Exemple #1
    def _create_new_for_customer(self):
        # create the appointment and ensure he's editable.
        cust = self.get_customer()
        R = self.get("/crm/appointment/new_for_customer/%s" % cust.customer_id)
        assert R.status_int == 200
        R.mustcontain("New Appointment")
        f = R.forms["frm_appointment"]

        self.assertEqual(f["appointment_id"].value, "")
        self.assertEqual(f["customer_id"].value, str(cust.customer_id))

        f.set("title", "Test Customer Appointment")
        f.set("phone", "9041234567")
        f.set("description", "Test Description")
        f.set("start_dt", util.format_date(TOMORROW))
        f.set("start_time", "09:00")
        f.set("end_time", "10:00")

        R = f.submit("submit")
        self.assertEqual(R.status_int, 302)
        R = R.follow()
        assert R.status_int == 200

        f = R.forms["frm_appointment"]
        R.mustcontain("Edit Customer Appointment")
        appointment_id = f["appointment_id"].value
        self.assertNotEqual(f["appointment_id"].value, "")
        self.assertEqual(f["customer_id"].value, str(cust.customer_id))
        return appointment_id
Exemple #2
    def _create_subscription(self, prod, order_item, customer, billing):
            xml = render('/crm/billing/authnet_arb_create_subscription.xml.mako',
                         {'auth_login' : self.authnet_login_id,
                          'auth_key' : self.authnet_transaction_key,
                          'amount' : order_item.total(),
                          'card_number' : billing.get_cc_num(),
                          'exp_date' : billing.cc_exp,
                          'start_date' : util.format_date(order_item.start_dt) if order_item.start_dt else util.str_today(),
                          'total_occurrences' : 9999,
                          'interval_length' : 1,
                          'interval_unit' : 'months',
                          'sub_name' : '',
                          'first_name' : customer.fname,
                          'last_name' : customer.lname

            headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'}

            conn = urllib2.Request(url=self._arb_url, data=xml, headers=headers)
                open_conn = urllib2.urlopen(conn)
                xml_response = open_conn.read()
            except urllib2.URLError: #pragma: no cover
                return (5, '1', 'Could not talk to payment gateway.')

            response = util.xml_str_to_dict(xml_response)['ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse']
            if response['messages']['resultCode'].lower() != 'ok':
                message = response['messages']['message']
                message = message[0] if type(message) == list else message
                self.last_status = message['code']
                self.last_note = message['text']
                return False
            order_item.third_party_id = response['subscriptionId']
            return True
        except Exception as exc2: #pragma: no cover
            self.last_status = -1
            self.last_note = exc2.message
        return False  #pragma: no cover
Exemple #3
 def test_util(self):
     d8e = util.today_date()
     dtime = util.today()
     assert util.format_rss_date(d8e) == d8e.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S EST")
     assert util.words_date(dtime) == dtime.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
     assert util.is_empty(" ") == True
     assert util.float_("8") == None
     assert util.page_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 2, 2) == [3, 4]
     assert util.page_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], None, None) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
     assert util.parse_date("2012-05-06") == datetime.datetime.strptime("2012-05-06", "%Y-%m-%d")
     today_ = datetime.date.today()
     assert [today_.year + 10, today_.year + 10] in util.year_list()
     assert util.month_list()[0] == ["1", "January"]
     assert util.this_year() == datetime.date.today().year
     assert util.get_first_day(today_) == util.get_first_day(
     )  # this is pretty dumb.  it works, just get it covered.
     assert util.get_last_day(today_) == util.get_last_day(today_)
     assert util.to_uuid("ken") == None
     assert int(util.average([1, 2, 3])) == 2
     assert util.format_date(util.truncate_datetime(dtime)) == util.str_today()
     assert util.is_today(d8e) == True
Exemple #4
def is_today(dat):
    return util.format_date(dat) == util.str_today()
Exemple #5
 def google_y_labels(self):
     return "|%s|" % "|".join([util.format_date(res.create_dt)[5:] for res in self.results])