def test_main(): last = time.time() for i in range(100): print 'EXPERIMENT', i, time.time() - last last = time.time() history = RandomHistory(5, 5) avg = history.avg() assert avg.validate() graph = deAVG(avg) assert graph.validate() avg2 = reAVG(graph) assert avg2.validate() assert avg2.isAVG() assert avg2.substitutionCost() >= graph.substitutionCost() assert avg2.rearrangementCost() >= graph.rearrangementCost()
def testCases_random(self): experimentNumber = 10 iterationNumber = 10 last = time.time() experiment = 0 while experiment < experimentNumber: print 'EXPERIMENT', experiment, time.time() - last last = time.time() #Create a random history history = RandomHistory(3, 3) avg = history.avg() #Undo stuff in the first graph baseGraph = deAVG(avg) if baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity( ) == 0 or baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0: continue def reportGraph(graph, graphName, iteration, step): graph = copy.copy(graph) graph.addFreeRoots() print "\t".join([ "graphName", graphName, "experiment", str(experiment), "iteration", str(iteration), "step", str(step), "ambiguity", str(graph.ambiguity()), "u_s", str(graph.substitutionAmbiguity()), "u_r", str(graph.rearrangementAmbiguity()), "lbsc", str(graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost()), "lbrc", str(graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost()), "ubsc", str(graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost()), "ubrc", str(graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost()) ]) #Report the starting point reportGraph(avg, "H", "n/a", "n/a") assert avg.validate() #Write stuff about G reportGraph(baseGraph, "G", "n/a", "n/a") assert baseGraph.validate() for iteration in range(iterationNumber): print "Starting iteration", iteration graph = copy.copy(baseGraph) #Undo the ambiguity lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step = 1 while graph.ambiguity(): reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step) c1EL = listCase1(graph) c2EL = listCase2(graph) #print "There are %s labeling extensions and %s bond extensions" % (len(c1EL), len(c2EL)) chosenExtension = random.choice(c1EL + c2EL) chosenExtension.function(chosenExtension.args) assert graph.validate() assert lBSC <= graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() assert lBRC <= graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step += 1 #Report final AVG reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step) assert graph.validate() assert graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost( ) == graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost() assert graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost( ) == graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost() for m in graph.modules(): assert m.isSimple() experiment += 1
def testCases_random(self): experimentNumber = 10 iterationNumber = 10 last = time.time() experiment = 0 while experiment < experimentNumber: print 'EXPERIMENT', experiment, time.time() - last last = time.time() #Create a random history history = RandomHistory(3, 3) avg = history.avg() #Undo stuff in the first graph baseGraph = deAVG(avg) if baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity() == 0 or baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0: continue def reportGraph(graph, graphName, iteration, step): graph = copy.copy(graph) graph.addFreeRoots() print "\t".join([ "graphName", graphName, "experiment", str(experiment), "iteration", str(iteration), "step", str(step), "ambiguity", str(graph.ambiguity()), "u_s", str(graph.substitutionAmbiguity()), "u_r", str(graph.rearrangementAmbiguity()), "lbsc", str(graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost()), "lbrc", str(graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost()), "ubsc", str(graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost()), "ubrc", str(graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost()) ]) #Report the starting point reportGraph(avg, "H", "n/a", "n/a") assert avg.validate() #Write stuff about G reportGraph(baseGraph, "G", "n/a", "n/a") assert baseGraph.validate() for iteration in range(iterationNumber): print "Starting iteration", iteration graph = copy.copy(baseGraph) #Undo the ambiguity lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step = 1 while graph.ambiguity(): reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step) c1EL = listCase1(graph) c2EL = listCase2(graph) #print "There are %s labeling extensions and %s bond extensions" % (len(c1EL), len(c2EL)) chosenExtension = random.choice(c1EL + c2EL) chosenExtension.function(chosenExtension.args) assert graph.validate() assert lBSC <= graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() assert lBRC <= graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step += 1 #Report final AVG reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step) assert graph.validate() assert graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() == graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost() assert graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() == graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost() for m in graph.modules(): assert m.isSimple() experiment += 1
def main(): experimentNumber = 10 iterationNumber = 2000 startTime = time.time() last = startTime results = [] experiment = 0 segmentNumber = 5 epochs = 4 outputDir = "results" system("mkdir %s" % outputDir) while experiment < experimentNumber: #Create a random history history = RandomHistory(segmentNumber, epochs) avg = history.avg() def breakAllHomologousSides(side, graph): if != None: graph.deleteBond(side) for child in side.children(): breakAllHomologousSides(child, graph) def homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(side): if != None and len(side.nonTrivialLiftedBonds()) > 0: return False for child in side.children(): if not homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(child): return False return True sidesToBreak = [ side for side in avg.sides() if side.parent() == None and homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(side) ] if len(sidesToBreak) > 0: breakAllHomologousSides(sidesToBreak[0], avg) #Undo stuff in the first graph baseGraph = deAVG(avg) assert avg.substitutionAmbiguity() == 0 assert avg.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0 assert avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() == avg.upperBoundRearrangementCost() assert baseGraph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() <= avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() #Selection of histories with what we want if avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() == 0 or avg.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() == 0 or baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity() == 0 or baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0 or len([ segment for segment in baseGraph.segments if len(segment.children) == 0 ]) <= 3*segmentNumber: continue print avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost(), avg.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost(), baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity(), baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity(), len([ segment for segment in baseGraph.segments if len(segment.children) == 0 ]), 2*segmentNumber def reportGraph(graph, graphName, iteration, step): graph = copy.copy(graph) graph.addFreeRoots() return { "graphName":graphName, "experiment":experiment, "iteration":iteration, "step":step, "ambiguity":graph.ambiguity(), "u_s":graph.substitutionAmbiguity(), "u_r":graph.rearrangementAmbiguity(), "lbsc":graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost(), "lbrc":int(graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost()), "ubsc":graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost(), "ubrc":int(graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost()), "dot":("%s\n" % } #Report the starting point results.append(reportGraph(avg, "H", "n/a", "n/a")) #assert avg.validate() #Write stuff about G results.append(reportGraph(baseGraph, "G", "n/a", "n/a")) #assert baseGraph.validate() for iteration in range(iterationNumber): print "Starting iteration", iteration graph = copy.copy(baseGraph) #Undo the ambiguity #lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step = 1 while graph.ambiguity(): results.append(reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step)) c1EL = listCase1(graph) c2EL = listCase2(graph) c3EL = listCase3(graph) #print "There are %s labeling extensions and %s bond extensions" % (len(c1EL), len(c2EL)) chosenExtension = random.choice(c1EL + c2EL + c3EL) chosenExtension.function(chosenExtension.args) #assert graph.validate() #assert lBSC <= graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #assert lBRC <= graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() #lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step += 1 #Report final AVG for segment in list(graph.segments): #Get rid of useless nodes if segment.label == None and == None and == None: segment.disconnect() graph.segments.remove(segment) # Recompute the event graph from scratch graph.eventGraph, graph.segmentThreads = graph.threads() graph.timeEventGraph() results.append(reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step)) #assert graph.validate() #assert graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() == graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost() #assert graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() == graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost() #for m in graph.modules(): # assert m.isSimple() experiment += 1 print 'EXPERIMENT', experiment, time.time() - last last = time.time() #print "results", results ###Now format results for printing #Print table with following fields #Experiment, s(H), r(H), lbsc(G), ubsc(G), lbrc(G), ubrc(G), min_G' s(G'), min_G' r(G'), max_G' s(G'), max_G' r(G'), med_G' s(G'), med_G' s(G') print "Making summary tables latex" def fn(statFn, term): return int(statFn([ row[term] for row in gPRows ])) def med(l): l = l[:] l.sort() if len(l) % 2 == 1: return l[len(l)/2] return (l[len(l)/2] + l[len(l)/2 - 1])/2.0 def getRows(): experimentResults = [ row for row in results if row["experiment"] == experiment ] return [ row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "H" ][0], [ row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "G" ][0], [ row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "G'" and row["ambiguity"] == 0 ] rTable = [ [ "exp.", "$r(H)$", "$u_r(G)$", "$lbrc(G)$", "$ubrc(G)$", "$r(G_{rmin}')$", "$r(G_{rmax}')$", "$r(G_{rmed}')$" ] ] for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() rTable.append([ str(i) for i in [ experiment, historyRow["lbrc"], gRow["u_r"], gRow["lbrc"], gRow["ubrc"], fn(min, "lbrc"), fn(max, "lbrc"), fn(med, "lbrc") ] ]) sTable = [ [ "exp.", "$s(H)$", "$u_s(G)$", "$lbsc(G)$", "$ubsc(G)$", "$s(G_{smin}')$", "$s(G_{smax}')$", "$s(G_{smed}')$" ] ] for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() sTable.append([ str(i) for i in [ experiment, historyRow["lbsc"], gRow["u_s"], gRow["lbsc"], gRow["ubsc"], fn(min, "lbsc"), fn(max, "lbsc"), fn(med, "lbsc")] ]) def writeLatexTable(table, fileName, tableLabel, caption=""): fH = open(os.path.join(outputDir, fileName), 'w') writeDocumentPreliminaries(fH) writePreliminaries(8, fH) for line in table: writeRow(line, fH) writeEnd(fH, tableLabel, caption) writeDocumentEnd(fH) fH.close() writeLatexTable(sTable, "aggregateSubs.tex", "subsExpTable", "Results for substitution ambiguity and cost. Starting for an initial evolutionary history H we randomly removed elements to create G and then, by G-bounded extension operations, created a G-bounded AVG G'. Each row represents a separate initial evolutionary history. For each evolutionary history we created 1000 $G$-bounded AVG extensions. $G'_{smin}$, $G'_{smax}$ and $G'_{smax}$ are, respectively, the $G$-bounded extension with minimum, maximum and median substitution cost.") writeLatexTable(rTable, "aggregateRearrangements.tex", "rearrangeExpTable", "Follows format of Table \\ref{subsExpTable}.") def writeTSVTable(table, fileName): fH = open(os.path.join(outputDir, fileName), 'w') for line in table: fH.write("\t".join(line) + "\n") fH.close() writeTSVTable(sTable, "aggregateSubs.tsv") writeTSVTable(rTable, "aggregateRearrangements.tsv") print "Making step-wise .tsv files" #Write .tsv files showing the change in the bounds during extension from G to G' during an iteration def writeStepFile(argName, fn): fH = open(os.path.join(outputDir, "%s.%s.steps.tsv" % (experiment, argName)), 'w') historyRow = getRows()[0] fH.write("#TSV showing %s value, original history had %s value \n" % (argName, fn(historyRow))) experimentResults = [ row for row in results if row["experiment"] == experiment and row["graphName"] == "G'" ] experimentResultsByIteration = [ [] for i in range(iterationNumber) ] for row in experimentResults: experimentResultsByIteration[row["iteration"]].append(row) #Print row for scale fH.write("\t".join([ str(j) for j in range(max([ len(i) for i in experimentResultsByIteration ])) ]) + "\n") for it in xrange(iterationNumber): itRows = experimentResultsByIteration[it] fH.write("%s\n" % "\t".join([ str(fn(row)) for row in itRows])) fH.close() for experiment in range(experimentNumber): writeStepFile("lbrc", lambda row : row["lbrc"]) writeStepFile("ubrc", lambda row : row["ubrc"]) writeStepFile("ubrc-lbrc", lambda row : row["ubrc"] - row["lbrc"]) writeStepFile("lbsc", lambda row : row["lbsc"]) writeStepFile("ubsc", lambda row : row["ubsc"]) writeStepFile("lbsc-ubsc", lambda row : row["ubsc"] - row["lbsc"]) print "Making graphviz plots" #Write the dot files of the H, G and G_min, G_max and G_med for each experiment for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() dirName = os.path.join(outputDir, "%s_graphViz" % experiment) system("mkdir %s" % dirName) def fn(statFn, term): i = statFn([ row[term] for row in gPRows ]) return [ row for row in gPRows if int(row[term]) == i ][0] def writeDot(fileName, row): fileName = os.path.join(dirName, fileName) fH = open(fileName, 'w') fH.write("%s\n" % row["dot"]) fH.close() system("dot %s -Tpdf > %s.pdf" % (fileName, fileName)) writeDot("history", historyRow) writeDot("g", gRow) writeDot("gPRRMin" , fn(min, "ubrc")) writeDot("gPRRMax", fn(max, "ubrc")) writeDot("gPRSMin" , fn(min, "ubsc")) writeDot("gPRSMax", fn(max, "ubsc")) print "Simulations took %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)
def main(): experimentNumber = 10 iterationNumber = 2000 startTime = time.time() last = startTime results = [] experiment = 0 segmentNumber = 5 epochs = 4 outputDir = "results" system("mkdir %s" % outputDir) while experiment < experimentNumber: #Create a random history history = RandomHistory(segmentNumber, epochs) avg = history.avg() def breakAllHomologousSides(side, graph): if != None: graph.deleteBond(side) for child in side.children(): breakAllHomologousSides(child, graph) def homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(side): if != None and len(side.nonTrivialLiftedBonds()) > 0: return False for child in side.children(): if not homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(child): return False return True sidesToBreak = [ side for side in avg.sides() if side.parent() == None and homologousSidesHaveOnlyTrivialLifts(side) ] if len(sidesToBreak) > 0: breakAllHomologousSides(sidesToBreak[0], avg) #Undo stuff in the first graph baseGraph = deAVG(avg) assert avg.substitutionAmbiguity() == 0 assert avg.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0 assert avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost( ) == avg.upperBoundRearrangementCost() assert baseGraph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost( ) <= avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() #Selection of histories with what we want if avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost( ) == 0 or avg.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost( ) == 0 or baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity( ) == 0 or baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity() == 0 or len([ segment for segment in baseGraph.segments if len(segment.children) == 0 ]) <= 3 * segmentNumber: continue print avg.lowerBoundRearrangementCost( ), avg.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost(), baseGraph.substitutionAmbiguity( ), baseGraph.rearrangementAmbiguity(), len([ segment for segment in baseGraph.segments if len(segment.children) == 0 ]), 2 * segmentNumber def reportGraph(graph, graphName, iteration, step): graph = copy.copy(graph) graph.addFreeRoots() return { "graphName": graphName, "experiment": experiment, "iteration": iteration, "step": step, "ambiguity": graph.ambiguity(), "u_s": graph.substitutionAmbiguity(), "u_r": graph.rearrangementAmbiguity(), "lbsc": graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost(), "lbrc": int(graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost()), "ubsc": graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost(), "ubrc": int(graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost()), "dot": ("%s\n" % } #Report the starting point results.append(reportGraph(avg, "H", "n/a", "n/a")) #assert avg.validate() #Write stuff about G results.append(reportGraph(baseGraph, "G", "n/a", "n/a")) #assert baseGraph.validate() for iteration in range(iterationNumber): print "Starting iteration", iteration graph = copy.copy(baseGraph) #Undo the ambiguity #lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step = 1 while graph.ambiguity(): results.append(reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step)) c1EL = listCase1(graph) c2EL = listCase2(graph) c3EL = listCase3(graph) #print "There are %s labeling extensions and %s bond extensions" % (len(c1EL), len(c2EL)) chosenExtension = random.choice(c1EL + c2EL + c3EL) chosenExtension.function(chosenExtension.args) #assert graph.validate() #assert lBSC <= graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #assert lBRC <= graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() #lBSC = graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() #lBRC = graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() step += 1 #Report final AVG for segment in list(graph.segments): #Get rid of useless nodes if segment.label == None and == None and == None: segment.disconnect() graph.segments.remove(segment) # Recompute the event graph from scratch graph.eventGraph, graph.segmentThreads = graph.threads() graph.timeEventGraph() results.append(reportGraph(graph, "G'", iteration, step)) #assert graph.validate() #assert graph.lowerBoundSubstitutionCost() == graph.upperBoundSubstitutionCost() #assert graph.lowerBoundRearrangementCost() == graph.upperBoundRearrangementCost() #for m in graph.modules(): # assert m.isSimple() experiment += 1 print 'EXPERIMENT', experiment, time.time() - last last = time.time() #print "results", results ###Now format results for printing #Print table with following fields #Experiment, s(H), r(H), lbsc(G), ubsc(G), lbrc(G), ubrc(G), min_G' s(G'), min_G' r(G'), max_G' s(G'), max_G' r(G'), med_G' s(G'), med_G' s(G') print "Making summary tables latex" def fn(statFn, term): return int(statFn([row[term] for row in gPRows])) def med(l): l = l[:] l.sort() if len(l) % 2 == 1: return l[len(l) / 2] return (l[len(l) / 2] + l[len(l) / 2 - 1]) / 2.0 def getRows(): experimentResults = [ row for row in results if row["experiment"] == experiment ] return [row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "H"][0], [ row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "G" ][0], [ row for row in experimentResults if row["graphName"] == "G'" and row["ambiguity"] == 0 ] rTable = [[ "exp.", "$r(H)$", "$u_r(G)$", "$lbrc(G)$", "$ubrc(G)$", "$r(G_{rmin}')$", "$r(G_{rmax}')$", "$r(G_{rmed}')$" ]] for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() rTable.append([ str(i) for i in [ experiment, historyRow["lbrc"], gRow["u_r"], gRow["lbrc"], gRow["ubrc"], fn(min, "lbrc"), fn(max, "lbrc"), fn(med, "lbrc") ] ]) sTable = [[ "exp.", "$s(H)$", "$u_s(G)$", "$lbsc(G)$", "$ubsc(G)$", "$s(G_{smin}')$", "$s(G_{smax}')$", "$s(G_{smed}')$" ]] for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() sTable.append([ str(i) for i in [ experiment, historyRow["lbsc"], gRow["u_s"], gRow["lbsc"], gRow["ubsc"], fn(min, "lbsc"), fn(max, "lbsc"), fn(med, "lbsc") ] ]) def writeLatexTable(table, fileName, tableLabel, caption=""): fH = open(os.path.join(outputDir, fileName), 'w') writeDocumentPreliminaries(fH) writePreliminaries(8, fH) for line in table: writeRow(line, fH) writeEnd(fH, tableLabel, caption) writeDocumentEnd(fH) fH.close() writeLatexTable( sTable, "aggregateSubs.tex", "subsExpTable", "Results for substitution ambiguity and cost. Starting for an initial evolutionary history H we randomly removed elements to create G and then, by G-bounded extension operations, created a G-bounded AVG G'. Each row represents a separate initial evolutionary history. For each evolutionary history we created 1000 $G$-bounded AVG extensions. $G'_{smin}$, $G'_{smax}$ and $G'_{smax}$ are, respectively, the $G$-bounded extension with minimum, maximum and median substitution cost." ) writeLatexTable(rTable, "aggregateRearrangements.tex", "rearrangeExpTable", "Follows format of Table \\ref{subsExpTable}.") def writeTSVTable(table, fileName): fH = open(os.path.join(outputDir, fileName), 'w') for line in table: fH.write("\t".join(line) + "\n") fH.close() writeTSVTable(sTable, "aggregateSubs.tsv") writeTSVTable(rTable, "aggregateRearrangements.tsv") print "Making step-wise .tsv files" #Write .tsv files showing the change in the bounds during extension from G to G' during an iteration def writeStepFile(argName, fn): fH = open( os.path.join(outputDir, "%s.%s.steps.tsv" % (experiment, argName)), 'w') historyRow = getRows()[0] fH.write("#TSV showing %s value, original history had %s value \n" % (argName, fn(historyRow))) experimentResults = [ row for row in results if row["experiment"] == experiment and row["graphName"] == "G'" ] experimentResultsByIteration = [[] for i in range(iterationNumber)] for row in experimentResults: experimentResultsByIteration[row["iteration"]].append(row) #Print row for scale fH.write("\t".join([ str(j) for j in range(max([len(i) for i in experimentResultsByIteration])) ]) + "\n") for it in xrange(iterationNumber): itRows = experimentResultsByIteration[it] fH.write("%s\n" % "\t".join([str(fn(row)) for row in itRows])) fH.close() for experiment in range(experimentNumber): writeStepFile("lbrc", lambda row: row["lbrc"]) writeStepFile("ubrc", lambda row: row["ubrc"]) writeStepFile("ubrc-lbrc", lambda row: row["ubrc"] - row["lbrc"]) writeStepFile("lbsc", lambda row: row["lbsc"]) writeStepFile("ubsc", lambda row: row["ubsc"]) writeStepFile("lbsc-ubsc", lambda row: row["ubsc"] - row["lbsc"]) print "Making graphviz plots" #Write the dot files of the H, G and G_min, G_max and G_med for each experiment for experiment in range(experimentNumber): historyRow, gRow, gPRows = getRows() dirName = os.path.join(outputDir, "%s_graphViz" % experiment) system("mkdir %s" % dirName) def fn(statFn, term): i = statFn([row[term] for row in gPRows]) return [row for row in gPRows if int(row[term]) == i][0] def writeDot(fileName, row): fileName = os.path.join(dirName, fileName) fH = open(fileName, 'w') fH.write("%s\n" % row["dot"]) fH.close() system("dot %s -Tpdf > %s.pdf" % (fileName, fileName)) writeDot("history", historyRow) writeDot("g", gRow) writeDot("gPRRMin", fn(min, "ubrc")) writeDot("gPRRMax", fn(max, "ubrc")) writeDot("gPRSMin", fn(min, "ubsc")) writeDot("gPRSMax", fn(max, "ubsc")) print "Simulations took %s seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)
def test_main(): for i in range(1000): deAVG(RandomHistory(5, 5).avg()).validate()