Exemple #1
def test_api_and_all_types_and_1d_with_deriv():
    # 1d example, deriv test
    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
    z = np.sin(x)
    xx = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    for name in rbf.rbf_dct.keys():
        cases = [
            (True, dict(rbf=name)),
            (True, dict(p='mean')),
            (False, dict(p='scipy')),  # not accurate enough, only API test
            (True, dict(rbf=name, r=1e-11)),
            (True, dict(rbf=name, p=rbf.estimate_p(x[:, None]))),
            (True, dict(rbf=name, p=rbf.estimate_p(x[:, None]), r=1e-11)),
        for go, kwds in cases:
            rbfi = rbf.Rbf(x[:, None], z, **kwds)
            if go:
                assert np.allclose(rbfi(xx[:, None]),
                assert np.allclose(rbfi(xx[:, None], der=1)[:, 0],
Exemple #2
def go(nn, ax):
    x = np.linspace(0, 10, nn)
    xi = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], 300)
    y = np.sin(x) + np.random.rand(len(x))
    ax.plot(x, y, 'o', alpha=0.3)
    for name in ['gauss', 'multi']:
        f = rbf.Rbf(x[:, None], y, rbf=name)
        ax.plot(xi, f(xi[:, None]), label=name)
Exemple #3
def test_interpol_high_dim():
    # 100 points in 40-dim space
    # Test only API. Interpolating random points makes no sense, of course.
    # However, on the center points (= data points = training points),
    # interpolation must be "perfect".
    X = rand(10, 40)
    z = rand(10)

    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(X, z)
    assert np.abs(z - rbfi(X)).max() < 1e-13
Exemple #4
def test_2d():
    # 2d example, y = f(x1,x2) = sin(x1) + cos(x2)
    x1 = np.linspace(-1, 1, 20)
    X1, X2 = np.meshgrid(x1, x1)
    X1 = X1.T
    X2 = X2.T
    z = (np.sin(X1) + np.cos(X2)).flatten()
    X = np.array([X1.flatten(), X2.flatten()]).T
    print(X.shape, z.shape)
    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(X, z, p=1.5)
    # test fit at 300 random points within [-1,1]^2
    Xr = -1.0 + 2 * np.random.rand(300, 2)
    zr = np.sin(Xr[:, 0]) + np.cos(Xr[:, 1])
    err = np.abs(rbfi(Xr) - zr).max()
    assert err < 1e-6
    # Big errors occur only at the domain boundary: -1, 1, errs at the points
    # should be smaller
    err = np.abs(z - rbfi(X)).max()
    assert err < 1e-6
Exemple #5
        y = XY[:, 1]
        return (x**2 + y**2)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Some nice 2D examples

    fu = MexicanHat([-10, 20], [-10, 15], 20, 20, 'rand')
    ##    fu = UpDown([-2,2], [-2,2], 20, 20, 'grid')
    ##    fu = SinExp([-1,2.5], [-2,2], 40, 30, 'rand')
    ##    fu = Square([-1,1], [-1,1], 20, 20, 'grid')

    Z = fu(fu.XY)

    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(fu.XY, Z, rbf='inv_multi', verbose=True)

    dati = SurfaceData(fu.xlim, fu.ylim, fu.nx * 2, fu.ny * 2, 'grid')

    ZI_func = fu(dati.XY)
    ZI_rbf = rbfi(dati.XY)
    ZG_func = ZI_func.reshape((dati.nx, dati.ny))
    ZG_rbf = ZI_rbf.reshape((dati.nx, dati.ny))
    zlim = [ZI_func.min(), ZI_func.max()]

    fig, ax = mpl.fig_ax3d(clean=True)

    ax.scatter(fu.XY[:, 0], fu.XY[:, 1], Z, color='b', label='f(x,y) samples')
    dif = np.abs(ZI_func - ZI_rbf).reshape((dati.nx, dati.ny))
    if not shiny:
Exemple #6
    rbf_kwds = dict(rbf='inv_multi', r=None)

    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
    rnd = np.random.RandomState(seed=123)
    y = np.sin(x) + rnd.rand(len(x))
    points = x[:,None]
    values = y
    xi = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], len(x)*4)[:,None]
    fe = rbf.FitError(points, values, rbf_kwds=rbf_kwds)

    ax = axs[0]
    ax.plot(x, y, 'o', alpha=0.3)

    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(points, values, **rbf_kwds)
    p_default = rbfi.get_params()[0]
    ax.plot(xi, rbfi(xi), 'r', label='$p$ default')
    rbfi = rbf.fit_opt(points, values, method='de', what='p',
                       opt_kwds=dict(bounds=[(0.1, 10)], maxiter=10), 
    p_opt = rbfi.get_params()[0]
    ax.plot(xi, rbfi(xi), 'g', label='$p$ opt')
    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(points, values, p=10, **rbf_kwds)
    p_cv = rbfi.get_params()[0]
    ax.plot(xi, rbfi(xi), 'y', label='$p$ big')
    rbfi = rbf.Rbf(points, values, p=rbf.estimate_p(points, 'scipy'), 
Exemple #7
def test_func_api():
    X = rand(10, 3)
    z = rand(10)
    r1 = rbf.Rbf(X, z, rbf='multi')
    r2 = rbf.Rbf(X, z, rbf=rbf.rbf_dct['multi'])
    assert (r1(X) == r2(X)).all()
Exemple #8
def test_p_api():
    X = rand(10, 3)
    z = rand(10)
    for name in ['scipy', 'mean']:
        f = rbf.Rbf(X, z, p=name)
        assert f.p == rbf.estimate_p(X, method=name)