Exemple #1
def FeatureTimeRms(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    # allocate memory
    vrms = np.zeros(iNumOfBlocks)

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        # calculate the rms
        vrms[n] = np.sqrt(np.dot(block, block) / block.size)

    # convert to dB
    epsilon = 1e-5  # -100dB

    vrms[vrms < epsilon] = epsilon
    vrms = 20 * np.log10(vrms)

    return vrms, t
Exemple #2
def FeatureTimeAcfCoeff(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s, eta=19):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]
    if (np.isscalar(eta)):
        iNumOfResultsPerBlock = 1
        iNumOfResultsPerBlock = eta.size

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    # allocate memory
    vacf = np.zeros([iNumOfResultsPerBlock, iNumOfBlocks])

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        # calculate the acf
        if not block.sum():
            vacf[np.arange(0, iNumOfResultsPerBlock),
                 n] = np.zeros(iNumOfResultsPerBlock)
            afCorr = np.correlate(block, block, "full") / np.dot(block, block)

        # find the coefficients specified in eta
        vacf[np.arange(0, iNumOfResultsPerBlock),
             n] = afCorr[iBlockLength + eta]

    return vacf, t
Exemple #3
def FeatureTimeStd(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    # allocate memory
    vstd = np.zeros(iNumOfBlocks)

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        # calculate the rms
        vstd[n] = np.std(block)

    return vstd, t
Exemple #4
def FeatureTimeZeroCrossingRate(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    # allocate memory
    vzc = np.zeros(iNumOfBlocks)

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        # calculate the zero crossing rate
        vzc[n] = 0.5 * np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(np.sign(block))))

    return vzc, t
def FeatureTimePeakEnvelope(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    alpha = 1 - np.array(
        [np.exp(-2.2 / (f_s * 0.01)),
         np.exp(-2.2 / (f_s * 1.5))])

    # allocate memory
    vppm = np.zeros([2, iNumOfBlocks])
    v_tmp = np.zeros(iBlockLength)

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        x_block = np.abs(block)

        # detect the maximum per block
        vppm[0, n] = np.max(x_block)

        # calculate the PPM value - take into account block overlaps
        # and discard concerns wrt efficiency
        v_tmp = ppm(x_block, v_tmp[iHopLength - 1], alpha)
        vppm[1, n] = np.max(v_tmp)

    # convert to dB
    epsilon = 1e-5  # -100dB

    vppm[vppm < epsilon] = epsilon
    vppm = 20 * np.log10(vppm)

    return vppm, t
def FeatureTimeMaxAcf(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength, f_s, f_max=2000, fMinThresh=0.35):

    # create blocks
    xBlocks = pyACA.ToolBlockAudio(x, iBlockLength, iHopLength)

    # number of results
    iNumOfBlocks = xBlocks.shape[0]

    # compute time stamps
    t = (np.arange(0, iNumOfBlocks) * iHopLength + (iBlockLength / 2)) / f_s

    # allocate memory
    vacf = np.zeros(iNumOfBlocks)

    for n, block in enumerate(xBlocks):
        eta_min = np.floor(f_s / f_max).astype(int)

        # calculate the acf
        if not block.sum():
            afCorr = np.correlate(block, block, "full") / np.dot(block, block)

        afCorr = afCorr[np.arange(iBlockLength, afCorr.size)]

        # update eta_min to avoid main lobe
        eta_tmp = np.argmax(afCorr < fMinThresh)
        eta_min = np.max([eta_min, eta_tmp])

        afDeltaCorr = np.diff(afCorr)
        eta_tmp = np.argmax(afDeltaCorr > 0)
        eta_min = np.max([eta_min, eta_tmp])

        # find the coefficients specified in eta
        vacf[n] = np.max(afCorr[np.arange(eta_min + 1, afCorr.size)])

    return vacf, t