def compute(iso_images_sparse, sf_ints):
        np.seterr(invalid='ignore')  # to ignore division by zero warnings

        diff = len(sf_ints) - len(iso_images_sparse)
        iso_imgs = [
            empty_matrix if img is None else img.toarray()
            for img in iso_images_sparse + [None] * diff
        iso_imgs_flat = [img.flat[:][sample_area_mask] for img in iso_imgs]

        if img_gen_conf['do_preprocessing']:
            for img in iso_imgs_flat:

        m = ImgMetrics(metrics)
        if len(iso_imgs) > 0:
  ['spectral'] = isotope_pattern_match(iso_imgs_flat, sf_ints)
  ['spatial'] = isotope_image_correlation(iso_imgs_flat,
            moc = measure_of_chaos(iso_imgs[0], img_gen_conf['nlevels'])
  ['chaos'] = 0 if np.isclose(moc, 1.0) else moc

  ['total_iso_ints'] = [img.sum() for img in iso_imgs]
  ['min_iso_ints'] = [img.min() for img in iso_imgs]
  ['max_iso_ints'] = [img.max() for img in iso_imgs]
        return m.to_tuple()
Exemple #2
    def compute(iso_images_sparse, sf_ints):
        diff = len(sf_ints) - len(iso_images_sparse)
        iso_imgs = [empty_matrix if img is None else img.toarray()
                    for img in iso_images_sparse + [None] * diff]
        iso_imgs_flat = [img.flat[:][sample_area_mask] for img in iso_imgs]

        if img_gen_conf['do_preprocessing']:
            for img in iso_imgs_flat:

        measures = ImgMeasures(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                               0, 0, 0)
        if len(iso_imgs) > 0:
            measures.pattern_match = isotope_pattern_match(iso_imgs_flat, sf_ints)
            measures.image_corr = isotope_image_correlation(iso_imgs_flat, weights=sf_ints[1:])
            moc = measure_of_chaos(iso_imgs[0], img_gen_conf['nlevels'])
            measures.chaos = 0 if np.isclose(moc, 1.0) else moc
            measures.image_corr_01, measures.image_corr_02, measures.image_corr_03, measures.image_corr_12, \
            measures.image_corr_13, measures.image_corr_23 = isotope_image_correlation_sd(iso_imgs_flat)
            measures.snr = snr_img(iso_imgs[0])
            measures.percent_0s = percent_zero(iso_imgs[0])
            measures.peak_int_diff_0, measures.peak_int_diff_1, measures.peak_int_diff_2, measures.peak_int_diff_3 = spectra_int_diff(iso_imgs_flat, sf_ints)
            measures.quart_1, measures.quart_2, measures.quart_3 = quartile_pxl(iso_imgs[0])
            measures.ratio_peak_01, measures.ratio_peak_02, measures.ratio_peak_03, measures.ratio_peak_12, \
            measures.ratio_peak_13, measures.ratio_peak_23 = ratio_peaks(iso_imgs_flat)
            measures.percentile_10, measures.percentile_20, measures.percentile_30, measures.percentile_40, \
            measures.percentile_50, measures.percentile_60, measures.percentile_70, measures.percentile_80, \
            measures.percentile_90 = decile_pxl(iso_imgs[0])

        return measures.to_tuple()
Exemple #3
    def compute(iso_images_sparse, sf_ints):
        diff = len(sf_ints) - len(iso_images_sparse)
        iso_imgs = [
            empty_matrix if img is None else img.toarray()
            for img in iso_images_sparse + [None] * diff
        iso_imgs_flat = [img.flat[:][sample_area_mask] for img in iso_imgs]

        if img_gen_conf['do_preprocessing']:
            for img in iso_imgs_flat:

        measures = ImgMeasures(0, 0, 0)
        if len(iso_imgs) > 0:
            measures.pattern_match = isotope_pattern_match(
                iso_imgs_flat, sf_ints)
            measures.image_corr = isotope_image_correlation(
                iso_imgs_flat, weights=sf_ints[1:])
            moc = measure_of_chaos(iso_imgs[0], img_gen_conf['nlevels'])
            measures.chaos = 0 if np.isclose(moc, 1.0) else moc
        return measures.to_tuple()
    def compute(iso_images_sparse, sf_ints):
        np.seterr(invalid='ignore')  # to ignore division by zero warnings

        diff = len(sf_ints) - len(iso_images_sparse)
        iso_imgs = [empty_matrix if img is None else img.toarray()
                    for img in iso_images_sparse + [None] * diff]
        iso_imgs_flat = [img.flat[:][sample_area_mask] for img in iso_imgs]

        if img_gen_conf['do_preprocessing']:
            for img in iso_imgs_flat:

        m = ImgMetrics(metrics)
        if len(iso_imgs) > 0:
  ['spectral'] = isotope_pattern_match(iso_imgs_flat, sf_ints)
  ['spatial'] = isotope_image_correlation(iso_imgs_flat, weights=sf_ints[1:])
            moc = measure_of_chaos(iso_imgs[0], img_gen_conf['nlevels'])
  ['chaos'] = 0 if np.isclose(moc, 1.0) else moc

  ['total_iso_ints'] = [img.sum() for img in iso_imgs]
  ['min_iso_ints'] = [img.min() for img in iso_imgs]
  ['max_iso_ints'] = [img.max() for img in iso_imgs]
        return m.to_tuple()
Exemple #5
    def compute(iso_images_sparse, formula_ints):
        np.seterr(invalid='ignore')  # to ignore division by zero warnings

        m = METRICS.copy()
        if len(iso_images_sparse) > 0:
            iso_imgs = [
                img.toarray() if img is not None else empty_matrix
                for img in iso_images_sparse

            iso_imgs_flat = [
                img.flatten()[sample_area_mask_flat] for img in iso_imgs
            iso_imgs_flat = iso_imgs_flat[:len(formula_ints)]

            if img_gen_config.get('do_preprocessing', False):
                for img in iso_imgs_flat:

            m['spectral'] = isotope_pattern_match(iso_imgs_flat, formula_ints)
            if m['spectral'] > 0:

                m['spatial'] = isotope_image_correlation(
                    iso_imgs_flat, weights=formula_ints[1:])
                if m['spatial'] > 0:

                    moc = measure_of_chaos(iso_imgs[0],
                                           img_gen_config.get('nlevels', 30))
                    m['chaos'] = 0 if np.isclose(moc, 1.0) else moc
                    if m['chaos'] > 0:

                        m['msm'] = m['chaos'] * m['spatial'] * m['spectral']
                        m['total_iso_ints'] = [img.sum() for img in iso_imgs]
                        m['min_iso_ints'] = [img.min() for img in iso_imgs]
                        m['max_iso_ints'] = [img.max() for img in iso_imgs]
        metrics = OrderedDict((k, replace_nan(v)) for k, v in m.items())
        return metrics
Exemple #6
def spatial_metric(iso_imgs_flat, n_spectra, intensities, v1_impl=False):
    """Reimplementation of pyImagingMSpec.image_measures.isotope_image_correlation supporting
    a variable denominator when calculating the corrcoef (to compensate for the removed zero-valued
    pixels). This allows it to work on images that have had empty areas removed, without impacting
    the results, which can improve speed significantly.

    This returns values that can be very slightly different from the original pyImagingMSpec due to
    floating point imprecision, but the results never seemed to differ by more than 0.0000001.
    Specify v1_impl=True to use the original pyImagingMSpec implementation.

    if v1_impl:
        # Ignore div-by-zero / NaN errors - they're handled internally
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            if np.sum(intensities[1:]) == 0:
                return 0
                return isotope_image_correlation(iso_imgs_flat,

    if (len(iso_imgs_flat) < 2 or np.count_nonzero(iso_imgs_flat[0]) < 2
            or np.sum(intensities[1:]) == 0):
        return 0

    iso_imgs_flat = iso_imgs_flat[:, iso_imgs_flat.any(axis=0)]

    iso_correlation = spatial_corr(iso_imgs_flat, n_spectra, None)

        # coerce between [0 1]
        return np.clip(np.average(iso_correlation, weights=intensities[1:]), 0,
    except TypeError as exc:
        raise ValueError(
            "Number of images is not equal to the number of weights + 1"
        ) from exc
Exemple #7
def plot_images(ion_datacube,iso_spect,iso_max,q_val=99,c_map='hot'):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from pyImagingMSpec.image_measures import measure_of_chaos, isotope_image_correlation, isotope_pattern_match
    from pyImagingMSpec import smoothing as im_smoothing
    for ii in range(0, iso_max):
        # hot-spot removal
        xic = ion_datacube.xic[ii]
        im_smoothing.hot_spot_removal(xic, q_val)  # updated in place
        im = ion_datacube.xic_to_image(ii)
        #im = im_smoothing.median(im, size=3)
        ion_datacube.xic[ii] = ion_datacube.image_to_xic(im)
    measure_value_score = measure_of_chaos(
            ion_datacube.xic_to_image(0), 30)
    # 3. Score correlation with monoiso
    if len(iso_spect[1]) > 1:
        iso_correlation_score = isotope_image_correlation(
            ion_datacube.xic, weights=iso_spect[1][1:])
    else:  # only one isotope peak, so correlation doesn't make sense
        iso_correlation_score = 1
    iso_ratio_score = isotope_pattern_match(ion_datacube.xic,iso_spect[1])
    msm_score = measure_value_score*iso_correlation_score*iso_ratio_score

    ax = [   plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0)),
         plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 1)),
         plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 2)),
         plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 3)),
         plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=1)
    for a in ax:
    # plot images
    for ii in range(0,iso_max):
        im = ion_datacube.xic_to_image(ii)
        ax[ii].set_title('m/z: {:3.4f}'.format(iso_spect[0][ii]))
    # plot spectrum
    data_spect = [np.sum(ion_datacube.xic_to_image(ii)[notnull]) for ii in range(0,iso_max)]
    data_spect = data_spect / np.linalg.norm(data_spect)
    iso_spect[1] = iso_spect[1]/np.linalg.norm(iso_spect[1])

    markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax[4].stem(iso_spect[0][0:iso_max],iso_spect[1][0:iso_max],'g')
    plt.title("moc: {:3.5f} spat: {:3.5f} spec: {:3.5f} msm: {:3.5f}".format(measure_value_score,iso_correlation_score,iso_ratio_score,msm_score))
    plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=2, color='g')     # set stems  colors
    plt.setp(markerline, 'markerfacecolor', 'g','markeredgecolor','g')    # make points 

    markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax[4].stem(iso_spect[0][0:iso_max],data_spect,'r')
    plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=2, color='r')     # set stems colors
    plt.setp(markerline, 'markerfacecolor', 'r','markeredgecolor','r')    # make points 

    #plot proxy artist
    h, = plt.plot(iso_spect[0][0],[0],'-g')
    h, = plt.plot(iso_spect[0][0],[0],'-r')
    ax[4].legend(proxies,('predicted pattern','data pattern'), numpoints=1)
    return ax
Exemple #8
def run_search(config, IMS_dataset, sum_formulae, adducts, mz_list):
    import time
    from pyImagingMSpec import image_measures
    ### Runs the main pipeline
    # Get sum formula and predicted m/z peaks for molecules in database
    ppm = config['image_generation']['ppm']  # parts per million -  a measure of how accuracte the mass spectrometer is
    nlevels = config['image_generation']['nlevels']  # parameter for measure of chaos
    do_preprocessing = config['image_generation']['do_preprocessing']
    interp = config['image_generation']['smooth']
    measure_value_score = {}
    iso_correlation_score = {}
    iso_ratio_score = {}
    t0 = time.time()
    t_el = 0
    for adduct in adducts:
        print 'searching -> {}'.format(adduct)
        for ii,sum_formula in enumerate(sum_formulae):
            if sum_formula not in mz_list:
                print 'mssing sf: {}'.format(sum_formula)
            if adduct not in mz_list[sum_formula]:
                # adduct may not be present if it would make an impossible formula, is there a better way to handle this?
                # this hack is also used for fdr calculations
                # print '{} adduct not found for {}'.format(adduct, sum_formula)
            if time.time() - t_el > 10.:
                t_el = time.time()
                print '{:3.2f} done in {:3.0f} seconds'.format(float(ii)/len(sum_formulae),time.time()-t0)
            # Allocate dicts if required
            if not sum_formula in measure_value_score:
                    measure_value_score[sum_formula] = {}
            if not sum_formula in iso_correlation_score:
                    iso_correlation_score[sum_formula] = {}
            if not sum_formula in iso_ratio_score:
                    iso_ratio_score[sum_formula] = {}
                # 1. Generate ion images
                mzs = mz_list[sum_formula][adduct][0] #+ 5*mz_list[sum_formula][adduct][0]*1e-6
                ion_datacube = IMS_dataset.get_ion_image(mzs, ppm)  # for each spectrum, sum the intensity of all peaks within tol of mz_list
                if do_preprocessing:
                    apply_image_processing(config,ion_datacube) #currently just supports hot-spot removal
                # 2. Spatial Chaos
                measure_value_score[sum_formula][adduct] = image_measures.measure_of_chaos(
                    ion_datacube.xic_to_image(0), nlevels)
                if measure_value_score[sum_formula][adduct] == 1:
                    measure_value_score[sum_formula][adduct] = 0
                # 3. Score correlation with monoiso
                if len(mz_list[sum_formula][adduct][1]) > 1:
                    iso_correlation_score[sum_formula][adduct] = image_measures.isotope_image_correlation(
                        ion_datacube.xic, weights=mz_list[sum_formula][adduct][1][1:])
                else:  # only one isotope peak, so correlation doesn't make sense
                    iso_correlation_score[sum_formula][adduct] = 1
                # 4. Score isotope ratio
                iso_ratio_score[sum_formula][adduct] = image_measures.isotope_pattern_match(ion_datacube.xic,
            except KeyError as e:
                print str(e)
                print "bad key in: \"{}\" \"{}\" ".format(sum_formula, adduct)
        output_results(config, measure_value_score, iso_correlation_score, iso_ratio_score, sum_formulae, [adduct], mz_list)
    return measure_value_score, iso_correlation_score, iso_ratio_score
def plot_images(ion_datacube, iso_spect, iso_max, q_val=99, c_map='hot'):
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from pyImagingMSpec.image_measures import measure_of_chaos, isotope_image_correlation, isotope_pattern_match
    from pyImagingMSpec import smoothing as im_smoothing
    for ii in range(0, iso_max):
        # hot-spot removal
        xic = ion_datacube.xic[ii]
        im_smoothing.hot_spot_removal(xic, q_val)  # updated in place
        im = ion_datacube.xic_to_image(ii)
        #im = im_smoothing.median(im, size=3)
        ion_datacube.xic[ii] = ion_datacube.image_to_xic(im)
    measure_value_score = measure_of_chaos(ion_datacube.xic_to_image(0), 30)
    # 3. Score correlation with monoiso
    if len(iso_spect[1]) > 1:
        iso_correlation_score = isotope_image_correlation(
            ion_datacube.xic, weights=iso_spect[1][1:])
    else:  # only one isotope peak, so correlation doesn't make sense
        iso_correlation_score = 1
    iso_ratio_score = isotope_pattern_match(ion_datacube.xic, iso_spect[1])
    msm_score = measure_value_score * iso_correlation_score * iso_ratio_score

    ax = [
        plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0)),
        plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 1)),
        plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 2)),
        plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 3)),
        plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (1, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=1)
    for a in ax:
    # plot images
    for ii in range(0, iso_max):
        im = ion_datacube.xic_to_image(ii)
        ax[ii].imshow(im, cmap=c_map, interpolation='nearest')
        ax[ii].set_title('m/z: {:3.4f}'.format(iso_spect[0][ii]))
        ax[ii].set_xticks([], [])
        ax[ii].set_yticks([], [])
    # plot spectrum
    notnull = ion_datacube.xic_to_image(0) > 0
    data_spect = [
        for ii in range(0, iso_max)
    data_spect = data_spect / np.linalg.norm(data_spect)
    iso_spect[1] = iso_spect[1] / np.linalg.norm(iso_spect[1])

    markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax[4].stem(iso_spect[0][0:iso_max],
                                                 iso_spect[1][0:iso_max], 'g')
    plt.title("moc: {:3.5f} spat: {:3.5f} spec: {:3.5f} msm: {:3.5f}".format(
        measure_value_score, iso_correlation_score, iso_ratio_score,
    plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=2, color='g')  # set stems  colors
    plt.setp(markerline, 'markerfacecolor', 'g', 'markeredgecolor',
             'g')  # make points

    markerline, stemlines, baseline = ax[4].stem(iso_spect[0][0:iso_max],
                                                 data_spect, 'r')
    plt.setp(stemlines, linewidth=2, color='r')  # set stems colors
    plt.setp(markerline, 'markerfacecolor', 'r', 'markeredgecolor',
             'r')  # make points

    #plot proxy artist
    proxies = []
    h, = plt.plot(iso_spect[0][0], [0], '-g')
    h, = plt.plot(iso_spect[0][0], [0], '-r')
    ax[4].legend(proxies, ('predicted pattern', 'data pattern'), numpoints=1)
    return ax