Exemple #1
    def test_request_verify_ssl_false(self, set_verify, load_verify_locations, request,
        Test the request() method when the connection's verify_ssl setting is False.
        conn = server.PulpConnection('host', verify_ssl=False)
        wrapper = server.HTTPSServerWrapper(conn)

        class FakeResponse(object):
            This class is used to fake the response from httpslib.
            def read(self):
                return '{}'

            status = 200

        getresponse.return_value = FakeResponse()

        status, body = wrapper.request('GET', '/awesome/api/', '')

        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(body, {})
        # These should not have been called
        self.assertEqual(set_verify.call_count, 0)
        self.assertEqual(load_verify_locations.call_count, 0)
Exemple #2
    def test___init___verify_ssl_true(self):
        Test __init__() with validate_ssl set to True.
        connection = server.PulpConnection('host', verify_ssl=True)

        self.assertEqual(connection.verify_ssl, True)
Exemple #3
    def test_request_with_ca_path_to_file(self, set_verify, load_verify_locations, request,
                                          getresponse, isfile):
        Test the request() method when the connection's ca_path setting points to a file.
        ca_path = '/path/to/an/existing.file'
        conn = server.PulpConnection('host', verify_ssl=True, ca_path=ca_path)
        wrapper = server.HTTPSServerWrapper(conn)

        class FakeResponse(object):
            This class is used to fake the response from httpslib.
            def read(self):
                return '{"it": "worked!"}'

            status = 200

        getresponse.return_value = FakeResponse()

        status, body = wrapper.request('GET', '/awesome/api/', '')

        self.assertEqual(status, 200)
        self.assertEqual(body, {'it': 'worked!'})
        # Make sure the SSL settings are correct
        set_verify.assert_called_once_with(SSL.verify_peer, depth=100)
Exemple #4
    def test___init___ca_path_set(self):
        Test __init__() with the ca_path argument explicitly set.
        ca_path = '/some/path'

        connection = server.PulpConnection('host', ca_path=ca_path)

        self.assertEqual(connection.ca_path, ca_path)
Exemple #5
    def test___init___proxy_set(self):
        Test __init__() with the proxy_host & proxy_port arguments explicitly set.
        proxy_host = 'proxy'
        proxy_port = 3128

        connection = server.PulpConnection('host', proxy_host=proxy_host,

        self.assertEqual(connection.proxy_host, proxy_host)
Exemple #6
    def test_request_handles_untrusted_server_cert(self, request):
        Test the request() method when the server is using a certificate that is not signed by a
        trusted certificate authority.
        conn = server.PulpConnection('host')
        wrapper = server.HTTPSServerWrapper(conn)
        # Let's raise the SSLError with the right string to count as a certificate problem
        request.side_effect = SSL.SSLError('oh nos certificate verify failed can you believe it?')

        self.assertRaises(exceptions.CertificateVerificationException, wrapper.request, 'GET',
                          '/awesome/api/', '')
Exemple #7
    def test_request_with_ca_cant_read(self, set_verify, load_verify_locations):
        Test the request() method when the connection's ca_path setting points to a path that isn't
        a directory or a file.
        ca_path = '/does/not/exist/'
        conn = server.PulpConnection('host', ca_path=ca_path)
        wrapper = server.HTTPSServerWrapper(conn)

            wrapper.request('GET', '/awesome/api/', '')
            self.fail('An exception should have been raised, and it was not.')
        except exceptions.MissingCAPathException as e:
            self.assertEqual(e.args[0], ca_path)
        except Exception:
            self.fail('The wrong exception type was raised!')
Exemple #8
    def test___init___defaults(self):
        Test __init__() with default parameters.
        host = 'host'

        connection = server.PulpConnection(host)

        self.assertEqual(connection.host, host)
        self.assertEqual(connection.port, 443)
        self.assertEqual(connection.path_prefix, '/pulp/api')
        self.assertEqual(connection.timeout, 120)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(connection.log, logging.Logger))
        self.assertEqual(connection.log.name, 'pulp.bindings.server')
        self.assertEqual(connection.api_responses_logger, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.username, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.password, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.cert_filename, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.oauth_key, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.oauth_secret, None)
        self.assertEqual(connection.oauth_user, 'admin')

        # Make sure the headers are right
        expected_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
        if expected_locale:
            expected_locale = expected_locale.lower().replace('_', '-')
            expected_locale = 'en-us'
        expected_headers = {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Accept-Language': expected_locale,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        self.assertEqual(connection.headers, expected_headers)
            isinstance(connection.server_wrapper, server.HTTPSServerWrapper))
        self.assertEqual(connection.server_wrapper.pulp_connection, connection)
        self.assertEqual(connection.verify_ssl, True)
        self.assertEqual(connection.ca_path, server.DEFAULT_CA_PATH)
        # 1142376 - verify default path points to a known valid file
Exemple #9
    def test_request_refuses_ssl(self, set_options, Context, request, getresponse):
        Assert that request() configures m2crypto to refuse to do SSLv2.0 and SSLv3.0.

        conn = server.PulpConnection('host', verify_ssl=False)
        wrapper = server.HTTPSServerWrapper(conn)

        status, body = wrapper.request('GET', '/awesome/api/', '')

        ssl_context = Context.mock_calls[0][1][0]
        # Don't let the name of this argument scare you. Despite it's misleading name, this means
        # that we are willing to do any protocol supported by the openssl installation on this box.
        Context.assert_called_once_with(ssl_context, 'sslv23')
        # set_options gets called twice. The Context.__init__ calls it with defaults, and then we
        # call it again to tell it to not do SSLv2 or SSLv3.
        self.assertEqual(set_options.call_count, 2)
                         (ssl_context, m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3))