def _Test(referencingLayer):
            # Make a PcpCache.
            pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(referencingLayer))

            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')

            # First child node should be the referenced target1.
            self.assertEqual(pi.rootNode.children[0].path, '/target1')

            # Now clear defaultPrim.  This should issue an error and
            # fail to pick up the referenced prim.
            with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):

            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(err[0], Pcp.ErrorUnresolvedPrimPath))
            # If the reference to the defaultPrim is an external reference, 
            # the one child node should be the pseudoroot dependency placeholder.
            # If the reference is an internal reference, that dependency
            # placeholder is unneeded.
            if referencingLayer != targLyr:
                self.assertEqual(len(pi.rootNode.children), 1)
                self.assertEqual(pi.rootNode.children[0].path, '/')

            # Change defaultPrim to other target.  This should pick
            # up the reference again, but to the new prim target2.
            with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
                targLyr.defaultPrim = 'target2'

            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')
            self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
            self.assertEqual(pi.rootNode.children[0].path, '/target2')

            # Reset defaultPrim to original target
            targLyr.defaultPrim = 'target1'
    def test_EmptySublayerChanges(self):
        subLayer1 = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        primSpec = Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(subLayer1, '/Test')
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()

        layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(layerStackId)

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Test')
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [primSpec])

        subLayer2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()

        # Adding an empty sublayer should not require recomputing any
        # prim indexes or change their prim stacks.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            rootLayer.subLayerPaths.insert(0, subLayer2.identifier)

        pi = pcp.FindPrimIndex('/Test')
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [primSpec])

        # Same with deleting an empty sublayer.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            del rootLayer.subLayerPaths[0]

        pi = pcp.FindPrimIndex('/Test')
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [primSpec])
    def test_SublayerOffsetChanges(self):
        rootLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root.sdf'
        rootSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root-sublayer.sdf'
        refLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref.sdf'
        refSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref-sublayer.sdf'
        ref2LayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref2.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)

        # Verify the expected structure of the test asset. It should simply be
        # a chain of two references, with layer offsets of 100.0 and 50.0
        # respectively.
        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
                    [Sdf.Layer.Find(refLayerPath), Sdf.Layer.Find(refSublayerPath)])
        self.assertEqual(refNode.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0))

        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.layerStack.layers, [Sdf.Layer.Find(ref2LayerPath)])
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0))

        # Change the layer offset in the local layer stack and verify that
        # invalidates the prim index and that the updated layer offset is
        # taken into account after recomputing the index.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            rootLayer.subLayerOffsets[0] = Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0)
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]

        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0))
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(250.0))

        # Change the layer offset in a referenced layer stack and again verify
        # that the prim index is invalidated and the updated layer offset is
        # taken into account.
        refLayer = refNode.layerStack.layers[0]
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            refLayer.subLayerOffsets[0] = Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0)

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]

        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0))
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(400.0))
    def test_Changes(self):
        '''Test that the appropriate prim indexes are recomposed based
        on whether Pcp.PayloadDecorator decides a change is relevant to
        payload decoration.'''
        class TestChangeDecorator(Pcp.PayloadDecorator):
            def __init__(self):
                super(TestChangeDecorator, self).__init__()

            def _DecoratePayload(self, primIndexPath, payload, context):
                # This test case doesn't care about the actual decoration.
                return {}
            def _IsFieldRelevantForDecoration(self, field):
                return field == 'documentation'
            def _IsFieldChangeRelevantForDecoration(self, primIndexPath, 
                                                    siteLayer, sitePath, 
                                                    field, oldVal, newVal):
                assert field == 'documentation'
                assert primIndexPath == '/Instance'
                return oldVal == 'instance' and newVal == 'foo'

        testLayerFile = 'basic/root.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(testLayerFile)

        cache = self._CreatePcpCache(rootLayer, TestChangeDecorator())
        cache.RequestPayloads(['/Instance'], [])
        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # The test decorator only marks changes to the 'documentation'
        # field from 'instance' to 'foo' as relevant and requiring a
        # significant change.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'foo')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        # Other changes aren't relevant, so no changes should be
        # reported.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'bar')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()
    def test_Basic(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug92955/root.sdf')
        pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        # Populate all prims in the scene
        paths = [Sdf.Path('/')]
        while paths:
            path, paths = paths[0], paths[1:]
            primIndex, _ = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex(path)
            for name in primIndex.ComputePrimChildNames()[0]:

        # Verify there are symmetric corresponding paths on SymRig.
        layerStack = pcpCache.layerStack
        x = pcpCache.FindSiteDependencies(layerStack, '/Model/Rig/SymRig',
                                        Pcp.DependencyTypeDirect |
        self.assertNotEqual(len(x), 0)

        # Delete the unrelated class.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
            del rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Model/Rig').nameChildren['SymScope']

        # Verify the same symmetric corresponding paths are on SymRig.
        y = pcpCache.FindSiteDependencies(layerStack, '/Model/Rig/SymRig',
                                        Pcp.DependencyTypeDirect |
        self.assertEqual(x, y)
    def test_Basic(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug101300/root.sdf')
        pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        # Compute the prim index for /Root/A. The relocates authored on /Root/A
        # should be applied, causing /Root/A/B to be renamed /Root/A/B_2.
        (pi, err) = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/Root/A')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['B_2'],['B']))
                    {Sdf.Path('/Root/A/B'): Sdf.Path('/Root/A/B_2')})

        # Remove the over on /Root/A that provides the relocates. 
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
            del rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Root').nameChildren['A']

        # The prim at /Root/A should still exist, but there should no longer be
        # any relocates to apply.
        (pi, err) = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/Root/A')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['B'],[]))
        self.assertEqual(pcpCache.layerStack.relocatesSourceToTarget, {})
        self.assertEqual(pcpCache.layerStack.pathsToPrimsWithRelocates, [])
    def test_Basic(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug70951/root.sdf')
        refLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug70951/JoyGroup.sdf')

        pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        # Compute the prim index for the Sim scope under JoyGroup. This index
        # should consist of two nodes: the direct node and the reference node.
        # Since there is no spec for the Sim scope in the root layer, the root node
        # should be marked as such.
        (primIndex, errors) = \
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
        self.assertEqual(primIndex.primStack, [refLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/JoyGroup/Sim')])

        # Now create an empty over for the Sim scope in the root layer and verify
        # that the prim index sees this new spec after change processing.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
            emptyOver = \
                Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(rootLayer, '/World/anim/chars/JoyGroup/Sim')

        (primIndex, errors) = \
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
 def test_Basic(self):
     rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug90706/root.sdf')
     pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))
     (index, err) = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/Sarah/EmptyPrim')
     self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
     # This prim index should only contain the root node; the variant
     # arc to /Sarah{displayColor=red}EmptyPrim will have been culled
     # because there's no prim spec there.
     self.assertEqual(len(index.rootNode.children), 0)
     with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
         p = Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(
             rootLayer, '/Sarah{displayColor=red}EmptyPrim')
     # The addition of the inert prim should have caused the prim index
     # to be blown, because it needs to be re-computed to accommodate the
     # no-longer-inert variant node.
     (index, err) = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/Sarah/EmptyPrim')
     self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
     # There should now be a variant arc for /Sarah{displayColor=red}EmptyPrim
     # in the local layer stack.
     self.assertEqual(len(index.rootNode.children), 1)
    def test_VariantChanges(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        modelSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'Variant', Sdf.SpecifierDef)

        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer), usd=True)

        # Test changes that are emitted as a variant set and variant
        # are created.

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            varSetSpec = Sdf.VariantSetSpec(modelSpec, 'test')
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Variant'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            modelSpec.variantSelections['test'] = 'A'
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Variant'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Variant'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            varSpec = Sdf.VariantSpec(varSetSpec, 'A')
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), ['/Variant'])
            # Creating the variant spec adds an inert spec to /Variant's prim
            # stack but does not require rebuilding /Variant's prim index to
            # account for the new variant node.
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
                Sdf.Reference('./dummy.sdf', '/Dummy'))
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Variant'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])
    def test_InstancingChanges(self):
        refLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        refParentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refParentSpec, 'RefChild', Sdf.SpecifierDef)

        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        parentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierOver)
            Sdf.Reference(refLayer.identifier, '/Parent'))
        childSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(parentSpec, 'DirectChild', Sdf.SpecifierDef)

        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer), usd=True)

        # /Parent is initially not tagged as an instance, so we should
        # see both RefChild and DirectChild name children.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['RefChild', 'DirectChild'], []))

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            parentSpec.instanceable = True
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Parent'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        # After being made an instance, DirectChild should no longer
        # be reported as a name child since instances may not introduce
        # new prims locally.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['RefChild'], []))

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            parentSpec.instanceable = False
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Parent'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        # Flipping the instance flag back should restore us to the
        # original state.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['RefChild', 'DirectChild'], []))
    def test_BasicPayloadList(self):
        '''Test that composing a prim with payloads causes
        the appropriate decorator functions to be called and that the
        arguments generated from those functions are taken into account
        when opening the payload layers when payloads are defined in a list op.'''

        rootLayerFile = 'basic_payload_list/root.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerFile)

        cache = self._CreatePcpCache(rootLayer, Decorator())
        cache.RequestPayloads(['/Instance'], [])
        (pi, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')

        assert not err
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(rootLayerFile)

        payloadLayerFile1 = 'basic_payload_list/payload1.sdf'
        payloadLayerFile2 = 'basic_payload_list/payload2.sdf'
        payload1LayerId1 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(
            payloadLayerFile1, {'doc':'instance','kind':'ref'})
        payload1LayerId2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(
            payloadLayerFile1, {'doc':'updated_instance','kind':'ref'})
        payload2LayerId1 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(
            payloadLayerFile2, {'doc':'instance','kind':'ref'})
        payload2LayerId2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(
            payloadLayerFile2, {'doc':'updated_instance','kind':'ref'})
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload1LayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload1LayerId1
        assert not Sdf.Layer.Find(payload1LayerId2), \
            "Expected to not find payload layer '%s'" % payload1LayerId2
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload2LayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload2LayerId1
        assert not Sdf.Layer.Find(payload2LayerId2), \
            "Expected to not find payload layer '%s'" % payload2LayerId2

        # Test that authoring a new value for the relevant fields
        # causes the prim to be significantly changed.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance') \
                .SetInfo('documentation', 'updated_instance')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')

        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload1LayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload1LayerId1
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload1LayerId2), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload1LayerId2
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload2LayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload2LayerId1
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payload2LayerId2), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payload2LayerId2
    def test_InternalReferenceChanges(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()

        Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'target1', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'target2', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        srcPrimSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'source', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        srcPrimSpec.referenceList.Add(Sdf.Reference(primPath = '/target1'))
        # Initially, the prim index for /source should contain a single
        # reference node to /target1 in rootLayer.
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.rootNode.children[0].path, '/target1')

        # Modify the internal reference to point to /target2 and verify the
        # reference node is updated.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            srcPrimSpec.referenceList.addedItems[0] = \
                Sdf.Reference(primPath = '/target2')

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.rootNode.children[0].path, '/target2')

        # Clear out all references and verify that the prim index contains no
        # reference nodes.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/source')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(pi.rootNode.children), 0)
    def test_InertPrimChanges(self):
        refLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        refParentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refParentSpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierDef)

        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        parentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierOver)
            Sdf.Reference(refLayer.identifier, '/Parent'))

        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        # Adding an empty over to a prim that already exists (has specs)
        # is an insignificant change.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent/Child')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(rootLayer, '/Parent/Child')
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), ['/Parent/Child'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        # Adding an empty over as the first spec for a prim is a
        # a significant change, even if we haven't computed a prim index
        # for that path yet.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(rootLayer, '/Parent/NewChild')
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Parent/NewChild'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent/NewChild2')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(rootLayer, '/Parent/NewChild2')
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/Parent/NewChild2'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSpecChanges(), [])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])
    def test_InertPrimRemovalChanges(self):
        subLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        subParentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(subLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        subChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(subParentSpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        subAttrSpec = Sdf.AttributeSpec(subChildSpec, 'attr', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Double)
        subAttrSpec.default = 1.0

        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        rootParentSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootLayer, 'Parent', Sdf.SpecifierOver)
        rootChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(rootParentSpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierOver)
        rootAttrSpec = Sdf.AttributeSpec(rootChildSpec, 'attr', Sdf.ValueTypeNames.Double)

        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [rootParentSpec, subParentSpec])

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent/Child')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [rootChildSpec, subChildSpec])

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePropertyIndex('/Parent/Child.attr')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.propertyStack, [rootAttrSpec, subAttrSpec])

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            del rootLayer.pseudoRoot.nameChildren['Parent']

            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), [])
                             ['/Parent', '/Parent/Child', '/Parent/Child.attr'])
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetPrimChanges(), [])

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [subParentSpec])

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Parent/Child')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.primStack, [subChildSpec])
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePropertyIndex('/Parent/Child.attr')
        self.assertEqual(err, [])
        self.assertEqual(pi.propertyStack, [subAttrSpec])
Exemple #15
    def test_InvalidSublayerRemoval(self):
        invalidSublayerId = "/tmp/testPcpChanges_invalidSublayer.sdf"

        layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()

        layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(layer)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(layerStackId)

        self.assertEqual(len(pcp.ComputeLayerStack(layerStackId)[1]), 1)

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):

        self.assertEqual(len(pcp.ComputeLayerStack(layerStackId)[1]), 0)
 def test_Basic(self):
     rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug82180/root.sdf')
     sessionLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
     pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer, sessionLayer))
     # Compute the cache's root layer stack and verify its contents.
     (layerStack, errors) = \
     self.assertEqual(layerStack.layers, [sessionLayer, rootLayer])
                 { Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model') : Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model_1') })
                 { Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model_1') : Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model') })
     self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
     # Now add an empty sublayer to the session layer, which should be regarded
     # as an insignificant layer stack change.
     # Note that this bug isn't specific to the session layer; it occurred with 
     # any insignificant layer stack change. The test just uses the session layer
     # since that's the repro steps from the bug report.
     emptyLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug82180/empty.sdf')
     with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
         sessionLayer.subLayerPaths.insert(0, emptyLayer.identifier)
     # Verify that the layer stack's contents are still as expect; in particular,
     # the relocations should be unaffected.
     (layerStack, errors) = \
     self.assertEqual(layerStack.layers, [sessionLayer, emptyLayer, rootLayer])
                 { Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model') : Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model_1') })
                 { Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model_1') : Sdf.Path('/ModelGroup/Model') })
     self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)
    def test_UnusedVariantChanges(self):
        layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        parent = Sdf.PrimSpec(layer, 'Root', Sdf.SpecifierDef, 'Scope')
        vA = Sdf.CreateVariantInLayer(layer, parent.path, 'var', 'A')
        vB = Sdf.CreateVariantInLayer(layer, parent.path, 'var', 'B')
        parent.variantSelections['var'] = 'A'

        layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(layer)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(layerStackId)

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Root')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)

        # Add a new prim spec inside the unused variant and verify that this
        # does not cause the cached prim index to be blown.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            newPrim = Sdf.PrimSpec(vB.primSpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierDef, 'Scope')

    def test_InvalidSublayerAdd(self):
        invalidSublayerId = "/tmp/testPcpChanges_invalidSublayer.sdf"

        layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(layer)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(layerStackId)

        (layerStack, errs) = pcp.ComputeLayerStack(layerStackId)
        self.assertEqual(len(errs), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(layerStack.localErrors), 0)

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):

        (layerStack, errs) = pcp.ComputeLayerStack(layerStackId)
        # This is potentially surprising. Layer stacks are recomputed
        # immediately during change processing, so any composition
        # errors generated during that process won't be reported 
        # during the call to ComputeLayerStack. The errors will be
        # stored in the layer stack's localErrors field, however.
        self.assertEqual(len(errs), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(layerStack.localErrors), 1)
    def test_Basic(self):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('bug90508/root.sdf')
        pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        for p in [Sdf.Path('/Model'),

        # The prim index at /Model/Child should have an an implied inherit arc to
        # the site @root.sdf@</_class_Model/Child>; however, this node is culled 
        # because there are no prim specs at that location. Adding a spec there
        # should cause the PcpCache to evict the prim index, since it needs to be
        # regenerated to accommodate the new node. However, this change doesn't
        # affect any other prim index, so those should remain in the cache.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache):
            Sdf.CreatePrimInLayer(rootLayer, '/_class_Model/Child')

Exemple #20
 def _LoadPcpCache(self, layerPath, sessionLayerPath=None):
     layer = self._LoadLayer(layerPath)
     sessionLayer = None if not sessionLayerPath else self._LoadLayer(
     return Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(layer, sessionLayer))
Exemple #21
    def test_OwnerBasics(self):
        """Test basic composition behaviors related to layer ownership.

        Note that we don't normally expect these values to be changed at
        runtime, but the system should still respond correctly."""

        def TestResolve(expectedSourceLayer):
            path = "/Sphere.radius"

            # XXX: We create the cache from scratch each time because
            #      Pcp doesn't yet respond to Sd notices (regarding
            #      changes to layer ownership).  When it does we
            #      should create the cache and layer stack in
            #      ClassSetup() and hold them as properties on self.
            cache = Pcp.Cache(self.layerStackId)
            (layerStack, errors) = cache.ComputeLayerStack(self.layerStackId)
            self.assertEqual(len(errors), 0)

            # Find the strongest layer with an opinion about the radius
            # default.
            strongestLayer = None
            for layer in layerStack.layers:
                radiusAttr = layer.GetObjectAtPath(path)
                if radiusAttr and radiusAttr.default:
                    strongestLayer = layer

            # Ensure the strongest layer with an opinion is the
            # expectedSourceLayer
            self.assertEqual(strongestLayer, expectedSourceLayer)

        # Verify that this field was read correctly, then clear it.
        self.assertEqual(self.userLayer.owner, "_PLACEHOLDER_")
        self.userLayer.owner = ""

        # Initially, the strongest layer's opinion should win, as usual.

        # Make the owner of the "owned" layer the same as the owner denoted by
        # the session layer. Now the "owned" layer's opinion should win.
        self.userLayer.owner = self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner

        # If we change the session's owner, the "stronger" layer should win
        # once again. Setting it back should produce the previous result.
        self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner = "_bogus_user_"

        self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner = self.userLayer.owner

        # Similarly, changing the owner of a sublayer should also let the
        # "stronger" layer win once again.
        self.userLayer.owner = "_other_bogus_user_"

        self.userLayer.owner = self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner

        # Changing both the session owner and the layer's owner to another
        # value should still produce the expected result.
        self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner = "_foo_"
        self.weakerLayer.owner = "_foo_"

        # Changing the required "hasOwnedSubLayers" bit on the parent layer
        # (anim) should affect the results.
        self.animLayer.hasOwnedSubLayers = False
        self.assertTrue(not self.animLayer.hasOwnedSubLayers)

        self.animLayer.hasOwnedSubLayers = True

        # Having more than one sibling layer with the same owner should
        # be detected as an error.
        self.sessionLayer.sessionOwner = "_foo_"
        self.weakerLayer.owner = "_foo_"
        self.strongerLayer.owner = "_foo_"
        # XXX: Force the layer stack creation because Pcp doesn't
        #      respond to Sd notices.
        cache = Pcp.Cache(self.layerStackId)
        (layerStack, errors) = cache.ComputeLayerStack(self.layerStackId)

        for err in errors:
            print >> sys.stderr, err
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(err, Pcp.ErrorInvalidSublayerOwnership),
                   "Unexpected Error: %s" % err)

        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
Exemple #22
    def test_SublayerOffsetChanges(self):
        rootLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root.sdf'
        rootSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root-sublayer.sdf'
        refLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref.sdf'
        refSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref-sublayer.sdf'
        ref2LayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref2.sdf'

        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)

        # Verify the expected structure of the test asset. It should simply be
        # a chain of two references, with layer offsets of 100.0 and 50.0
        # respectively.
        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
        self.assertEqual(refNode.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0))

        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0))

        # Change the layer offset in the local layer stack and verify that
        # invalidates the prim index and that the updated layer offset is
        # taken into account after recomputing the index.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            rootLayer.subLayerOffsets[0] = Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0)

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]

        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0))
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(250.0))

        # Change the layer offset in a referenced layer stack and again verify
        # that the prim index is invalidated and the updated layer offset is
        # taken into account.
        refLayer = refNode.layerStack.layers[0]
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp):
            refLayer.subLayerOffsets[0] = Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0)

            # Compute the prim index in the change processing block as the
            # changed refLayer is only being held onto by the changes' lifeboat
            # as its referencing prim index has been invalidated.
            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
            refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
            ref2Node = refNode.children[0]

Exemple #23
    def test_TcpsChanges(self):
        Tests change processing for changes that affect the time codes per
        second of all layers in the layer stacks of a PcpCache.

        # Use the same layers as the sublayer offset test case.
        rootLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root.sdf'
        rootSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/root-sublayer.sdf'
        refLayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref.sdf'
        refSublayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref-sublayer.sdf'
        ref2LayerPath = 'TestSublayerOffsetChanges/ref2.sdf'

        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)
        sessionLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer, sessionLayer))

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)

        rootSublayer = Sdf.Layer.Find(rootSublayerPath)
        refLayer = Sdf.Layer.Find(refLayerPath)
        refSublayer = Sdf.Layer.Find(refSublayerPath)
        ref2Layer = Sdf.Layer.Find(ref2LayerPath)

        # Verify the expected structure of the test asset. It should simply be
        # a chain of two references, with layer offsets of 100.0 and 50.0
        # respectively.
                         [sessionLayer, rootLayer, rootSublayer])

        refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
        self.assertEqual(refNode.layerStack.layers, [refLayer, refSublayer])
        self.assertEqual(refNode.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(refNode.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0))
        for layer in refNode.layerStack.layers:
            self.assertEqual(layer.timeCodesPerSecond, 24.0)

        ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.layerStack.layers, [ref2Layer])
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.arcType, Pcp.ArcTypeReference)
        self.assertEqual(ref2Node.mapToRoot.timeOffset, Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0))
        for layer in ref2Node.layerStack.layers:
            self.assertEqual(layer.timeCodesPerSecond, 24.0)

        # Run the TCPS change suite on the root layer.
        tcpsToOffsets = {
            12.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0, 0.5), Sdf.LayerOffset(125.0, 0.5)),
            24.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            48.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0, 2.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0, 2.0))
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, rootLayer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/'])

        # Run the TCPS change suite on the first reference layer.
        tcpsToOffsets = {
            12.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0, 2.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0)),
            24.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            48.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0, 0.5), Sdf.LayerOffset(125.0))
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, refLayer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/A'])

        # Run the TCPS change suite on the second reference layer.
        tcpsToOffsets = {
            12.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0, 2.0)),
            24.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            48.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0, 0.5))
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, ref2Layer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/A'])

        # Run the TCPS change suite on the sublayers of the root and reference
        # layers. In the particular setup of these layer, TCPS of either
        # sublayer doesn't change the layer offsets applied to the reference
        # nodes, but will still cause change management to report significant
        # changes to prim indexes.
        tcpsToOffsets = {
            12.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            24.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            48.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0))
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, rootSublayer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/'])
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, refSublayer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/A'])

        # Run the TCPS change suite on the session layer.
        tcpsToOffsets = {
            12.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(50.0, 0.5), Sdf.LayerOffset(75.0, 0.5)),
            24.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(150.0)),
            48.0: (Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0, 2.0), Sdf.LayerOffset(300.0, 2.0))
        self._RunTcpsChangesForLayer(pcp, sessionLayer, tcpsToOffsets, ['/'])

        # Special cases for the session layer when root layer has a tcps value
        rootLayer.timeCodesPerSecond = 24.0
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            # Set the session layer's FPS. This will change the session layer's
            # computed TCPS and is a significant change even though the overall
            # TCPS of the root layer stack is 24 as it is authored on the root
            # layer.
            sessionLayer.framesPerSecond = 48.0
            self.assertEqual(sessionLayer.timeCodesPerSecond, 48.0)
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/'])
            # Recompute the new prim index
            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
            refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
            ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
            # The reference layer offsets are still the same as authored as
            # the root layer TCPS still matches its layer stack's overall TCPS

        # Continuing from the previous case, root layer has TCPS set to 24 and
        # session layer has FPS set to 48. Now we set the session TCPS to 48.
        # While this does not cause a TCPS change to session layer taken by
        # itself, this does mean that the session now overrides the overall
        # TCPS of the layer stack which used to come the root. We verify here
        # that this is a significant change and that it scales the layer offsets
        # to the references.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            sessionLayer.timeCodesPerSecond = 48.0
            self.assertEqual(sessionLayer.timeCodesPerSecond, 48.0)
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/'])
            # Recompute the new prim index
            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
            refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
            ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
                             Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0, 2.0))
                             Sdf.LayerOffset(300.0, 2.0))

        # And as a parallel to the previous case, we now clear the session TCPS
        # again. This is still no effective change to the session layer TCPS
        # itself, but root layer's TCPS is once again the overall layer stack
        # TCPS. This is significant changes and the layer offsets return to
        # their original values.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            self.assertEqual(sessionLayer.timeCodesPerSecond, 48.0)
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/'])
            # Recompute the new prim index
            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
            refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
            ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
            # The reference layer offsets are still the same as authored as
            # the root layer TCPS still matches its layer stack's overall TCPS

        # One more special case. Neither session or root layers have TCPS set.
        # Root layer has FPS set to 48, session layer has FPS set to 24. Overall
        # computed TCPS of the layer stack will be 24, matching session FPS.
        # We then author a TCPS value of 48 to the root layer, matching its FPS
        # value. There is no effective change to the root layer's TCPS itself
        # but we do end up with a significant change as the overall layer stack
        # TCPS will now compute to 48.
        sessionLayer.framesPerSecond = 24.0
        rootLayer.framesPerSecond = 48.0
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
            rootLayer.timeCodesPerSecond = 48.0
            self.assertEqual(rootLayer.timeCodesPerSecond, 48.0)
            self.assertEqual(cp.GetSignificantChanges(), ['/'])
            # Recompute the new prim index
            (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/A')
            refNode = pi.rootNode.children[0]
            ref2Node = refNode.children[0]
                             Sdf.LayerOffset(100.0, 2.0))
                             Sdf.LayerOffset(200.0, 2.0))
Exemple #24
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
# KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.

from pxr import Sdf, Pcp
import unittest

testPaths = [Sdf.Path(), Sdf.Path('/'), Sdf.Path('/foo'), Sdf.Path('/a/b/c')]

testMapFuncs = []

# Test null function
null = Pcp.MapFunction()
assert null.isNull
assert not null.isIdentity
assert null.timeOffset == Sdf.LayerOffset()
for path in testPaths:
    assert null.MapSourceToTarget(path).isEmpty

# Test identity function
identity = Pcp.MapFunction.Identity()
assert not identity.isNull
assert identity.isIdentity
assert identity.timeOffset == Sdf.LayerOffset()
for path in testPaths:
    assert identity.MapSourceToTarget(path) == path
    def test_ReferencedWithAbsoluteSublayerPaths(self):
        '''Tests behavior when the resolved path of a referenced layer
        changes and that layer contains absolute sublayer paths.'''

        # Create test directory structure and assets.
            'root.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32

            def "SearchPathRef" (
                references = @ref.sdf@</Ref>

            def "InnocentBystander"

            'absSublayer.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
            def "Ref" {}

            'v1/ref.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
                subLayers = [

        # Create PcpCache using a resolver context that searches
        # v2/ first, then v1/. The search path reference to ref.sdf should
        # resolve to v1/ref.sdf since v2/ doesn't exist yet.
        pcpCache = CreatePcpCache(

        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/InnocentBystander')

        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/SearchPathRef')
                                 ['v1/ref.sdf', 'absSublayer.sdf'])

        # Copy v1/ to v2/ and reload. This should cause the resolved path of
        # ref.sdf to change to v2/ref.sdf, but no other scene description is
        # changed because v1/ and v2/ are exactly the same.
        # Even though the root layer of the referenced layer stack has changed
        # resolved paths, there's no actual change to the layer stack itself
        # because the sublayer asset path was an absolute path -- it contains
        # exactly the same layers that it did prior to the reload. So no prims
        # actually needs to be resynced in this case.
        shutil.copytree('v1', 'v2')

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache) as changes:
            self.assertEqual(changes.GetSignificantChanges(), [])
    def test_Basic(self):
        '''Test that composing a prim with payloads causes
        the appropriate decorator functions to be called and that the
        arguments generated from those functions are taken into account
        when opening the payload layers.'''

        rootLayerFile = 'basic/root.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerFile)

        cache = self._CreatePcpCache(rootLayer)
        cache.RequestPayloads(['/Instance'], [])
        (pi, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')

        assert not err
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(rootLayerFile)

        payloadLayerFile = 'basic/payload.sdf'
        payloadLayerId1 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(payloadLayerFile, {
            'doc': 'instance',
            'kind': 'ref'
        payloadLayerId2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(payloadLayerFile, {
            'doc': 'updated_instance',
            'kind': 'ref'
        payloadLayerId3 = Sdf.Layer.CreateIdentifier(payloadLayerFile, {
            'doc': 'updated_instance',
            'kind': 'updated_instance'
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId1
        assert not Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId2), \
            "Expected to not find payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId2
        assert not Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId3), \
            "Expected to not find payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId3

        # Test that authoring a new value for the relevant fields
        # causes the prim to be significantly changed.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance') \
                .SetInfo('documentation', 'updated_instance')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')

        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId1
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId2), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId2
        assert not Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId3), \
            "Expected to not find payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId3

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance') \
                .SetInfo('kind', 'updated_instance')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')

        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId1), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId1
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId2), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId2
        assert Sdf.Layer.Find(payloadLayerId3), \
            "Failed to find expected payload layer '%s'" % payloadLayerId3

        # Test that authoring a new value for an irrelevant field
        # does not cause any changes.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance') \
                .SetInfo('comment', 'fooooo')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()
    def test_Changes(self):
        '''Test that the appropriate prim indexes are recomposed based
        on whether Pcp.PayloadDecorator decides a change is relevant to
        payload decoration.'''

        testLayerFile = 'basic/root.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(testLayerFile)

        cache = self._CreatePcpCache(rootLayer)
        cache.RequestPayloads(['/Instance'], [])
        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # Changing documentation to "foo" is a relevant change.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
                'documentation', 'foo')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # The test decorator is implemented to treat fields as case insensitive
        # so a case only change to documentation is not a relevant change.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
                'documentation', 'FOO')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # Changing documentation to "BAR" is a relevant change though.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
                'documentation', 'BAR')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # But a case only change again will not be relevant.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
                'documentation', 'Bar')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err
Exemple #28
 def _CreatePcpCache(self, rootLayer):
     return Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))
Exemple #29
 def _CreatePcpCache(self, rootLayer, decorator):
     layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer)
     return Pcp.Cache(layerStackId, payloadDecorator=decorator)
    def test_Changes(self):
        '''Test that the appropriate prim indexes are recomposed based
        on whether Pcp.PayloadDecorator decides a change is relevant to
        payload decoration.'''

        testLayerFile = 'basic/root.sdf'
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(testLayerFile)

        cache = self._CreatePcpCache(rootLayer)
        cache.RequestPayloads(['/Instance'], [])
        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # Changing documentation to "foo" is a relevant change.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'foo')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # The test decorator is implemented to treat fields as case insensitive
        # so a case only change to documentation is not a relevant change.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'FOO')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # Changing documentation to "BAR" is a relevant change though.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'BAR')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == ['/Instance'], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err

        # But a case only change again will not be relevant.
        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(cache) as cp:
            rootLayer.GetPrimAtPath('/Instance').SetInfo('documentation', 'Bar')
            assert cp.GetSignificantChanges() == [], \
                "Got significant changes %s" % cp.GetSignificantChanges()
            assert cp.GetSpecChanges() == [], \
                "Got spec changes %s" % cp.GetSpecChanges()
            assert cp.GetPrimChanges() == [], \
                "Got prim changes %s" % cp.GetPrimChanges()

        (pi1, err) = cache.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance')
        assert not err
Exemple #31
def TestBug74847():
    m = Pcp.MapFunction({'/A': '/A/B'})
    assert m.MapSourceToTarget('/A/B') == Sdf.Path('/A/B/B')
    assert m.MapTargetToSource('/A/B/B') == Sdf.Path('/A/B')
    def test_ReferencingLayerWithAbsoluteSublayerPaths(self):
        '''Tests behavior when the resolved path of a layer changes
        and that layer contains references to other layers and
        absolute sublayer paths.'''

        # Create test directory structure and assets.
            'absRef.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
            def "Ref" { }

        CreateLayer('absSublayer.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32

            'v1/root.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
                subLayers = [
            def "AbsoluteReference" (
                references = @{absRefPath}@</Ref>

            def "RelativeReference" (
                references = @./ref.sdf@</Ref>

            'v1/ref.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
            def "Ref" { }

        # Create PcpCache using a resolver context that searches
        # v2/ first, then v1/. Note that we use a search path for root.sdf.
        # Since v2/root.sdf doesn't exist yet, we should find v1/root.sdf
        # as our root layer.
        pcpCache = CreatePcpCache(

        # All relative asset paths in references/sublayers/etc. should be
        # anchored to v1/root.sdf initially.
        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/AbsoluteReference')
        self.assertReferenceNode(pi.rootNode.children[0], ['absRef.sdf'])

        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/RelativeReference')
        self.assertReferenceNode(pi.rootNode.children[0], ['v1/ref.sdf'])


        # Copy v1/ to v2/ and reload. This should cause the resolved path of
        # root.sdf to change to v2/root.sdf. Any prims with references that were
        # relative to root.sdf need to be resynced since those references now
        # target a different layer.
        shutil.copytree('v1', 'v2')

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache) as changes:



        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/RelativeReference')
        self.assertReferenceNode(pi.rootNode.children[0], ['v2/ref.sdf'])

                              ['v2/root.sdf', 'absSublayer.sdf'])
def CreatePcpCache(rootLayerPath, context):
    with Ar.ResolverContextBinder(context):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)

    lsid = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer, pathResolverContext=context)
    return Pcp.Cache(lsid)
Exemple #34
    def test_InstancingChangesForSubrootArcs(self):
        # First layer: Build up the first reference structure
        refLayer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        # Base spec name space hierarchy: /Base/Child/BaseLeaf.
        baseSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer, 'Base', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        baseChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(baseSpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        baseLeafSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(baseChildSpec, 'BaseLeaf',

        # /A references /Base
        refASpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer, 'A', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refASpec.referenceList.Add(Sdf.Reference('', '/Base'))

        # /B references /A
        refBSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer, 'B', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refBSpec.referenceList.Add(Sdf.Reference('', '/A'))

        # Second layer: Same structure as layer with incmented names for clarity
        # when both layers have prims referenced
        refLayer2 = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        base2Spec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer2, 'Base2', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        base2ChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(base2Spec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        base2LeafSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(base2ChildSpec, 'Base2Leaf',

        # /A2 references /Base2
        refA2Spec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer2, 'A2', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refA2Spec.referenceList.Add(Sdf.Reference('', '/Base2'))

        # /B2 references /A2
        refB2Spec = Sdf.PrimSpec(refLayer2, 'B2', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
        refB2Spec.referenceList.Add(Sdf.Reference('', '/A2'))

        # Root layer:
        # Instance spec namespace hierarchy: /Instance/Child/InstanceLeaf
        # /Instance references /B2.
        # /Instance/Child subroot references /B/Child
        # What this gives us is the following prim index graph for
        # /Instance/Child:
        # /Instance/Child --> /B/Child -a-> /A/Child -a-> /Base/Child
        #         |
        #         +-a-> /B2/Child -a-> /A2/Child -a-> /Base2/Child
        # All reference arcs are "ancestral" except the direct reference from
        # /Instance/Child to /B/Child. Ancestral arcs under a direct arc are
        # treated differently for instancing than normal ancestral arcs.
        layer = Sdf.Layer.CreateAnonymous()
        instanceSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(layer, 'Instance', Sdf.SpecifierDef)
            Sdf.Reference(refLayer2.identifier, '/B2'))
        instanceChildSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(instanceSpec, 'Child',
            Sdf.Reference(refLayer.identifier, '/B/Child'))
        instanceLeafSpec = Sdf.PrimSpec(instanceChildSpec, 'InstanceLeaf',

        # Instancing is only enabled in Usd mode.
        pcp = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(layer), usd=True)

        # Compute our initial prim index. It is not yet instanceable and
        # all leaf nodes appear when computing prim child names.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance/Child')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
                         (['Base2Leaf', 'BaseLeaf', 'InstanceLeaf'], []))

        # Helper context for verifying the change processing of the changes
        # affecting /Instance/Child
        def _VerifyChanges(significant=False, spec=False, prim=False):
            primIndexPath = '/Instance/Child'
            # Verify that we have a computed prim index for /Instance/Child
            # before making the change .
            with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcp) as cp:
                    yield cp
                                     [primIndexPath] if significant else [])
                                     [primIndexPath] if spec else [])
                                     [primIndexPath] if prim else [])
                    # Significant and prim changes do invalidate the prim index.
                    if significant or prim:

        # Add Child spec to /A. This is just a spec change to /Instance/Child
        # as /Instance/Child is not instanceable yet.
        with _VerifyChanges(spec=True):
            Sdf.PrimSpec(refASpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierOver)

        # Add Child spec to /A2. This is just a spec change to /Instance/Child.
        with _VerifyChanges(spec=True):
            Sdf.PrimSpec(refA2Spec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierOver)

        # Delete both Child specs we just added.
        with _VerifyChanges(spec=True):
            del refASpec.nameChildren['Child']
        with _VerifyChanges(spec=True):
            del refA2Spec.nameChildren['Child']

        # Now set /Base/Child to instanceable which is always a significant
        # change.
        with _VerifyChanges(significant=True):
            baseChildSpec.instanceable = True

        # /Instance/Child is now instanceable. BaseLeaf is still returned by
        # ComputePrimChildren because the ancestral node that provides it comes
        # from a subtree composed for a direct subroot reference arc so it is
        # part of the instance. Base2Leaf comes from an actual ancestral arc so
        # it gets skipped when computing children as does the local child
        # opinion for InstanceLeaf.
        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance/Child')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['BaseLeaf'], []))

        # Add Child spec to /A2 again now that /Instance/Child is instanceable.
        # This is still just a spec change to /Instance/Child as true ancestral
        # nodes are ignored by the instance key.
        with _VerifyChanges(spec=True):
            Sdf.PrimSpec(refA2Spec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierOver)

        # Add Child spec to /A again. This is a significant change as /A/Child
        # is an ancestral node that's part of a direct arc's subtree and is
        # part of the instance key.
        with _VerifyChanges(significant=True):
            Sdf.PrimSpec(refASpec, 'Child', Sdf.SpecifierOver)

        (pi, err) = pcp.ComputePrimIndex('/Instance/Child')
        self.assertEqual(len(err), 0)
        self.assertEqual(pi.ComputePrimChildNames(), (['BaseLeaf'], []))
    def test_ReferencedWithRelativeSublayerPaths(self):
        '''Tests behavior when the resolved path of a referenced layer
        changes and that layer contains relative sublayer paths.'''

        # Create test directory structure and assets.
            'root.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32

            def "SearchPathRef" (
                references = @ref.sdf@</Ref>

            def "InnocentBystander"

            'v1/ref.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
                subLayers = [

            'v1/sublayer.sdf', '''\
            #sdf 1.4.32
            def "Ref" { }

        # Create PcpCache using a resolver context that searches
        # v2/ first, then v1/. The search path reference to ref.sdf should
        # resolve to v1/ref.sdf since v2/ doesn't exist yet.
        pcpCache = CreatePcpCache(

        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/InnocentBystander')

        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/SearchPathRef')
                                 ['v1/ref.sdf', 'v1/sublayer.sdf'])

        # Copy v1/ to v2/ and reload. This should cause the resolved path of
        # ref.sdf to change to v2/ref.sdf, but no other scene description
        # is changed because v1/ and v2/ are exactly the same.
        # Because we had a sublayer with a relative path, we need to recompute
        # the layer stack since its anchor has changed. This means that any prim
        # index that uses that layer stack must be resynced.
        shutil.copytree('v1', 'v2')

        with Pcp._TestChangeProcessor(pcpCache) as changes:


        pi, err = pcpCache.ComputePrimIndex('/SearchPathRef')
                                 ['v2/ref.sdf', 'v2/sublayer.sdf'])
Exemple #36
 def _LoadPcpCache(self, layerPath):
     rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(layerPath)
     cache = Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer), usd=True)
     return cache
    rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)
    assert rootLayer

    def GetLayerLabel(layer):
        return os.path.relpath(layer.realPath,

    def WalkNodes(node):
        yield node
        for child in node.children:
            for descendant in WalkNodes(child):
                yield descendant

    # Dump the layer stack.
    errors = []
    layerStackId = Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer, sessionLayer)
    pcpCache = Pcp.Cache(layerStackId)
    assert pcpCache.GetVariantFallbacks() == {}
    assert pcpCache.GetVariantFallbacks() == variantFallbacks
    (layerStackData, errors) = pcpCache.ComputeLayerStack(layerStackId)
    layerStack = layerStackData.layers

    print '-' * 72
    print 'Layer Stack:'
    for layer in layerStack:
        print '    ', GetLayerLabel(layer)
    print ''

    if len(layerStackData.localErrors) > 0:
        PrintErrorMessage(errorFile, '-' * 72)
Exemple #38
    def _GetPcpCacheForLayer(self, rootLayerPath):
        rootLayer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen(rootLayerPath)
        self.assertTrue(rootLayer, "Cannot open layer %s" % (rootLayerPath))

        return Pcp.Cache(Pcp.LayerStackIdentifier(rootLayer))