Exemple #1
    def setup(self, ctx):
        self.db = ctx.database
        self.certfile = self.getConfig('certfile')
        self.voipcertfile = self.getConfig('voipcertfile')
        plaf = self.getConfig('platform')
        if not plaf or plaf == 'production' or plaf == 'prod':
            self.plaf = 'prod'
        elif plaf == 'sandbox':
            self.plaf = 'sandbox'
            raise PushkinSetupException("Invalid platform: %s" % plaf)


        self.pushbaby = PushBaby(certfile=self.certfile, platform=self.plaf)
        self.pushbaby.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed

        self.voipbaby = PushBaby(certfile=self.voipcertfile,
        self.voipbaby.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
        logger.info("APNS with cert file %s on %s platform", self.certfile,
        logger.info("APNS with cert file %s on %s platform", self.voipcertfile,

        # poll feedback in a little bit, not while we're busy starting up
        gevent.spawn_later(10, self.do_feedback_poll)
 def test_params(self):
     pb = PushBaby(certfile=None, platform=self.srv.get_addr())
     pb.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
     exp = time.time() + 3600
     pb.send({'aps': {'alert': u'1'}}, '1', priority=5, expiration=exp)
     p = self.srv.get_push()
     self.assertEquals(5, p['priority'])
     self.assertEquals(long(exp), p['expiration'])
 def test_failure(self):
     pb = PushBaby(certfile=None, platform=self.srv.get_addr())
     pb.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
     myid = 'some identifier'
     pb.send({'aps': {'alert': u'1'}}, '1', identifier=myid)
     self.assertIs(myid, self.failure[2])
Exemple #4
    def setup(self, ctx):
        self.db = ctx.database
        self.certfile = self.getConfig('certfile')
        plaf = self.getConfig('platform')
        if not plaf or plaf == 'production' or plaf == 'prod':
            self.plaf = 'prod'
        elif plaf == 'sandbox':
            self.plaf = 'sandbox'
            raise PushkinSetupException("Invalid platform: %s" % plaf)

        self.pushbaby = PushBaby(certfile=self.certfile, platform=self.plaf)
        self.pushbaby.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
        logger.info("APNS with cert file %s on %s platform", self.certfile, self.plaf)

        # poll feedback in a little bit, not while we're busy starting up
        gevent.spawn_later(10, self.do_feedback_poll)
 def test_retry(self):
     pb = PushBaby(certfile=None, platform=self.srv.get_addr())
     pb.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
     pb.send({'aps': {'alert': u'1'}}, '1')
     self.assertEquals(None, self.failure)
     pb.send({'aps': {'alert': u'2'}}, '2')
     pb.send({'aps': {'alert': u'3'}}, '3')
     # we should not be notified about this failure,
     # it should just get resent
     self.assertEquals(None, self.failure)
     p = self.srv.get_push()
     aps = json.loads(p['payload'])['aps']
     self.assertEquals(u'2', aps['alert'])
     self.assertEquals(u'2', p['token'])
     # as should the one we sent subsequently
     p = self.srv.get_push()
     aps = json.loads(p['payload'])['aps']
     self.assertEquals(u'3', aps['alert'])
     self.assertEquals(u'3', p['token'])
Exemple #6
class ApnsPushkin(Pushkin):
    MAX_TRIES = 2
    DELETE_FEEDBACK_AFTER_SECS = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60  # a month(ish)
    # These are the only ones of the errors returned in the APNS stream
    # that we want to feed back. Anything else is nothing to do with the
    # token.

    def __init__(self, name):
        super(ApnsPushkin, self).__init__(name)

    def setup(self, ctx):
        self.db = ctx.database
        self.certfile = self.getConfig('certfile')
        plaf = self.getConfig('platform')
        if not plaf or plaf == 'production' or plaf == 'prod':
            self.plaf = 'prod'
        elif plaf == 'sandbox':
            self.plaf = 'sandbox'
            raise PushkinSetupException("Invalid platform: %s" % plaf)


        self.pushbaby = PushBaby(certfile=self.certfile, platform=self.plaf)
        self.pushbaby.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
        logger.info("APNS with cert file %s on %s platform", self.certfile,

        # poll feedback in a little bit, not while we're busy starting up
        gevent.spawn_later(10, self.do_feedback_poll)

    def dispatchNotification(self, n):
        tokens = {}
        for d in n.devices:
            tokens[d.pushkey] = d

        # check for tokens that have previously failed
        token_set_str = u"(" + u",".join([u"?" for _ in tokens.keys()]) + u")"
        feed_back_errors_set_str = u"(" + u",".join(
            [u"?" for _ in ApnsPushkin.ERRORS_TO_FEED_BACK]) + u")"
        q = (
            "SELECT b64token,last_failure_type,last_failure_code,token_invalidated_ts "
            + "FROM apns_failed WHERE b64token IN " + token_set_str +
            " and (" +
            "(last_failure_type = 'error' and last_failure_code in " +
            feed_back_errors_set_str + ") " +
            "or (last_failure_type = 'feedback')" + ")")
        args = []
        args.extend([unicode(t) for t in tokens.keys()])
        args.extend([(u"%d" % e) for e in ApnsPushkin.ERRORS_TO_FEED_BACK])
        rows = self.db.query(q, args, fetch='all')

        rejected = []
        for row in rows:
            token_invalidated_ts = row[3]
            token_pushkey_ts = tokens[row[0]].pushkey_ts
            if token_pushkey_ts < token_invalidated_ts:
                    "Rejecting token %s with ts %d. Last failure of type '%s' code %d, invalidated at %d",
                    row[0], token_pushkey_ts, row[1], row[2],
                del tokens[row[0]]
                    "Have a failure for token %s of type '%s' at %d code %d but this token postdates it (%d): allowing.",
                    row[0], row[1], token_invalidated_ts, row[2],
                # This pushkey may be alive again, but we don't delete the
                # failure because HSes should probably have a fresh token
                # if they actually want to use it

        payload = None
        if n.event_id and not n.type:
            payload = self.get_payload_event_id_only(n)
            payload = self.get_payload_full(n)

        prio = 10
        if n.prio == 'low':
            prio = 5

        tries = 0
        for t, d in tokens.items():
            while tries < ApnsPushkin.MAX_TRIES:
                thispayload = payload
                if 'aps' in thispayload:
                    thispayload = payload.copy()
                    thispayload['aps'] = thispayload['aps'].copy()
                if d.tweaks.sound:
                    thispayload['aps']['sound'] = d.tweaks.sound
                logger.info("'%s' -> %s", thispayload, t)
                    res = self.pushbaby.send(thispayload,
                    logger.exception("Exception sending push")

                tries += 1

        if tries == ApnsPushkin.MAX_TRIES:
            raise NotificationDispatchException("Max retries exceeded")

        return rejected

    def get_payload_full(self, n):
        from_display = n.sender
        if n.sender_display_name is not None:
            from_display = n.sender_display_name
        from_display = from_display[0:MAX_FIELD_LENGTH]

        loc_key = None
        loc_args = None
        if n.type == 'm.room.message' or n.type == 'm.room.encrypted':
            room_display = None
            if n.room_name:
                room_display = n.room_name[0:MAX_FIELD_LENGTH]
            elif n.room_alias:
                room_display = n.room_alias[0:MAX_FIELD_LENGTH]

            content_display = None
            action_display = None
            is_image = False
            if n.content and 'msgtype' in n.content and 'body' in n.content:
                if 'body' in n.content:
                    if n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.text':
                        content_display = n.content['body']
                    elif n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.emote':
                        action_display = n.content['body']
                        # fallback: 'body' should always be user-visible text in an m.room.message
                        content_display = n.content['body']
                if n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.image':
                    is_image = True

            if room_display:
                if is_image:
                    loc_key = 'IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [from_display, content_display, room_display]
                elif content_display:
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_WITH_CONTENT'
                    loc_args = [from_display, room_display, content_display]
                elif action_display:
                    loc_key = 'ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [room_display, from_display, action_display]
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [from_display, room_display]
                if is_image:
                    loc_key = 'IMAGE_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display, content_display]
                elif content_display:
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_WITH_CONTENT'
                    loc_args = [from_display, content_display]
                elif action_display:
                    loc_key = 'ACTION_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display, action_display]
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display]

        elif n.type == 'm.call.invite':
            is_video_call = False

            # This detection works only for hs that uses WebRTC for calls
            if n.content and 'offer' in n.content and 'sdp' in n.content[
                sdp = n.content['offer']['sdp']
                if 'm=video' in sdp:
                    is_video_call = True

            if is_video_call:
                loc_key = 'VIDEO_CALL_FROM_USER'
                loc_key = 'VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER'

            loc_args = [from_display]
        elif n.type == 'm.room.member':
            if n.user_is_target:
                if n.membership == 'invite':
                    if n.room_name:
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM'
                        loc_args = [
                            from_display, n.room_name[0:MAX_FIELD_LENGTH]
                    elif n.room_alias:
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM'
                        loc_args = [
                            from_display, n.room_alias[0:MAX_FIELD_LENGTH]
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT'
                        loc_args = [from_display]
        elif n.type:
            # A type of message was received that we don't know about
            # but it was important enough for a push to have got to us
            loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER'
            loc_args = [from_display]

        aps = {}
        if loc_key:
            aps['alert'] = {'loc-key': loc_key}

        if loc_args:
            aps['alert']['loc-args'] = loc_args

        badge = None
        if n.counts.unread is not None:
            badge = n.counts.unread
        if n.counts.missed_calls is not None:
            if badge is None:
                badge = 0
            badge += n.counts.missed_calls

        if badge is not None:
            aps['badge'] = badge

        if loc_key:
            aps['content-available'] = 1

        if loc_key is None and badge is None:
            logger.info("Nothing to do for alert of type %s", n.type)
            return rejected

        payload = {}

        if loc_key and n.room_id:
            payload['room_id'] = n.room_id

        payload['aps'] = aps

        return payload

    def get_payload_event_id_only(self, n):
        payload = {}

        if n.room_id:
            payload['room_id'] = n.room_id
        if n.event_id:
            payload['event_id'] = n.event_id

        if n.counts.unread is not None:
            payload['unread_count'] = n.counts.unread
        if n.counts.missed_calls is not None:
            payload['missed_calls'] = n.counts.missed_calls

        return payload

    def on_push_failed(self, token, identifier, status):
        logger.error("Error sending push to token %s, status %s", token,
        # We store all errors (could be useful to get failures instead of digging
        # through logs) but note that not all failures mean we should stop sending
        # to that token.
            "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO apns_failed " +
            "(b64token, last_failure_ts, last_failure_type, last_failure_code, token_invalidated_ts) "
            + " VALUES (?, ?, 'error', ?, ?)",
            (base64.b64encode(token), long(
                time.time()), status, long(time.time())))

    def do_feedback_poll(self):
        logger.info("Polling feedback...")
            feedback = self.pushbaby.get_all_feedback()
            for fb in feedback:
                b64token = unicode(base64.b64encode(fb.token))
                    "Got feedback for token %s which is invalid as of %d",
                    b64token, long(fb.ts))
                    "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO apns_failed " +
                    "(b64token, last_failure_ts, last_failure_type, token_invalidated_ts) "
                    + " VALUES (?, ?, 'feedback', ?)",
                    (b64token, long(time.time()), long(fb.ts)))
            logger.info("Stored %d feedback items", len(feedback))

            # great, we're good until tomorrow
            gevent.spawn_later(24 * 60 * 60, self.do_feedback_poll)
                "Failed to poll for feedback, trying again in 10 minutes")
            gevent.spawn_later(10 * 60, self.do_feedback_poll)


    def prune_failures(self):
        Delete any failures older than a set amount of time.
        This is the only way we delete them - we can't delete
        them once we've sent them because a token could be in use by
        more than one Home Server.
        cutoff = long(time.time()) - ApnsPushkin.DELETE_FEEDBACK_AFTER_SECS
        deleted = self.db.query(
            "DELETE FROM apns_failed WHERE last_failure_ts < ?", (cutoff, ))
        logger.info("deleted %d stale items from failure table", deleted)

    def shutdown(self):
        while self.pushbaby.messages_in_flight():
Exemple #7
class ApnsPushkin(Pushkin):
    MAX_TRIES = 2
    DELETE_FEEDBACK_AFTER_SECS = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 # a month(ish)
    # These are the only ones of the errors returned in the APNS stream
    # that we want to feed back. Anything else is nothing to do with the
    # token.

    def __init__(self, name):
        super(ApnsPushkin, self).__init__(name);

    def setup(self, ctx):
        self.db = ctx.database
        self.certfile = self.getConfig('certfile')
        plaf = self.getConfig('platform')
        if not plaf or plaf == 'production' or plaf == 'prod':
            self.plaf = 'prod'
        elif plaf == 'sandbox':
            self.plaf = 'sandbox'
            raise PushkinSetupException("Invalid platform: %s" % plaf)

        self.pushbaby = PushBaby(certfile=self.certfile, platform=self.plaf)
        self.pushbaby.on_push_failed = self.on_push_failed
        logger.info("APNS with cert file %s on %s platform", self.certfile, self.plaf)

        # poll feedback in a little bit, not while we're busy starting up
        gevent.spawn_later(10, self.do_feedback_poll)

    def dispatchNotification(self, n):
        tokens = {}
        for d in n.devices:
            tokens[d.pushkey] = d

        # check for tokens that have previously failed
        token_set_str = u"(" + u",".join([u"?" for _ in tokens.keys()]) + u")"
        feed_back_errors_set_str =  u"(" + u",".join([u"?" for _ in ApnsPushkin.ERRORS_TO_FEED_BACK]) + u")"
        q = (
            "SELECT b64token,last_failure_type,last_failure_code,token_invalidated_ts "+
            "FROM apns_failed WHERE b64token IN "+token_set_str+
            " and ("+
            "(last_failure_type = 'error' and last_failure_code in "+feed_back_errors_set_str+") "+
            "or (last_failure_type = 'feedback')"+
        args = []
        args.extend([unicode(t) for t in tokens.keys()])
        args.extend([(u"%d" % e) for e in ApnsPushkin.ERRORS_TO_FEED_BACK])
        rows = self.db.query(q, args, fetch='all')

        rejected = []
        for row in rows:
            token_invalidated_ts = row[3]
            token_pushkey_ts = tokens[row[0]].pushkey_ts
            if token_pushkey_ts < token_invalidated_ts:
                    "Rejecting token %s with ts %d. Last failure of type '%s' code %d, invalidated at %d",
                    row[0], token_pushkey_ts, row[1], row[2], token_invalidated_ts
                del tokens[row[0]]
                logger.info("Have a failure for token %s of type '%s' at %d code %d but this token postdates it (%d): allowing.", row[0], row[1], token_invalidated_ts, row[2], token_pushkey_ts)
                # This pushkey may be alive again, but we don't delete the
                # failure because HSes should probably have a fresh token
                # if they actually want to use it

        from_display = n.sender
        if n.sender_display_name is not None:
            from_display = n.sender_display_name

        loc_key = None
        loc_args = None
        if n.type == 'm.room.message':
            room_display = None
            if n.room_name:
                room_display = n.room_name
            elif n.room_alias:
                room_display = n.room_alias

            content_display = None
            action_display = None
            is_image = False
            if n.content and 'msgtype' in n.content and 'body' in n.content:
                if 'body' in n.content:
                    if n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.text':
                        content_display = n.content['body']
                    elif n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.emote':
                        action_display = n.content['body']
                        # fallback: 'body' should always be user-visible text in an m.room.message
                        content_display = n.content['body']
                if n.content['msgtype'] == 'm.image':
                    is_image = True

            if room_display:
                if content_display:
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM_WITH_CONTENT'
                    loc_args = [from_display, room_display, content_display]
                elif action_display:
                    loc_key = 'ACTION_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [room_display, from_display, action_display]
                elif is_image:
                    loc_key = 'IMAGE_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [from_display, room_display]
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_IN_ROOM'
                    loc_args = [from_display, room_display]
                if content_display:
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER_WITH_CONTENT'
                    loc_args = [from_display, content_display]
                elif action_display:
                    loc_key = 'ACTION_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display, action_display]
                elif is_image:
                    loc_key = 'IMAGE_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display]
                    loc_key = 'MSG_FROM_USER'
                    loc_args = [from_display]

        elif n.type == 'm.call.invite':
            loc_key = 'VOICE_CALL_FROM_USER'
            loc_args = [from_display]
        elif n.type == 'm.room.member':
            if n.user_is_target:
                if n.membership == 'invite':
                    if n.room_name:
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM'
                        loc_args = [from_display, n.room_name]
                    elif n.room_alias:
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_NAMED_ROOM'
                        loc_args = [from_display, n.room_alias]
                        loc_key = 'USER_INVITE_TO_CHAT'
                        loc_args = [from_display]

        aps = {}
        if loc_key:
            aps['alert'] = {'loc-key': loc_key }

        if loc_args:
            aps['alert']['loc-args'] = loc_args

        badge = None
        if n.counts.unread is not None:
            badge = n.counts.unread
        if n.counts.missed_calls is not None:
            if badge is None:
                badge = 0
            badge += n.counts.missed_calls

        if badge is not None:
            aps['badge'] = badge

        if loc_key:
            aps['content-available'] = 1

        if loc_key is None and badge is None:
            logger.info("Nothing to do for alert of type %s", n.type)
            return rejected

        prio = 10
        if n.prio == 'low':
            prio = 5

        payload = {}

        if loc_key and n.room_id:
            payload['room_id'] = n.room_id

        tries = 0
        for t,d in tokens.items():
            while tries < ApnsPushkin.MAX_TRIES:
                thispayload = payload.copy()
                thisaps = aps.copy()
                if d.tweaks.sound:
                    thisaps['sound'] = d.tweaks.sound
                thispayload['aps'] = thisaps
        	logger.info("'%s' -> %s", thispayload, t)
                    res = self.pushbaby.send(thispayload, base64.b64decode(t), priority=prio)
                    logger.exception("Exception sending push")

                tries += 1
        if tries == ApnsPushkin.MAX_TRIES:
            raise NotificationDispatchException("Max retries exceeded")

        return rejected

    def on_push_failed(self, token, identifier, status):
        logger.error("Error sending push to token %s, status", token, status)
        # We store all errors (could be useful to get failures instead of digging
        # through logs) but note that not all failures mean we should stop sending
        # to that token.
            "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO apns_failed "+
            "(b64token, last_failure_ts, last_failure_type, last_failure_code, token_invalidated_ts) "+
            " VALUES (?, ?, 'error', ?, ?)",
            (base64.b64encode(token), long(time.time()), status, long(time.time()))

    def do_feedback_poll(self):
        logger.info("Polling feedback...")
            feedback = self.pushbaby.get_all_feedback()
            for fb in feedback:
                b64token = unicode(base64.b64encode(fb.token))
                logger.info("Got feedback for token %s which is invalid as of %d", b64token, long(fb.ts))
                    "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO apns_failed "+
                    "(b64token, last_failure_ts, last_failure_type, token_invalidated_ts) "+
                    " VALUES (?, ?, 'feedback', ?)",
                    (b64token, long(time.time()), long(fb.ts))
            logger.info("Stored %d feedback items", len(feedback))

            # great, we're good until tomorrow
            gevent.spawn_later(24 * 60 * 60, self.do_feedback_poll)
            logger.exception("Failed to poll for feedback, trying again in 10 minutes")
            gevent.spawn_later(10 * 60, self.do_feedback_poll)


    def prune_failures(self):
        Delete any failures older than a set amount of time.
        This is the only way we delete them - we can't delete
        them once we've sent them because a token could be in use by
        more than one Home Server.
        cutoff = long(time.time()) - ApnsPushkin.DELETE_FEEDBACK_AFTER_SECS
        deleted = self.db.query(
            "DELETE FROM apns_failed WHERE last_failure_ts < ?",
        logger.info("deleted %d stale items from failure table", deleted)

    def shutdown(self):
        while self.pushbaby.messages_in_flight():