Exemple #1
    def test_get(self, mock_path, mock_ok, mock_utils_get):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1M', 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        mock_utils_get.return_value = [call]

        ret = self.controller._get(call.id)
        schedule = mock_ok.call_args[0][0]

        self.assertEqual(ret, mock_ok.return_value)
        self.assertEqual(len(mock_ok.call_args[0]), 1)

        # spot-check the schedule
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_id'], call.id)
        self.assertEqual(schedule['schedule'], 'PT1M')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['task'], 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_href'], mock_path.return_value)

        # next_run is calculated on-demand, and there is a small chance that it
        # will be re-calculated in the call.for_display() call as 1 second later
        # than it was calculated above. Thus we will test that equality here
        # with a tolerance of 1 second
        for_display = call.for_display()
        call_next_run = dateutils.parse_iso8601_datetime(call.next_run)
        display_next_run = dateutils.parse_iso8601_datetime(for_display['next_run'])
        self.assertTrue(display_next_run - call_next_run <= timedelta(seconds=1))

        # now check overall equality with the actual for_display value
        del schedule['_href']
        del schedule['next_run']
        del for_display['next_run']
        self.assertEqual(schedule, for_display)

        # make sure we called the manager layer correctly
Exemple #2
    def test_get(self, mock_path, mock_ok, mock_utils_get):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1M', 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        mock_utils_get.return_value = [call]

        ret = self.controller._get(call.id)
        schedule = mock_ok.call_args[0][0]

        self.assertEqual(ret, mock_ok.return_value)
        self.assertEqual(len(mock_ok.call_args[0]), 1)

        # spot-check the schedule
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_id'], call.id)
        self.assertEqual(schedule['schedule'], 'PT1M')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['task'], 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_href'], mock_path.return_value)

        # next_run is calculated on-demand, and there is a small chance that it
        # will be re-calculated in the call.for_display() call as 1 second later
        # than it was calculated above. Thus we will test that equality here
        # with a tolerance of 1 second
        for_display = call.for_display()
        call_next_run = dateutils.parse_iso8601_datetime(call.next_run)
        display_next_run = dateutils.parse_iso8601_datetime(
            display_next_run - call_next_run <= timedelta(seconds=1))

        # now check overall equality with the actual for_display value
        del schedule['_href']
        del schedule['next_run']
        del for_display['next_run']
        self.assertEqual(schedule, for_display)

        # make sure we called the manager layer correctly
Exemple #3
    def test_get(self, mock_path, mock_ok, mock_utils_get):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1M', 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        mock_utils_get.return_value = [call]

        ret = self.controller._get(call.id)
        schedule = mock_ok.call_args[0][0]

        self.assertEqual(ret, mock_ok.return_value)
        self.assertEqual(len(mock_ok.call_args[0]), 1)

        # spot-check the schedule
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_id'], call.id)
        self.assertEqual(schedule['schedule'], 'PT1M')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['task'], 'pulp.tasks.frequent')
        self.assertEqual(schedule['_href'], mock_path.return_value)

        # now check overall equality with the actual for_display value
        del schedule['_href']
        self.assertEqual(schedule, call.for_display())

        # make sure we called the manager layer correctly
Exemple #4
    def test_returns_dict(self):
        call = ScheduledCall('PT1M', 'pulp.tasks.dosomething')

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(call.for_display(), dict))