tags =  { "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":options.num }

    # Create custom graph
    simpleTask = Task( name=options.jobname, arguments=args, tags=tags, runner="puliclient.contrib.commandlinerunner.CommandLineRunner", lic="katana" )
    # simpleTask = Task( name="T-Generic", arguments=args, tags=tags, runner="puliclient.contrib.debug.WaitRunner" )
    graph = Graph( options.jobname, simpleTask, tags=tags, poolName='default' )

#    graph.addNewTask( name="T1", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":5, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":5}, runner=runner )
#    g1 = graph.addNewTaskGroup( name="group1", tags=tags )
#    g1.addTask( simpleTask )
#    g1.addNewTask( name="T2", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":1, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":1}, runner=runner )
#    g1.addNewTask( name="T3", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":1, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":1}, runner=runner )
#    graph.addNewTask( name="T4", arguments={ "args": command, "start":1, "end":10, "packetSize":1 }, tags={ "prod":"test", "shot":"test", "nbFrames":10}, runner=runner )

    if options.dump:
        print graph

    # Execute
    if options.execute:
        graph.submit(options.hostname, options.port)

# Then we define a task. A task is basically a group of one or several commands all of the same kind.
# It means, each command will start the same process but might have different params. For instance you will
# create a task to execute a single process or to exec several times the same process like when rendering
# an image sequence.

# In this example we will create a simple task with only one command
# Therefore we need to define only 2 attributes:
#   - its name
#   - a dict of its arguments
name = "my command"

# The arguments dict can handle many arguments.
# When creating a classic command (like a shell command) we internally use a "runner" called "CommandLineRunner".
# This default runner automatically handles the following arguments:
#   - cmd: a string representing the command to start
#   - start: start frame number
#   - end: end frame number
#   - packetSize: how many frames to calculate during the same command

# Here we only need to define the "cmd" to start a simple shell process
# (More information on runners and how to specialize them in documentation)
arguments = {
    "cmd": "sleep 15s"

# Then add a new task to the graph
graph.addNewTask(name, arguments=arguments)

# Finally submit the graph to the server