Exemple #1
def update(config):
    Updates the database
    global SAVE_DIR

    urls = config['main']['custom_plugin_repos']
    if not urls:
        logging.info('No plugin repositories configured.')
        return 1

    rc = 0
    for idx, REPO_URL in enumerate(urls):
        DEST = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'plugins%d.zip' % idx)
        logging.info('Downloading plugins from %s to %s', REPO_URL, DEST)

            os.makedirs(SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True)
            before_update = _analyse_dir(SAVE_DIR)

            download_file(REPO_URL, os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, DEST))

            unzip(DEST, SAVE_DIR, strip_dirs=1)

            after_update = _analyse_dir(SAVE_DIR)

            b_len = len(before_update)
            a_len = len(after_update)

            if a_len > b_len:
                logging.info('Found %d new file(s).', a_len - b_len)

            changed = 0
            for filename, filehash in after_update.items():
                if filename in before_update and filehash != before_update[
                    changed += 1

            if changed:
                logging.info('%d file(s) were changed.', changed)

        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error('Error while updating plugins: %s', ex)
            rc = 1
    return rc
Exemple #2
def update():
    Updates the database
    global REPO_URL, SAVE_DIR

    DEST = os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, 'plugins.zip')
    logging.info('Downloading plugins to %s', DEST)

        os.makedirs(SAVE_DIR, exist_ok=True)
        before_update = _analyse_dir(SAVE_DIR)

        download_file(REPO_URL, os.path.join(SAVE_DIR, DEST))

        unzip(DEST, SAVE_DIR, strip_dirs=1)

        after_update = _analyse_dir(SAVE_DIR)

        b_len = len(before_update)
        a_len = len(after_update)

        if a_len > b_len:
            logging.info('Found %d new file(s).', a_len - b_len)

        changed = 0
        for filename, filehash in after_update.items():
            if filename in before_update and filehash != before_update[
                changed += 1

        if changed:
            logging.info('%d file(s) were changed.', changed)

        return 0
    except Exception as ex:
        logging.error('Error while updating plugins %s', ex)
        return 1
Exemple #3
def install(args, config):
    Installs the given plugin
    plugin_name = args.name
    available = _get_available()
    installed = _get_installed(config)

    if plugin_name not in available:
        logging.error('%s not found.', plugin_name)
        return 1

    if plugin_name in installed:
        logging.error('%s already installed.', plugin_name)

    # install into custom_plugins path
    install_path = config['main']['custom_plugins']
    if not install_path:
        install_path = DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH
        config['main']['custom_plugins'] = install_path
        save_config(config, args.user_config)

    plugin_info = analyze_plugin(available[plugin_name])

    if '__min_pwnagotchi_version__' in plugin_info:
        min_version = parse_version(plugin_info['__min_pwnagotchi_version__'])
        pwn_version = parse_version(pwnagotchi_version)
        if pwn_version < min_version:
            looging.error("Can't install %s because it requires pwnagotchi version %s", plugin_name, min_version)
            return 1

    if '__dependencies__' in plugin_info:
        deps = plugin_info['__dependencies__']
        if 'pip' in deps:
            for d in deps['pip']:
                if not pip_install(d):
                    logging.error('Dependency "%s" not found', d)
                    return 1
        if 'apt' in deps:
            for d in deps['apt']:
                if not apt_install(d):
                    logging.error('Dependency "%s" not found', d)
                    return 1

    os.makedirs(install_path, exist_ok=True)

    if '__assets__' in plugin_info:
        assets = plugin_info['__assets__']
        if assets:
            if not isinstance(assets, list):
                assets = [assets]

            for a in assets:
                if a.startswith('https://'):
                    dst = os.path.join(install_path, os.path.basename(a))
                    if not os.path.exists(dst) and not has_internet():
                        logging.error('Could not download asset %s', a)
                        return 1
                    logging.info('Downloading asset: %s', os.path.basename(a))
                    download_file(a, dst)

                for f in glob.glob(a):
                    dst = os.path.join(install_path, os.path.basename(f))
                    logging.info('Copy asset: %s', os.path.basename(f))
                    shutil.copyfile(f, dst)

    shutil.copyfile(available[plugin_name], os.path.join(install_path, os.path.basename(available[plugin_name])))

    return 0
Exemple #4
def upgrade(args, config, pattern='*'):
    Upgrades the given plugin
    available = _get_available()
    installed = _get_installed(config)

    for plugin, filename in installed.items():
        if not fnmatch(plugin, pattern) or plugin not in available:

        available_plugin_data = analyze_plugin(available[plugin])
        available_version = parse_version(available_plugin_data['__version__'])
        installed_version = parse_version(analyze_plugin(filename)['__version__'])

        if installed_version and available_version:
            if available_version <= installed_version:

        if '__min_pwnagotchi_version__' in available_plugin_data:
            min_version = parse_version(available_plugin_data['__min_pwnagotchi_version__'])
            pwn_version = parse_version(pwnagotchi_version)
            if pwn_version < min_version:
                looging.info('Skip %s because it requires pwnagotchi version %s', plugin, min_version)

        logging.info('Upgrade %s from %s to %s', plugin, '.'.join(installed_version), '.'.join(available_version))

        if '__dependencies__' in available_plugin_data:
            deps = available_plugin_data['__dependencies__']
            if 'pip' in deps:
                for d in deps['pip']:
                    if not pip_install(d):
                        logging.error('Dependency "%s" not found', d)
                        return 1
            if 'apt' in deps:
                for d in deps['apt']:
                    if not apt_install(d):
                        logging.error('Dependency "%s" not found', d)
                        return 1

        if '__assets__' in available_plugin_data:
            assets = available_plugin_data['__assets__']
            if assets:
                if not isinstance(assets, list):
                    assets = [assets]

                for a in assets:
                    if a.startswith('https://'):
                        dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(installed[plugin]), os.path.basename(a))
                        if not os.path.exists(dst) and not has_internet():
                            logging.error('Could not download asset %s', a)
                            return 1
                        logging.info('Downloading asset: %s', os.path.basename(a))
                        download_file(a, dst)

                    for f in glob.glob(a):
                        dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(installed[plugin]), os.path.basename(f))
                        logging.info('Copy asset: %s', os.path.basename(f))
                        shutil.copyfile(f, dst)

        shutil.copyfile(available[plugin], installed[plugin])

    return 0