def __init__(self, model_dir, path_conf): self.model_dir = model_dir self.path_conf = path_conf # open conf file config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() fuzzer_conf = os.path.join(path_conf, "fuzzer.conf") config.readfp(open(fuzzer_conf)) # load network config = config.get('network', 'host') self.port = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'port')) self.timeout = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'timeout')) self.bsize = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'bsize')) # load fuzzer config self.fuzzer_mode = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzermode') self.interactive = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'interactive')) self.fuzz_length = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzlength') self.timer_termination = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'terminationtimer')) #load config and initialize LENS object model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename(model_dir)) role = config.get('fuzzer', 'role') if role == "client": role = "UAC" else: role = "UAS" sim_search = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'simsearch')) transition_mode = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'transitionmode')) lexer_style = config.get('fuzzer', 'lexerstyle') templates_no_fields = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'nofieldstemplates')) self.lens = Lens(model_file, role, sim_search, transition_mode, lexer_style, templates_no_fields) #TODO add the passing of the fuzzer to the parameter of lens self.lens.set_fuzzer(self) #initialize Logger log_file_name = "{}.fuzzlog".format(self.lens.modelPath) self.logger = Logger(log_file_name) self.iteration = 0 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK self.trace = [], [] self.tracker_path = "{}.tracker.pz".format(self.lens.modelPath) if not os.path.isfile(self.tracker_path): # every fuzzable template is initialized to 2^num_fields-1 # to index all possible fuzzing masks of fields self.tracker = {} for t in if t.state.endswith(self.lens.role) and len(t.fields) != 0: self.tracker[t.ID] = 2**len(t.fields)-1, self.tracker_path) else: self._load_tracker() # load cuckoo config self.cuckoo_session = literal_eval(config.get('cuckoo', 'active')) self.cuckoo_path = config.get('cuckoo', 'path') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(self.cuckoo_path)) if self.cuckoo_session == 1: from lib.cuckoo.core.database import Database self.db = Database() self.bin_name = model_file
def __init__(self, model_dir, path_conf): self.model_dir = model_dir self.path_conf = path_conf # open conf file config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() fuzzer_conf = os.path.join(path_conf, "fuzzer.conf") config.readfp(open(fuzzer_conf)) # load network config = config.get('network', 'host') self.port = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'port')) self.timeout = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'timeout')) self.bsize = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'bsize')) # load fuzzer config self.fuzzer_mode = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzermode') self.interactive = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'interactive')) self.fuzz_length = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzlength') self.timer_termination = literal_eval( config.get('fuzzer', 'terminationtimer')) #load config and initialize LENS object model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename(model_dir)) role = config.get('fuzzer', 'role') if role == "client": role = "UAC" else: role = "UAS" sim_search = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'simsearch')) transition_mode = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'transitionmode')) lexer_style = config.get('fuzzer', 'lexerstyle') templates_no_fields = literal_eval( config.get('fuzzer', 'nofieldstemplates')) self.lens = Lens(model_file, role, sim_search, transition_mode, lexer_style, templates_no_fields) #TODO add the passing of the fuzzer to the parameter of lens self.lens.set_fuzzer(self) #initialize Logger log_file_name = "{}.fuzzlog".format(self.lens.modelPath) self.logger = Logger(log_file_name) self.iteration = 0 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK self.trace = [], [] self.tracker_path = "{}.tracker.pz".format(self.lens.modelPath) if not os.path.isfile(self.tracker_path): # every fuzzable template is initialized to 2^num_fields-1 # to index all possible fuzzing masks of fields self.tracker = {} for t in if t.state.endswith(self.lens.role) and len(t.fields) != 0: self.tracker[t.ID] = 2**len(t.fields) - 1, self.tracker_path) else: self._load_tracker() # load cuckoo config self.cuckoo_session = literal_eval(config.get('cuckoo', 'active')) self.cuckoo_path = config.get('cuckoo', 'path') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(self.cuckoo_path)) if self.cuckoo_session == 1: from lib.cuckoo.core.database import Database self.db = Database() self.bin_name = model_file
class Fuzzer: """ Definition and management of the fuzzing primitives """ def __init__(self, model_dir, path_conf): self.model_dir = model_dir self.path_conf = path_conf # open conf file config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() fuzzer_conf = os.path.join(path_conf, "fuzzer.conf") config.readfp(open(fuzzer_conf)) # load network config = config.get('network', 'host') self.port = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'port')) self.timeout = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'timeout')) self.bsize = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'bsize')) # load fuzzer config self.fuzzer_mode = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzermode') self.interactive = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'interactive')) self.fuzz_length = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzlength') self.timer_termination = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'terminationtimer')) #load config and initialize LENS object model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename(model_dir)) role = config.get('fuzzer', 'role') if role == "client": role = "UAC" else: role = "UAS" sim_search = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'simsearch')) transition_mode = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'transitionmode')) lexer_style = config.get('fuzzer', 'lexerstyle') templates_no_fields = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'nofieldstemplates')) self.lens = Lens(model_file, role, sim_search, transition_mode, lexer_style, templates_no_fields) #TODO add the passing of the fuzzer to the parameter of lens self.lens.set_fuzzer(self) #initialize Logger log_file_name = "{}.fuzzlog".format(self.lens.modelPath) self.logger = Logger(log_file_name) self.iteration = 0 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK self.trace = [], [] self.tracker_path = "{}.tracker.pz".format(self.lens.modelPath) if not os.path.isfile(self.tracker_path): # every fuzzable template is initialized to 2^num_fields-1 # to index all possible fuzzing masks of fields self.tracker = {} for t in if t.state.endswith(self.lens.role) and len(t.fields) != 0: self.tracker[t.ID] = 2**len(t.fields)-1, self.tracker_path) else: self._load_tracker() # load cuckoo config self.cuckoo_session = literal_eval(config.get('cuckoo', 'active')) self.cuckoo_path = config.get('cuckoo', 'path') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(self.cuckoo_path)) if self.cuckoo_session == 1: from lib.cuckoo.core.database import Database self.db = Database() self.bin_name = model_file def run(self): if self.lens.role == "UAC": while True: self.new_iteration() connection = Client(, self.port, self.timeout, self.bsize) # generate first client message and send to the server snd_message = self.lens.transitionSelf() print "\n>>> SENDING msg:\n{}".format(snd_message[1]) try: connection.send(str(snd_message[1])) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) while self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_OK: #time.sleep(0.3) try: rcv_message = connection.recv() if len(rcv_message) == 0: e = SocketError("Received empty message") e.errno = 0 raise e deco = '#'*80 quoted_rcv_msg = urllib.quote(rcv_message) print ">>> RECEIVED message:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, quoted_rcv_msg, deco) except Exception as e: print "socket: {}\n".format(e) self._termination_check() if self.status is FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED: connection.close() self._crash_check() self.log_trace() break else: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: connection.close() connection.accept() continue if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: pass print ">>> Consuming RECEIVED msg of length {}".format(len(rcv_message)) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "END": self.new_iteration(reset=1) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "NO TRANSITION": print "Consuming empty message..." status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide("") self.log_trace() status, msg, transition = self.lens.transitionSelf() print ">>> STATUS: {}, TRANSITION: {}".format(status, transition) if msg is not None: try: connection.send(str(msg)) print ">>> SENDING msg of length {}".format(len(msg)) if len(msg) < 5000: deco = '#'*80 print "{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, msg, deco) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) connection.close() break elif self.lens.role == "UAS": connection = Server(, self.port, self.timeout, self.bsize) while True: if self.cuckoo_session: self._run_sample() connection.accept() connection.settimeout(self.timeout) self.new_iteration() rcv_message = "" while self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_OK: try: print ">>> RECEIVING message... " rcv_message = connection.recv() if len(rcv_message) == 0: e = SocketError("Received empty message") e.errno = 0 raise e deco = '#'*80 quoted_rcv_msg = urllib.quote(rcv_message) print ">>> RECEIVED message:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, quoted_rcv_msg, deco) except Exception as e: print "socket: {}".format(e) self._termination_check() if self.status is FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED: connection.close() self._crash_check() self.log_trace() break else: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: connection.close() connection.accept() continue if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: pass #if rcv_message != "": print ">>> Consuming RECEIVED msg of length {}".format(len(rcv_message)) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "END": self.new_iteration(reset=1) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "NO TRANSITION": print "Consuming empty message..." status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide("") self.log_trace() status, msg, transition = self.lens.transitionSelf() print ">>> STATUS: {}, TRANSITION: {}".format(status, transition) if msg is not None: try: connection.send(str(msg)) print ">>> SENDING msg of length {}".format(len(msg)) if len(msg) < 5000: deco = '#'*80 print "{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, msg, deco) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) connection.close() break ######## Sandbox Related Functions ######## def _run_sample(self): self.task_id = self.db.add_path(self.bin_name) print "Running binary in sandbox with ID {}:\n{}".format(self.task_id, self.bin_name) ######## Tracking Functions ######## def _termination_check(self): print ">>> CHECKING FOR TERMINATED EXECUTION" terminated = "" # verify termination with cuckoo output if self.cuckoo_session: # wait until result from execution is stored in db for i in range(self.timer_termination): time.sleep(1) print "." try: task = self.db.view_task(self.task_id) except AttributeError: print "Err: The cuckoo interface is active but no " \ "cuckoo task has been found! You may consider " \ "setting cuckoo_session to 0 in fuzzer.conf" sys.exit() if task.completed_on: terminated = True print "Sample execution is terminated!" else: return # verify termination manually else: while terminated == "": inp = raw_input('Connection terminated? [y/n]: ') if inp == 'y': terminated = True elif inp == 'n': terminated = False if terminated: self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED def _crash_check(self): """ Set fuzzing status according to result of last fuzzing input. This function should be read the exit code of the sample from the sandbox report. """ print ">>> CHECKING FOR CRASH" crash = "" if self.cuckoo_session: task = self.db.view_task(self.task_id) if task.status == "reported": #fuzzer_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #cuckoo_path = "/".join(fuzzer_path.split('/')[:-1] + ["cuckoo"]) report_path = "storage/analyses/{}/reports/report.json".format( report_path = os.path.join(self.cuckoo_path, report_path) report = json.loads(open(report_path, 'r').read()) for process in report['behavior']['processes']: for call in process['calls']: if call['api'] == 'LdrLoadDll': for arg in call['arguments']: if arg['name'] == 'FileName' and 'faultrep.dll' in arg['value']: crash = True else: while crash == "": inp = raw_input('Binary crashed? [y/n]: ') if inp == 'y': crash = True elif inp == 'n': crash = False if crash: self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_CRASH print "Fuzzer status: {}".format(self.status) def _load_tracker(self): self.tracker = pz.load(self.tracker_path) def _save_tracker(self):, self.tracker_path) def new_iteration(self, reset=0): """ Increment current iteration of the fuzzer and initialize the status for the new run. """ if not reset: self.iteration += 1 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK print ">>> RESETING MODEL..." self.lens.reset_model() def get_fuzz_fields(self, template_id): self._load_tracker() fields_len = len([template_id].fields) fuzz_mask_int = self.tracker[template_id] fuzz_mask_bin = np.binary_repr(np.invert(np.array([fuzz_mask_int])), fields_len) fuzz_mask_bin = [int(i) for i in fuzz_mask_bin] return np.nonzero(fuzz_mask_bin)[0] def update_tracker(self, template_id): self._load_tracker() fuzz_mask = self.tracker[template_id] if fuzz_mask > 0: self.tracker[template_id] -= 1 elif fuzz_mask == 0: # if all fuzzing masks have been test, the masks # are reinitialized and the loop is restarted. t =[template_id] self.tracker[template_id] = 2**len(t.fields)-1 self._save_tracker() def log_trace(self): """ Build a trace of the current configuration of the fuzzer and send it to the logger. """ fields_to_fuzz, fields_data = self.trace template_id = self.lens.templates.getLastEntries(1)[0].ID state = # if self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_CRASH: # fields_to_fuzz, fields_data = self.previous_trace trace = [int(time.time()), self.iteration, self.status, state, template_id, fields_to_fuzz, fields_data] self.logger.write_trace(trace) print trace self.previous_trace = self.trace self.trace = [], [] ######## Fuzzing Related Functions ######## def fuzz(self, rule, data, fuzz_fields): # if data is not fuzzed, return it properly # not fuzzed either cause # - not fuzzed in this iteration # - for some reason fuzzer_mode could not be matched fuzzed_data = data if rule.dst_field in fuzz_fields: if self.fuzzer_mode == "rand_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_random_data() if self.fuzzer_mode == "const_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_constant_data() if self.fuzzer_mode == "int_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_overflowed_integer(data) if self.fuzzer_mode == "non_utf8": fuzzed_data = self._get_non_utf8_data() return fuzzed_data ######## Fuzzing Primitives ######## def _get_random_data(self): """ Generate a stream of random data with a 5% of security sensitive characters (problematic in parsing). """ length = self.fuzz_length chars_length = length * 5 / 100 chars = [choice(SENSITVE_CHARACTERS) for i in range(chars_length)] chars_idx = [randrange(0, length-1) for i in range(chars_length)] rand = list(os.urandom(length)) for idx, char in zip(chars_idx, chars): rand[idx] = char return ''.join(rand) def _get_constant_data(self): length = int(self.fuzz_length) return 'A' * length def _get_non_utf8_data(self): return "\xe7\x9f\x9b\xe7\x9b\u0178\xe4\u0153\xbf\ \xe4\u017e\u20ac\xe5\u20ac\xa7IT\xe5\xb7\ \u0161\xe5\u20ac\u017d\xe4\xb9\x8b\xe9\x97\ \u017d\xe4\xba\x89" def _get_overflowed_integer(self, data): if self.is_integer(data): #return 2**(len(bin(data))-2) return -1 else: return data def is_integer(n): try: int(n) return True except ValueError: return False
class Fuzzer: """ Definition and management of the fuzzing primitives """ def __init__(self, model_dir, path_conf): self.model_dir = model_dir self.path_conf = path_conf # open conf file config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() fuzzer_conf = os.path.join(path_conf, "fuzzer.conf") config.readfp(open(fuzzer_conf)) # load network config = config.get('network', 'host') self.port = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'port')) self.timeout = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'timeout')) self.bsize = literal_eval(config.get('network', 'bsize')) # load fuzzer config self.fuzzer_mode = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzermode') self.interactive = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'interactive')) self.fuzz_length = config.get('fuzzer', 'fuzzlength') self.timer_termination = literal_eval( config.get('fuzzer', 'terminationtimer')) #load config and initialize LENS object model_file = os.path.join(model_dir, os.path.basename(model_dir)) role = config.get('fuzzer', 'role') if role == "client": role = "UAC" else: role = "UAS" sim_search = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'simsearch')) transition_mode = literal_eval(config.get('fuzzer', 'transitionmode')) lexer_style = config.get('fuzzer', 'lexerstyle') templates_no_fields = literal_eval( config.get('fuzzer', 'nofieldstemplates')) self.lens = Lens(model_file, role, sim_search, transition_mode, lexer_style, templates_no_fields) #TODO add the passing of the fuzzer to the parameter of lens self.lens.set_fuzzer(self) #initialize Logger log_file_name = "{}.fuzzlog".format(self.lens.modelPath) self.logger = Logger(log_file_name) self.iteration = 0 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK self.trace = [], [] self.tracker_path = "{}.tracker.pz".format(self.lens.modelPath) if not os.path.isfile(self.tracker_path): # every fuzzable template is initialized to 2^num_fields-1 # to index all possible fuzzing masks of fields self.tracker = {} for t in if t.state.endswith(self.lens.role) and len(t.fields) != 0: self.tracker[t.ID] = 2**len(t.fields) - 1, self.tracker_path) else: self._load_tracker() # load cuckoo config self.cuckoo_session = literal_eval(config.get('cuckoo', 'active')) self.cuckoo_path = config.get('cuckoo', 'path') sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(self.cuckoo_path)) if self.cuckoo_session == 1: from lib.cuckoo.core.database import Database self.db = Database() self.bin_name = model_file def run(self): if self.lens.role == "UAC": while True: self.new_iteration() connection = Client(, self.port, self.timeout, self.bsize) # generate first client message and send to the server snd_message = self.lens.transitionSelf() print "\n>>> SENDING msg:\n{}".format(snd_message[1]) try: connection.send(str(snd_message[1])) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) while self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_OK: #time.sleep(0.3) try: rcv_message = connection.recv() if len(rcv_message) == 0: e = SocketError("Received empty message") e.errno = 0 raise e deco = '#' * 80 quoted_rcv_msg = urllib.quote(rcv_message) print ">>> RECEIVED message:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format( deco, quoted_rcv_msg, deco) except Exception as e: print "socket: {}\n".format(e) self._termination_check() if self.status is FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED: connection.close() self._crash_check() self.log_trace() break else: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: connection.close() connection.accept() continue if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: pass print ">>> Consuming RECEIVED msg of length {}".format( len(rcv_message)) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "END": self.new_iteration(reset=1) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "NO TRANSITION": print "Consuming empty message..." status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide("") self.log_trace() status, msg, transition = self.lens.transitionSelf() print ">>> STATUS: {}, TRANSITION: {}".format( status, transition) if msg is not None: try: connection.send(str(msg)) print ">>> SENDING msg of length {}".format( len(msg)) if len(msg) < 5000: deco = '#' * 80 print "{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, msg, deco) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) connection.close() break elif self.lens.role == "UAS": connection = Server(, self.port, self.timeout, self.bsize) while True: if self.cuckoo_session: self._run_sample() connection.accept() connection.settimeout(self.timeout) self.new_iteration() rcv_message = "" while self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_OK: try: print ">>> RECEIVING message... " rcv_message = connection.recv() if len(rcv_message) == 0: e = SocketError("Received empty message") e.errno = 0 raise e deco = '#' * 80 quoted_rcv_msg = urllib.quote(rcv_message) print ">>> RECEIVED message:\n{}\n{}\n{}".format( deco, quoted_rcv_msg, deco) except Exception as e: print "socket: {}".format(e) self._termination_check() if self.status is FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED: connection.close() self._crash_check() self.log_trace() break else: if e.errno == errno.ECONNRESET: connection.close() connection.accept() continue if e.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT: pass #if rcv_message != "": print ">>> Consuming RECEIVED msg of length {}".format( len(rcv_message)) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "END": self.new_iteration(reset=1) status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide(rcv_message) print ">>> STATUS: {}".format(status) if status == "NO TRANSITION": print "Consuming empty message..." status = self.lens.consumeOtherSide("") self.log_trace() status, msg, transition = self.lens.transitionSelf() print ">>> STATUS: {}, TRANSITION: {}".format( status, transition) if msg is not None: try: connection.send(str(msg)) print ">>> SENDING msg of length {}".format( len(msg)) if len(msg) < 5000: deco = '#' * 80 print "{}\n{}\n{}".format(deco, msg, deco) except socket.error as e: print "socket: {} in send operation".format(e) connection.close() break ######## Sandbox Related Functions ######## def _run_sample(self): self.task_id = self.db.add_path(self.bin_name) print "Running binary in sandbox with ID {}:\n{}".format( self.task_id, self.bin_name) ######## Tracking Functions ######## def _termination_check(self): print ">>> CHECKING FOR TERMINATED EXECUTION" terminated = "" # verify termination with cuckoo output if self.cuckoo_session: # wait until result from execution is stored in db for i in range(self.timer_termination): time.sleep(1) print "." try: task = self.db.view_task(self.task_id) except AttributeError: print "Err: The cuckoo interface is active but no " \ "cuckoo task has been found! You may consider " \ "setting cuckoo_session to 0 in fuzzer.conf" sys.exit() if task.completed_on: terminated = True print "Sample execution is terminated!" else: return # verify termination manually else: while terminated == "": inp = raw_input('Connection terminated? [y/n]: ') if inp == 'y': terminated = True elif inp == 'n': terminated = False if terminated: self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_TERMINATED def _crash_check(self): """ Set fuzzing status according to result of last fuzzing input. This function should be read the exit code of the sample from the sandbox report. """ print ">>> CHECKING FOR CRASH" crash = "" if self.cuckoo_session: task = self.db.view_task(self.task_id) if task.status == "reported": #fuzzer_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #cuckoo_path = "/".join(fuzzer_path.split('/')[:-1] + ["cuckoo"]) report_path = "storage/analyses/{}/reports/report.json".format( report_path = os.path.join(self.cuckoo_path, report_path) report = json.loads(open(report_path, 'r').read()) for process in report['behavior']['processes']: for call in process['calls']: if call['api'] == 'LdrLoadDll': for arg in call['arguments']: if arg['name'] == 'FileName' and 'faultrep.dll' in arg[ 'value']: crash = True else: while crash == "": inp = raw_input('Binary crashed? [y/n]: ') if inp == 'y': crash = True elif inp == 'n': crash = False if crash: self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_CRASH print "Fuzzer status: {}".format(self.status) def _load_tracker(self): self.tracker = pz.load(self.tracker_path) def _save_tracker(self):, self.tracker_path) def new_iteration(self, reset=0): """ Increment current iteration of the fuzzer and initialize the status for the new run. """ if not reset: self.iteration += 1 self.status = FUZZ_STATUS_OK print ">>> RESETING MODEL..." self.lens.reset_model() def get_fuzz_fields(self, template_id): self._load_tracker() fields_len = len([template_id].fields) fuzz_mask_int = self.tracker[template_id] fuzz_mask_bin = np.binary_repr(np.invert(np.array([fuzz_mask_int])), fields_len) fuzz_mask_bin = [int(i) for i in fuzz_mask_bin] return np.nonzero(fuzz_mask_bin)[0] def update_tracker(self, template_id): self._load_tracker() fuzz_mask = self.tracker[template_id] if fuzz_mask > 0: self.tracker[template_id] -= 1 elif fuzz_mask == 0: # if all fuzzing masks have been test, the masks # are reinitialized and the loop is restarted. t =[template_id] self.tracker[template_id] = 2**len(t.fields) - 1 self._save_tracker() def log_trace(self): """ Build a trace of the current configuration of the fuzzer and send it to the logger. """ fields_to_fuzz, fields_data = self.trace template_id = self.lens.templates.getLastEntries(1)[0].ID state = # if self.status == FUZZ_STATUS_CRASH: # fields_to_fuzz, fields_data = self.previous_trace trace = [ int(time.time()), self.iteration, self.status, state, template_id, fields_to_fuzz, fields_data ] self.logger.write_trace(trace) print trace self.previous_trace = self.trace self.trace = [], [] ######## Fuzzing Related Functions ######## def fuzz(self, rule, data, fuzz_fields): # if data is not fuzzed, return it properly # not fuzzed either cause # - not fuzzed in this iteration # - for some reason fuzzer_mode could not be matched fuzzed_data = data if rule.dst_field in fuzz_fields: if self.fuzzer_mode == "rand_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_random_data() if self.fuzzer_mode == "const_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_constant_data() if self.fuzzer_mode == "int_overflow": fuzzed_data = self._get_overflowed_integer(data) if self.fuzzer_mode == "non_utf8": fuzzed_data = self._get_non_utf8_data() return fuzzed_data ######## Fuzzing Primitives ######## def _get_random_data(self): """ Generate a stream of random data with a 5% of security sensitive characters (problematic in parsing). """ length = self.fuzz_length chars_length = length * 5 / 100 chars = [choice(SENSITVE_CHARACTERS) for i in range(chars_length)] chars_idx = [randrange(0, length - 1) for i in range(chars_length)] rand = list(os.urandom(length)) for idx, char in zip(chars_idx, chars): rand[idx] = char return ''.join(rand) def _get_constant_data(self): length = int(self.fuzz_length) return 'A' * length def _get_non_utf8_data(self): return "\xe7\x9f\x9b\xe7\x9b\u0178\xe4\u0153\xbf\ \xe4\u017e\u20ac\xe5\u20ac\xa7IT\xe5\xb7\ \u0161\xe5\u20ac\u017d\xe4\xb9\x8b\xe9\x97\ \u017d\xe4\xba\x89" def _get_overflowed_integer(self, data): if self.is_integer(data): #return 2**(len(bin(data))-2) return -1 else: return data def is_integer(n): try: int(n) return True except ValueError: return False