Exemple #1
    def test_all(self):
        """Add a content unit to a repo in the middle of several publishes."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2532, cfg.pulp_version):
        rpms = (utils.http_get(RPM_UNSIGNED_URL),

        # Create a user and a repository.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,

        # Add content, publish w/yum, add more content, publish w/rsync.
        dists = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        for i, key in enumerate(('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor')):
            utils.upload_import_unit(cfg, rpms[i], {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'},
            utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': dists[key]['id']})
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, dists['rpm_rsync_distributor'], 1)

        # Publish with yum and rsync, respectively.
        for key in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor':
            utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': dists[key]['id']})
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, dists['rpm_rsync_distributor'], 1)
Exemple #2
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish the rpm rsync distributor before the yum distributor."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2187, cfg.pulp_version):

        # Create a user and a repository.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,

        # Publish with the rsync distributor.
        distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        args = (cfg, repo, {'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id']})
        self.verify_publish_is_skip(cfg, utils.publish_repo(*args).json())

        # Verify that the rsync distributor hasn't placed files.
        sudo = '' if utils.is_root(cfg) else 'sudo '
        cmd = (sudo + 'ls -1 /home/{}'.format(ssh_user)).split()
        dirs = set(cli.Client(cfg).run(cmd).stdout.strip().split('\n'))
        self.assertNotIn('content', dirs)

        # Publish with the rsync distributor again, and verify again.
        if selectors.bug_is_testable(2722, cfg.pulp_version):
            self.verify_publish_is_skip(cfg, utils.publish_repo(*args).json())
            dirs = set(cli.Client(cfg).run(cmd).stdout.strip().split('\n'))
            self.assertNotIn('content', dirs)
Exemple #3
    def test_all(self):
        """Use the ``force_full`` RPM rsync distributor option."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        cli_client = cli.Client(cfg)
        sudo = '' if utils.is_root(cfg) else 'sudo '

        # Create a user and repo with an importer and distribs. Sync the repo.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo)

        # Publish the repo with the yum and rsync distributors, respectively.
        # Verify that the RPM rsync distributor has placed files.
        distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        self.maybe_disable_selinux(cfg, 2199)
        for type_id in ('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor'):
            utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': distribs[type_id]['id']})
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor'])

        # Remove all files from the target directory, and publish again. Verify
        # that the RPM rsync distributor didn't place any files.
        cmd = sudo + 'rm -rf /home/{}/content'.format(ssh_user)
            utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {
                'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id']
        cmd = sudo + 'ls -1 /home/{}'.format(ssh_user)
        dirs = set(cli_client.run(cmd.split()).stdout.strip().split('\n'))
        self.assertNotIn('content', dirs)

        # Publish the repo with ``force_full`` set to true. Verify that the RPM
        # rsync distributor placed files.
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2202, cfg.pulp_version):
            cfg, repo, {
                'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id'],
                'override_config': {
                    'force_full': True
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor'])
Exemple #4
    def test_all(self):
        """Exercise the ``remote_units_path`` option."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        # We already know Pulp can deal with 2-segment paths, due to the
        # default remote_units_path of 'content/units'.
        paths = (
            os.path.join(*[utils.uuid4() for _ in range(3)]),
            os.path.join(*[utils.uuid4() for _ in range(1)]),

        # Create a user and repo with an importer and distribs. Sync the repo.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,
                'remote_units_path': paths[0],
        distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo)

        # Publish the repo with the yum and rpm rsync distributors,
        # respectively. Verify that files have been correctly placed.
        distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        self.maybe_disable_selinux(cfg, 2199)
        for type_id in ('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor'):
                cfg, repo, {
                    'id': distribs[type_id]['id'],
                    'config': {
                        'remote_units_path': paths[1]
        distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['remote_units_path'] = paths[1]
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor'])
Exemple #5
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish with a yum and rsync distributor twice."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2666, cfg.pulp_version):
        if check_issue_2844(cfg):

        # Create a user and a repository.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,

        # Add content.
        for url in (RPM_UNSIGNED_URL, RPM2_UNSIGNED_URL):
            utils.upload_import_unit(cfg, utils.http_get(url),
                                     {'unit_type_id': 'rpm'}, repo)
        dists = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)

        # See https://pulp.plan.io/issues/2844#note-11

        # Publish with yum and rsync.
        for dist in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor':
            report = (utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {
                'id': dists[dist]['id']
            publish_task = self.get_publish_task(cfg, report)
        num_processed = self.get_num_processed(publish_task)
        with self.subTest(comment='first rsync publish'):
            self.assertEqual(num_processed, 2, publish_task)

        # Publish with yum and rsync again.
        for dist in 'yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor':
            report = (utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {
                'id': dists[dist]['id']
            publish_task = self.get_publish_task(cfg, report)
        num_processed = self.get_num_processed(publish_task)
        with self.subTest(comment='second rsync publish'):
            self.assertEqual(num_processed, 0, publish_task)
Exemple #6
    def test_all(self):
        """Use the ``delete`` RPM rsync distributor option."""
        cfg = config.get_config()
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2221, cfg.pulp_version):
        api_client = api.Client(cfg)

        # Create a user and repo with an importer and distribs. Sync the repo.
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(cfg, priv_key)
        repo = self.make_repo(
            cfg, {
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,
        utils.sync_repo(cfg, repo)

        # Publish the repo with the yum and rsync distributors, respectively.
        # Verify that the RPM rsync distributor has placed files.
        distribs = get_dists_by_type_id(cfg, repo)
        self.maybe_disable_selinux(cfg, 2199)
        for type_id in ('yum_distributor', 'rpm_rsync_distributor'):
            utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo, {'id': distribs[type_id]['id']})
        self.verify_remote_units_path(cfg, distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor'])

        # Disassociate all units from the repo, publish the repo, and verify.
        api_client.post(urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/unassociate/'),
                        {'criteria': {}})
        utils.publish_repo(cfg, repo,
                           {'id': distribs['yum_distributor']['id']})
        self._verify_units_not_in_repo(cfg, repo['_href'])

        # Publish with the RPM rsync distributor, and verify that no RPMs are
        # in the target directory.
            urljoin(repo['_href'], 'actions/publish/'), {
                'id': distribs['rpm_rsync_distributor']['id'],
                'override_config': {
                    'delete': True
        self._verify_files_not_in_dir(cfg, **distribs)
    def test_all(self):
        """Publish w/an rsync distributor when ``serve_https`` is false."""
        if selectors.bug_is_untestable(2657, self.cfg.pulp_version):
        if (selectors.bug_is_untestable(3313, self.cfg.pulp_version) and

        # Create a user with which to rsync files
        ssh_user, priv_key = self.make_user(self.cfg)
        ssh_identity_file = self.write_private_key(self.cfg, priv_key)

        # Create a repo
        client = api.Client(self.cfg, api.json_handler)
        body = {
            'distributors': [],
            'id': utils.uuid4(),
            'importer_config': {'feed': FILE_FEED_URL},
            'importer_type_id': 'iso_importer',
            'auto_publish': False,
            'distributor_config': {'serve_http': True, 'serve_https': False},
            'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
            'distributor_type_id': 'iso_distributor',
            'auto_publish': False,
            'distributor_config': {
                'predistributor_id': body['distributors'][0]['distributor_id'],
                'remote': {
                    'host': urlparse(self.cfg.get_base_url()).hostname,
                    'root': '/home/' + ssh_user,
                    'ssh_identity_file': ssh_identity_file,
                    'ssh_user': ssh_user,
            'distributor_id': utils.uuid4(),
            'distributor_type_id': 'iso_rsync_distributor',
        repo = client.post(REPOSITORY_PATH, body)
        self.addCleanup(client.delete, repo['_href'])
        repo = client.get(repo['_href'], params={'details': True})

        # Sync and publish the repo. If Pulp #2657 hasn't been fixed,
        # publishing the iso_rsync_distributor will fail with an error like:
        #     pulp.plugins.rsync.publish:ERROR: (1181-98080) rsync: link_stat
        #     "/var/lib/pulp/published/https/isos/repo-id/PULP_MANIFEST"
        #     failed: No such file or directory (2)
        utils.sync_repo(self.cfg, repo)
        dists = get_dists_by_type_id(self.cfg, repo)
        utils.publish_repo(self.cfg, repo, {
            'id': dists['iso_distributor']['id'],
        utils.publish_repo(self.cfg, repo, {
            'id': dists['iso_rsync_distributor']['id'],

        # Verify the correct units are on the remote system.
        cli_client = cli.Client(self.cfg)
        sudo = () if utils.is_root(self.cfg) else ('sudo',)
        path = dists['iso_rsync_distributor']['config']['remote']['root']
        path = os.path.join(path, 'content/units')
        cmd = sudo + ('find', path, '-name', '*.iso')
        files = cli_client.run(cmd).stdout.strip().split('\n')
        self.assertEqual(len(files), FILE_FEED_COUNT, files)