Exemple #1
def naughty_brute_force():
    for size in irange(1, 6):
        print('Testing (naughty) bipartite graphs of size', size)
        opts = marshal_load('data/all_bips/opt_n'+str(size)+'.bin')
        all_edgelists = marshal_load('data/all_bips/bip_n'+str(size)+'.bin')
        print('Loaded', len(all_edgelists), 'graphs')
        for i, (edgelist, opt) in enumerate(izip(all_edgelists, opts)):
            g = Graph()
            g.add_edges_from(e for e in izip(edgelist[::2], edgelist[1::2]))
            g.graph['name'] = str(i)
            _, _, _, tear_set, _ = bb2_solve(g, set(irange(size)))
            assert opt == len(tear_set)
            #to_pdf(g, rowp,  colp)
        #print([t[0] for t in _worst_cases])
        #print('Len:', len(_worst_cases))
#         for i, (explored, g, _, rowp, colp, ub) in enumerate(_worst_cases, 1):
#             msg   = 'Index: ' + g.graph['name']
#             fname = '{0:03d}a'.format(i)
#             to_pdf(g, list(irange(size)), irange(size, 2*size), msg, fname)
#             msg   = 'OPT = {}, BT: {}'.format(ub, explored)
#             fname = '{0:03d}b'.format(i)
#             to_pdf(g, rowp, colp, msg, fname)
        #_worst_cases[:] = [ ]
Exemple #2
def to_bipartite_from_test_string(mat_str):
    # Unaware of the optional opt in the tuple (dm_decomp does not have opt)
    rows = mat_str[0].split()
    cols_rowwise = [line.split() for line in mat_str[1].splitlines()]
    # check rows for typos
    eqs = set(rows)
    assert len(eqs) == len(rows), (sorted(eqs), sorted(rows))
    assert len(rows) == len(cols_rowwise)
    # check cols for typos
    all_cols = set(chain.from_iterable(cols for cols in cols_rowwise))
    both_row_and_col = sorted(eqs & all_cols)
    assert not both_row_and_col, both_row_and_col
    # check cols for duplicates
    for r, cols in izip(rows, cols_rowwise):
        dups = duplicates(cols)
        assert not dups, 'Duplicate column IDs {} in row {}'.format(dups, r)
    g = nx.Graph()
        (r, c) for r, cols in izip(rows, cols_rowwise) for c in cols)
    assert is_bipartite_node_set(g, eqs)
    return g, eqs
Exemple #3
def get_t_profiles(graphs, sols):
    # cost, rowp = sols[i]
    list_g_rowp = list(izip(graphs, (s[1] for s in sols)))
    t_profiles = [t_profile(subg, rowp) for subg, rowp in list_g_rowp]
    assert len(graphs) == len(t_profiles)
    eq_costs = [profile[-1] for profile in t_profiles]
    assert all(s[0] == eq_cost[1] for s, eq_cost in izip(sols, eq_costs))
    return t_profiles
Exemple #4
def get_t_profiles(graphs, sols):
    # The t profile is the number of torn variables when the equation was 
    # eliminated, listed in the order of the elimination.
    # cost, rowp = sols[i]
    list_g_rowp = list(izip(graphs, (s[1] for s in sols)))
    t_profiles = [t_profile(subg, rowp) for subg, rowp in list_g_rowp]
    assert len(graphs) == len(t_profiles)
    eq_costs = [profile[-1] for profile in t_profiles]
    assert all(s[0] == eq_cost[1] for s, eq_cost in izip(sols, eq_costs))
    return t_profiles
Exemple #5
def solve_pieces(g, remaining_eqs, seen_asm, indent):
    graphs = list(connected_component_subgraphs(g))
    subeqs = [{n for n in subg if n in remaining_eqs} for subg in graphs]
    assert len(graphs) > 1
    sols = list(_solve_problem(subg, seqs, seen_asm, indent=indent) 
                               for subg, seqs in izip(graphs, subeqs))
    # cost, rowp = sols[i]
    total_cost = sum(t[0] for t in sols)
    c_minus_r = [len(subg)-2*len(seqs) for subg, seqs in izip(graphs, subeqs)]
    keys = [(c_m_r, cost, min(seqs)) for c_m_r, (cost, _), seqs in izip(c_minus_r, sols, subeqs)]
    elims = list(chain.from_iterable(sols[i][1] for i in argsort(keys)))
    return total_cost, elims, get_t_profiles(graphs, sols)
Exemple #6
def __add_arities(operators, arity):
    opcodes = operators[::2]    
    dups = duplicates(opcodes)
    assert not dups, dups
    already_added = set(opcodes) & set(ARITY)
    assert not already_added, already_added
    ARITY.update(izip(opcodes, repeat(arity)))
def create_difficult_pattern(size):
    '''The eq ids go from 0..size-1, the column ids from size..2*size-1.
    A pathological pattern, resulting in many ties:
    | x x         | 
    |     x x     |
    |         x x |
    | x x x x     |
    |     x x x x |
    | x x     x x |  '''
    assert size % 2 == 0, size
    rows, cols = list(irange(size)), list(irange(size, 2 * size))
    g = Graph()
    half_size = size // 2
    # build upper half
    for i in irange(half_size):
        g.add_edges_from(((i, size + 2 * i), (i, size + 2 * i + 1)))
    # build lower half
    for i in irange(half_size, size):
        k = 2 * (i - half_size)
        vrs = [size + v % size for v in irange(k, k + 4)]
        g.add_edges_from(izip(repeat(i), vrs))
    assert is_bipartite_node_set(g, rows)
    assert is_bipartite_node_set(g, cols)
    #to_pdf(g, rows, cols, '', str(size))
    #plot_dm_decomp(g, size)
    return g
Exemple #8
def _gen_blocks(problem):
    # Generates: (cblk, cons), (vblk, vrs), where cons and vrs are generators:
    # (int id, int blk_id), and the block ids (cblk, vblk, blk_id) are 1 based.
    segs = problem.segments
    # Get [(id, blk_id)] from the S segments
    con_blk_ids, var_blk_ids = segs.con_blocks, segs.var_blocks
    n_cons, n_vars = problem.nl_header.n_cons, problem.nl_header.n_vars
    # Assumptions: each con / var is in one of the blocks, the block ids are
    # contiguous and 1-based in the .nl, there are equally many con & var blocks
    # after padding with an empty row / col block at the ends if necessary
    assert len(con_blk_ids) == n_cons, (len(con_blk_ids), n_cons)
    assert len(var_blk_ids) == n_vars, (len(var_blk_ids), n_vars)

    def blocks(iterable):
        # iterable: [(id, block_id)]
        def by_block_id(tup):
            return tup[1]

        return _groupby(iterable, by_block_id)

    # constraints and variables grouped by blocks
    cblkid_cid, vblkid_vid = blocks(con_blk_ids), blocks(var_blk_ids)
    # pad with with zero rows or columns at the ends if necessary to have equal
    # number of blocks
    if cblkid_cid[0][0] == 2:  # First var block has no cons, add an empty one
        cblkid_cid.insert(0, (1, []))
    if vblkid_vid[-1][
            0] == cblkid_cid[-1][0] - 1:  # Last con block has no vars
        vblkid_vid.append((cblkid_cid[-1][0], []))
    cblks = {blk for blk, _ in cblkid_cid}
    assert sorted(cblks) == list(irange(1, len(cblks) + 1)), sorted(cblks)
    vblks = {blk for blk, _ in vblkid_vid}
    assert sorted(vblks) == list(irange(1, len(vblks) + 1))
    assert len(cblks) == len(vblks), (len(cblks), len(vblks))
    return izip(cblkid_cid, vblkid_vid)
Exemple #9
def pairwise(iterable):
    '''A generator object is returned.
    []  pairwise: []
    [1] pairwise: []
    [1,2,3] pairwise: [(1, 2), (2, 3)].'''
    a, b = itertools.tee(iterable)
    next(b, None)
    return izip(a, b)
Exemple #10
def add_linear(g, lin_part, t_counter):
    indices, coefficients = lin_part
    nzero_coeffs = tuple(c for c in coefficients if c != '0')
    if not nzero_coeffs:
    children = ['v%d' % i for i, c in izip(indices, coefficients) if c != '0']
    return add_with_children(g, 't%d' % next(t_counter), ntype.lin_comb, 
                                                 children, coeffs=nzero_coeffs)
def naughty_brute_force():
    for size in irange(1, 7):
        print('Testing (naughty) bipartite graphs of size', size)
        opts = marshal_load('data/all_bips/opt_n' + str(size) + '.bin')
        all_edgelists = marshal_load('data/all_bips/bip_n' + str(size) +
        print('Loaded', len(all_edgelists), 'graphs')
        for i, (edgelist, opt) in enumerate(izip(all_edgelists, opts)):
            g = Graph()
            g.add_edges_from(e for e in izip(edgelist[::2], edgelist[1::2]))
            g.graph['name'] = str(i)
            _, _, _, tear_set, _ = solve_problem(g, set(irange(size)))
            assert opt == len(tear_set)
        print('Done with size', size)
def naughty_brute_force():
    for size in irange(3, 6):
        print('Testing (naughty) bipartite graphs of size', size)
        # serialized in test_utils, but optimums can be serialized here
        #opts = [ ]
        #opts = marshal_load('data/all_bips/opt_n'+str(size)+'.bin')
        #all_edgelists = marshal_load('data/all_bips/bip_n'+str(size)+'.bin')
        opts = marshal_load('data/bip_filt/opt_n' + str(size) + '.bin')
        all_edgelists = marshal_load('data/bip_filt/filt_n' + str(size) +
        print('Loaded', len(all_edgelists), 'graphs')
        #for edgelist in all_edgelists:
        for i, (edgelist, opt) in enumerate(izip(all_edgelists, opts)):
            assert len(edgelist) % 2 == 0
            g = Graph()
            g.add_edges_from(e for e in izip(edgelist[::2], edgelist[1::2]))
            assert len(g) == 2 * size
            g.graph['name'] = str(i)
            _, _, _, tear_set, _ = solve_problem(g, set(irange(size)))
            assert opt == len(tear_set)
            #solve_problem(g, set(irange(size)))
            #opt = len(solve_problem(g, set(irange(size)))[3])
            #to_pdf(g, rowp,  colp)
        #assert len(opts) == len(all_edgelists)
        #marshal_dump(opts, '/tmp/opt_n'+str(size)+'.bin')
        print([t[0] for t in _worst_cases])
        #print('Len:', len(_worst_cases))
        #         for i, (explored, g, _, rowp, colp, ub) in enumerate(_worst_cases, 1):
        #             msg   = 'Index: ' + g.graph['name']
        #             fname = '{0:03d}a'.format(i)
        #             to_pdf(g, list(irange(size)), irange(size, 2*size), msg, fname)
        #             msg   = 'OPT = {}, BT: {}'.format(ub, explored)
        #             fname = '{0:03d}b'.format(i)
        #             to_pdf(g, rowp, colp, msg, fname)
        _worst_cases[:] = []
Exemple #13
def solve_pieces(g, remaining_eqs, seen_asm, indent):
    graphs = list(connected_component_subgraphs(g))
    subeqs = [{n for n in subg if n in remaining_eqs} for subg in graphs]
    assert len(graphs) > 1
    # Recursion here:
    sols = list(solve_problem_impl(subg, seqs, seen_asm, indent=indent+1) \
                                       for subg, seqs in izip(graphs, subeqs))
    # cost, rowp = sols[i]
    total_cost = sum(t[0] for t in sols)
    # We chain together the pieces again, we order the pieces in such a way that
    # the pieces are "pushed" towards the bottom left corner of the matrix.
    # c_minus_r = (number of columns) - (number of rows)
    # Ties broken as follows: easy first, then lower row label first.
    # Note that this sorting is not necessary for correctness; it is for 
    # esthetic reasons only. See notes Jan 07, 2016. 
    c_minus_r = [len(subg)-2*len(seqs) for subg, seqs in izip(graphs, subeqs)]
    keys = [(c_m_r, cost, min(seqs)) for c_m_r, (cost, _), seqs in izip(c_minus_r, sols, subeqs)]
    elims = list(chain.from_iterable(sols[i][1] for i in argsort(keys)))
    # The t profile is the number of torn variables when the equation was 
    # eliminated, listed in the order of the elimination.
    # Compare also with apply_exclusion_rule_on_pieces
    return total_cost, elims, get_t_profiles(graphs, sols)
Exemple #14
def create_coomat(n_rows, n_cols, rng):
    g = raw_rnd_bipartite(n_rows, n_cols, rng.randint(0, 2**32))
    rows, cols = [], []
    for r in irange(n_rows):
        for c in g[r]:
            cols.append(c - n_rows)
    n_nonzeros = g.number_of_edges()
    values = [rng.randint(1, 9) for _ in irange(n_nonzeros)]
    for r, c, v in izip(rows, cols, values):
        g[r][c + n_rows]['weight'] = v
    return g, rows, cols, values
def recompute_tears_matching(g, eqs, forbidden, rowp, colp):
    # rowp and colp must belong to a valid spiked form
    assert len(rowp) == len(colp)
    tears, match = [], {}
    r_index = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(n for n in rowp)}
    first_elem = [min(r_index[r] for r in g[c]) for c in colp]
    for i, (r, c) in enumerate(izip(rowp, colp)):
        first_nonzero = first_elem[i]
        assert first_nonzero <= i, (first_nonzero, i
                                    )  # on or above the diagonal
        above_diagonal = first_nonzero < i
        if above_diagonal or (r, c) in forbidden:
        else:  # on the diagonal and allowed
            match[r] = c
    return tears, match
Exemple #16
def fix_accumulating_error(index, x, r, sol, var_ids, var_order):
    # Sanity check first: The subproblem's solution x_sol must be sane!
    indices = [var_order[v] for v in var_ids]
    x_sol = x[indices]
    assert np.isfinite(x_sol).all(), (x_sol, x)  # VA27 failed?
    # Do the actual work: fix the accumulating error by setting the values in
    # x to their true values, retrieved from sol. It should not change too much.
    x_before = np.copy(x)
    for i, v in izip(indices, var_ids):
        x[i] = sol[v]
    if not np.isclose(x_before, x, equal_nan=True).all():
            'Significant deviation from the solution! Multiplicity or singularity?'
        evaluate(index, x, r)
Exemple #17
def fix_empty_segments(segments_w_header):
    # The assumption is that each header is followed by a segment. However,
    # if the segment is empty, then the header is followed by an another header.
    new_segments_with_header = [ ]
    for headers, segment in as_pairs(segments_w_header):
        n_headers = len(headers)
        assert n_headers
        if n_headers == 1:
            # Everything is fine, just one header with a segment
            new_segments_with_header.append((headers[0], segment))
            # Insert fake empty segments after each header
            segments = [tuple() for _ in irange(n_headers-1)]
            for h, s in izip(headers, segments):
                new_segments_with_header.append((h, s))
    return new_segments_with_header
Exemple #18
def lin_comb(g, n):
    args = tuple(g.predecessors(n))
    coeffs = g.node[n]['coeffs']
    assert len(args) == len(coeffs)
    terms = []
    for v_i, c in izip(args, coeffs):
        if c == '1':
            v = ' + %s' % v_i
        elif c == '-1':
            v = ' - %s' % v_i
        elif c == '0':
            v = ''
            v = ' + %s*%s' % ('(%s)' % c if c[0] == '-' else c, v_i)
    PLUS_SIGN = ' + '
    if terms[0].startswith(PLUS_SIGN):
        terms[0] = terms[0][len(PLUS_SIGN):]
    return ''.join(terms)
Exemple #19
def lin_comb(g, n, seen):
    # t_i = sum c_k t_k 
    # for each k: 
    #   u_k (+)= c_k * u_i  
    args   = tuple(g.predecessors(n))
    coeffs = g.node[n]['coeffs']
    assert len(args) == len(coeffs)
    u_i = get_u(n)
    assert u_i in seen, u_i
    for t_k, c_k in izip(args, coeffs):
        if t_k[0] == 'n':
        u_k = get_u(t_k)
        if c_k == '1.0':
            rhs = u_i
        elif c_k == '-1.0':
            rhs = '-' + u_i
        elif c_k == '0.0':
            rhs = '0.0'
            rhs = '%s * %s' % ('(%s)' % c_k if c_k[0] == '-' else c_k,  u_i)
        _assign(u_k, seen, rhs)
Exemple #20
def as_pairs(itr):
    # [1, 2, 3, 4] -> (1, 2), (3, 4)
    return izip(islice(itr, 0, None, 2), islice(itr, 1, None, 2))