def regionalizePS(dd, code): psIndices = dd["psIndices"] bu_sources = dd["bu_sources"] regdef = dd["regdef"] regstat = dd["regstat"] subdb = dd["subdb"] rsrc = dd["rsrc"] trace = dd["trace"] # Table to record all remaning emissions after subtracting point source emissions # The table is only meant for quality control restTable = DataTable(desc=[{"id": "Code", "type": int}]) restTable.setKeys(["Code"]) # Listing substances and corresponding units in regstat units = {} for desc in regstat.desc: if desc["id"].lower() not in ["geocode", "year"]: units[desc["id"]] = desc["units"] # Adding columns for all relevant substances in rest table restTable.addCol({"id": desc["id"], "units": "%", "type": float}) # Finding the regId for each pointsource for psInd in psIndices: ps = bu_sources[psInd] try: (row, col) = regdef.getIndex(ps.par["X1"].val, ps.par["Y1"].val) except ValueError, e: raise ValueError("While extracting gc from regdef: " + str(e)) ps.regId = int([row,col])
def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) utils.add_standard_command_options(parser) parser.add_argument("controlfile", metavar='CONTROLFILE', action="store", help="Controlfile for topdown processing") parser.add_argument("-t", "--template", metavar='TEMPLATEFILE', action="store",dest="cf",default=None, help="Generate default controlfile") args = parser.parse_args() if is not None: generateCf("Wrote default controlfile") sys.exit(0)"Starting topdown processing") # Opening controlfile cf = ControlFile(args.controlfile) dmn = Domain()"Reading topdown table") tdTableName = cf.findExistingPath("topDownTable:") tdTable = DataTable() tdTable.keys.append("Code"),delimiter=";")"Reading national totals table") natTotalTableName = cf.findExistingPath("nationalTotalTable:") natTable = DataTable(desc=[{"id": "Code", "type":unicode}, {"id": "description", "type":unicode}]) natTable.keys.append("Code"), units=True, defaultType=str) notationKeys = ["NE", "NO", "NA", "IE"] log.debug("Remove notation keys from national totals table") for row in for i in range(len(row)): if row[i] in notationKeys: row[i] = None log.debug("Convert all emission columns in national totals to float") for colId in natTable.listIds(): if colId not in ["Code","description"]: natTable.convertCol(colId,float) log.debug("Store units from national totals for each substance in dict") natUnits={} for col in natTable.desc: if col.get("units",None)!=None: natUnits[col["id"]]=col["units"] log.debug("Read remaining data from control file") bottomupEdbName = cf.findString("bottomUpEdb:") topDownEdbName = cf.findString("topDownEdb:") emissionsEdbName = cf.findString("emissionsEdb:") userName = cf.findString("user:"******"year:") #initialize edb objects buEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,bottomupEdbName) tdEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,topDownEdbName) eEdb = Edb(dmn,userName,emissionsEdbName)"Reading/preparing EDB:s")"Reading subdb") subdb = Subdb(eEdb)"Reading subgrpdb") subgrpdb = SubgrpStream(buEdb)"Reading facilitydb") facilityIn = FacilityStream(buEdb)"Reading companydb") companyIn = CompanyStream(buEdb) facilityOut = FacilityStream(eEdb,mode="w") companyOut = CompanyStream(eEdb,mode="w")"Writing company db to result edb") companyOut.write("Writing facility db to result edb") facilityOut.write( if not buEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) if not tdEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) if not eEdb.exists(): log.error("Edb " + + " does not exist for user " + userName + " in domain " + sys.exit(1) keys = tdEdb.listGrids() msg = "%i keys found in edb: %s" % (len(keys), # sourcedb from bottom-up edb with SourceStream(buEdb, mode='rb') as source_instream: source_reader = ModelReader(source_instream) bu_sources = list(source_reader) "%i point sources found in edb: %s" % ( len(bu_sources), ) # Empty sourcedb of the result edb if cf.findBoolean("emptyEmissionSourcedb:"): eEdb.empty_sourcedb() e_sources = []"Removed point sources from edb: %s" % ( else: # sourcedb from emission edb (result edb) with SourceStream(eEdb, mode='rb') as source_instream: source_reader = ModelReader(source_instream) e_sources = list(source_reader) msg = "%i point sources found in edb: %s" % (len(e_sources), if not path.exists(eEdb.rsrcPath()): log.error("No edb.rsrc exists for emission edb") sys.exit() else: rsrc = Rsrc(eEdb.rsrcPath()) acIndex = cf.findInt("acIndex:") codeDepth =[acIndex-1].depth substances = cf.findStringList("substances:") for subst in substances: if subst not in subdb.substIndices: log.error("Substance: " + subst + " not in Airviro substance list") sys.exit() # Initialize trace for debug and additional logging if cf.findBoolean("trace:") == True:"Initializing trace for detailed logging") trace = TraceDef( active=True, substances=cf.findStringList("trace.substances:"), logfile=cf.findString("trace.logfile:"), regdefgc=cf.findIntList("trace.regdef.gc:", optional=True, default=None), gcDefRaster=cf.findExistingPath("trace.gcraster:") ) else: trace = TraceDef(active=False)"Initializing result table") resTablePath = cf.findString("resTable:") resTable = DataTable(desc=[{"id": "Code", "type": unicode}]) resTable.keys.append("Code") for subst in substances: resTable.addCol({"id": subst, "type": float, "unit": "%"}) # Create emission grid template (with geocodes)"Reading emission grid template") eGridTemplatePath = cf.findExistingPath("emisGridTemplatePath:") eGridTemplate = Egrid(eEdb,"name") if eGridTemplatePath[-4:] == ".asc": eGridTemplatePath=eGridTemplatePath[:-4] eGridTemplate.readData(eGridTemplatePath) eGridTemplate.substances = {} eGridTemplate.par["SUBSTANCE"].val = [] dd = {"key": None, "regstat": None, "regdef": None, "bu_sources": bu_sources, "psIndices": [], "units": natUnits, "rsrc": rsrc, "subdb": subdb, "trace": trace, "subgrpdb": subgrpdb } # Process all rows in the topdown table for row in code = row[tdTable.colIndex["Code"]] active = row[tdTable.colIndex["Active"]] statType = row[tdTable.colIndex["Stat_type"]] if active == "no": continue"Code: "+code) distributed=False # Add '-' to the code to reach max length (fix for a GUI bug) airviroCode = code # while len(airviroCode.split(".")) < codeDepth: # airviroCode += ".-" tdrow =[tdTable.rowIndex([code])] nrow =[natTable.rowIndex([code])] # Create a resTable row to fill with data resrow = [None] * resTable.ncols resrow[0] = code # Check if national totals are non-zero nonZero = False for val in nrow: if val != None: if val > 0: nonZero = True break # Filter out indices for pointsources with the current ac # Also including sources coded with sub-codes # This allows to estimate top-down emissions on a higher code-level psIndices = [] for i, ps in enumerate(bu_sources): codeMatch = False for emis in ps.EMISSION: # It is assumed that the first code is used while processing topdown ac = emis.ACTCODE[0] if ac[-1] == ".": ac=ac[:-1] # if ac[:len(code)] == code: if ac == code: codeMatch = True break if not codeMatch: for emis in ps.SUBGRP: # It is assumed that the first code is used while processing topdown ac = emis.ACTCODE[0] if ac[:len(code)] == code: codeMatch = True break if codeMatch: psIndices.append(i) dd["psIndices"] = psIndices keyName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Key"]] #If no distribution key specified and no ps in bottom-up edb - cont. if keyName is None and psIndices == []: log.debug("No key and no point sources found for code: %s, skipping..." % code) resTable.addRow(resrow) continue if psIndices!=[]: msg = "--Found %i pointsources" % len(psIndices) if keyName is not None: if keyName not in keys: log.error("No such key: " + keyName) sys.exit() msg = "--Key: %s" % keyName keyGrid = Egrid(tdEdb, keyName) keyGrid.readData() log.debug("Read key: " + keyName + " from topdownEdb") # create emission grid to store distributed emissions eGrid = deepcopy(eGridTemplate) = code.replace(".", "_") eGrid.par["NAME"].val = code eGrid.par["INFO2"].val = "Distribution key: " + keyGrid.par["NAME"].val eGrid.par["ACTIVITYCODE"].val = [airviroCode.split(".")] regstatName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Regstat"]] regdefName = row[tdTable.colIndex["Regdef"]] if regstatName is not None: if regdefName is None: log.error("No region definition given for regional statistics: " + regstatName) sys.exit(1) regstatPath = path.join(dmn.domainPath(), "topdown", "regstat", regstatName) regstat = DataTable()"regstatPath: "+regstatPath), units=True, defaultType=float, delimiter=";") if not "Geocode" in regstat.listIds(): log.error("No Geocode column found in regstat") sys.exit(1) regstat.convertCol("Geocode", int) regstat.keys.append("Geocode") # Making Geocode the primary key # create list of unique geo codes geocodes = [row[regstat.colIndex["Geocode"]] for row in] geocodes = unique(geocodes) for colId in regstat.listIds(): if colId.lower() == "year": rows = [] regstat.convertCol(colId, int) # Make it possible to accumulate year regstat.setKeys(regstat.keys + [colId]) # Calculates the total emission for each geocode # in case there are multiple rows for different fuels etc colsToSum = regstat.listIds() colsToSum.remove(colId) colsToSum.remove("Geocode") for gc in geocodes: # sums all numeric values in colsToSum for # rows matching row id [gc,year] #returns an accumulated row and appends it to rows rowId = regstat.dict2RowId({"Geocode": gc, colId: year}) rows.append(regstat.accumulate(rowId, "sum", colsToSum)) = rows # replace original rows with accumulated rows regstat.keys.remove(colId) break # dd["regstat"] = regstat regdef = Raster() regdefPath = path.join(dmn.domainPath(), "topdown", "regdef", regdefName) dd["regstat"] = regstat dd["regdef"] = regdef else: dd["regstat"] = None dd["regdef"] = None if dd["regstat"] is not None and len(bu_sources) > 0 and statType == "fixed":"--Regionalizing pointsources") dd = regionalizePS(dd, code) if keyName is not None and nonZero: regionalizedDefault = False # Spatial distribution of emissions for subst in substances: sInd = subdb.substIndices[subst] toUnit = dd["units"][subst] + "/year" ntot = nrow[natTable.colIndex[subst]] pstot = 0 for i in dd["psIndices"]: source = dd["bu_sources"][i] # TODO: should give reference to subgrps to include emis from them pstot += source.get_emis( sInd, toUnit, eEdb, actcodes=[code] ) if ntot is None or ntot == 0: if pstot > 0: # 9999 is used as marker for no national total resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = 9999.0 log.warning( "Nattot is 0 but ps tot is: %f %s" % (pstot, toUnit)) continue nrest = ntot - pstot resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = 100.0 if abs(nrest / ntot) < 0.0001: nrest = 0 "--Rest is < 0.01 % of national total, rounded to zero" ) continue elif nrest < 0: log.warning( "--National rest is below zero, %4.2f proc for %s" % ( -1 * nrest / ntot * 100, subst) ) dd["trace"].write() # continue "---Substance: "+subst+ ", rest is: " + str(nrest) + toUnit + " = " + str(nrest / ntot * 100.0) + "%" ) try: keyRast = keyGrid.substances[sInd] except KeyError: keyRast = keyGrid.substances[subdb.substIndices["all"]] dd["key"] = keyRast if dd["regstat"] is not None: if (subst not in regstat.colIndex and sInd not in keyGrid.substances and not regionalizedDefault): dd = regionalizeKey(dd, subst, code) regionalizedDefault = True else: dd = regionalizeKey(dd, subst, code) emisRast = distribute(dd["key"], nrest) emisRast = emisRast * unitConvFac(toUnit, "ton/year") eGrid.addData(emisRast, dd["subdb"].substIndices[subst]) distributed = True else: # resTable is filled # In case all national totals are zero but there are ps for subst in substances: sInd = dd["subdb"].substIndices[subst] toUnit = dd["units"][subst] + "/year" ntot = nrow[natTable.colIndex[subst]] pstot = 0 for i in dd["psIndices"]: source = dd["bu_sources"][i] # subgrps are not used! pstot += source.get_emis(sInd, toUnit, buEdb, actcodes=[code]) if ntot!=0 and ntot is not None: resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = pstot / ntot * 100.0 else: resrow[resTable.colIndex[subst]] = -999.0 if len(dd["psIndices"]) > 0: tmp_sources = (bu_sources[i] for i in dd["psIndices"]) with SourceStream(eEdb, mode='wb') as out_source_stream: source_writer = ModelWriter(out_source_stream) for source in tmp_sources: source_writer.write(source) log.debug("Wrote ps to emission edb") if distributed: eGrid.load() log.debug("Wrote emission grid to emission edb") dd["trace"].write() resTable.addRow(resrow) resTableFile = open(resTablePath,"w") resTable.write(resTableFile)"Finished topdown process")