def main():
    """Run the main execution of the current script."""
    layer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen("input.usda")

    # Try everything.
    edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
    edit.Add("/C", "/D")  # Prim renames
    edit.Add("/B", "/C")
    edit.Add("/D", "/B")
    edit.Add("/G", "/E/G")  # Prim reparents
    edit.Add("/H", "/E/F/H")
    edit.Add("/I", "/E/H")  # Prim reparent/rename
    edit.Add("/J", "/L/J")  # Prim reparent
    edit.Add("/L/J/K", "/K")  # Prim reparent from under a reparented prim
    edit.Add("/X", Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim remove
    edit.Add("/E", Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim with descendants remove

    edit.Add("/P.c", "/P.d")  # Prim property renames
    edit.Add("/P.b", "/P.c")
    edit.Add("/P.d", "/P.b")
    edit.Add("/P.g", "/Q.g")  # Prim property reparents
    edit.Add("/P.h", "/Q/R.h")
    edit.Add("/P.i", "/Q.h")  # Prim property reparent/rename
    edit.Add("/P.x", Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim property remove

    edit.Add("/S", "/T")  # Rename prim used in targets

    edit.Add("/V{v=one}U", "/V{v=two}W/U")  # Variant prim reparent/rename
    edit.Add("/V{v=two}W", Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Variant prim remove
    edit.Add("/V{v=one}.u", "/V{v=two}.u")  # Variant property reparent/rename
    edit.Add("/V{v=two}.w", Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Variant property remove

    before = layer.ExportToString()
    print('Will applying this layer fail?', not layer.CanApply(edit))
    assert layer.Apply(edit)
    after = layer.ExportToString()
    print(before == after)
    def test_Basic(self):
        print('Test constructors')

        testEdits = [
            Sdf.NamespaceEdit('/C', '/D'),
            Sdf.NamespaceEdit('/B', '/C'),
            Sdf.NamespaceEdit('/D', '/B'),
            Sdf.NamespaceEdit('/X', '')
        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        self.assertEqual(edit.edits, [])
        edit2 = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit(edit)
        self.assertEqual(edit2.edits, [])
        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit(testEdits)
        self.assertEqual(edit.edits, testEdits)
        edit2 = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit(edit)
        self.assertEqual(edit2.edits, testEdits)

        print('\nTest repr')

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        self.assertEqual(edit.edits, eval(repr(edit)).edits)
        self.assertEqual(edit2.edits, eval(repr(edit2)).edits)

        print('\nTest Add()')

        edit.Add(Sdf.NamespaceEdit('/C', '/D'))
        edit.Add('/B', '/C')
        edit.Add('/X', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)
        self.assertEqual(edit.edits, edit2.edits)

        print('\nTest Process()')

        layer = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('testSdfBatchNamespaceEdit.testenv/test.sdf')
        final = Sdf.Layer.FindOrOpen('testSdfBatchNamespaceEdit.testenv/final.sdf')
        self.assertTrue(layer is not None)
        self.assertTrue(final is not None)

        # Try things that work.
        def Has(layer, path):
            return bool(layer.GetObjectAtPath(path))

        # Try everything.
        hasObject = lambda p: Has(layer, p)
        canEdit   = lambda e: True
        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/C', '/D')                # Prim renames
        edit.Add('/B', '/C')
        edit.Add('/D', '/B')
        edit.Add('/G', '/E/G')              # Prim reparents
        edit.Add('/H', '/E/F/H')
        edit.Add('/I', '/E/H')              # Prim reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/J', '/L/J')              # Prim reparent
        edit.Add('/L/J/K', '/K')            # Prim reparent from under a reparented prim
        edit.Add('/X', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim remove
        edit.Add('/E', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim with descendants remove

        edit.Add('/P.c', '/P.d')            # Prim property renames
        edit.Add('/P.b', '/P.c')
        edit.Add('/P.d', '/P.b')
        edit.Add('/P.g', '/Q.g')            # Prim property reparents
        edit.Add('/P.h', '/Q/R.h')
        edit.Add('/P.i', '/Q.h')            # Prim property reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/P.x', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)# Prim property remove

        edit.Add('/S', '/T')                        # Rename prim used in targets

        edit.Add('/V{v=one}U', '/V{v=two}W/U')      # Variant prim reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/V{v=two}W', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Variant prim remove
        edit.Add('/V{v=one}.u', '/V{v=two}.u')      # Variant property reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/V{v=two}.w', Sdf.Path.emptyPath) # Variant property remove

        self.assertEqual(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), (True, edit.edits))

        # Try it again.  Since nothing actually changed in layer this should work.
        self.assertEqual(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), (True, edit.edits))

        # Try an additional edit.  This one will not be returned by Process() because
        # it's redundant.
        edit.Add('/E/F', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)# Remove implicitly removed prim
        self.assertEqual(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit)[0], True)

        # Try lots of things that don't work.

        def CheckFail(result, description):
            if verbose:
                if result[0]:
                    print("Unexpected success: %s" % description)
                    print("%40s: [%s]" % (description, '.'.join([str(x) for x in result[1]])))

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/Y', '/Z')                    # Unknown object.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Unknown object")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/X', '/B')                    # Object exists at new path.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Object exists at new path")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/X', '/B/Y/Z')                # Object doesn't exist for parent.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Parent object doesn't exist")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/E', '/E/F/E')                # Object would be its own ancestor.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Object would be its own ancestor")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/G', '/E/G')
        edit.Add('/H', '/E/G')                  # Object will already exist.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Object will already exist")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/', '/')                      # Unsupported path.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Unsupported path: root")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/X.a.mapper[/B]', '/Z')       # Unsupported path.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Unsupported path: mapper")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/X.a.mapper[/B].c', '/Z')     # Unsupported path.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Unsupported path: mapper arg")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/X.a.expression', '/Z')       # Unsupported path.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Unsupported path: expression")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/Z', '/Z.z')                  # Path type mismatch.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Path type mismatch")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/Z', '/Z.z[/Z].z')            # Path type mismatch.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Path type mismatch")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/Z.z', '/Z')                  # Path type mismatch.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, canEdit), "Path type mismatch")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/C', '/D')                    # hasObject fails.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(lambda p: False, canEdit), "hasObject === False")

        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/C', '/D')                    # canEdit fails.
        CheckFail(edit.Process(hasObject, lambda e: (False, "Can't edit")), "canEdit fails")

        print('\nTest live edits on layer')
        edit = Sdf.BatchNamespaceEdit()
        edit.Add('/C', '/D', Sdf.NamespaceEdit.same) # Prim renames
        edit.Add('/B', '/C', Sdf.NamespaceEdit.same)
        edit.Add('/D', '/B', Sdf.NamespaceEdit.same)
        edit.Add('/G', '/E/G')              # Prim reparents
        edit.Add('/H', '/E/F/H')
        edit.Add('/I', '/E/H')              # Prim reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/J', '/L/J')              # Prim reparent
        edit.Add('/L/J/K', '/K')            # Prim reparent from under a reparented prim
        edit.Add('/X', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim remove
        edit.Add('/E', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Prim with descendants remove
        edit.Add('/E/F', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)# Remove implicitly removed prim

        edit.Add('/P.c', '/P.d')            # Prim property renames
        edit.Add('/P.b', '/P.c')
        edit.Add('/P.d', '/P.b')
        edit.Add('/P.g', '/Q.g')            # Prim property reparents
        edit.Add('/P.h', '/Q/R.h')
        edit.Add('/P.i', '/Q.h')            # Prim property reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/P.x', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)# Prim property remove

        edit.Add('/V{v=one}U', '/V{v=two}W/U')      # Variant prim reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/V{v=two}W', Sdf.Path.emptyPath)  # Variant prim remove
        edit.Add('/V{v=one}.u', '/V{v=two}.u')      # Variant property reparent/rename
        edit.Add('/V{v=two}.w', Sdf.Path.emptyPath) # Variant property remove

        self.assertEqual(layer.ExportToString(), final.ExportToString())

        print('\nTest SUCCEEDED')