Exemple #1
def open_ncfile(nc_filename):
    """ Opens nc_filename, unzipping if necessary.
    if nc_filename.find('.gz') >= 0:
        gztemp= gzip.open(nc_filename)
        gztemp.closed=False # pupynere needs this attribute, but gzip objects don't have it.
        ncdf = netcdf.netcdf_file(gztemp, 'r')
        ncdf = netcdf.netcdf_file(nc_filename,'r')
    return ncdf
Exemple #2
def open_ncfile(nc_filename):
    """ Opens nc_filename, unzipping if necessary.
    if nc_filename.find('.gz') >= 0:
        gztemp = gzip.open(nc_filename)
        gztemp.closed = False  # pupynere needs this attribute, but gzip objects don't have it.
        ncdf = netcdf.netcdf_file(gztemp, 'r')
        ncdf = netcdf.netcdf_file(nc_filename, 'r')
    return ncdf
 def runTest(self):
     """Should not be able to create a non-first unlimited dimension"""
     f = pupynere.netcdf_file(None, 'w')
     f.createDimension('n1', n1dim)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         f.createDimension('n2', None)
     self.assertEquals(f.dimensions, {'n1': n1dim})
Exemple #4
def csv_to_nc(argv):
    """Transform csv file into netcdf format.

      - argv: filename, example: data.csv

      - netcdf file, example: data.nc

      $ ./csv_to_nc.py data.csv

    with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
        ll = [l.strip().split(',') for l in 
              f.readlines() if not l.startswith('#')]

    vv = zip(*[map(float, l) for l in ll])

    transformed_file = update_name(sys.argv[1])
    nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(transformed_file, 'w')

    nc.createDimension('dim', None)

    for i, item in enumerate(vv):
       nc.createVariable('var_%02d' % i, 'd', ('dim',))[:] = vv[i]
    return 0
Exemple #5
def load_energy_score_data(fname, dtype=float, comments="""#""", delimiter="\t", converters=None, skiprows=1, usecols=None, unpack=False, ndmin=0):
    Reads a data file and returns a Numpy Array containing the data. 
    Two input file types are allowed, tab-delimited data and NetCDF files. 
    For tab-delimited data, the function parameters are passed along to numpy.loadtxt
    For NetCDF data, the function arguments, except for fname, are ignored. Data is assumed to be in the \"ranks\" variable. Loading NetCDF data requires the pupynere module.
    @param fname: Input file name
    @type fname: str
    @return: Numpy Array 
    use_netcdf = False
    with open(fname,"r") as infile:
        magic_number = infile.read(3)
        if magic_number == "CDF":
            use_netcdf = True
    if use_netcdf:
        import pupynere as nc
        f = nc.netcdf_file(fname,"r")
        return f.variables['ranks'].data
        from numpy import loadtxt
        return loadtxt(fname, dtype, comments, delimiter, converters, skiprows, usecols, unpack, ndmin)
Exemple #6
 def test_readtf(self):
     x=[n for n in ncf.variables]
     ncf.close()  # will write a netcdf version out!
     y=[n for n in n2.variables]
 def runTest(self):
     """Should not be able to create a variable where there are multiple unlimited dimensions"""
     f = pupynere.netcdf_file(None, 'w')
     f.createDimension('n1', None)
     f.createDimension('n2', n2dim)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         f.createVariable('data1', None, ('n2', 'n1'))
    def setUp(self):
        self.file = FILE_NAME
        f = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, 'w')
        # scalar variable.
        temp = f.createVariable(VAR_NAME,VAR_TYPE)

 def runTest(self):
     """Testing a basic read case"""
     f = pupynere.netcdf_file(FILE_NAME, "r")
     self.assertEqual(f.history, "Created for a test")
     self.assertEqual(f.location, u"北京")
     time = f.variables["time"]
     self.assertEqual(time.units, u"µs since 2008-01-01")
     self.assertEqual(time.shape, (10,))
     self.assertEqual(time[-1], 9)
 def setUp(self):
     self.file = FILE_NAME
     f = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, "w")
     f.history = "Created for a test"
     f.location = u"北京"
     f.createDimension("time", 10)
     time = f.createVariable("time", "i", ("time",))
     time[:] = range(10)
     time.units = u"µs since 2008-01-01"
 def runTest(self):
     """Testing the creation of an unlimited dimensions"""
     f  = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, 'r')
     foo = f.variables['data1']
     # check shape.
     self.assertEquals(foo.shape, (2*n1dim,n2dim,n3dim))
     # check data.
     self.assertTrue((foo[0:n1dim,:,:] == ranarr).all())
     self.assertTrue((foo[n1dim:3*n1dim,:,:] == 2.*ranarr).all())
def readproptmser(exptitle,expnr,prop,username='******'):
    expsdir = '/home/%s/Les/Experiments' % (username)
    expdir = expsdir + '/%s/%s' %(exptitle,expnr)

    f = pu.netcdf_file(expdir + '/tmser.%s.nc' % (expnr))

    time = f.variables['time'][:]

    prop = f.variables[prop][:] 

    return {'time': time, 'prop':prop} 
 def setUp(self):
     self.file = tempfile.mktemp(".nc")
     f  = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, 'w')
     # foo has a single unlimited dimension
     f.createDimension('n1', None)
     f.createDimension('n2', n2dim)
     f.createDimension('n3', n3dim)
     foo = f.createVariable('data1', ranarr.dtype.str[1:], ('n1','n2','n3'))
     # write some data to it.
     foo[:] = ranarr 
     foo[n1dim:,:,:] = 2.*ranarr
 def runTest(self):
     """Testing scalar variables"""
     # check dimensions in root group.
     f  = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, 'r')
     v = f.variables[VAR_NAME]
     # dimensions and shape should be empty tuples
     self.assert_(v.dimensions == ())
     self.assert_(v.shape == ())
     # check result of getValue and slice
     assert_almost_equal(v.getValue(), VAR_VAL, decimal=6)
     assert_almost_equal(v[:], VAR_VAL, decimal=6)
Exemple #15
    def read_netcdf(self, fname, frame=0):
        from pupynere import netcdf_file

        nc = netcdf_file(fname)

        self.n = nc.dimensions['atom']
        self.lattice = make_lattice(nc.variables['cell_lengths'][frame],
        self.g = numpy.linalg.inv(self.lattice)
        self.params = OrderedDict()
        self.properties = OrderedDict()

        self.real = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=float)
        self.int = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=int)
        self.str = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype='S10')
        self.logical = numpy.zeros((self.n, 0), dtype=bool)

        vars = nc.variables.keys()
        vars = filter(lambda v: not v in ('cell_angles', 'cell_lengths'), vars)

        # ensure first var is species and second positions
        sp = vars.index('species')
        if sp != 0:
            vars[sp], vars[0] = vars[0], vars[sp]
        pos = vars.index('coordinates')
        if pos != 1:
            vars[pos], vars[1] = vars[1], vars[pos]

        for v in vars:
            d = nc.variables[v].dimensions

            if d[0] != 'frame': continue

            value = nc.variables[v][frame]
            if value.dtype == numpy.dtype('|S1'):
                value = [''.join(x).strip() for x in value]

            if len(d) == 1 or (len(d) == 2 and d[1] in ('label', 'string')):
                if (len(d) == 2 and d[1] in ('label', 'string')):
                    value = ''.join(value)
                self.params[v] = value
                # Name mangling
                if v == 'coordinates':
                    p = 'pos'
                elif v == 'velocities':
                    p = 'velo'
                    p = v
                value = nc.variables[v][frame]
                if value.dtype == numpy.dtype('|S1'):
                    value = [''.join(x).strip() for x in value]
                self.add_property(p, value)
 def runTest(self):
     """Testing whether we can read a file with no variables"""
     f  = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file, 'r')
     # check attributes in root group.
     # global attributes.
     # check __dict__ method for accessing all netCDF attributes.
     for key,val in ATTDICT.items():
         assert f.__dict__[key] == val
     # check accessing individual attributes.
     assert f.attr0 == ATTR0
     assert f.attr1 == ATTR1
def readtime(exptitle,casetitle,expnr,livedata=False,username='******'):
    expsdir = '/home/%s/Les/Experiments' % (username)
    expdir = expsdir + '/%s/%s' %(exptitle,expnr)

    fddatadir = expdir

    print 'Extracting time array'
    f = pu.netcdf_file(fddatadir + '/fielddump.000.000.%s.nc' % (expnr))

    t = f.variables['time'][:]
    tsteps = len(t)

    return {'tsteps' : tsteps, 't' : t}  
Exemple #18
    def write_nc(self):
        esec_list = []
        ex = ['col1', 'col2','col3','latitude','longitude'] #Colum labels
#        ex = csv.reader(open('info.txt'))
        reader = csv.DictReader(open('test.txt')) #open de the file and save the data in reader
        #Do a list of each label with the data on it
        for r in reader:
            gmtDTString = r['Time'] #read the variable time and save it in CF-1.0 nercdf convention
            tt = time.strptime(gmtDTString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            diff = datetime.datetime(*tt[:6]) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)
            esec_list.append(diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds)
            #Create the list of all the variable 
            for v in ex:
                exec('%s_list = []' % (v)) 
                exec("%s_list.append(r['%s'])" % (v,v,))
#       Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('TIME', len(esec_list))

        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('TIME', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # Write  variables 
        for v in ex:
            ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
            # Only Latitude, Longitude, Depth, and Time variables are upper case to match other Glider data
            if v == 'Latitude' or v == 'Longitude':
                exec("self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar.upper(), ))
                exec("self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, ))
            exec("self.%s.long_name = '%s'" % (ncVar.lower(), v, ))
            exec("self.%s[:] = %s_list" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, ))

        # Fudge up a depth variable with a value of zero
        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('DEPTH', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.depth.long_name = 'Depth'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = np.zeros(len(self.time[:]))


Exemple #19
    def write_nc(self):
        esec_list = []
        ex = ['col1', 'col2','col3','latitude','longitude'] #Colum labels
#        ex = csv.reader(open('info.txt'))
        reader = csv.DictReader(open('test.txt')) #open de the file and save the data in reader
        #Do a list of each label with the data on it
        for r in reader:
            gmtDTString = r['Time'] #read the variable time and save it in CF-1.0 nercdf convention
            tt = time.strptime(gmtDTString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            diff = datetime.datetime(*tt[:6]) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)
            esec_list.append(diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds)
            #Create the list of all the variable 
            for v in ex:
                exec '%s_list = []' % (v) 
                exec "%s_list.append(r['%s'])" % (v,v,)
#       Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('TIME', len(esec_list))

        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('TIME', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # Write  variables 
        for v in ex:
            ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
            # Only Latitude, Longitude, Depth, and Time variables are upper case to match other Glider data
            print v
            if v == 'Latitude' or v == 'Longitude':
                exec "self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar.upper(), )
                exec "self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, )
            exec "self.%s.long_name = '%s'" % (ncVar.lower(), v, )
            exec "self.%s[:] = %s_list" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, )

        # Fudge up a depth variable with a value of zero
        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('DEPTH', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.depth.long_name = 'Depth'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = np.zeros(len(self.time[:]))


Exemple #20
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        index = fix_slice(index, self.shape)

        # create a new axis
        if self.axis is None:
            # get the slice along the aggregation axis, and leave the rest for
            # the variable itself
            slice_, index = index[0], index[1:]
            data = []
            for file, n in self.count[slice_]:
                f = netcdf_file(file)
            return np.array(data).astype(self.dtype)

        # concatenate along an existing axis
            # convert index to list so we can change it
            index = list(index)

            # get the slice along the aggregation axis and store it in a
            # boolean array that we'll map to the files
            slice_ = index[self.axis]
            indexes = np.zeros(self.shape[self.axis], bool)
            indexes[slice_] = 1

            offset = 0
            data = []
            for file, n in self.count:
                selected_here = indexes[offset:offset+n]
                if any(selected_here):
                    index[self.axis] = selected_here
                    f = netcdf_file(file)
                offset += n
            return np.concatenate(data, axis=self.axis).astype(self.dtype)
Exemple #21
def transform(fl):
    """Transforms csv file into netcdf format.

      - fl, cvs data file, example: data.csv

      - netcdf file, example: data.nc

    nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(new_name(fl), 'w')
    nc.createDimension('dim', None)

    for i, item in enumerate(make_float(fl)):
        nc.createVariable('var_%02d' % i, 'd', ('dim',))[:] = item
def readprop(exptitle,expnr,prop,username='******'):
    expsdir = '/home/%s/Les/Experiments' % (username)
    expdir = expsdir + '/%s/%s' %(exptitle,expnr)

    f = pu.netcdf_file(expdir + '/profiles.%s.nc' % (expnr))

    # columns of data
    zt = f.variables['zt'][:] # full levels
    zm = f.variables['zm'][:] # half levels

    # rows of data
    time = f.variables['time'][:]

    p = f.variables[prop][:,:] 

    return {'zt' : zt, 'zm' : zm, 'time': time, prop:p} 
Exemple #23
    def __init__(self, cfg):
        self.cfg = cfg

        self.logger.info("Initializing AVISO_fetch class")
        self.logger.debug("cfg: %s" % cfg)

        if ('username' not in self.cfg) | ('password' not in self.cfg):
            self.logger.error("Aviso DAP server requires a registered username and password. I'll abort.")

        if 'urlbase' not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg['urlbase'] = \
                    "http://%s:%[email protected]/thredds/dodsC" % \
                    (self.cfg['username'], self.cfg['password'])
        self.logger.debug("urlbase: %s" % self.cfg['urlbase'])
        #if type(self.cfg['map']) == str:
        #    self.cfg['map'] = [self.cfg['map']]

        if 'force_download' not in self.cfg:
            self.cfg['force_download'] = False

        if (self.cfg['datadir'] != '') and \
                (not os.path.isdir(self.cfg['datadir'])):
            print "There is no data directory: %s" % self.cfg['datadir']

        self.file = os.path.join(self.cfg['datadir'], self.cfg['filename'])
            self.nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.file,'w', format='NETCDF4')
            self.nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(self.file,'w')

        # ----------
        self.nc.created_datetime = datetime.now().isoformat()
        self.nc.metadata_map = self.cfg['map']
        self.nc.metadata_type = self.cfg['type']
        self.nc.metadata_urlbase = self.cfg['urlbase']
        self.nc.metadata_force_download = str(self.cfg['force_download'])
        # ----------


    def write_netcdf(self, out_file, in_url):

        # Check parent directory and create if needed
        dirName = os.path.dirname(out_file)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.logger.debug("Creating netCDF file %s", out_file)
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(out_file, 'w')

        # If specified on command line override the default generic title with what is specified
        self.ncFile.title = 'LRAUV interpolated data'

        # Combine any summary text specified on command line with the generic summary stating the original source file
        self.ncFile.summary = 'Observational oceanographic data translated with modification from original data file %s' % in_url

        # add in time dimensions first
        ts_key = []
        for key in self.all_sub_ts.keys():
            if key.find('time') != -1:
                ts = self.all_sub_ts[key]

                if not ts.empty:
                    self.logger.debug("Adding in record variable %s", key)
                    v = self.initRecordVariable(key)
                    v[:] = self.all_sub_ts[key]

        # add in other remaining time series
        for key in ts_key:
            ts = self.all_sub_ts[key]

            if not ts.empty:
                    logging.debug("Adding in record variable %s", key)
                    v = self.initRecordVariable(key)
                    v[:] = self.all_sub_ts[key]
                except Exception, e:
Exemple #25
    def write_netcdf(self, out_file, in_url):

        # Check parent directory and create if needed
        dirName = os.path.dirname(out_file)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.logger.debug("Creating netCDF file %s", out_file)
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(out_file, 'w')

        # If specified on command line override the default generic title with what is specified
        self.ncFile.title = 'LRAUV interpolated data'

        # Combine any summary text specified on command line with the generic summary stating the original source file
        self.ncFile.summary = 'Observational oceanographic data translated with modification from original data file %s' % in_url

        # add in time dimensions first
        ts_key = []
        for key in self.all_sub_ts.keys():
            if key.find('time') != -1:
                ts = self.all_sub_ts[key]

                if not ts.empty:
                    self.logger.debug("Adding in record variable %s", key)
                    v = self.initRecordVariable(key)
                    v[:] = self.all_sub_ts[key]

        # add in other remaining time series
        for key in ts_key:
            ts = self.all_sub_ts[key]

            if not ts.empty:
                    logging.debug("Adding in record variable %s", key)
                    v = self.initRecordVariable(key)
                    v[:] = self.all_sub_ts[key]
                except Exception, e:
    def __init__(self, filename, append=True, verbose=False, allowrecord=True):
        (head, tail) = os.path.split(filename)
        tmpfile = os.path.join(head, "0-%d-%s" % (os.getpid(), tail))
        netcdf.netcdf_file.__init__(self, tmpfile, "w")

            '_targetfile'] = filename  #Setattr writes also to self._attributes
        self.__dict__['_verbose'] = verbose  # We do not want it...
        self.__dict__['_records'] = allowrecord  # No record dimension
        oldF = None
        if append:
                oldF = netcdf.netcdf_file(filename, "r")
            except IOError as e:
                if verbose:
                    print "Previous file can't be updated..."

        # Copy from the oldfile
        if oldF:  # Copy all stuff from the old file

            for k, v in oldF._attributes.items():
                if hasattr(self, k):  #Overwriting targetfile is harmful
                    # it should not appear in files anyhow
                self.__setattr__(k, v)
            for dim in oldF._dims:
                if (allowrecord or oldF.dimensions[dim] > 0):
                    value = oldF.dimensions[dim]
                    value = oldF.variables[dim].shape[0]
                if value > -1:
                    self.createDimension(dim, int(value))
                    self.createDimension(dim, None)
            for key, var in oldF.variables.items():
                ovar = self.createVariable(key, var.typecode(), var.dimensions)
                for k, v in var._attributes.items():
                    ovar.__setattr__(k, v)
                if len(var.data.shape):
                    ovar[:] = var.data.copy()
                    ovar = var.data.copy()
            self.history = ""
def writeNcFile(data, fileName=None, oldStyle=False):
    if not ncOk:
        raise Exception(
            'module pupynere not found, please make sure it is installed, writeNcFile() failed!'
    if not fileName:
        fileName = data['name'] + '.nc'
    f = netcdf_file(fileName, 'w')
    f.createDimension('time', data['time'].shape[0])
    f.file_format = file_format
    if oldStyle:
        f.createDimension('scalar', 1)
    if 'comment' in data:
        f.comment = data['comment']
        f.comment = 'created by MeteonormFile.py (v%s)' % version
    if 'source_file' in data:
        f.source_file = str(data['source_file'])
    for vn in ('latitude', 'longitude', 'height'):
        setattr(f, vn, data[vn])
        if oldStyle:
            v = f.createVariable(vn, 'd', ('scalar', ))
            v[:] = [data[vn]]
    setattr(f, 'longitude_0', 15.0 * data['timezone'])
    if oldStyle:
        v = f.createVariable('longitude_0', 'd', ('scalar', ))
        v[:] = [15.0 * data['timezone']]
    for vn in variables.keys():
        t = variables[vn][1]
        v = f.createVariable(vn, t, ('time', ))
        v[:] = data[vn].astype(t)
        oname = variables[vn][0]
        if oname.startswith('<'): oname = oname[1:]
        if oname.endswith('>'): oname = oname[:-1]
        v.original_name = oname
        v.unit = variables[vn][2]
        if vn == 'time':
            v.extrapolation = 'periodic'
Exemple #28
def writeNcFile(data, fileName=None, oldStyle=False):
    if not ncOk:
        raise Exception('module pupynere not found, please make sure it is installed, writeNcFile() failed!')
    if not fileName:
        fileName = data['name']+'_weather.nc'
    f = netcdf_file(fileName, 'w')
    f.createDimension('time', data['time'].shape[0])
    f.file_format = file_format
    if oldStyle:
        f.createDimension('scalar', 1)
    if 'comment' in data:
        f.comment = data['comment']
        f.comment = 'created by MeteonormFile.py (v%s)' % version
    if 'source_file' in data:
        f.source_file = str(data['source_file'])
    for vn in ('latitude', 'longitude', 'height'):
        setattr(f, vn, data[vn])
        if oldStyle:
            v = f.createVariable(vn, 'd', ('scalar', ))
            v[:] = [data[vn]]
    setattr(f, 'longitude_0', 15.0*data['timezone'])
    if oldStyle:
        v = f.createVariable('longitude_0', 'd', ('scalar', ))
        v[:] = [15.0 * data['timezone']]
    for vn in variables.keys():
        t = variables[vn][1]
        v = f.createVariable(vn, t, ('time',))
        v[:] = data[vn].astype(t)
        oname = variables[vn][0]
        if oname.startswith('<'): oname = oname[1:]
        if oname.endswith('>'): oname = oname[:-1]
        v.original_name = oname
        v.unit = variables[vn][2]
        if vn == 'time':
            v.extrapolation = 'periodic'
Exemple #29
    def write_pctd(self, inFile):
        Write lists out as NetCDF using the base name of the file for the .nc file that this creates.

        outFile = '.'.join(inFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '.nc'

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')

        # If specified on command line override the default generic title with what is specified
        self.ncFile.title = 'Profile CTD cast data'
        if self.args.title:
            self.ncFile.title = self.args.title

        # Combine any summary text specified on commamd line with the generic summary stating the original source file
        self.ncFile.summary = 'Observational oceanographic data translated with no modification from original data file %s' % inFile
        if self.args.summary:
            self.ncFile.summary = self.args.summary
            if not self.args.summary.endswith('.'):
                self.ncFile.summary += '.'
            self.ncFile.summary += ' Translated with no modification from original data file %s' % inFile

        # If specified on command line override the default generic license with what is specified
        if self.args.license:
            self.ncFile.license = self.args.license

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(self.esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = self.esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64',
                                                   ('time', ))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = self.lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = self.lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = csiro.depth(self.pr_list,
                                    self.lat_list)  # Convert pressure to depth

        # Record Variables - Profile CTD Data
        temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time', ))
        temp.long_name = 'Temperature, [ITS-90, deg C]'
        temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        temp.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        temp.units = 'Celsius'
        temp[:] = self.t_list

        sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time', ))
        sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'
        sal.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        sal[:] = self.sal_list

        xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time', ))
        xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
        xmiss.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        xmiss.missing_value = self.missing_value
        xmiss._FillValue = self._FillValue
        xmiss.units = '%'
        xmiss[:] = self.xmiss_list

        if self.ecofl_list:
            ecofl = self.ncFile.createVariable('ecofl', 'float64', ('time', ))
            ecofl.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'
            ecofl.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            ecofl.units = 'mg/m^3'
            ecofl[:] = self.ecofl_list

        if self.wetstar_list:
            wetstar = self.ncFile.createVariable('wetstar', 'float64',
                                                 ('time', ))
            wetstar.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar'
            wetstar.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            wetstar.units = 'mg/m^3'
            wetstar[:] = self.wetstar_list

        if self.oxygen_list:
            oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64',
                                                ('time', ))
            oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
            oxygen.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            oxygen.units = 'ml/l'
            oxygen[:] = self.oxygen_list

        if self.args.analog:
            if self.analog_list:
                analog = self.ncFile.createVariable(self.an_var, 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
                analog.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
                analog.units = self.an_units
                analog[:] = self.analog_list


        print 'Wrote ' + outFile
wind_capacity = capacity['wind']
solar_capacity = capacity['solar']

output = best_results['output']
wind_out = output['wind']
solar_out = output['solar']
hydro_out = output['hydro']
gas_out = output['fossil']

nstations_w = len(wind_capacity)
nstations_s = len(solar_capacity)
nsteps = len(wind_out)

#Write to netcdf file:

o = nc.netcdf_file(file + '.nc', 'w')

o.createDimension('nstations_wind', nstations_w)
o.createDimension('nstations_solar', nstations_s)
o.createDimension('nsteps', nsteps)

wind_output = o.createVariable("ts_wind", 'f', ('nsteps', ))
solar_output = o.createVariable("ts_solar", 'f', ('nsteps', ))
hydro_output = o.createVariable("ts_hydro", 'f', ('nsteps', ))
gas_output = o.createVariable("ts_gas", 'f', ('nsteps', ))
demand_output = o.createVariable("ts_demand", 'f', ('nsteps', ))

wind_cap = o.createVariable("wind_cap", 'f', ('nstations_wind', ))
solar_cap = o.createVariable("solar_cap", 'f', ('nstations_solar', ))

wind_output[:] = wind_out
    def save_emission_old(self):
        print "debug: Emission save start"
        self.progress("Saving Result")

        for n in range(self.maxdom):
            domain = self.domains[n]
            filename_1 = opj("{0}/wrfchemi_00z_d{1:0>2}".format(
                self.save_dir, n + 1))
            filename_2 = opj("{0}/wrfchemi_12z_d{1:0>2}".format(
                self.save_dir, n + 1))

            cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(filename_1, 'w')
            cdf_file.createDimension('Time', 12)
            cdf_file.createDimension('south_north', domain.h)
            cdf_file.createDimension('emissions_zdim', 2)
            cdf_file.createDimension('DateStrLen', 19)
            cdf_file.createDimension('west_east', domain.w)

            cdf_vars = {}
            for plt in self.pollutant_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                    plt, 'f',
                    ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            for plt in self.additional_pollutan_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                    plt, 'f',
                    ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            cdf_vars['times'] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                'Times', 'c', ('Time', 'DateStrLen'))

            for i in range(12):  #time
                for j in range(1):  #z level
                    for y in range(domain.h):
                        for x in range(domain.w):
                            for p, plt in enumerate(self.pollutant_str):
                                cdf_vars[plt][i][j][y][x] = self.domain_emiss[


            cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(filename_2, 'w')
            cdf_file.createDimension('Time', 12)
            cdf_file.createDimension('south_north', domain.h)
            cdf_file.createDimension('emissions_zdim', 2)
            cdf_file.createDimension('DateStrLen', 19)
            cdf_file.createDimension('west_east', domain.w)

            cdf_vars = {}
            for plt in self.pollutant_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                    plt, 'f',
                    ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            for plt in self.additional_pollutan_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                    plt, 'f',
                    ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            cdf_vars['times'] = cdf_file.createVariable(
                'Times', 'c', ('Time', 'DateStrLen'))

            for i in range(12):  #time
                for j in range(1):  #z level
                    for y in range(domain.h):
                        for x in range(domain.w):
                            for p, plt in enumerate(self.pollutant_str):
                                cdf_vars[plt][i][j][y][x] = self.domain_emiss[


        print "debug: Emission save end"
        print "------------------------------"
Exemple #32
    def write_pctd(self, inFile):
        Write lists out as NetCDF using the base name of the file for the .nc file that this creates.

        outFile = '.'.join(inFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '.nc'

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(self.esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time',))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = self.esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64', ('time',))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = self.lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64', ('time',))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = self.lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time',))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = csiro.depth(self.pr_list, self.lat_list)      # Convert pressure to depth

        # Record Variables - Profile CTD Data
        temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time',))
        temp.long_name = 'Temperature, [ITS-90, deg C]'
        temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        temp.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        temp.units = 'Celsius'
        temp[:] = self.t_list

        sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time',))
        sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'
        sal.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        sal[:] = self.sal_list

        xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time',))
        xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
        xmiss.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        xmiss.units = '%'
        xmiss[:] = self.xmiss_list

        if self.ecofl_list:
            ecofl = self.ncFile.createVariable('ecofl', 'float64', ('time',))
            ecofl.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL'
            ecofl.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            ecofl.units = 'mg/m^3'
            ecofl[:] = self.ecofl_list

        if self.wetstar_list:
            wetstar = self.ncFile.createVariable('wetstar', 'float64', ('time',))
            wetstar.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar'
            wetstar.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            wetstar.units = 'mg/m^3'
            wetstar[:] = self.wetstar_list

        if self.oxygen_list:
            oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64', ('time',))
            oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
            oxygen.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            oxygen.units = 'ml/l'
            oxygen[:] = self.oxygen_list

        if self.oxyps_list:
            oxygen = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen_ps', 'float64', ('time',))
            oxygen.long_name = 'Oxygen, SBE 43'
            oxygen.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            oxygen.units = '%'
            oxygen[:] = self.oxyps_list


Exemple #33
    def write_gpctd(self, inFile='waveglider_gpctd_WG.txt', outFile='waveglider_gpctd_WG.nc'):
        Read in records from one of the waveglider data files and write out as NetCDF.  The records look like:

        GPCTD Timestamp, Latitude, Longitude, Pressure(decibars), Temperature(degrees C), Salinity(PSU), Conductivity(S/m), Dissolved Oxygen(frequency), Dissolved Oxygen(mL/L)
        2012-05-21 20:10:00, 36.7989, -121.8609, 0.280, 12.169, 33.764, 3.889, 4390.700,  5.374
        2012-05-21 20:10:10, 36.7989, -121.8609, 0.330, 12.148, 33.779, 3.888, 4397.800,  5.387

        # Initialize lists for the data to be parsed and written
        esec_list = []
        lat_list = []
        lon_list = []
        dep_list = []
        tem_list = []
        sal_list = []
        do_list = []

        # Read data in from the input file
        reader = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(self.parentDir, inFile)))
        last_esec = 0
        for r in reader:
            gmtDTString = r['GPCTD Timestamp']
            tt = time.strptime(gmtDTString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            diff = datetime.datetime(*tt[:6]) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)
            esec = diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds 
            if esec > last_esec:
                lat_list.append(r[' Latitude'])
                lon_list.append(r[' Longitude'])
                dep_list.append(r[' Pressure(decibars)'])        # decibars is darn close to meters at the surface
                tem_list.append(r[' Temperature(degrees C)'])
                sal_list.append(r[' Salinity(PSU)'])
                do_list.append(r[' Dissolved Oxygen(mL/L)'])
                last_esec = esec
                print(('Skipping esec = %d' % esec))

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('TIME', len(esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('TIME', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = dep_list

        # Record Variables - CTD Data
        temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        temp.long_name = 'Sea Water Temperature in-situ ITS-90 or IPTS-68 scale'
        temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        temp.units = 'Celsius'
        temp.coordinates = 'TIME latitude longitude depth'
        temp[:] = tem_list

        sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        sal.long_name = 'Sea Water Salinity in-situ PSS 1978 scale'
        sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'
        sal.coordinates = 'TIME latitude longitude depth'
        sal[:] = sal_list

        do = self.ncFile.createVariable('oxygen', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        do.long_name = 'Dissolved Oxygen'
        do.units = 'ml/l'
        do.coordinates = 'TIME latitude longitude depth'
        do[:] = do_list


Exemple #34
class InterpolatorWriter(BaseWriter):

    logger = []
    logger = logging.getLogger('lrauvNc4ToNetcdf')
    fh = logging.StreamHandler()
    f = logging.Formatter(
        "%(levelname)s %(asctime)sZ %(filename)s %(funcName)s():%(lineno)d %(message)s"

    def write_netcdf(self, outFile, inUrl):

        # Check parent directory and create if needed
        dirName = os.path.dirname(outFile)
        except OSError, e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')

        # If specified on command line override the default generic title with what is specified
        self.ncFile.title = 'LRAUV interpolated data'

        # Combine any summary text specified on commamd line with the generic summary stating the original source file
        self.ncFile.summary = 'Observational oceanographic data translated with modification from original data file %s' % inUrl

        # If specified on command line override the default generic license with what is specified

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(self.esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = self.esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64',
                                                   ('time', ))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        i = self.parms.index('latitude')
        self.latitude[:] = self.parm_sub_ts[i]

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        i = self.parms.index('longitude')
        self.longitude[:] = self.parm_sub_ts[i]

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        i = self.parms.index('depth')
        self.depth[:] = self.parm_sub_ts[i]

        # add in parameters
        for i in range(len(self.parms)):
            ts = self.parm_sub_ts[i]
            # done record empty variables
            if not ts.empty:
                parm = self.parms[i]
                v = self.initRecordVariable(parm)
                v[:] = self.parm_sub_ts[i]


Exemple #35
    def serialize(dataset):
        buf = StringIO()
        f = netcdf_file(buf, 'w', version=2)

        # Global attributes.
        nc_global = dataset.attributes.pop('NC_GLOBAL', {})
        for k, v in nc_global.items():
            if not isinstance(v, dict):
                setattr(f, k, v)
        for k, v in dataset.attributes.items():
            if not isinstance(v, dict):
                setattr(f, k, v)
        # Gridded data.
        for grid in walk(dataset, GridType):
            # Add dimensions.
            for dim, map_ in grid.maps.items():
                if dim not in f.dimensions:
                    # check if this is a record dimension
                    if ('DODS_EXTRA' in dataset.attributes and 
                            dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA']['Unlimited_Dimension'] == dim):
                        length = None
                        length = map_.shape[0]
                    f.createDimension(dim, length)
                    var = f.createVariable(dim, map_.type.typecode, (dim,))
                    var[:] = numpy.asarray(map_)
                    for k, v in map_.attributes.items():
                        if not isinstance(v, dict):
                            setattr(var, k, v)
            # Add the var.
            var = f.createVariable(grid.name, grid.type.typecode, grid.dimensions)
            var[:] = numpy.asarray(grid.array)
            for k, v in grid.attributes.items():
                if not isinstance(v, dict):
                    setattr(var, k, v)

        # Sequences.
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):
            n = len(seq.data)
            dim, i = 'axis_0', 0
            while dim in f.dimensions:
                i += 1
                dim = 'axis_%d' % i
            f.createDimension(dim, None)
            var = f.createVariable(dim, 'i', (dim,))
            var[:] = numpy.arange(n)
            var.indexOf = seq.name

            # Add vars.
            for child in seq.walk():
                if child.type.typecode == 'S':
                    data = map(str, child.data)
                    n = max(map(len, data))
                    dim2, i = 'string_0', 0
                    while dim2 in f.dimensions:
                        i += 1
                        dim2 = 'string_%d' % i
                    f.createDimension(dim2, n)
                    data = numpy.array(map(list, data))
                    var = f.createVariable(child.name, child.type.typecode, (dim, dim2))
                    var[:] = numpy.array(data, child.type.typecode)
                    var = f.createVariable(child.name, child.type.typecode, (dim,))
                    var[:] = numpy.fromiter(child.data, child.type.typecode)
                for k, v in child.attributes.items():
                    if not isinstance(v, dict):
                        setattr(var, k, v)

        return [ buf.getvalue() ]
Exemple #36
 def __init__(self, fileName):
     self.__fileName = fileName
     self.__file = netcdf.netcdf_file(self.__fileName, "r")
     self.__vars = self.__file.variables
     self.__inventory = None
     self.__globalAttributes = None
Exemple #37
    def __init__(self, dataset):
        BaseResponse.__init__(self, dataset)

        self.nc = netcdf_file(None)
        if 'NC_GLOBAL' in self.dataset.attributes:

        dimensions = [
            var.dimensions for var in walk(self.dataset)
            if isinstance(var, BaseType)
        dimensions = set(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, dimensions))
            unlim_dim = self.dataset.attributes['DODS_EXTRA'][
            unlim_dim = None

        # GridType
        for grid in walk(dataset, GridType):

            # add dimensions
            for dim, map_ in grid.maps.items():
                if dim in self.nc.dimensions:

                n = None if dim == unlim_dim else grid[dim].data.shape[0]
                self.nc.createDimension(dim, n)
                if not n:
                var = grid[dim]

                # and add dimension variable
                                       var.dtype.char, (dim, ),

            # finally add the grid variable itself
            base_var = grid[grid.name]
            var = self.nc.createVariable(base_var.name,

        # Sequence types!
        for seq in walk(dataset, SequenceType):

            self.nc.createDimension(seq.name, None)
                n = len(seq)
            except TypeError:
                # FIXME: materializing and iterating through a sequence to find the length
                # could have performance problems and could potentially consume the iterable
                # Do lots of testing here and determine the result of not calling set_numrecs()
                n = len([x for x in seq[seq.keys()[0]]])

            dim = seq.name,

            for child in seq.children():
                dtype = child.dtype
                # netcdf does not have a date type, so remap to float
                if dtype == np.dtype('datetime64'):
                    dtype = np.dtype('float32')
                elif dtype == np.dtype('object'):
                    raise TypeError(
                        "Don't know how to handle numpy type {0}".format(

                var = self.nc.createVariable(child.name,

        self.headers.extend([('Content-type', 'application/x-netcdf')])
        # Optionally set the filesize header if possible
            self.headers.extend([('Content-length', self.nc.filesize)])
        except ValueError:
Exemple #38
    def save_emission_old(self):
        print "debug: Emission save start"
        self.progress("Saving Result")
        for n in range(self.maxdom):
            domain = self.domains[n]
            filename_1 = opj("{0}/wrfchemi_00z_d{1:0>2}".format(self.save_dir, n+1))
            filename_2 = opj("{0}/wrfchemi_12z_d{1:0>2}".format(self.save_dir, n+1))
            cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(filename_1, 'w')
            cdf_file.createDimension('Time', 12)
            cdf_file.createDimension('south_north', domain.h)
            cdf_file.createDimension('emissions_zdim', 2)
            cdf_file.createDimension('DateStrLen', 19)
            cdf_file.createDimension('west_east', domain.w)
            cdf_vars = {}
            for plt in self.pollutant_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(plt, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            for plt in self.additional_pollutan_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(plt, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            cdf_vars['times'] = cdf_file.createVariable('Times', 'c', ('Time', 'DateStrLen'))

            for i in range(12): #time
                for j in range(1): #z level
                    for y in range(domain.h):
                        for x in range(domain.w):
                            for p, plt in enumerate(self.pollutant_str):
                                cdf_vars[plt][i][j][y][x] = self.domain_emiss[n][y][x][p] 
            cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(filename_2, 'w')
            cdf_file.createDimension('Time', 12)
            cdf_file.createDimension('south_north', domain.h)
            cdf_file.createDimension('emissions_zdim', 2)
            cdf_file.createDimension('DateStrLen', 19)
            cdf_file.createDimension('west_east', domain.w)
            cdf_vars = {}
            for plt in self.pollutant_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(plt, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            for plt in self.additional_pollutan_list:
                cdf_vars[plt] = cdf_file.createVariable(plt, 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
                cdf_vars[plt].units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
            cdf_vars['times'] = cdf_file.createVariable('Times', 'c', ('Time', 'DateStrLen'))

            for i in range(12): #time
                for j in range(1): #z level
                    for y in range(domain.h):
                        for x in range(domain.w):
                            for p, plt in enumerate(self.pollutant_str):
                                cdf_vars[plt][i][j][y][x] = self.domain_emiss[n][y][x][p] 
        print "debug: Emission save end"
        print "------------------------------"
Exemple #39
    def download(self):

            Migrate it to use np.lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator
        url_h = "%s/%s-h-daily" % (self.metadata['urlbase'], self.metadata['source_filename'])
        dataset_h = open_url(url_h)
        url_uv = "%s/%s-uv-daily" % (self.metadata['urlbase'], self.metadata['source_filename'])
        dataset_uv = open_url(url_uv)
        # ----
        if 't_ini' not in self.metadata['limits']:
            self.metadata['limits']['t_ini'] = 0
        if 't_fin' not in self.metadata['limits']:
            self.metadata['limits']['t_fin'] = dataset_h['time'].shape[0]
        if 't_step' not in self.metadata['limits']:
            self.metadata['limits']['t_step'] = 0
            print "Atention!! t_step set to: %s" % self.metadata['limits']['t_step']
        t_ini = self.metadata['limits']['t_ini']
        t_fin = self.metadata['limits']['t_fin']
        t_step = self.metadata['limits']['t_step']
        # ----
        #from coards import from_udunits
        #if (re.match('^hours since \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$',dataset_h['time'].attributes['units'])):
        if (re.match('^hours since 1950-01-01',dataset_h['time'].attributes['units'])):
            data['datetime']=numpy.array([t0+timedelta(hours=h) for h in dataset_h['time'][t_ini:t_fin:t_step].tolist()])
            print "Problems interpreting the time"

        #time = self.nc.createVariable('time', 'i', ('time',))
        #time[:] = dataset_h['time'][t_ini:t_fin:t_step]
        #time.units = dataset_h['time'].attributes['units']
        #data['time'] = time
        Latlimits=numpy.arange(Lat.shape[0])[(Lat[:]>=limits["LatIni"]) & (Lat[:]<=limits["LatFin"])]
        Lonlimits=numpy.arange(Lon.shape[0])[(Lon[:]>=limits["LonIni"]) & (Lon[:]<=limits["LonFin"])]

        data['Lon'], data['Lat'] = numpy.meshgrid( (Lon[Lonlimits[0]:Lonlimits[-1]]), (Lat[Latlimits[0]:Latlimits[-1]]) )

        self.data = data
        #Arrayterator = numpy.lib.arrayterator.Arrayterator
        #dataset = dataset_h['Grid_0001']['Grid_0001']
        #ssh = Arrayterator(dataset)[t_ini:t_fin:t_step]

        #blocks = 1e4

        file = os.path.join(self.metadata['datadir'],self.metadata['source_filename']+".nc")
        nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(file,'w')
        nc.createDimension('time', len(range(t_ini,t_fin,t_step)))
        nc.createDimension('lon', (Lonlimits[-1]-Lonlimits[0]))
        nc.createDimension('lat', (Latlimits[-1]-Latlimits[0]))

        dblocks = max(1,int(1e5/((Lonlimits[-1]-Lonlimits[0])*(Latlimits[-1]-Latlimits[0]))))

        ti = numpy.arange(t_ini, t_fin, t_step)
        blocks = ti[::dblocks]
        if ti[-1] not in blocks:
            blocks = numpy.append(blocks,t_fin)

        ntries = 40
        for v, dataset, missing_value in zip(['h','u','v'], [dataset_h['Grid_0001']['Grid_0001'], dataset_uv['Grid_0001']['Grid_0001'], dataset_uv['Grid_0002']['Grid_0002']], [dataset_h['Grid_0001']._FillValue, dataset_uv['Grid_0001']._FillValue, dataset_uv['Grid_0002']._FillValue]):

            print "Getting %s" % v
            #data['h'] = ma.masked_all((len(ti),Lonlimits[-1]-Lonlimits[0], Latlimits[-1]-Latlimits[0]), dtype=numpy.float64)
            self.data[v] = nc.createVariable(v, 'f4', ('time', 'lat', 'lon'))
            self.data[v].missing_value = missing_value
            for b1, b2 in zip(blocks[:-1], blocks[1:]):
                print "From %s to %s of %s" % (b1, b2, blocks[-1])
                ind = numpy.nonzero((ti>=b1) & (ti<b2))
                for i in range(ntries):
                    print "Try n: %s" % i
                        self.data[v][ind] = dataset[b1:b2:t_step, Lonlimits[0]:Lonlimits[-1],Latlimits[0]:Latlimits[-1]].swapaxes(1,2).astype('f')
                        waitingtime = 30+i*20
                        print "Failed to download. I'll try again in %ss" % waitingtime
Exemple #40
    def write_pco2(self, inFile='waveglider_pco2_WG.txt', outFile='waveglider_pco2_WG.nc'):
        Read in records from one of the waveglider data files and write out as NetCDF.  The records are
        really long and ugly - the header for the file is expressed in the pco2_var list.  This method 
        builds the NetCDF variables dynamically using the Python 'exec' method.

        esec_list = []
        pco2_vars = [   'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'EquilPumpOn pco2', 'EquilPumpOn Temp', 'EquilPumpOn Pressure', 
                'EquilPumpOff pco2', 'EquilPumpOff Temp', 'EquilPumpOff Pressure', 'EquilPumpOff Humidity', 
                'ZeroPumpOn pco2', 'ZeroPumpOn Temp', 'ZeroPumpOn Pressure', 'ZeroPumpOff pco2', 'ZeroPumpOff Temp', 
                'ZeroPumpOff Pressure', 'AirPumpOn pco2', 'AirPumpOn Temp', 'AirPumpOn Pressure', 'AirPumpOff pco2', 
                'AirPumpOff Temp', 'AirPumpOff Pressure', 'AirPumpOff Humidity', 'StandardFlowOn Pressure', 
                'StandardFlowOff pco2', 'StandardFlowOff Temp', 'StandardFlowOff Pressure', 
                'StandardFlowOff pco2 Humidity', 'Durafet pH 1', 'Durafet pH 2', 'Durafet pH 3', 'Durafet pH 4', 
                'Durafet pH 5', 'Durafet pH 6', 'Can Humidity'

        reader = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(self.parentDir, inFile)))
        last_esec = 0
        for r in reader:
            gmtDTString = r['PCO2 Timestamp']
            tt = time.strptime(gmtDTString, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            diff = datetime.datetime(*tt[:6]) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)
            esec = diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds
            if esec > last_esec:
                for v in pco2_vars:
                    ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
                        exec("%s_list.append(r[' %s'])" % (ncVar, v, ))
                    except NameError:
                        exec('%s_list = []' % ncVar)
                        exec("%s_list.append(r[' %s'])" % (ncVar, v, ))

                last_esec = esec
                print(('Skipping esec = %d' % esec))

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('TIME', len(esec_list))

        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('TIME', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time.long_name = 'Time GMT'
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # PCO2 variables 
        for v in pco2_vars:
            ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
            # Only Latitude, Longitude, Depth, and Time variables are upper case to match other Glider data
            if v in ('Latitude', 'Longitude'):
                # Name the coordinate variable all upper case
                exec("self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (v.lower(), v.upper(), ))
                exec("self.%s.long_name = '%s'" % (v.lower(), v.lower(), ))
                exec("self.%s.standard_name = '%s'" % (v.lower(), v.lower(), ))
                if v == 'Latitude':
                    exec("self.%s.units = 'degrees_north'" % v.lower())
                if v == 'Longitude':
                    exec("self.%s.units = 'degrees_east'" % v.lower())
                exec("self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('TIME',))" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, ))
                exec("self.%s.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE DEPTH'" % ncVar.lower())
                exec("self.%s.long_name = '%s'" % (ncVar.lower(), v, ))

            exec("self.%s[:] = %s_list" % (ncVar.lower(), ncVar, ))

        # Fudge up a depth variable with a value of zero
        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('DEPTH', 'float64', ('TIME',))
        self.depth.long_name = 'depth below sea level'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = np.zeros(len(self.time[:]))


Exemple #41
import sys, pupynere
ll = [l.strip().split(',') for l in open(sys.argv[1]) if not l.startswith('#')]
vv = zip(*[map(float, l) for l in ll])
nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(sys.argv[1]+'.nc', 'w')
nc.createDimension('dim', None)
for i in range(len(vv)):
	nc.createVariable('var_%02d' % i, 'd', ('dim',))[:] = vv[i]

##my alternative
#import sys, pupynere
#ll = [l.strip().split(',') for l in open(sys.argv[1]) if not l.startswith('#')]
#vv = zip(*[map(float, l) for l in ll])
#nc = pupynere.netcdf_file(sys.argv[1]+'.nc', 'w')
#dims = ()
#for i in range(len(vv)):
#	dim_name = 'dim_%d' % i
#	if i == 1:
#		nc.createDimension(dim_name, None)
#	else:
#		nc.createDimension(dim_name, sys.argv[2])
#	dims = dims + (dim_name,)  
#print dims
#nc.createVariable('point', 'd', ('dim_1',))[:] = ll[:]
Exemple #42
    def write_ctd(self, inFile='ESP_ctd.csv', outFile='ESP_ctd.nc'):
        Read in records from one of the ESP drifter and write out as NetCDF.  The records look like (time is local):

        year,month,day,hour,minute,second,temp,sal,chl (calibrated),chl (ini)
        2012,   9,  11,  15,  32,  38,15.24,33.34,0.68,2.54
        2012,   9,  11,  15,  37,  39,15.29,33.25,0.66,2.44

        # Initialize lists for the data to be parsed and written
        esec_list = []
        lat_list = []
        lon_list = []
        dep_list = []
        tem_list = []
        sal_list = []
        chl_cal_list = []
        chl_ini_list = []

        # Read data in from the input file
        reader = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(self.parentDir, inFile)))
        for r in reader:
            localDT = datetime.datetime(int(r['year']), int(r['month']),
                                        int(r['day']), int(r['hour']),
                                        int(r['minute']), int(r['second']))
            ##print str(localDT)
            es = time.mktime(localDT.timetuple())

            )  # For September 2012 ESP deployment the nominal depth is 10m

            chl_cal_list.append(r['chl (calibrated)'])
            chl_ini_list.append(r['chl (ini)'])

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64',
                                                   ('time', ))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = dep_list

        # Record Variables - CTD Data
        temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time', ))
        temp.long_name = 'Sea Water Temperature in-situ ITS-90 or IPTS-68 scale'
        temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        temp.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        temp.units = 'Celsius'
        temp[:] = tem_list

        sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time', ))
        sal.long_name = 'Sea Water Salinity in-situ PSS 1978 scale'
        sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'
        sal.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        sal[:] = sal_list

        chlcal = self.ncFile.createVariable('chl', 'float64', ('time', ))
        chlcal.long_name = 'Chlorophyll'
        chlcal.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        chlcal.units = '?'
        chlcal[:] = chl_cal_list

        chlini = self.ncFile.createVariable('chl_ini', 'float64', ('time', ))
        chlini.long_name = 'Raw Chlorophyll'
        chlini.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        chlini.units = '?'
        chlini[:] = chl_ini_list


    dx = namopt['dx']
    dz = namopt['dz']
    xsize = namopt['xsize']
    ysize = namopt['ysize']
    zsize = namopt['zsize']
    turhx = namopt['turhx']
    turhy = namopt['turhy']
    turhz = namopt['turhz']

if prop == 'RELH': 
    pres = readprop(exptitle,expnr,'presh')['presh'][-1,:]
    exnr = ((pres/p0)**(Rd/cp))

    filename = '%s_%s_thl_%s_%s.nc' % (exptitle, expnr, trange[0],trange[1])
    datapath = datadir + '/%s' % (filename)
    f = pu.netcdf_file(datapath)
    thl = np.mean(f.variables['thl'][:,turhz/dz,:,:]*1e-2+300, axis=0)
    x = f.variables['xt'][:]
    y = f.variables['yt'][:]
    z = f.variables['zt'][:]

    filename = '%s_%s_qt_%s_%s.nc' % (exptitle, expnr, trange[0],trange[1])
    datapath = datadir + '/%s' % (filename)
    f = pu.netcdf_file(datapath)
    qt = np.mean(f.variables['qt'][:,turhz/dz,:,:]*1e-5,axis=0)

    qsat = np.zeros(np.shape(thl))
    for i,u in enumerate(x):
        for j,v in enumerate(y):
            #for k,w in enumerate(z):
            tmp = thl[j,i]*exnr[turhz/dz]
	# db = couch['euporias']

output = csv.DictWriter(open("../csv/globalstats.csv", "w"), ["cellID","lat", "lon", "rpss", "meanPrediction", "meanHistoric", "power", "lonSlice", "ocean"], delimiter="\t")

outputPredictions = csv.DictWriter(open("../csv/predictions.csv", "w"), ["cellID","memberID", "windSpeed"], delimiter="\t")

outputHistoric = csv.DictWriter(open("../csv/historic.csv", "w"), ["cellID","year","windSpeed"], delimiter="\t")

windfarms = csv.DictReader(open("../csv/windfarms.csv", "r"), delimiter="\t")


skillsFile = netcdf.netcdf_file(IN_FOLDER + 'WindMod1DJF1leadGlobalSkill.nc', 'r')

print "skills file"
print skillsFile.variables


oceanMaskFile = netcdf.netcdf_file(IN_FOLDER + 'land_sea_mask_512x256.nc', 'r')

print "oceanMaskFile"
print oceanMaskFile.variables

Exemple #45
    def write_isus(self, inFile='ESP_isus.csv', outFile='ESP_isus.nc'):
        Read in records from .csv file and write out as NetCDF.  Merge with GPS data from MBARI Tracking.
        This method builds the NetCDF variables dynamically using the Python 'exec' method.

        esec_list = []
        lat_list = []
        lon_list = []
        dep_list = []

        isus_vars = ['no3']

        lastEs = 0
        reader = csv.DictReader(open(os.path.join(self.parentDir, inFile)))
        for r in reader:
            localDT = datetime.datetime(int(r['year']), int(r['month']),
                                        int(r['day']), int(r['hour']),
                                        int(r['minute']), int(r['second']))
            ##print str(localDT)
            es = time.mktime(localDT.timetuple())

            if es <= lastEs:
                continue  # Must have monotonically increasing time

            )  # For September 2012 ESP deployment the nominal depth is 10m

            # This is kind of ridiculous for just one variable
            for v in isus_vars:
                ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
                    exec "%s_list.append(r['%s'])" % (
                except NameError:
                    exec '%s_list = []' % ncVar
                    exec "%s_list.append(r['%s'])" % (

            lastEs = es

        # Create the NetCDF file
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')
        self.outFile = outFile

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64',
                                                   ('time', ))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = dep_list

        # isus variables
        for v in isus_vars:
            ncVar = v.replace(' ', '_', 42)
            # Only Latitude, Longitude, Depth, and Time variables are upper case to match other Glider data
            if v == 'Latitude' or v == 'Longitude':
                exec "self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('time',))" % (
                exec "self.%s = self.ncFile.createVariable('%s', 'float64', ('time',))" % (
            exec "self.%s.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'" % ncVar.lower(
            exec "self.%s.long_name = '%s'" % (
            exec "self.%s[:] = %s_list" % (


Exemple #46
import pupynere

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print 'write netcdf file'
    path = 'res/test_cdf'
    cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(path, 'w')
    cdf_file.createDimension('Time', 12)
    cdf_file.createDimension('south_north', 90)
    cdf_file.createDimension('emissions_zdim', 2)
    cdf_file.createDimension('DateStrLen', 19)
    cdf_file.createDimension('west_east', 90)
    so2 = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_SO2', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    so2.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    olt = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_OLT', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    olt.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    ora2 = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_ORA2', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    ora2.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    co = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_CO', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    co.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    eci = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_ECI', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    eci.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    ecj = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_ECJ', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
    ecj.units = 'mol km^-2 hr^-1'
    pm10 = cdf_file.createVariable(
        'E_PM_10', 'f', ('Time', 'emissions_zdim', 'south_north', 'west_east'))
Exemple #47
    def write_ctd(self, inFile, ranges=None):
        Write lists out as NetCDF.

        # Create the NetCDF file
        outFile = '.'.join(inFile.split('.')[:-1]) + '.nc'
        self.ncFile = netcdf_file(outFile, 'w')

        # If specified on command line override the default generic title with what is specified
        self.ncFile.title = 'Underway CTD data'
        if self.args.title:
            self.ncFile.title = self.args.title

        # Combine any summary text specified on commamd line with the generic summary stating the original source file
        self.ncFile.summary = 'Observational oceanographic data translated with no modification from original data file %s' % inFile
        if self.args.summary:
            self.ncFile.summary = self.args.summary
            if not self.args.summary.endswith('.'):
                self.ncFile.summary += '.'
            self.ncFile.summary += ' Translated with no modification from original data file %s' % inFile

        # Add range-checking QC paramters to the summary
        if ranges:
            self.ncFile.summary += '. Range checking QC performed on the following variables with values outside of associated ranges discarded: %s' % ranges

        # If specified on command line override the default generic license with what is specified
        if self.args.license:
            self.ncFile.license = self.args.license

        # Trajectory dataset, time is the only netCDF dimension
        self.ncFile.createDimension('time', len(self.esec_list))
        self.time = self.ncFile.createVariable('time', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.time.standard_name = 'time'
        self.time.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01'
        self.time[:] = self.esec_list

        # Record Variables - coordinates for trajectory - save in the instance and use for metadata generation
        self.latitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('latitude', 'float64',
                                                   ('time', ))
        self.latitude.long_name = 'LATITUDE'
        self.latitude.standard_name = 'latitude'
        self.latitude.units = 'degree_north'
        self.latitude[:] = self.lat_list

        self.longitude = self.ncFile.createVariable('longitude', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
        self.longitude.long_name = 'LONGITUDE'
        self.longitude.standard_name = 'longitude'
        self.longitude.units = 'degree_east'
        self.longitude[:] = self.lon_list

        self.depth = self.ncFile.createVariable('depth', 'float64', ('time', ))
        self.depth.long_name = 'DEPTH'
        self.depth.standard_name = 'depth'
        self.depth.units = 'm'
        self.depth[:] = self.dep_list

        # Record Variables - Underway CTD Data
        temp = self.ncFile.createVariable('TEMP', 'float64', ('time', ))
        temp.long_name = 'Temperature, 2 [ITS-90, deg C]'
        temp.standard_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
        temp.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        temp.units = 'Celsius'
        temp._FillValue = self._FillValue
        temp.missing_value = self.missing_value
        temp[:] = self.t1_list

        sal = self.ncFile.createVariable('PSAL', 'float64', ('time', ))
        sal.long_name = 'Salinity, Practical [PSU]'
        sal.standard_name = 'sea_water_salinity'
        sal.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
        sal._FillValue = self._FillValue
        sal.missing_value = self.missing_value
        sal[:] = self.sal_list

        if self.xmiss_list:
            xmiss = self.ncFile.createVariable('xmiss', 'float64', ('time', ))
            xmiss.long_name = 'Beam Transmission, Chelsea/Seatech'
            xmiss.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            xmiss.units = '%'
            xmiss._FillValue = self._FillValue
            xmiss.missing_value = self.missing_value
            xmiss[:] = self.xmiss_list

        if self.wetstar_list:
            wetstar = self.ncFile.createVariable('wetstar', 'float64',
                                                 ('time', ))
            wetstar.long_name = 'Fluorescence, WET Labs WETstar'
            wetstar.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            wetstar.units = 'mg/m^3'
            wetstar._FillValue = self._FillValue
            wetstar.missing_value = self.missing_value
            wetstar[:] = self.wetstar_list

        if self.turb_scufa_list:
            turb_scufa = self.ncFile.createVariable('turb_scufa', 'float64',
                                                    ('time', ))
            turb_scufa.long_name = 'Turbidity_Scufa'
            turb_scufa.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            turb_scufa.units = 'NTU'
            turb_scufa._FillValue = self._FillValue
            turb_scufa.missing_value = self.missing_value
            turb_scufa[:] = self.turb_scufa_list

        if self.fl_scufa_list:
            fl_scufa = self.ncFile.createVariable('fl_scufa', 'float64',
                                                  ('time', ))
            fl_scufa.long_name = 'Raw_Fluorescence_Volts_Scufa'
            fl_scufa.coordinates = 'time depth latitude longitude'
            fl_scufa.units = 'volts'
            fl_scufa._FillValue = self._FillValue
            fl_scufa.missing_value = self.missing_value
            fl_scufa[:] = self.fl_scufa_list


        print "Wrote %s" % outFile
import pupynere

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = 'res/test_cdf'
#    path = 'res/wrfchemi_00z_d01'
#    path = 'res/wrfout_d01'
    cdf_file = pupynere.netcdf_file(path)
    print "Variables"
    v = []
    for key in cdf_file.variables:
        #print key, cdf_file.variables[key]
    print v
    print 'Dimensions'
    print cdf_file.dimensions
    print 'so2'
    so2 = cdf_file.variables['E_SO2']
    print so2.units
    print so2.dimensions
#    print so2.getValue()
    print so2.shape
    print so2[0][1][89][89]
    #         T  z  y   x
    print so2.typecode()
Exemple #49
import pupynere as netcdf
import numpy
import sys
import os

def convert(i):
    return str((i & 0xFF) / 255.0)

ct = sys.argv
numct = len(ct)

for k in range(1, numct):
   print 'Converting: ' + ct[k]
   nc = netcdf.netcdf_file(ct[k], "r")
   colors = nc.variables['tableColors'][:][0]
   f = open('/tmp/' + os.path.basename(ct[k]).replace('.COLORTABLE', '.cmap'), 'w')

   aVal = 1.0
   for i in range(numpy.shape(colors)[1]):
       f.write("    <color ")
       f.write('r = "' + convert(colors[0,i]) + '" ')
       f.write('g = "' + convert(colors[1,i]) + '" ')
       f.write('b = "' + convert(colors[2,i]) + '" ')
       f.write('a = "' + str(aVal) + '" ')

Exemple #50
def getFlowArrays(nameDict):
    '''Retrieves vectors from current data
    nameDict: csv file dictionary of user specifications/flags
    returns: list of information relevant for interpolating current field at each mesh node. 
    flowArrays[0] = list of current vector longitude coordinates
    flowArrays[1] = list of current vector latitude coordinates
    flowArrays[2] = list of current vector u component magnitudes
    flowArrays[3] = list of current vector v component magnitudes
    flowArrays[4] = list of vector magnitudes (module of u and v components) at each coordinate
    fU = netcdf_file(nameDict['current_db'][0], "r")

    iLon = fU.variables["lon"][:, :]  # longitude
    iLat = fU.variables["lat"][:, :]  # latitude
    '''in the future, write so that it looks at the database to find number of timesteps. I also don't know how to 
    access one timestep in the whole database, so I don't know how the for loop will work. The important thing is
    that once a single timestep of data is extracted, add it to a list where the index of the list corresponds to a timestep.'''
    nTsteps = 1

    #iU_tot = []
    #iV_tot = []
    #iModule_tot = []

    for tstep in range(
    ):  #depending on how you found the number of timesteps, this may need to be range(nTsteps - 1) or something

        iU = fU.variables["sozocrtx"][:, :, :]  # u
        iV = fU.variables["somecrty"][:, :, :]  # v

        iU_ = np.copy(iU.squeeze())
        iV_ = np.copy(iV.squeeze())

        iU_[np.where(iU_ > 100)] = np.nan
        iV_[np.where(iV_ > 100)] = np.nan

        iModule = np.sqrt(
            iU_**2 + iV_**2
        ) * 1.94384  # use built in from 2D vector magnitude; put conversion m/s->ft into a constant


    flowArrays = []

    #flowArrays = []

    return flowArrays
Exemple #51
def btf2nc(ncfilename,source_filename=None,badctf=None):
    ''' Convert a badc text file object to a netcdf file object.
        Call by providing an output filename for the netcdf file,
        and one of a source filename or a badctf instance '''
    if source_filename is None and badctf is None:
        raise ValueError('Arguments must include on of a source file or BADCtf instance')
    elif source_filename is not None and badctf is not None:
        raise ValueError('Arguments must include only ONE of a source file or BADCtf instance')
    if source_filename is not None:
    # file global attributes
    for a in tf._metadata.globalRecords:
        if len(a)==2:
            except AttributeError:
        else: setattr(ncf,a[0],a[1:])
    # first get attributes into useful dictionary
    for v in tf.colnames():
        for a in tf._metadata[('*',v)]:
    # now load up the coordinate variables first
    # we do this loop first for a future with multiple coordinate 
    # variables
    for v in tf.colnames():
        if 'coordinate_variable' in fvars[v]:
    # now the assumption with a badc text file is that there is
    # only one coordinate variable.
    # not necessarily true for trajectory files, but one thing at a time ...
    assert len(dimensions) == 1, "Code doesn't support multiple coordinate variables"
    for v in tf.colnames():
        if 'coordinate_variable' not in fvars[v]:
    return ncf