Exemple #1
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help='Markup for medical cases chart')
                        help='Markup for medical cases table')
    parser.add_argument('-3', action='store_true', help='Markup for charts')
    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    if not any((args['1'], args['2'], args['3'])):

    if args['1']:

    if args['2']:

    if args['3']:

Exemple #2
def load_home_data():
    """Return data retrieved from MoHFW website."""
    data = Data()

    # Save the response from MoHFW as a list of lines.
    url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/'
    log.log('Connecting to {} ...', url)
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
    lines = [l.strip() for l in response.splitlines()]
    lines = [l for l in lines if l != '']

    # Parsers.
    strong_re = re.compile(r'.*<strong.*?>([0-9]*).*<')
    time_re = re.compile(r'.*as on\s*:\s*(\d.*) IST')
    td_re = re.compile(r'.*<td>([^#]*).*</td>')
    parser_state = 'DEFAULT'

    # Parse the response.
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if data.active == -1 and 'Active' in line:
            data.active = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 1]).group(1))
        elif data.cured == -1 and 'Discharged' in line:
            data.cured = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 1]).group(1))
        elif data.death == -1 and 'Deaths' in line:
            data.death = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 1]).group(1))
        elif data.ref_datetime == None and 'as on' in line:
            t = time_re.match(line).group(1)
            data.ref_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                t, '%d %B %Y, %H:%M')
            data.ref_date = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            data.ref_time = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%H:%M')

    data.total = data.active + data.cured + data.death
    return data
Exemple #3
def compile_sass(*, last_build_time):
    sass_files = build_target.glob('**/*.sass')
    if all(not was_modified(path, since=last_build_time)
           for path in sass_files):
        log("Sass not modified since last build")
        with log_section("Compiling sass", multiline=False):
            shell_exec(f'cd "{build_target}" && sass --quiet --update .:.')
Exemple #4
def fetch_wiki_source(article_name):
    """Return Wikitext from specified Wikipedia article."""
    src_url = ('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title={}&action=edit'.
    log.log('Fetching wikitext for {} ...', src_url)
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(src_url).read().decode('utf-8')
    source = re.search(r'(?s)<textarea .*?>(.*)</textarea>', response).group(1)
    source = html.unescape(source)
    return source
Exemple #5
def wiki1():
    """Generate Wikipedia markup code for medical cases chart template."""
    ignore_dates = ('2020-02-04', '2020-02-27')
    data = archive.load(ignore_dates=ignore_dates)
    update = source = fetch_wiki_source(WIKI_SRC1)
    update = replace_within('Total confirmed -->\n', '\n<!-- Date', update,
    log.log('Writing wiki1.txt and wiki1.diff ...')
    open('wiki1.txt', 'w').write(update)
    open('wiki1.diff', 'w').write(diff(source, update))
Exemple #6
def wiki2():
    """Generate Wikipedia markup for region table."""
    data = mohfw.load_region_data()
    update = source = fetch_wiki_source(WIKI_SRC2)
    update = replace_within(
        '\\|- class="sorttop"\n', '\n\\|- class="sortbottom"', update,
        region_table_head(data) + '\n' + region_table_body(data))

    log.log('Writing wiki2.txt and wiki2.diff ...')
    open('wiki2.txt', 'w').write(update)
    open('wiki2.diff', 'w').write(diff(source, update))
Exemple #7
def find_items(directory: Path):
  Find all files in a directory that
  end in '.fm'; parse them and return the
  parsed items.
    items = []
    with log_section("Looking for items"):
        for file_loc in directory.glob('**/*.fm'):
            log(f"found '{file_loc}'")
        log(f"found {len(items)} items")
    return items
def main():
    """Render the home page."""
    # Copy static files.
    if os.path.isdir('_site'):
    shutil.copytree('static', '_site')
    shutil.copy('indiacovid19.json', '_site')

    # Load COVID-19 archive data.
    log.log('Loading archive ...')
    data = archive.load()
    log.log('Found entries for {} days', len(data.dates))

    # Format placeholder values.
    last_updated = data.last_ref_datetimes[-1].strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M IST')
    new_growth = '{:+.0f}%'.format(data.total_growths[-1])
    doubling_time = '{:.1f}'.format(data.doubling_times[-1])
    cured_percent = '{:.0f}%'.format(data.cured_percents[-1])
    death_percent = '{:.0f}%'.format(data.death_percents[-1])
    cured_ratio = '{:.1f}'.format(data.cured_ratios[-1])
    img_max_width = round(len(data.dates) * 100 / 40)

    # Render home page.
    log.log('Rendering home page ...')
    layout = fread('layout/index.html')
    output = render(layout,
    fwrite('_site/index.html', output)

    # Render CSS.
    log.log('Rendering stylesheet ...')
    layout = fread('layout/main.css')
    output = render(layout, img_max_width=img_max_width)
    fwrite('_site/main.css', output)

    # Plot graphs.
Exemple #9
def medical_cases():
    """Generate Wikipedia markup for medical cases template."""
    home_data = mohfw.load_home_data()
    dash_data = mohfw.load_dash_data()

    if home_data.ref_datetime >= dash_data.ref_datetime:
        data = home_data
        log.log('Selected home page data')
        data = dash_data
        data.foreign = home_data.foreign
        log.log('Selected dashboard data')

    output = open('layout/medical_cases.txt').read()
    output = region_table_rows(data, output)
    output = region_table_foot(data, output)

    ignore_dates = ('2020-02-04', '2020-02-27')
    data = archive.load(ignore_dates=ignore_dates)
    output = medical_cases_plots(data, output)
    return output
Exemple #10
def replace_within(begin_re, end_re, source, data):
    """Replace text in source between two delimeters with specified data."""
    pattern = r'(?s)(' + begin_re + r')(?:.*?)(' + end_re + r')'
    source = re.sub(pattern, r'\1@@REPL@@\2', source)
    if '@@REPL@@' in source:
        source = source.replace('@@REPL@@', data)
        log.log('ERROR: Cannot match {!r} and {!r}'.format(begin_re, end_re))
    return source
Exemple #11
def load_home_data():
    """Return data retrieved from MoHFW website."""
    data = Data()

    # Save the response from MoHFW as a list of lines.
    url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/'
    log.log('Connecting to {} ...', url)
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
    lines = [l.strip() for l in response.splitlines()]
    lines = [l for l in lines if l != '']

    # Parsers.
    strong_re = re.compile(r'.*<strong>(.*)</strong>')
    time_re = re.compile(r'.*as on\s*:\s*(\d.*) IST')
    foreign_re = re.compile(r'.*[Ii]ncluding (\d+)? ?[Ff]oreign')
    td_re = re.compile(r'.*<td>([^#]*).*</td>')
    parser_state = 'DEFAULT'

    # Parse the response.
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if data.active == -1 and 'Active Cases' in line:
            data.active = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.cured == -1 and 'Cured' in line:
            data.cured = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.death == -1 and 'Deaths' in line:
            data.death = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.migrated == -1 and 'Migrated' in line:
            data.migrated = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.ref_datetime == None and 'as on' in line:
            t = time_re.match(line).group(1)
            data.ref_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                t, '%d %B %Y, %H:%M')
            data.ref_date = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            data.ref_time = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%H:%M')
        elif data.foreign == -1 and 'foreign' in line:
            n = foreign_re.match(line).group(1)
            if n is not None:
                data.foreign = int(n)
        elif '<tbody>' in line:
            parser_state = 'REGION'
        elif parser_state == 'REGION' and '<tr>' in line:
            if 'Total' in lines[i + 2]:
                parser_state = 'REGION_TOTAL'
            # Parse
            region_name = td_re.match(lines[i + 2]).group(1)
            active = td_re.match(lines[i + 3]).group(1)
            cured = td_re.match(lines[i + 4]).group(1)
            death = td_re.match(lines[i + 5]).group(1)
            total = td_re.match(lines[i + 6]).group(1)
            # Normalize
            if region_name.startswith('Cases being reassigned'):
                region_name = 'reassigned'
            total = int(total) if total else -1
            cured = int(cured) if cured else -1
            death = int(death) if death else -1
            active = int(active) if active else -1
            # Save
            data.regions[region_name] = (total, active, cured, death)
        elif parser_state == 'REGION_TOTAL' and 'Total' in line:
            parser_state = 'DEFAULT'
            data.regions_active = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 1]).group(1))
            data.regions_cured = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 3]).group(1))
            data.regions_death = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 6]).group(1))
            data.regions_total = int(strong_re.match(lines[i + 9]).group(1))

    data.total = data.active + data.cured + data.death + data.migrated

    # Validations.
    if data.total != data.regions_total:
        log.log('home page: Mismatch in total and regions_total')
    if data.active != data.regions_active:
        log.log('home page: Mismatch in active and regions_active')
    if data.cured + data.migrated != data.regions_cured:
        log.log('home page: Mismatch in cured + migrated and regions_cured')
    if data.death != data.regions_death:
        log.log('home page: Mismatch in death and regions_death')
    return data
Exemple #12
def load_dash_data():
    """Return data retrieved from MoHFW dashboard page."""
    data = Data()

    # Retrieve MoHFW dashboard HTML.
    url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/index.php'
    log.log('Connecting to {} ...', url)
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
    lines = [l.strip() for l in response.splitlines()]
    lines = [l for l in lines if l != '']

    # Parsers.
    strong_re = re.compile(r'.*<strong>(.*)</strong>')
    time_re = re.compile(r'.*as on\s*:\s*(\d.*) IST')
    js_re = re.compile(r"\['(.*)', (.*), (.*), (.*)\],")
    parser_state = 'DEFAULT'

    # Parse the response.
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if data.active == -1 and 'Active Cases' in line:
            data.active = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.cured == -1 and 'Cured' in line:
            data.cured = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.death == -1 and 'Deaths' in line:
            data.death = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.migrated == -1 and 'Migrated' in line:
            data.migrated = int(strong_re.match(lines[i - 1]).group(1))
        elif data.ref_datetime == None and 'as on' in line:
            t = time_re.match(line).group(1)
            data.ref_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                t, '%d %B %Y, %H:%M')
            data.ref_date = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            data.ref_time = data.ref_datetime.strftime('%H:%M')
        elif 'Hover' in line:

    data.total = data.active + data.cured + data.death + data.migrated

    # Retrieve MoHFW JSON data.
    url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/data.json'
    log.log('Connecting to {} ...', url)
    items = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

    # Parse the response.
    for item in items:
        region_name = item['state_name']
        total = int(item['positive'])
        cured = int(item['cured'])
        death = int(item['death'])
        active = total - cured - death
        data.regions[region_name] = (total, active, cured, death)

    # Region totals.
    data.regions_total = sum(v[0] for v in data.regions.values())
    data.regions_active = sum(v[1] for v in data.regions.values())
    data.regions_cured = sum(v[2] for v in data.regions.values())
    data.regions_death = sum(v[3] for v in data.regions.values())

    # Validations.
    if data.total != data.regions_total:
        log.log('dashboard: Mismatch in total and regions_total')
    if data.active != data.regions_active:
        log.log('dashboard: Mismatch in active and regions_active')
    if data.cured + data.migrated != data.regions_cured:
        log.log('dashboard: Mismatch in cured + migrated and regions_cured')
    if data.death != data.regions_death:
        log.log('dashboard: Mismatch in death and regions_death')

    return data
Exemple #13
def plot_recent_wide(data):
    """Plot recent graphs only in approx. with 16:9 aspect ratio."""
    log.log('Rendering total-cases-linear-recent plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_linear(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering total-cases-log-recent plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_log(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering new-cases-recent plot ...')
    plot_new_cases(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering growth-percents-recent plot ...')
    plot_growth_percents(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering doubling-times-recent plot ...')
    plot_doubling_times(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering cured-percents-recent plot ...')
    plot_cured_percents(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')

    log.log('Rendering cured-ratios-percent plot ...')
    plot_cured_ratios(data, recent=True, aspect='wide')
Exemple #14
def plot_all(data):
    """Plot all graphs."""
    log.log('Rendering total-cases-linear-recent plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_linear(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering total-cases-linear plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_linear(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering total-cases-log-recent plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_log(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering total-cases-log plot ...')
    plot_total_cases_log(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering new-cases-recent plot ...')
    plot_new_cases(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering new-cases plot ...')
    plot_new_cases(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering growth-percents-recent plot ...')
    plot_growth_percents(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering growth-percents plot ...')
    plot_growth_percents(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering doubling-times-recent plot ...')
    plot_doubling_times(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering doubling-times plot ...')
    plot_doubling_times(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering cured-percents-recent plot ...')
    plot_cured_percents(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering cured-percents plot ...')
    plot_cured_percents(data, recent=False, aspect=None)

    log.log('Rendering cured-ratios-percent plot ...')
    plot_cured_ratios(data, recent=True, aspect='square')

    log.log('Rendering cured-ratios plot ...')
    plot_cured_ratios(data, recent=False, aspect=None)
Exemple #15
def wiki3():
    """Generate Wikipedia markup code for statistics charts."""
    ignore_dates = ('2020-02-04', '2020-02-27')
    data = archive.load(ignore_dates=ignore_dates)
    update = source = fetch_wiki_source(WIKI_SRC3)

    full_dates = ', '.join(x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in data.datetimes)
    # Cases.
    total_cases = ', '.join(str(y) for y in data.total_cases)
    active_cases = ', '.join(str(y) for y in data.active_cases)
    cured_cases = ', '.join(str(y) for y in data.cured_cases)
    death_cases = ', '.join(str(y) for y in data.death_cases)

    # New cases.
    total_dates, total_diffs, total_avgs = \
        format_diffs(*expand_diffs(data.datetimes, data.total_diffs))
    cured_dates, cured_diffs, cured_avgs = \
        format_diffs(*expand_diffs(data.datetimes, data.cured_diffs))
    death_dates, death_diffs, death_avgs = \
        format_diffs(*trim_zeros(*expand_diffs(data.datetimes, data.death_diffs)))

    # Daily new cases vs. active cases.
    vs_dates, vs_percents, vs_avgs, vs_cagrs = \
        vs_data(data.datetimes, data.total_diffs, data.active_cases)

    # CFR
    cfr_start = data.dates.index('2020-03-12')
    cfr_dates = ', '.join(
        x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in data.datetimes[cfr_start:])
    cfr_percents = ', '.join('{:.2f}'.format(y)
                             for y in data.cfr_percents[cfr_start:])

    # For testing regex matches only.
    full_dates = '@@full_dates@@'
    total_cases = '@@total_cases@@'
    active_cases = '@@active_cases@@'
    cured_cases = '@@cured_cases@@'
    death_cases = '@@death_cases@@'
    total_dates = '@@total_dates@@'
    total_diffs = '@@total_diffs@@'
    total_avgs= '@@total_avgs@@'
    cured_dates = '@@cured_dates@@'
    cured_diffs = '@@cured_diffs@@'
    cured_avgs= '@@cured_avgs@@'
    death_dates = '@@death_dates@@'
    death_diffs = '@@death_diffs@@'
    death_avgs= '@@death_avgs@@'
    vs_dates = '@@vs_dates@@'
    vs_percents = '@@vs_percents@@'
    vs_avgs = '@@vs_avgs@@'
    vs_cagrs = '@@vs_cagrs@@'
    cfr_dates, cfr_percents = '@@cfr_dates@@', '@@cfr_percents@@'

    # Linear graph.
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*? x = ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*? y1 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, total_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*? y2 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, active_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*? y3 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, cured_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*? y4 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, death_cases)

    # Logarithmic graph.
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*?log.*? x = ', '\n',
                            update, full_dates)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*?log.*? y1 =.*?--> ',
                            '\n', update, total_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*?log.*? y2 =.*?--> ',
                            '\n', update, active_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*?log.*? y3 =.*?--> ',
                            '\n', update, cured_cases)
    update = replace_within('= Total confirmed .*?=.*?log.*? y4 =.*?--> ',
                            '\n', update, death_cases)

    # Daily new cases.
    update = replace_within('= Daily new cases =.*? x = ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Daily new cases =.*? y1 =.*?--> ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Daily new cases =.*? y2 =.*?--> ', '\n', update,

    # Daily new deaths.
    update = replace_within('= Daily new deaths =.*? x = ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Daily new deaths =.*? y1 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, death_diffs)
    update = replace_within('= Daily new deaths =.*? y2 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, death_avgs)

    # Daily new recoveries.
    update = replace_within('= Daily new recoveries =.*? x = ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Daily new recoveries =.*? y1 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, cured_diffs)
    update = replace_within('= Daily new recoveries =.*? y2 =.*?--> ', '\n',
                            update, cured_avgs)

    # Daily new cases vs. active cases.
    update = replace_within('= Daily new cases vs active cases =.*? x = ',
                            '\n', update, vs_dates)
    update = replace_within(
        '= Daily new cases vs active cases =.*? y1 =.*?--> ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within(
        '= Daily new cases vs active cases =.*? y2 =.*?--> ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within(
        '= Daily new cases vs active cases =.*? y3 =.*?--> ', '\n', update,

    # CFR.
    update = replace_within('= Case fatality rate =.*? x = ', '\n', update,
    update = replace_within('= Case fatality rate =.*? y = ', '\n', update,

    log.log('Writing wiki3.txt and wiki3.diff ...')
    open('wiki3.txt', 'w').write(update)
    open('wiki3.diff', 'w').write(diff(source, update))
Exemple #16
def load_region_data(home_data=None):
    """Return data retrieved from MoHFW data JSON."""
    data = Data()

    # Retrieve MoHFW JSON data.
    url = 'https://www.mohfw.gov.in/data/datanew.json'
    log.log('Connecting to {} ...', url)
    items = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

    # Parse the response.
    for item in items:
        region_name = item['state_name']
        total = int(item['new_positive'])
        active = int(item['new_active'])
        cured = int(item['new_cured'])
        death = int(item['new_death'])

        if region_name == '':
            data.region_total = total
            data.region_active = active
            data.region_cured = cured
            data.region_death = death
            if total != (active + cured + death):
                log.log('WARN: region: Total mismatch for {}', region_name)
            data.regions[region_name] = (total, active, cured, death)

    # Region totals.
    region_total_sum = sum(v[0] for v in data.regions.values())
    region_active_sum = sum(v[1] for v in data.regions.values())
    region_cured_sum = sum(v[2] for v in data.regions.values())
    region_death_sum = sum(v[3] for v in data.regions.values())

    # Validations.
    if home_data and data.region_total != home_data.total:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region total and home total')
    if home_data and data.region_active != home_data.active:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region active and home active')
    if home_data and data.region_cured != home_data.cured:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region cured and home cured')
    if home_data and data.region_death != home_data.death:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region death and home death')

    if data.region_total != region_total_sum:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region total and calculated sum')
    if data.region_active != region_active_sum:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region active and calculated sum')
    if data.region_cured != region_cured_sum:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region cured and calculated sum')
    if data.region_death != region_death_sum:
        log.log('WARN: region: Mismatch in region death and calculated sum')

    return data