colormaps, zooms
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_colour = "jet"
default_colormap = "viridis"
default_scale = "log"
default_zoom = "toFit"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

definition.add_optional("colormap", "string", "color map", default_colormap, choices=colormaps)
definition.add_optional("scale", "string", "image scaling", default=default_scale, choices=scales)
definition.add_optional("zoom", "string", "zoom function", default_zoom, choices=zooms)

# Scales for different kinds of maps
definition.add_optional("colour_scale", "string", "scaling for colour maps", "histeq")
definition.add_optional("ssfr_scale", "string", "scaling for ssfr maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("tir_scale", "string", "scaling for TIR maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("attenuation_scale", "string", "scaling for attenuation maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("old_scale", "string", "scaling for old stellar maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("young_scale", "string", "scaling for young stellar maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("ionizing_scale", "string", "scaling for ionizing stellar maps", "log")
definition.add_optional("dust_scale", "string", "scaling for dust maps", "log")
Exemple #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

    "nopen_files", "positive_integer",
    "number of open files necessary to make the script work", 1024)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("thumbnails", "add map thumbnails", True)
definition.add_optional("thumbnail_height", "positive_integer",
                        "height of the thumbnails (in pixels)", 50)
    "previews", "add previews of the maps when hovering over the thumbnails",
definition.add_flag("methods", "make a separate table for each method", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #4
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.magic.view.html import scales, colormaps, zooms
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

default_colour = "jet"
default_colormap = "viridis"
default_scale = "log"
default_zoom = "toFit;x2"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

definition.add_optional("colormap", "string", "color map", default_colormap, choices=colormaps)
definition.add_optional("scale", "string", "image scaling", default=default_scale, choices=scales)
definition.add_optional("zoom", "string", "zoom function", default_zoom, choices=zooms)

definition.add_optional("softening_start", "real", "relative radius for softening to start (relative to truncation ellipse)", 0.75)
definition.add_flag("view_png", "use the pngs for viewing instead of the original data", False)
definition.add_optional("cropping_factor", "positive_real", "multiply the cropping box with this factor", 1.3)

# Exclusively for the views
definition.add_flag("menubar", "add menubars", True)
definition.add_flag("colorbar", "add colorbars", True)

# Flags
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

definition.add_optional("nopen_files", "positive_integer", "number of open files necessary to make the script work", 1024)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("thumbnails", "add map thumbnails", True)
definition.add_optional("thumbnail_height", "positive_integer", "height of the thumbnails (in pixels)", 50)
definition.add_flag("previews", "add previews of the maps when hovering over the thumbnails", True)
definition.add_flag("methods", "make a separate table for each method", True)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #6
# Get map names
old_map_names = old_map_paths.keys()
young_map_names = young_map_paths.keys()
ionizing_map_names = ionizing_map_paths.keys()
dust_map_names = dust_map_paths.keys()

# Get number of maps
nold_maps = len(old_map_names)
nyoung_maps = len(young_map_names)
nionizing_maps = len(ionizing_map_names)
ndust_maps = len(dust_map_names)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create the configuration
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

# Remote
                        "remote host to use for creating the clip masks",

# Flags
    "convolve", "perform convolution during the creation of the clip masks",

definition.add_optional("cropping_factor", "positive_real",
                        "multiply the cropping box with this factor", 1.3)
Exemple #7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Remake?
definition.add_flag("remake", "remake already existing maps", False)

# REplot?
definition.add_flag("replot", "remake already existing plots", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Smoothing
definition.add_flag("smooth", "smooth the maps by convolving them with a gaussian kernel", True)
definition.add_optional("smoothing_factor", "positive_real", "factor that determines the smoothing kernel FWHM based on the original FWHMs of the maps", 2.)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Plot
definition.add_flag("plot", "plotting", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exemple #8
nold_maps = len(old_map_names)
nyoung_maps = len(young_map_names)
nionizing_maps = len(ionizing_map_names)
ndust_maps = len(dust_map_names)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

maps_path = fs.join(modeling_path, "maps")
maps_components_path = fs.join(maps_path, "components")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------


definition.add_flag("auto", "make selections automatically based on the preferred modeling guidelines", False)

# Auto selection options
default_max_nnegatives = 0.1
definition.add_optional("hot_dust_max_nnegatives", "positive_real", "maximum relative number of negatives in a central ellipse for selection of hot dust map", default_max_nnegatives)
definition.add_optional("young_max_nnegatives", "positive_real", "maximum relative number of negatives in a central ellipse for selection of young stellar map", default_max_nnegatives)

# Selections
definition.add_optional("old", "string_list", "selected old stellar maps", choices=old_map_names)
definition.add_optional("young", "string_list", "selected young stellar maps", choices=young_map_names)
definition.add_optional("ionizing", "string_list", "selected ionizing stellar maps", choices=ionizing_map_names)
definition.add_optional("dust", "string_list", "selected dust maps", choices=dust_map_names)

# Selections with indices
definition.add_optional("old_indices", "integer_list", "selected old stellar maps", choices=range(nold_maps))
definition.add_optional("young_indices", "integer_list", "selected young stellar maps", choices=range(nyoung_maps))
Exemple #9
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition
from pts.modeling.maps.attenuation import methods

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Remake?
definition.add_flag("remake", "remake already existing maps", False)

# Remake?
definition.add_flag("replot", "replot already existing plots", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Select specific input maps
definition.add_flag("select_ssfr", "select specific sSFR maps", False)
definition.add_flag("select_tir", "select specific TIR maps", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Sepcific input maps
definition.add_optional("ssfrs", "string_list", "names of the sSFR maps to use")
definition.add_optional("tirs", "string_list", "names of the TIR maps to use")
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# The significance level
    "fuv_significance", "real",
    "the significance level of the FUV image below which to cut-off the stellar map",

# Remove holes from the cutoff mask
definition.add_flag("remove_holes", "remove holes from the total cutoff mask",

    "range (min,max) of values for the factor that denotes the contribution of the old stellar population to the FUV emission",
definition.add_optional("factor_nvalues", "integer",
                        "the number of values for the factor", 4)
#definition.add_optional("best_factor", "real", "the best estimate for the value of the factor", 0.1) # WAS 0.2, then 0.15. 0.1 SEEMS BEST WHEN LOOKING AT HISTOGRAMS!

    "range (min,max) of the radius (relative to the scalelength) of the area for to make histograms of the pixel values of the corrected FUV maps",
Exemple #11
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# The significance level
#definition.add_optional("fuv_significance", "real", "significance level of the FUV image below which to cut-off the dust map", 2.5)
#definition.add_optional("mips24_significance", "real", "significance level of the MIPS 24 micron image below which to cut-off the dust map", 2.0)
#definition.add_optional("pacs70_significance", "real", "significance level of the Pacs 70 micron image below which to cut-off the dust map", 1.0)
#definition.add_optional("pacs160_significance", "real", "significance level of the Pacs 160 micron image below which to cut-off the dust map", 2.0)
#definition.add_optional("h_significance", "real", "significance level of the 2MASS H image below which to cut-off the dust map", 0.0) # used for SSFR

# Remove holes from the cutoff mask
#definition.add_flag("remove_holes", "remove holes from the total cutoff mask", True)

# Flags for enabling/disabling different methods
                    "make dust map based on black-body fitting", True)
definition.add_flag("make_emission", "make dust map based on emission", True)
definition.add_flag("make_attenuation", "make dust map based on attenuation",
definition.add_flag("make_hot", "make map of hot dust", True)

                        "range of factor to create the hot dust maps",
definition.add_optional("factor_nvalues", "positive_integer",
                        "number of factors", 8)

# Best method
#definition.add_optional("best_method", "string", "the method of which to use the resul as the final dust map", "cortese")
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition
from pts.modeling.maps.component import default_central_ellipse_factor

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Show
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

definition.add_optional("nopen_files", "positive_integer", "number of open files necessary to make the script work", 1024)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("thumbnails", "add map thumbnails", True)
definition.add_optional("thumbnail_height", "positive_integer", "height of the thumbnails (in pixels)", 50)
definition.add_flag("previews", "add previews of the maps when hovering over the thumbnails", True)
definition.add_flag("methods", "make a separate table for each method", True)

# Filtering maps
definition.add_flag("filter", "filter the maps", True)
definition.add_optional("central_ellipse_factor", "real", "central ellipse factor for filtering", default_central_ellipse_factor)
definition.add_optional("ninvalid_pixels_tolerance", "percentage", "number of invalid pixels tolerated within central ellipse", "10", convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("nzero_pixels_tolerance", "percentage", "number of zero pixels tolerated within central ellipse", "40", convert_default=True)
definition.add_optional("nnegative_pixels_tolerance", "percentage", "number of negative pixels tolerated within central ellipse", "20", convert_default=True)
Exemple #13
maps_components_path = fs.join(maps_path, "components")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Get selection indices
indices = fs.files_in_path(maps_components_path, extension="dat", returns="name", startswith="selection", convert=int, sort=int, convert_split_index=1, convert_split_pattern="_")

# Add the setting
if len(indices) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not find any selection file")
elif len(indices) == 1: definition.add_fixed("selection", "selection to use", indices[0])
else: definition.add_optional("selection", "positive_integer", "selection to use", choices=indices)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Show?
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

# Remote
definition.add_optional("remote", "string", "remote host to use for creating the clip masks", choices=find_host_ids(schedulers=False))

# Flags
definition.add_flag("convolve", "perform convolution during the creation of the clip masks", False)

definition.add_optional("cropping_factor", "positive_real", "multiply the cropping box with this factor", 1.3)

definition.add_optional("rebin_remote_threshold", "data_quantity", "data size threshold for remote rebinning", "0.5 GB", convert_default=True)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("add_old", "add old stellar maps", True)
Exemple #14
# Get map names
old_map_names = old_map_paths.keys()
young_map_names = young_map_paths.keys()
ionizing_map_names = ionizing_map_paths.keys()
dust_map_names = dust_map_paths.keys()

# Get number of maps
nold_maps = len(old_map_names)
nyoung_maps = len(young_map_names)
nionizing_maps = len(ionizing_map_names)
ndust_maps = len(dust_map_names)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Steps
definition.add_flag("steps", "save the results of intermediate steps", True)

# Remote
                        "remote host to use for creating the clip masks",

    "convolve", "perform convolution during the creation of the clip masks",

Exemple #15
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Show
definition.add_flag("show", "show the page", False)

    "nopen_files", "positive_integer",
    "number of open files necessary to make the script work", 1024)

# Flags
definition.add_flag("thumbnails", "add map thumbnails", True)
definition.add_optional("thumbnail_height", "positive_integer",
                        "height of the thumbnails (in pixels)", 50)
    "previews", "add previews of the maps when hovering over the thumbnails",
definition.add_flag("methods", "make a separate table for each method", True)

# Filtering maps
definition.add_flag("filter", "filter the maps", True)
Exemple #16
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# *****************************************************************
# **       PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT          **
# **       © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University          **
# *****************************************************************

# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.modeling.config.maps import definition

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Remake?
definition.add_flag("remake", "remake already existing maps", False)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------