def do( simDirPath : (str, "SKIRT simulation output directory"),
        prefix : (str,"SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
        instruments : (str,"up to three comma-separated SKIRT instrument names") = "",
        percentile : (float,"percentile in range [0,100] used to determine maximum surface brightness") = 100,
        dex : (float,"number of decades in the surface brightness range") = 5,
        renormalize : (int,"if nonzero, the surface brightness range is determined for each frame separately") = 0,
        rate : (int,"frame rate of the movie in frames per second") = 7,
        ) -> "create a movie that runs through all wavelengths in the SKIRT simulation output":

    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.utils as ut
    import pts.visual as vis

    # private function to retrieve the instrument with a specified name from a simulation
    def instrumentWithName(sim, instrname):
        instrlist = [ instr for instr in sim.instruments() if ]
        if len(instrlist) == 0:
            raise ut.UserError("simulation '{}' does not have instrument '{}'".format(sim.prefix(), instrname))
        return instrlist[0]

    # loop over the simulations to be handled
    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath, prefix if len(prefix) > 0 else None):

        # get a list of the requested instruments (or simply specify the complete simulation)
        simspec = sim
        if len(instruments) > 0:
            simspec = [ instrumentWithName(sim, instrname) for instrname in instruments.split(',') ]

        # create the movie
        vis.makeWavelengthMovie(simspec, maxPercentile=percentile, decades=dex, renormalize=renormalize!=0, rate=rate)
Exemple #2
def do(
    simDirPath: (str, "SKIRT simulation output directory"),
    prefix: (str, "SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
    plot: (str, "type of plot: linmap, degmap, degavg, or cirmap") = "linmap",
    wave: (float,
           "wavelength of the frame to be plotted; 0 means all frames") = 0,
    bin: (int, "number of pixels in a bin, in both x and y directions") = 7,
     "number of decades to be included in the background intensity range (color bar)"
     ) = 5,
) -> "plot polarization maps for the output of one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath,
                                    prefix if len(prefix) > 0 else None):
            wavelength='all' if wave == 0 else wave << sm.unit("micron"),
            binSize=(bin, bin),
def do( simDirPath : (str,"SKIRT simulation output directory"),
        prefix : (str,"SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
        ) -> "plot the planar cuts through the temperature in one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath, prefix if len(prefix)>0 else None):
Exemple #4
def do( simDirPath : (str, "SKIRT simulation output directory"),
        prefix : (str,"SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
        bin : (int,"number of pixels in a bin, in both x and y directions") = 32,
        ) -> "plot the planar cuts through the magnetic field in one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath, prefix if len(prefix) > 0 else None):
        vis.plotMagneticFieldCuts(sim, binSize=(bin,bin))
Exemple #5
def do( simDirPath : (str,"SKIRT simulation output directory"),
        prefix : (str,"SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
        wmin : (float,"smallest wavelength on the horizontal axis, in micron") = 0.1,
        wmax : (float,"largest wavelength on the horizontal axis, in micron") = 1000.,
        dex : (float,"number of decades to be plotted on the vertical axis") = 5,
        ) -> "plot the luminosity of and packets launched by one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import astropy.units as u
    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath, prefix if len(prefix)>0 else None):
        vis.plotSources(sim, minWavelength=wmin * u.micron, maxWavelength=wmax * u.micron, decades=dex)
Exemple #6
def do(
    simDirPath: (str, "SKIRT simulation output directory"),
    prefix: (str, "SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
    dex: (float,
          "number of decades to be included in the density range (color bar)"
          ) = 5,
) -> "plot the planar cuts through the medium density in one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath,
                                    prefix if len(prefix) > 0 else None):
        vis.plotDefaultMediaDensityCuts(sim, decades=dex)
Exemple #7
def do( simDirPath : (str,"SKIRT simulation output directory"),
        prefix : (str,"SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
        instr : (str,"instrument name") = "",
        wmin : (float,"smallest wavelength on the horizontal axis, in micron") = 0.1,
        wmax : (float,"largest wavelength on the horizontal axis, in micron") = 1000.,
        dex : (float,"number of decades to be plotted on the vertical axis") = 5,
        ) -> "plot the SEDs produced by one or more SKIRT simulations":

    import astropy.units as u
    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.visual as vis

    for sim in sm.createSimulations(simDirPath, prefix if len(prefix)>0 else None):
        if len(instr)>0:
            instrument = [ ins for ins in sim.instruments() if == instr ]
            vis.plotSeds(instrument, minWavelength=wmin * u.micron, maxWavelength=wmax * u.micron, decades=dex)
            vis.plotSeds(sim, minWavelength=wmin * u.micron, maxWavelength=wmax * u.micron, decades=dex)
Exemple #8
def do(
    simDirPath: (str, "SKIRT simulation output directory"),
    prefix: (str, "SKIRT simulation prefix") = "",
    type: (str,
           "type of SKIRT instrument output files to be handled") = "total",
    name: (str,
           "name segment that will be added to the image file names") = "",
     "three comma-separated wavelength values or broadband names defining the R,G,B colors"
     ) = "",
) -> "create RGB images for surface brightness maps generated by SKIRT instruments":

    import as bnd
    import pts.simulation as sm
    import pts.utils as ut
    import pts.visual as vis

    # get the simulations to be handled
    sims = sm.createSimulations(simDirPath,
                                prefix if len(prefix) > 0 else None)

    # parse the colors and handle accordingly

    # no colors given
    if len(colors) == 0:
        if len(name) > 0:
            raise ut.UserError(
                "name argument is not supported when colors are not specified")
        for sim in sims:
            vis.makeRGBImages(sim, fileType=type)

    # get segments
    segments = colors.split(',')
    if len(segments) != 3:
        raise ut.UserError(
            "colors argument must have three comma-separated segments")

    # try wavelengths
        wavelengths = [float(segment) for segment in segments]
    except ValueError:
        wavelengths = None
    if wavelengths is not None:
        tuples = {name: wavelengths << sm.unit("micron")}
        for sim in sims:
            vis.makeRGBImages(sim, wavelengthTuples=tuples, fileType=type)

    # try bands
        bands = [bnd.BroadBand(segment) for segment in segments]
    except ValueError:
        bands = None
    if bands is not None:
        contributions = [(bands[0], 1, 0, 0), (bands[1], 0, 1, 0),
                         (bands[1], 0, 0, 1)]
        for sim in sims:

    raise ut.UserError(
        "colors argument must specify three wavelengths in micron or three broadband names"
Exemple #9
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--galaxy") # name of galaxy
args = parser.parse_args()
galaxy = args.galaxy

colors = "SDSS_Z,SDSS_R,SDSS_G"
#colors = "PACS_100,SDSS_R,GALEX_NUV"
name = "custom_image"
type = "total"

path = '/scratch/ntf229/RT_fit/resources/SKIRT/'+galaxy+'/maxLevel13/wavelengths601/numPhotons1e9/inc0/dust/dustFraction0.2/maxTemp16000/'

# get the simulations to be handled
sims = sm.createSimulations(path, None)

# get segments
segments = colors.split(',')
if len(segments) != 3:
    raise ut.UserError("colors argument must have three comma-separated segments")

bands = [ bnd.BroadBand(segment) for segment in segments ]
#contributions = [ (bands[0], 1, 0, 0), (bands[1], 0, 1, 0), (bands[1], 0, 0, 1) ] # original
contributions = [ (bands[0], 1, 0, 0), (bands[1], 0, 1, 0), (bands[2], 0, 0, 1) ] # altered from original
for sim in sims:
    #vis.makeConvolvedRGBImages(sim, contributions=contributions, fileType=type, name=name, decades=6)
    makeConvolvedRGBImages(sim, contributions=contributions, fileType=type, name=name, decades=6)

os.system("mv sph_i00_total_custom_image.png "+image_path+galaxy+"_image.png")