Exemple #1
def process(paths2process, db, wait=WAIT_TIME, logdir='log'):
    cmd = 'ls -l {0}'
    # if paths2process and
    # time.time() - os.path.getmtime(paths2process[0]) > WAIT_TIME:
    processed = []
    for path, mod_time in paths2process.items():
        if time.time() - mod_time > wait:
            #process_me = paths2process.popleft().decode('utf-8')
            process_me = path
            cmd_ = cmd.format(process_me)
            process_dict = {'input_path': process_me,
                            'accession_number': op.basename(process_me)}
            print("Time to process {0}".format(process_me))
            stdout, run_dict = run_heudiconv(cmd_)
            # save log
            logdir = localpath(logdir)
            log = logdir.join(process_dict['accession_number'] + '.log')
            # if we processed it, or it failed,
            # we need to remove it to avoid running it again
    for processed_path in processed:
        del paths2process[processed_path]
Exemple #2
def process(paths2process, db, wait=WAIT_TIME, logdir='log'):
    cmd = 'ls -l {0}'
    # if paths2process and
    # time.time() - os.path.getmtime(paths2process[0]) > WAIT_TIME:
    processed = []
    for path, mod_time in paths2process.items():
        if time.time() - mod_time > wait:
            #process_me = paths2process.popleft().decode('utf-8')
            process_me = path
            cmd_ = cmd.format(process_me)
            process_dict = {
                'input_path': process_me,
                'accession_number': op.basename(process_me)
            print("Time to process {0}".format(process_me))
            stdout, run_dict = run_heudiconv(cmd_)
            # save log
            logdir = localpath(logdir)
            log = logdir.join(process_dict['accession_number'] + '.log')
            # if we processed it, or it failed,
            # we need to remove it to avoid running it again
    for processed_path in processed:
        del paths2process[processed_path]
Exemple #3
import fabric.state
from fabric.decorators import task
from fabric.contrib.files import upload_template
from fabric.context_managers import settings, hide
from fabric.api import sudo, run, env, execute, put, reboot

from . import help  # noqa
from .utils import tobool

fabric.state.output["running"] = False
env.output_prefix = False

TEMPLATES = localpath(__file__).new(basename="templates")

def check_docker(*args, **kwargs):
    with settings(warn_only=True), hide("stdout", "running", "warnings"):
        out = run("which docker")
        if out == "":

def check_valid_os(*args, **kwargs):
    with settings(warn_only=True), hide("stdout", "running", "warnings"):
        out = run("which apt-get")
        if out == "":
            raise StandardError("Only Debian/Ubuntu are currently supported.  Sorry.")
Exemple #4
from py.path import local as localpath

import fabric.state
from fabric.decorators import task
from fabric.contrib.files import upload_template
from fabric.context_managers import settings, hide
from fabric.api import sudo, run, env, execute, put, reboot

from . import help  # noqa
from .utils import tobool

fabric.state.output['running'] = False
env.output_prefix = False

TEMPLATES = localpath(__file__).new(basename="templates")

def check_docker(*args, **kwargs):
    with settings(warn_only=True), hide('stdout', 'running', 'warnings'):
        out = run('which docker')
        if out == '':

def check_valid_os(*args, **kwargs):
    with settings(warn_only=True), hide('stdout', 'running', 'warnings'):
        out = run('which apt-get')
        if out == '':
            raise StandardError(
                'Only Debian/Ubuntu are currently supported.  Sorry.')
Exemple #5

class Compile(Task):

    name = "test"

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Compile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.options = kwargs.get("options", {})

    def run(self):
        return execute(compile, **self.options)

p = localpath()

for target in p.join("targets").listdir("*.py"):
    name = target.purebasename
    name = name.split("_", 1)[1]

    options = {
        "tests": "no",
        "target": str(target),
        "output": str(p.join("build", name))

    task = Compile(name=name, options=options)
    setattr(task, "__doc__", "Compile {0:s} target".format(name))

    globals()[name] = task