Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Set default values of keyword arguments
        self.tau_gcl = 0.42 / 1000
        self.tau_inl = 18.0 / 1000
        self.tau_ca = 45.25 / 1000
        self.tau_slow = 26.25 / 1000
        self.scale_ca = 42.1
        self.scale_slow = 1150.0
        self.lweight = 0.636
        self.aweight = 0.5
        self.slope = 3.0
        self.shift = 15.0

        # Overwrite any given keyword arguments, print warning message (True)
        # if attempting to set an unrecognized keyword
        self.set_kwargs(True, **kwargs)

        # perform one-time setup calculations
        _, self.gamma_inl = utils.gamma(1, self.tau_inl, self.tsample)
        _, self.gamma_gcl = utils.gamma(1, self.tau_gcl, self.tsample)

        # gamma_ca is used to calculate charge accumulation
        _, self.gamma_ca = utils.gamma(1, self.tau_ca, self.tsample)

        # gamma_slow is used to calculate the slow response
        _, self.gamma_slow = utils.gamma(3, self.tau_slow, self.tsample)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.tsample = 0.01 / 1000
        self.tau1 = 0.42 / 1000
        self.tau2 = 45.25 / 1000
        self.tau3 = 26.25 / 1000
        self.epsilon = 2.25
        self.beta = 3.43

        # Overwrite any given keyword arguments, print warning message (True)
        # if attempting to set an unrecognized keyword
        self.set_kwargs(True, **kwargs)

        _, self.gamma1 = utils.gamma(1, self.tau1, self.tsample)
        _, self.gamma2 = utils.gamma(1, self.tau2, self.tsample)
        _, self.gamma3 = utils.gamma(3, self.tau3, self.tsample)
Exemple #3
def test_conv(mode, method):
    # time vector for stimulus (long)
    stim_dur = 0.5  # seconds
    tsample = 0.001 / 1000
    t = np.arange(0, stim_dur, tsample)

    # stimulus (10 Hz anondic and cathodic pulse train)
    stim = np.zeros_like(t)
    stim[::1000] = 1
    stim[100::1000] = -1

    # kernel
    _, gg = gamma(1, 0.005, tsample)

    # make sure conv returns the same result as np.convolve for all modes:
    npconv = np.convolve(stim, gg, mode=mode)
    conv = convolution.conv(stim, gg, mode=mode, method=method)
    npt.assert_equal(conv.shape, npconv.shape)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(conv, npconv)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        convolution.conv(gg, stim, mode="invalid")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        convolution.conv(gg, stim, method="invalid")
def test_conv(mode, method, use_jit):
    # time vector for stimulus (long)
    stim_dur = 0.5  # seconds
    tsample = 0.001 / 1000
    t = np.arange(0, stim_dur, tsample)

    # stimulus (10 Hz anondic and cathodic pulse train)
    stim = np.zeros_like(t)
    stim[::1000] = 1
    stim[100::1000] = -1

    # kernel
    _, gg = gamma(1, 0.005, tsample)

    # make sure conv returns the same result as np.convolve for all modes:
    npconv = np.convolve(stim, gg, mode=mode)
    conv = convolution.conv(stim, gg, mode=mode, method=method,
    npt.assert_equal(conv.shape, npconv.shape)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(conv, npconv)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        convolution.conv(gg, stim, mode="invalid", use_jit=use_jit)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        convolution.conv(gg, stim, method="invalid", use_jit=use_jit)

    with mock.patch.dict("sys.modules", {"numba": {}}):
        with pytest.raises(ImportError):
            convolution.conv(stim, gg, mode='full', method='sparse',
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Set default values of keyword arguments
        self.tau1 = 0.42 / 1000
        self.tau2 = 45.25 / 1000
        self.tau3 = 26.25 / 1000
        self.eps = 8.73
        self.asymptote = 14.0
        self.slope = 3.0
        self.shift = 16.0

        # Overwrite any given keyword arguments, print warning message (True)
        # if attempting to set an unrecognized keyword
        self.set_kwargs(True, **kwargs)

        # perform one-time setup calculations
        # gamma1 is used for the fast response
        _, self.gamma1 = utils.gamma(1, self.tau1, self.tsample)

        # gamma2 is used to calculate charge accumulation
        _, self.gamma2 = utils.gamma(1, self.tau2, self.tsample)

        # gamma3 is used to calculate the slow response
        _, self.gamma3 = utils.gamma(3, self.tau3, self.tsample)
def test_gamma():
    tsample = 0.005 / 1000

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        t, g = gamma(0, 0.1, tsample)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        t, g = gamma(2, -0.1, tsample)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        t, g = gamma(2, 0.1, -tsample)

    for tau in [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]:
        for n in [1, 2, 5]:
            t, g = gamma(n, tau, tsample)
            npt.assert_equal(np.arange(0, t[-1] + tsample / 2.0, tsample), t)
            if n > 1:
                npt.assert_equal(g[0], 0.0)

            # Make sure area under the curve is normalized
            npt.assert_almost_equal(np.trapz(np.abs(g), dx=tsample), 1.0,

            # Make sure peak sits correctly
            npt.assert_almost_equal(g.argmax() * tsample, tau * (n - 1))
Exemple #7
def test_conv():
    # time vector for stimulus (long)
    stim_dur = 0.5  # seconds
    tsample = 0.001 / 1000
    t = np.arange(0, stim_dur, tsample)

    # stimulus (10 Hz anondic and cathodic pulse train)
    stim = np.zeros_like(t)
    stim[::1000] = 1
    stim[100::1000] = -1

    # kernel
    _, gg = utils.gamma(1, 0.005, tsample)

    # make sure conv returns the same result as
    # make sure sparseconv returns the same result as np.convolve
    # for all modes
    methods = ["fft", "sparse"]
    modes = ["full", "valid", "same"]
    for mode in modes:
        # np.convolve
        npconv = np.convolve(stim, gg, mode=mode)

        for method in methods:
            conv = utils.conv(stim, gg, mode=mode, method=method)

            npt.assert_equal(conv.shape, npconv.shape)
            npt.assert_almost_equal(conv, npconv)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        utils.conv(gg, stim, mode="invalid")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        utils.conv(gg, stim, method="invalid")

    with mock.patch.dict("sys.modules", {"numba": {}}):
        with pytest.raises(ImportError):
            utils.conv(stim, gg, mode='full', method='sparse', use_jit=True)