def run(): sys.path.append('lib') sys.path.append('lib/py') if len(sys.argv)<2: print_help() return cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd=='build': from py import build vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd=='merge': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.repo, vc.master) vc.close() elif cmd=='merge-local': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() elif cmd=='setup': setup() elif cmd=='clear_startup': # experimental from webnotes import startup startup.clear_info('all') vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd=='log': vc = version.VersionControl() for l in vc.repo.sql("select * from log order by rowid desc limit 10 ", as_dict =1): print 'file:'+ l['fname'] + ' | version: ' + l['version'] print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') vc.close() elif cmd=='files': vc = version.VersionControl() for f in vc.repo.sql("select fname from files where fname like ?", ((sys.argv[2] + '%'),)): print f[0] vc.close() # pull from remote and merge with local elif cmd=='gitpull': branch = 'master' if len(sys.argv)>2: branch = sys.argv[2] print "pulling erpnext" os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch) vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() print "pulling framework" os.chdir('lib') os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch)
def run(): sys.path.append('lib') sys.path.append('lib/py') import webnotes import webnotes.defs sys.path.append(webnotes.defs.modules_path) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print_help() return cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd == 'watch': from py import build import time while True: vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') time.sleep(5) elif cmd == 'build': from py import build vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd == 'merge': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.repo, vc.master) vc.close() elif cmd == 'merge-local': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() elif cmd == 'setup': setup() elif cmd == 'clear_startup': # experimental from webnotes import startup startup.clear_info('all') vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd == 'log': vc = version.VersionControl() for l in vc.repo.sql("select * from log order by rowid desc limit 10 ", as_dict=1): print 'file:' + l['fname'] + ' | version: ' + l['version'] print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') vc.close() elif cmd == 'files': vc = version.VersionControl() for f in vc.repo.sql("select fname from files where fname like ?", ((sys.argv[2] + '%'), )): print f[0] vc.close() # pull from remote and merge with local elif cmd == 'gitpull': branch = 'master' if len(sys.argv) > 2: branch = sys.argv[2] print "pulling erpnext" os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch) vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() print "pulling framework" os.chdir('lib') os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch) # replace code elif cmd == 'replace': replace_code('.', sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) elif cmd == 'patch': from webnotes.modules.patch_handler import run if len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == '-f': # force patch run(patch_list=sys.argv[3:], overwrite=1, log_exception=0) else: # run patch once run(patch_list=sys.argv[2:], log_exception=0)
def run(): sys.path.append('lib') sys.path.append('lib/py') import webnotes import webnotes.defs sys.path.append(webnotes.defs.modules_path) if len(sys.argv)<2: print_help() return cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd=='watch': from py import build import time while True: vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') time.sleep(5) elif cmd=='build': from py import build vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd=='merge': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.repo, vc.master) vc.close() elif cmd=='merge-local': vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() elif cmd=='setup': setup() elif cmd=='clear_startup': # experimental from webnotes import startup startup.clear_info('all') vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') elif cmd=='log': vc = version.VersionControl() for l in vc.repo.sql("select * from log order by rowid desc limit 10 ", as_dict =1): print 'file:'+ l['fname'] + ' | version: ' + l['version'] print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') vc.close() elif cmd=='files': vc = version.VersionControl() for f in vc.repo.sql("select fname from files where fname like ?", ((sys.argv[2] + '%'),)): print f[0] vc.close() # pull from remote and merge with local elif cmd=='gitpull': branch = 'master' if len(sys.argv)>2: branch = sys.argv[2] print "pulling erpnext" os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch) vc = version.VersionControl() vc.setup_master() vc.merge(vc.master, vc.repo) vc.close() print "pulling framework" os.chdir('lib') os.system('git pull origin %s' % branch) # replace code elif cmd=='replace': replace_code('.', sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) elif cmd=='patch': from webnotes.modules.patch_handler import run if len(sys.argv)>2 and sys.argv[2]=='-f': # force patch run(patch_list = sys.argv[3:], overwrite=1, log_exception=0) else: # run patch once run(patch_list = sys.argv[2:], log_exception=0)
def run(): sys.path.append('lib') sys.path.append('lib/py') import webnotes import webnotes.defs sys.path.append(webnotes.defs.modules_path) if len(sys.argv)<2: print_help() return cmd = sys.argv[1] if cmd=='watch': from py import build import time while True: vc = version.VersionControl() print 'version %s' % vc.repo.get_value('last_version_number') time.sleep(5) elif cmd=='build': from import Project Project().build() # replace code elif cmd=='replace': replace_code('.', sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4]) elif cmd=='patch': from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="Do not print status messages to stdout") parser.add_option("-l", "--latest", action="store_true", dest="run_latest", default=False, help="Apply the latest patches") parser.add_option("-p", "--patch", dest="patch_list", metavar='PATCH_MODULE.PATCH_FILE', action="append", help="Apply patch PATCH_MODULE.PATCH_FILE") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="Force Apply all patches specified using option -p or --patch") parser.add_option("-d", "--db", dest="db_name", help="Apply the patches on given db") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.patch_list: for patch in options.patch_list: patch_split = patch.split(".") idx = options.patch_list.index(patch) patch_module = ".".join(patch_split[:-1]) options.patch_list[idx] = { 'patch_module': patch_module or "patches", 'patch_file': patch_split[-1] } kwargs = options.__dict__ from webnotes.modules.patch_handler import PatchHandler PatchHandler(db_name=kwargs.get('db_name') or getattr(webnotes.defs, 'default_db_name'), verbose=kwargs.get('verbose')).run(**kwargs)