def connect(self, retries=0): if self.max_retries and retries >= self.max_retries: self.log.error("Aborting after %d retries", retries) raise AMQPConnectionError('Aborting after %d connection failures.' % retries) return # Pick up a host host = self.hosts.pop() self.hosts.insert(0, host) self.client = Client(host, pubacks=self.confirms) host = host.split('@')[-1] self.log.debug('Connecting to node %s' % host) try: promise = self.client.connect() self.client.wait(promise) except socket_error as e: if retries < len(self.hosts): self.log.warning('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) else: self.log.error('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) sleep(1) return self.connect(retries + 1)'Successfully connected to host: %s', host) # Setup TCP keepalive option, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Keepalive time, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 20) # Keepalive interval, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 2) # Keepalive retry, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 10)'Creating channel') # Clear consume_promises each time connecting, since they are related # to the connection object self.consume_promises = [] if self.unacked: self._resend_unacked_messages() if self.unsend: self._resend_unsend_messages() if self.consumers: for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): self.basic_consume(queue, callback) if self.exchanges: exchanges = self.exchanges self.exchanges = [] for exchange, type in exchanges: self.exchange_declare(exchange, type)
class AMQPPukaClient(object): """ AMQP generic client implementing most of the basic AMQP operations. """ def __init__(self, hosts=settings.AMQP_HOSTS, max_retries=30, confirms=True, confirm_buffer=100, logger=None): """ Format hosts as "amqp://*****:*****@host:port" max_retries=0 defaults to unlimited retries """ self.hosts = hosts shuffle(self.hosts) self.max_retries = max_retries self.confirms = confirms self.confirm_buffer = confirm_buffer self.connection = None = None self.consumers = {} self.unacked = OrderedDict() self.unsend = OrderedDict() self.consume_promises = [] self.exchanges = [] if logger: self.log = logger else: logger = logging.getLogger("amqp") logging.basicConfig() self.log = logger def connect(self, retries=0): if self.max_retries and retries >= self.max_retries: self.log.error("Aborting after %d retries", retries) raise AMQPConnectionError('Aborting after %d connection failures.' % retries) return # Pick up a host host = self.hosts.pop() self.hosts.insert(0, host) self.client = Client(host, pubacks=self.confirms) host = host.split('@')[-1] self.log.debug('Connecting to node %s' % host) try: promise = self.client.connect() self.client.wait(promise) except socket_error as e: if retries < len(self.hosts): self.log.warning('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) else: self.log.error('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) sleep(1) return self.connect(retries + 1)'Successfully connected to host: %s', host) # Setup TCP keepalive option, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Keepalive time, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 20) # Keepalive interval, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 2) # Keepalive retry, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 10)'Creating channel') # Clear consume_promises each time connecting, since they are related # to the connection object self.consume_promises = [] if self.unacked: self.log.debug("Resending unacked messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unacked_messages() if self.unsend: self.log.debug("Resending unsent messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unsend_messages() if self.exchanges: exchanges = self.exchanges self.exchanges = [] for exchange, type in exchanges: self.exchange_declare(exchange, type) if self.consumers: for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): self.basic_consume(queue, callback) @reconnect_decorator def reconnect(self, timeout=None): try: self.close(timeout=timeout) except: self.log.exception("Ignoring unhandled exception while closing" " old connection.") self.connect() def exchange_declare(self, exchange, type='direct'): """Declare an exchange @type exchange_name: string @param exchange_name: name of the exchange @type exchange_type: string @param exhange_type: one of 'direct', 'topic', 'fanout' """'Declaring %s exchange: %s', type, exchange) promise = self.client.exchange_declare(exchange=exchange, type=type, durable=True, auto_delete=False) self.client.wait(promise) self.exchanges.append((exchange, type)) @reconnect_decorator def queue_declare(self, queue, exclusive=False, mirrored=True, mirrored_nodes='all', dead_letter_exchange=None, ttl=None): """Declare a queue @type queue: string @param queue: name of the queue @param mirrored: whether the queue will be mirrored to other brokers @param mirrored_nodes: the policy for the mirrored queue. Available policies: - 'all': The queue is mirrored to all nodes and the master node is the one to which the client is connected - a list of nodes. The queue will be mirrored only to the specified nodes, and the master will be the first node in the list. Node names must be provided and not host IP. example: [node1@rabbit,node2@rabbit] @type ttl: int @param ttl: Queue TTL in seconds """'Declaring queue: %s', queue) if mirrored: if mirrored_nodes == 'all': arguments = {'x-ha-policy': 'all'} elif isinstance(mirrored_nodes, list): arguments = {'x-ha-policy': 'nodes', 'x-ha-policy-params': mirrored_nodes} else: raise AttributeError else: arguments = {} if ttl is not None: arguments['x-expires'] = ttl * 1000 if dead_letter_exchange: arguments['x-dead-letter-exchange'] = dead_letter_exchange promise = self.client.queue_declare(queue=queue, durable=True, exclusive=exclusive, auto_delete=False, arguments=arguments) self.client.wait(promise) def queue_bind(self, queue, exchange, routing_key): self.log.debug('Binding queue %s to exchange %s with key %s' % (queue, exchange, routing_key)) promise = self.client.queue_bind(exchange=exchange, queue=queue, routing_key=routing_key) self.client.wait(promise) @reconnect_decorator def basic_publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body, headers={}): """Publish a message with a specific routing key """ self._publish(exchange, routing_key, body, headers) self.flush_buffer() if self.confirms and len(self.unacked) >= self.confirm_buffer: self.get_confirms() @reconnect_decorator def basic_publish_multi(self, exchange, routing_key, bodies): for body in bodies: self.unsend[body] = (exchange, routing_key) for body in bodies: self._publish(exchange, routing_key, body) self.unsend.pop(body) self.flush_buffer() if self.confirms: self.get_confirms() def _publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body, headers={}): # Persisent messages by default! headers['delivery_mode'] = 2 if self.confirms: callback = self.handle_publisher_confirm else: callback = None promise = self.client.basic_publish(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, body=body, headers=headers, callback=callback) if self.confirms: self.unacked[promise] = (exchange, routing_key, body) return promise def handle_publisher_confirm(self, promise, result): """Handle publisher confirmation message. Callback function which handles publisher confirmation by removing the promise (and message) from 'unacked' messages. """ msg = self.unacked.pop(promise, None) if msg is None: self.log.warning("Received publisher confirmation for" " unknown promise '%s'", promise) @reconnect_decorator def flush_buffer(self): while self.client.needs_write(): self.client.on_write() @reconnect_decorator def get_confirms(self): """Wait for all publisher confirmations.""" while self.unacked: self.client.wait(self.unacked.keys()) @reconnect_decorator def _resend_unacked_messages(self): """Resend unacked messages in case of a connection failure.""" msgs = self.unacked.values() self.unacked.clear() for exchange, routing_key, body in msgs: self.log.debug('Resending message %s' % body) self.basic_publish(exchange, routing_key, body) @reconnect_decorator def _resend_unsend_messages(self): """Resend unsend messages in case of a connection failure.""" for body in self.unsend.keys(): (exchange, routing_key) = self.unsend[body] self.basic_publish(exchange, routing_key, body) self.unsend.pop(body) @reconnect_decorator def basic_consume(self, queue, callback, no_ack=False, prefetch_count=0): """Consume from a queue. @type queue: string or list of strings @param queue: the name or list of names from the queues to consume @type callback: function @param callback: the callback function to run when a message arrives """ self.log.debug("Consume from queue '%s'", queue) # Store the queues and the callback self.consumers[queue] = callback def handle_delivery(promise, msg): """Hide promises and messages without body""" if 'body' in msg: callback(self, msg) else: self.log.debug("Message without body %s" % msg) raise socket_error consume_promise = \ self.client.basic_consume(queue=queue, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, callback=handle_delivery, no_ack=no_ack) self.consume_promises.append(consume_promise) return consume_promise @reconnect_decorator def basic_wait(self, promise=None, timeout=0): """Wait for messages from the queues declared by basic_consume. This function will block until a message arrives from the queues that have been declared with basic_consume. If the optional arguments 'promise' is given, only messages for this promise will be delivered. """ if promise is not None: return self.client.loop(timeout) else: return self.client.wait(self.consume_promises, timeout) @reconnect_decorator def basic_get(self, queue, no_ack=False): """Get a single message from a queue. This is a non-blocking method for getting messages from a queue. It will return None if the queue is empty. """ get_promise = self.client.basic_get(queue=queue, no_ack=no_ack) result = self.client.wait(get_promise) if 'empty' in result: # The queue is empty return None else: return result @reconnect_decorator def basic_ack(self, message): self.client.basic_ack(message) @reconnect_decorator def basic_nack(self, message): self.client.basic_ack(message) @reconnect_decorator def basic_reject(self, message, requeue=False): """Reject a message. If requeue option is False and a dead letter exchange is associated with the queue, the message will be routed to the dead letter exchange. """ self.client.basic_reject(message, requeue=requeue) def close(self, timeout=None): """Check that messages have been send and close the connection.""""Closing connection to %s", try: # Flush buffer before closing connection self.flush_buffer() # Try to get confirmations if self.confirms and self.unacked: self.log.debug("Getting pending publisher confirmations..") self.get_confirms() # And close the connection close_promise = self.client.close() self.log.debug("Waiting for connection to close..") self.client.wait(close_promise, timeout=timeout) except (socket_error, spec_exceptions.ConnectionForced) as e: self.log.error('Connection closed while closing connection:%s', e) def queue_delete(self, queue, if_unused=True, if_empty=True): """Delete a queue. Returns False if the queue does not exist """ try: promise = self.client.queue_delete(queue=queue, if_unused=if_unused, if_empty=if_empty) self.client.wait(promise) return True except spec_exceptions.NotFound:"Queue %s does not exist", queue) return False def exchange_delete(self, exchange, if_unused=True): """Delete an exchange.""" try: promise = self.client.exchange_delete(exchange=exchange, if_unused=if_unused) self.client.wait(promise) return True except spec_exceptions.NotFound:"Exchange %s does not exist", exchange) return False @reconnect_decorator def basic_cancel(self, promise=None, timeout=None): """Cancel consuming from a queue. """ if promise is not None: promises = [self.client.basic_cancel(promise)] else: promises = [self.client.basic_cancel(p) for p in self.consume_promises] self.client.wait(promises, timeout=timeout)
class AMQPPukaClient(object): """ AMQP generic client implementing most of the basic AMQP operations. """ def __init__(self, hosts=settings.AMQP_HOSTS, max_retries=30, confirms=True, confirm_buffer=100, logger=None): """ Format hosts as "amqp://*****:*****@host:port" max_retries=0 defaults to unlimited retries """ self.hosts = hosts shuffle(self.hosts) self.max_retries = max_retries self.confirms = confirms self.confirm_buffer = confirm_buffer self.connection = None = None self.consumers = {} self.unacked = OrderedDict() self.unsend = OrderedDict() self.consume_promises = [] self.exchanges = [] if logger: self.log = logger else: logger = logging.getLogger("amqp") logging.basicConfig() self.log = logger def connect(self, retries=0): if self.max_retries and retries >= self.max_retries: self.log.error("Aborting after %d retries", retries) raise AMQPConnectionError('Aborting after %d connection failures.' % retries) return # Pick up a host host = self.hosts.pop() self.hosts.insert(0, host) self.client = Client(host, pubacks=self.confirms) host = host.split('@')[-1] self.log.debug('Connecting to node %s' % host) try: promise = self.client.connect() self.client.wait(promise) except socket_error as e: if retries < len(self.hosts): self.log.warning('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) else: self.log.error('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) sleep(1) return self.connect(retries + 1)'Successfully connected to host: %s', host) # Setup TCP keepalive option, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Keepalive time, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 20) # Keepalive interval, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 2) # Keepalive retry, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 10)'Creating channel') # Clear consume_promises each time connecting, since they are related # to the connection object self.consume_promises = [] if self.unacked: self._resend_unacked_messages() if self.unsend: self._resend_unsend_messages() if self.consumers: for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): self.basic_consume(queue, callback) if self.exchanges: exchanges = self.exchanges self.exchanges = [] for exchange, type in exchanges: self.exchange_declare(exchange, type) @reconnect_decorator def reconnect(self): self.close() self.connect() def exchange_declare(self, exchange, type='direct'): """Declare an exchange @type exchange_name: string @param exchange_name: name of the exchange @type exchange_type: string @param exhange_type: one of 'direct', 'topic', 'fanout' """'Declaring %s exchange: %s', type, exchange) promise = self.client.exchange_declare(exchange=exchange, type=type, durable=True, auto_delete=False) self.client.wait(promise) self.exchanges.append((exchange, type)) @reconnect_decorator def queue_declare(self, queue, exclusive=False, mirrored=True, mirrored_nodes='all', dead_letter_exchange=None): """Declare a queue @type queue: string @param queue: name of the queue @param mirrored: whether the queue will be mirrored to other brokers @param mirrored_nodes: the policy for the mirrored queue. Available policies: - 'all': The queue is mirrored to all nodes and the master node is the one to which the client is connected - a list of nodes. The queue will be mirrored only to the specified nodes, and the master will be the first node in the list. Node names must be provided and not host IP. example: [node1@rabbit,node2@rabbit] """'Declaring queue: %s', queue) if mirrored: if mirrored_nodes == 'all': arguments = {'x-ha-policy': 'all'} elif isinstance(mirrored_nodes, list): arguments = {'x-ha-policy': 'nodes', 'x-ha-policy-params': mirrored_nodes} else: raise AttributeError else: arguments = {} if dead_letter_exchange: arguments['x-dead-letter-exchange'] = dead_letter_exchange promise = self.client.queue_declare(queue=queue, durable=True, exclusive=exclusive, auto_delete=False, arguments=arguments) self.client.wait(promise) def queue_bind(self, queue, exchange, routing_key): self.log.debug('Binding queue %s to exchange %s with key %s' % (queue, exchange, routing_key)) promise = self.client.queue_bind(exchange=exchange, queue=queue, routing_key=routing_key) self.client.wait(promise) @reconnect_decorator def basic_publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body, headers={}): """Publish a message with a specific routing key """ self._publish(exchange, routing_key, body, headers) self.flush_buffer() if self.confirms and len(self.unacked) >= self.confirm_buffer: self.get_confirms() @reconnect_decorator def basic_publish_multi(self, exchange, routing_key, bodies): for body in bodies: self.unsend[body] = (exchange, routing_key) for body in bodies: self._publish(exchange, routing_key, body) self.unsend.pop(body) self.flush_buffer() if self.confirms: self.get_confirms() def _publish(self, exchange, routing_key, body, headers={}): # Persisent messages by default! headers['delivery_mode'] = 2 promise = self.client.basic_publish(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key, body=body, headers=headers) if self.confirms: self.unacked[promise] = (exchange, routing_key, body) return promise @reconnect_decorator def flush_buffer(self): while self.client.needs_write(): self.client.on_write() @reconnect_decorator def get_confirms(self): for promise in self.unacked.keys(): self.client.wait(promise) self.unacked.pop(promise) @reconnect_decorator def _resend_unacked_messages(self): """Resend unacked messages in case of a connection failure.""" msgs = self.unacked.values() self.unacked.clear() for exchange, routing_key, body in msgs: self.log.debug('Resending message %s' % body) self.basic_publish(exchange, routing_key, body) @reconnect_decorator def _resend_unsend_messages(self): """Resend unsend messages in case of a connection failure.""" for body in self.unsend.keys(): (exchange, routing_key) = self.unsend[body] self.basic_publish(exchange, routing_key, body) self.unsend.pop(body) @reconnect_decorator def basic_consume(self, queue, callback, prefetch_count=0): """Consume from a queue. @type queue: string or list of strings @param queue: the name or list of names from the queues to consume @type callback: function @param callback: the callback function to run when a message arrives """ # Store the queues and the callback self.consumers[queue] = callback def handle_delivery(promise, msg): """Hide promises and messages without body""" if 'body' in msg: callback(self, msg) else: self.log.debug("Message without body %s" % msg) raise socket_error consume_promise = \ self.client.basic_consume(queue=queue, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, callback=handle_delivery) self.consume_promises.append(consume_promise) return consume_promise @reconnect_decorator def basic_wait(self, promise=None, timeout=0): """Wait for messages from the queues declared by basic_consume. This function will block until a message arrives from the queues that have been declared with basic_consume. If the optional arguments 'promise' is given, only messages for this promise will be delivered. """ if promise is not None: return self.client.wait(promise, timeout) else: return self.client.wait(self.consume_promises, timeout) @reconnect_decorator def basic_get(self, queue): """Get a single message from a queue. This is a non-blocking method for getting messages from a queue. It will return None if the queue is empty. """ get_promise = self.client.basic_get(queue=queue) result = self.client.wait(get_promise) if 'empty' in result: # The queue is empty return None else: return result @reconnect_decorator def basic_ack(self, message): self.client.basic_ack(message) @reconnect_decorator def basic_nack(self, message): self.client.basic_ack(message) @reconnect_decorator def basic_reject(self, message, requeue=False): """Reject a message. If requeue option is False and a dead letter exchange is associated with the queue, the message will be routed to the dead letter exchange. """ self.client.basic_reject(message, requeue=requeue) def close(self): """Check that messages have been send and close the connection.""" self.log.debug("Closing connection to %s", try: if self.confirms: self.get_confirms() close_promise = self.client.close() self.client.wait(close_promise) except (socket_error, spec_exceptions.ConnectionForced) as e: self.log.error('Connection closed while closing connection:%s', e) def queue_delete(self, queue, if_unused=True, if_empty=True): """Delete a queue. Returns False if the queue does not exist """ try: promise = self.client.queue_delete(queue=queue, if_unused=if_unused, if_empty=if_empty) self.client.wait(promise) return True except spec_exceptions.NotFound:"Queue %s does not exist", queue) return False def exchange_delete(self, exchange, if_unused=True): """Delete an exchange.""" try: promise = self.client.exchange_delete(exchange=exchange, if_unused=if_unused) self.client.wait(promise) return True except spec_exceptions.NotFound:"Exchange %s does not exist", exchange) return False @reconnect_decorator def basic_cancel(self, promise=None): """Cancel consuming from a queue. """ if promise is not None: self.client.basic_cancel(promise) else: for promise in self.consume_promises: self.client.basic_cancel(promise)
def connect(self): """Initialize a connection with the AMQP server. If it fails, retry at most <max_retries> times. """ retries = 0 self.client = None # Try to connect at most <max_retries> times while self.max_retries == 0 or retries < self.max_retries: retries += 1 # Pick up a host host = self.hosts.pop() self.hosts.insert(0, host) self.client = Client(host, pubacks=self.confirms) host = host.split('@')[-1] self.log.debug('Connecting to node %s' % host) try: promise = self.client.connect() self.client.wait(promise) break except socket_error as e: self.client = None if retries < len(self.hosts): self.log.warning('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) else: self.log.error('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) sleep(1) if not self.client: raise AMQPConnectionError( 'Aborting after %d connection failures.' % retries)'Successfully connected to host: %s', host) # Setup TCP keepalive option, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Keepalive time, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 20) # Keepalive interval, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 2) # Keepalive retry, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 10)'Creating channel') # Clear consume_promises each time connecting, since they are related # to the connection object self.consume_promises = [] if self.unacked: self.log.debug("Resending unacked messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unacked_messages() if self.unsend: self.log.debug("Resending unsent messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unsend_messages() if self.exchanges: exchanges = self.exchanges self.exchanges = [] for exchange, type in exchanges: self.exchange_declare(exchange, type) if self.consumers: for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): self.basic_consume(queue, callback)
def connect(self): """Initialize a connection with the AMQP server. If it fails, retry at most <max_retries> times. """ retries = 0 self.client = None # Try to connect at most <max_retries> times while self.max_retries == 0 or retries < self.max_retries: retries += 1 # Pick up a host host = self.hosts.pop() self.hosts.insert(0, host) self.client = Client(host, pubacks=self.confirms) host = host.split('@')[-1] self.log.debug('Connecting to node %s' % host) try: promise = self.client.connect() self.client.wait(promise) break except socket_error as e: self.client = None if retries < len(self.hosts): self.log.warning('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) else: self.log.error('Cannot connect to host %s: %s', host, e) sleep(1) if not self.client: raise AMQPConnectionError('Aborting after %d connection failures.' % retries)'Successfully connected to host: %s', host) # Setup TCP keepalive option, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1) # Keepalive time, socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 20) # Keepalive interval, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL, 2) # Keepalive retry, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, 10)'Creating channel') # Clear consume_promises each time connecting, since they are related # to the connection object self.consume_promises = [] if self.unacked: self.log.debug("Resending unacked messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unacked_messages() if self.unsend: self.log.debug("Resending unsent messages from previous" " connection") self._resend_unsend_messages() if self.exchanges: exchanges = self.exchanges self.exchanges = [] for exchange, type in exchanges: self.exchange_declare(exchange, type) if self.consumers: for queue, callback in self.consumers.items(): self.basic_consume(queue, callback)