Exemple #1
    def process_main(self, item=None):
        Pull the metadata out of the tar file
        :param item: Not used by this Step
        :type  item: None

        # retrieve metadata from the tarball
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(self.parent.file_path)
        # turn that metadata into a collection of models
        mask_id = self.get_config().get(constants.CONFIG_KEY_MASK_ID)
        self.parent.metadata = metadata
        self.parent.available_units = self.get_models(metadata, mask_id)
        self.parent.v1_tags = tarutils.get_tags(self.parent.file_path)
Exemple #2
    def process_main(self, item=None):
        Pull the metadata out of the tar file
        :param item: Not used by this Step
        :type  item: None

        # retrieve metadata from the tarball
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(self.parent.file_path)
        # turn that metadata into a collection of models
        mask_id = self.get_config().get(constants.CONFIG_KEY_MASK_ID)
        self.parent.metadata = metadata
        self.parent.available_units = self.get_models(metadata, mask_id)
        self.parent.v1_tags = tarutils.get_tags(self.parent.file_path)
    def test_get_from_busybox(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)

        self.assertEqual(set(metadata.keys()), set(busybox_ids))
        for i, image_id in enumerate(busybox_ids):
            data = metadata[image_id]
            if i == len(busybox_ids) - 1:
                # make sure the base image has parent set to None
                self.assertTrue(data['parent'] is None)
                # make sure all other layers have the correct parent
                self.assertEqual(data['parent'], busybox_ids[i + 1])

            self.assertTrue(isinstance(data['size'], int))
    def test_get_from_busybox(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)

        self.assertEqual(set(metadata.keys()), set(busybox_ids))
        for i, image_id in enumerate(busybox_ids):
            data = metadata[image_id]
            if i == len(busybox_ids) - 1:
                # make sure the base image has parent set to None
                self.assertTrue(data['parent'] is None)
                # make sure all other layers have the correct parent
                self.assertEqual(data['parent'], busybox_ids[i + 1])

            # this image does not have a Size attribute in its json
            if image_id.startswith('511136ea'):
                self.assertTrue(data['size'] is None)
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(data['size'], int))
Exemple #5
    def upload_unit(self, repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
        Upload a docker image. The file should be the product of "docker save".
        This will import all images in that tarfile into the specified
        repository, each as an individual unit. This will also update the
        repo's tags to reflect the tags present in the tarfile.

        The following is copied from the superclass.

        :param repo:      metadata describing the repository
        :type  repo:      pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param type_id:   type of unit being uploaded
        :type  type_id:   str
        :param unit_key:  identifier for the unit, specified by the user
        :type  unit_key:  dict
        :param metadata:  any user-specified metadata for the unit
        :type  metadata:  dict
        :param file_path: path on the Pulp server's filesystem to the temporary location of the
                          uploaded file; may be None in the event that a unit is comprised entirely
                          of metadata and has no bits associated
        :type  file_path: str
        :param conduit:   provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type  conduit:   pulp.plugins.conduits.unit_add.UnitAddConduit
        :param config:    plugin configuration for the repository
        :type  config:    pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        :return:          A dictionary describing the success or failure of the upload. It must
                          contain the following keys:
                            'success_flag': bool. Indicates whether the upload was successful
                            'summary':      json-serializable object, providing summary
                            'details':      json-serializable object, providing details
        :rtype:           dict
        # retrieve metadata from the tarball
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(file_path)
        # turn that metadata into a collection of models
        mask_id = config.get(constants.CONFIG_KEY_MASK_ID)
        models = upload.get_models(metadata, mask_id)
        ancestry = tarutils.get_ancestry(models[0].image_id, metadata)
        # save those models as units in pulp
        upload.save_models(conduit, models, ancestry, file_path)
        upload.update_tags(repo.id, file_path)
Exemple #6
    def upload_unit(self, repo, type_id, unit_key, metadata, file_path, conduit, config):
        Upload a docker image. The file should be the product of "docker save".
        This will import all images in that tarfile into the specified
        repository, each as an individual unit. This will also update the
        repo's tags to reflect the tags present in the tarfile.

        The following is copied from the superclass.

        :param repo:      metadata describing the repository
        :type  repo:      pulp.plugins.model.Repository
        :param type_id:   type of unit being uploaded
        :type  type_id:   str
        :param unit_key:  identifier for the unit, specified by the user
        :type  unit_key:  dict
        :param metadata:  any user-specified metadata for the unit
        :type  metadata:  dict
        :param file_path: path on the Pulp server's filesystem to the temporary location of the
                          uploaded file; may be None in the event that a unit is comprised entirely
                          of metadata and has no bits associated
        :type  file_path: str
        :param conduit:   provides access to relevant Pulp functionality
        :type  conduit:   pulp.plugins.conduits.unit_add.UnitAddConduit
        :param config:    plugin configuration for the repository
        :type  config:    pulp.plugins.config.PluginCallConfiguration
        :return:          A dictionary describing the success or failure of the upload. It must
                          contain the following keys:
                            'success_flag': bool. Indicates whether the upload was successful
                            'summary':      json-serializable object, providing summary
                            'details':      json-serializable object, providing details
        :rtype:           dict
        # retrieve metadata from the tarball
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(file_path)
        # turn that metadata into a collection of models
        mask_id = config.get(constants.CONFIG_KEY_MASK_ID)
        models = upload.get_models(metadata, mask_id)
        ancestry = tarutils.get_ancestry(models[0].image_id, metadata)
        # save those models as units in pulp
        upload.save_models(conduit, models, ancestry, file_path)
        upload.update_tags(repo.id, file_path)
    def test_with_busybox_light(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)
        ret = tarutils.get_youngest_children(metadata)

        self.assertEqual(ret, [busybox_ids[0]])
    def test_from_busybox(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)
        ancestry = tarutils.get_ancestry(busybox_ids[0], metadata)

        self.assertEqual(ancestry, busybox_ids)
Exemple #9
 def generate_upload_data(self, checksumtype='sha256'):
     unit_metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(self.path)
     unit_key = {'image_id': unit_metadata.keys()[0]}
     return unit_key, unit_metadata
Exemple #10
    def test_with_busybox_light(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)
        ret = tarutils.get_youngest_children(metadata)

        self.assertEqual(ret, [busybox_ids[0]])
Exemple #11
    def test_from_busybox(self):
        metadata = tarutils.get_metadata(busybox_tar_path)
        ancestry = tarutils.get_ancestry(busybox_ids[0], metadata)

        self.assertEqual(ancestry, busybox_ids)