Exemple #1
def transform_skels(skels, transformation, output='image'):
    skels : list of skeletons in frame 1
    transformation : 4x4 transform from frame 1 to 2
    output : 'image' or 'world' for either coordinate system
    skels_out : skeletons in frame 2
    skels_out = []
    for skel_c1 in skels:
        if np.all(skel_c1 != -1):
            skels_mask = skel_c1 == 0
            # Convert to depth coordinate system
            skel_c1 = depth2world(skel2depth(skel_c1, [240, 320]), [240, 320])
            # Transform from cam1 -> cam2
            skel_c2 = np.dot(transformation[:3, :3],
                             skel_c1.T).T + transformation[:3, 3]

            if len(skel_c2) != N_MSR_JOINTS:
                skel_c2 = kinect_to_msr_skel(skel_c2)

            skel_c2[skels_mask] = 0

            if output == 'world':
                skels_out += [skel_c2]
            elif output == 'image':
                # Get skel in image (cam2) coordinates
                skel_im2 = world2depth(skel_c2, [240, 320])
                skels_out += [skel_im2]

    return skels_out
def transform_skels(skels, transformation, output='image'):
    skels : list of skeletons in frame 1
    transformation : 4x4 transform from frame 1 to 2
    output : 'image' or 'world' for either coordinate system
    skels_out : skeletons in frame 2
    skels_out = []
    for skel_c1 in skels:
        if np.all(skel_c1 != -1):
            skels_mask = skel_c1 == 0
            # Convert to depth coordinate system
            skel_c1 = depth2world(skel2depth(skel_c1, [240,320]), [240,320])
            # Transform from cam1 -> cam2
            skel_c2 = np.dot(transformation[:3,:3], skel_c1.T).T + transformation[:3,3]

            if len(skel_c2) != N_MSR_JOINTS:
                skel_c2 = kinect_to_msr_skel(skel_c2)

            skel_c2[skels_mask] = 0

            if output=='world':
                skels_out += [skel_c2]
            elif output=='image':
                # Get skel in image (cam2) coordinates
                skel_im2 = world2depth(skel_c2, [240,320])
                skels_out += [skel_im2]

    return skels_out
def visualize_data(name):

	depth_file = name + "depth.bin"
	color_file = name + "rgb.avi"
	skeleton_file = name + "skeleton.txt"
	''' Read data from each video/sequence '''
		depthIms, maskIms = read_MSR_depth_ims(depth_file)
		colorIms = read_MSR_color_ims(color_file)
		skels_world, skels_im = read_MSR_skeletons(skeleton_file)
		print "Error reading data"
		return -1

	framecount = np.minimum(depthIms.shape[0], colorIms.shape[0])

	''' View all data'''
	for frame in xrange(framecount):
		depth = depthIms[frame]
		mask = maskIms[frame] > 0
		color = colorIms[frame]
		# color = np.dstack([color[:,:,2],color[:,:,1],color[:,:,0]])
		''' Skeleton in world (w) and image (i) coordinates '''
		skel_w = skels_world[frame]
		skel_i = world2depth(skel_w, rez=[240,320])

		''' Calculate hogs '''
		grayIm = (rgb2gray(color) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
		person_mask, bounding_boxes, labels = extract_people(grayIm, mask>0)
		rez = grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]].shape

		''' Plot skeletons on color image'''
		# color = color*(mask[:,:,None]==0)
		# from pylab import *
		# embed()

		# blurIm = (grayIm*mask).astype(np.float)
		# blurIm = color*mask[:,:,None]
		# blurIm = cv2.GaussianBlur(color, (15,15), 10)
		# blurIm = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask[:,:,None]*color, (9,9), 5)
		# blurIm = cv2.blur(mask[:,:,None]*color, (5,5))
		# cv2.imshow("b", blurIm/float(blurIm.max()))

		''' Visualization '''
		# color = display_skeletons(color, skel_i, color=(0,200,0))
		# blurIm = display_skeletons(blurIm, skel_i, color=(0,200,0))
		cv2.imshow("Depth", depth/float(depth.max()))
		cv2.imshow("RGB", color)
		# cv2.imshow("RGB_blur", color*(mask[:,:,None]==0) + blurIm*(mask[:,:,None]>0))
		# cv2.imshow("RGB masked", color*(mask[:,:,None]>0))

		ret = cv2.waitKey(10)

		if ret >= 0:
def visualize_data(name):

    depth_file = name + "depth.bin"
    color_file = name + "rgb.avi"
    skeleton_file = name + "skeleton.txt"
    ''' Read data from each video/sequence '''
        depthIms, maskIms = read_MSR_depth_ims(depth_file)
        colorIms = read_MSR_color_ims(color_file)
        skels_world, skels_im = read_MSR_skeletons(skeleton_file)
        print "Error reading data"
        return -1

    framecount = np.minimum(depthIms.shape[0], colorIms.shape[0])
    ''' View all data'''
    for frame in xrange(framecount):
        depth = depthIms[frame]
        mask = maskIms[frame] > 0
        color = colorIms[frame]
        # color = np.dstack([color[:,:,2],color[:,:,1],color[:,:,0]])
        ''' Skeleton in world (w) and image (i) coordinates '''
        skel_w = skels_world[frame]
        skel_i = world2depth(skel_w, rez=[240, 320])
        ''' Calculate hogs '''
        grayIm = (rgb2gray(color) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        person_mask, bounding_boxes, labels = extract_people(grayIm, mask > 0)
        rez = grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]].shape
        ''' Plot skeletons on color image'''
        # color = color*(mask[:,:,None]==0)
        # from pylab import *
        # embed()

        # blurIm = (grayIm*mask).astype(np.float)
        # blurIm = color*mask[:,:,None]
        # blurIm = cv2.GaussianBlur(color, (15,15), 10)
        # blurIm = cv2.GaussianBlur(mask[:,:,None]*color, (9,9), 5)
        # blurIm = cv2.blur(mask[:,:,None]*color, (5,5))
        # cv2.imshow("b", blurIm/float(blurIm.max()))
        ''' Visualization '''
        # color = display_skeletons(color, skel_i, color=(0,200,0))
        # blurIm = display_skeletons(blurIm, skel_i, color=(0,200,0))
        cv2.imshow("Depth", depth / float(depth.max()))
        cv2.imshow("RGB", color)
        # cv2.imshow("RGB_blur", color*(mask[:,:,None]==0) + blurIm*(mask[:,:,None]>0))

        # cv2.imshow("RGB masked", color*(mask[:,:,None]>0))

        ret = cv2.waitKey(10)

        if ret >= 0:
def compute_features(name, vis=False, person_rez=[144, 72]):
	filename : base filename for depth/color/skel
	vis: turn visualize on?
	person_rez : all hog/hof features should be the same dimensions, so we resize the people to this resolution
	features: features in a dictionary
    ''' Get filenames '''
    depth_file = name + "depth.bin"
    color_file = name + "rgb.avi"
    skeleton_file = name + "skeleton.txt"
    ''' Read data from each video/sequence '''
        depthIms, maskIms = read_MSR_depth_ims(depth_file)
        colorIms = read_MSR_color_ims(color_file)
        skels_world, skels_im = read_MSR_skeletons(skeleton_file)
        print "Error reading data"
        return -1

    #print depthIms.shape, colorIms.shape
    framecount = np.minimum(depthIms.shape[0], colorIms.shape[0])
    dataset_features = {
        'framecount': framecount,
        'hog': [],
        'hof': [],
        'skel_image': [],
        'skel_world': []
    grayIm_prev = None
    ''' View all data'''
    for frame in xrange(framecount):
        depth = depthIms[frame]
        mask = maskIms[frame]
        color = colorIms[frame]
        # Skeleton in world (w) and image (i) coordinates
        skel_w = skels_world[frame]
        skel_i = world2depth(skel_w, rez=[240, 320])
        ''' Calculate hogs '''
        grayIm = (rgb2gray(color) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
        hogIm = np.zeros_like(depth)

        person_mask, bounding_boxes, labels = extract_people(grayIm, mask > 0)
        rez = grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]].shape

        #hog_input_im = sm.imresize(grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]], person_rez)
        hog_input_im = cv2.resize(grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]],
                                  (person_rez[1], person_rez[0]))
        hogData, hogImBox = hog(hog_input_im, orientations=4, visualise=True)

        #hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = sm.imresize(hogImBox, [rez[0],rez[1]])
        hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = cv2.resize(hogImBox, (rez[1], rez[0]))
        # hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = hogImBox
        hogIm *= person_mask
        ''' Calculate HOF '''
        hofIm = np.zeros_like(depth)
        if grayIm_prev is None:
            grayIm_prev = np.copy(grayIm)
            flow = getFlow(grayIm_prev[bounding_boxes[0]],
            rez = flow.shape
            bounding_boxes = (bounding_boxes[0][0], bounding_boxes[0][1],
                              slice(0, 2))

            #hof_input_im = np.dstack([sm.imresize(flow[0], [person_rez[0],person_rez[1]]),
            #							sm.imresize(flow[1], [person_rez[0],person_rez[1]])])i
            hof_input_im = np.dstack([
                cv2.resize(flow[0], (person_rez[1], person_rez[0])),
                cv2.resize(flow[1], (person_rez[1], person_rez[0]))

            hofData, hofImBox = hof(hof_input_im,
            #hofIm[bounding_boxes[:2]] = sm.imresize(hofImBox, [rez[0],rez[1]])
            hofIm[bounding_boxes[:2]] = cv2.resize(hogImBox, (rez[1], rez[0]))
            hofIm *= person_mask
        grayIm_prev = np.copy(grayIm)
        ''' Add features '''
        dataset_features['hog'] += [hogData]
        dataset_features['hof'] += [hofData]
        dataset_features['skel_image'] += [skel_i]
        dataset_features['skel_world'] += [skel_w]
        ''' Plot skeletons on color image'''
        if vis:
            color = display_skeletons(color, skel_i)
            ''' Visualization '''
            cv2.imshow("Depth", depth / float(depth.max()))
            cv2.imshow("HOG", hogIm / float(hogIm.max()))
            cv2.imshow("RGB", color)
            cv2.imshow("RGB masked", color * (mask[:, :, None] > 0))
            cv2.imshow("HOF", hofIm / float(hofIm.max()))
            ret = cv2.waitKey(10)

            if ret >= 0:

    print "Done calculating ", name
    return dataset_features
		for cam_index in range(cameraCount):
			#Skip if no entries
			if len(newComs[cam_index]) == 0:

			dists = [np.linalg.norm(u['coms'][-1] - x['com']) for x in newComs[cam_index]]
			closestPerson = np.argmin(dists)

			if dists[closestPerson] < 500:

				# centroid = world2depth(np.array([[-u['data'][-1]['com'][1], -u['data'][-1]['com'][0], u['data'][-1]['com'][2]]])).T[0]/2 #rez=[320,240]
				centroid = world2depth(np.array([u['data'][-1]['com']])).T[0]/2 #rez=[320,240]
				print centroid

					print u['data'][-1]['time']
					ims.append(viewImage(u['cameras'][-1], u['data'][-1]['time'], coms=centroid))
					print "Error viewing index:" + str(cam_index) + " time:" + " ".join(newComs[cam_index][closestPerson]['data']['time'])


	''' If there isn't a relevant user then add a new user to the list '''
	for cam_index in range(cameraCount):
		for u in newComs[cam_index]:
			userCount += 1
def main(deviceID, record, baseDir, frameDifferencePercent, getSkel, anonomize, viz,  imgStoreCount=10):

		'''------------ Setup Kinect ------------'''
		''' Physical Kinect '''
		depthDevice = RealTimeDevice(device=deviceID, getDepth=True, getColor=True, getSkel=getSkel)

		maxFramerate = 60
		minFramerate = 1.0/3.0
		motionLagTime = 3
		recentMotionTime = time.clock()

		''' ------------- Main -------------- '''

		''' Setup time-based stuff '''
		prevTime = 0
		prevFrame = 0
		prevFrameTime = 0
		currentFrame = 0;
		ms = time.clock()
		diff = 0

		prevSec = 0;
		secondCount = 0
		prevSecondCountMax = 0

		''' Ensure base folder is there '''
		if not os.path.isdir(baseDir):

		depthOld = []
		colorOld = []
		backgroundModel = None

		if viz:
			import cv2
			from pyKinectTools.utils.DepthUtils import world2depth

		while 1:
				# try:
				if 1:

						colorRaw = depthDevice.colorIm
						depthRaw8 = depthDevice.depthIm
						users = depthDevice.users
						skel = None

						if len(depthOld) == imgStoreCount:

						''' If framerate is too fast then skip '''
						''' Keep this after update to ensure fast enough kinect refresh '''
						if (time.clock() - float(ms))*1000 < 1000.0/maxFramerate:

						if viz and 0:
								for i in depthDevice.user.users:
										tmpPx = depthDevice.user.get_user_pixels(i)

										if depthDevice.skel_cap.is_tracking(i):
												brightness = 50
												brightness = 150
										depthRaw8 = depthRaw8*(1-np.array(tmpPx).reshape([480,640]))
										depthRaw8 += brightness*(np.array(tmpPx).reshape([480,640]))

						d = None
						d = np.array(depthRaw8)

						d /= (np.nanmin([d.max(), 2**16])/256.0)
						d = d.astype(np.uint8)

						''' Get new time info '''
						currentFrame += 1
						time_ = time.localtime()
						day = str(time_.tm_yday)
						hour = str(time_.tm_hour)
						minute = str(time_.tm_min)
						second = str(time_.tm_sec)
						ms = str(time.clock())
						ms_str = str(ms)[str(ms).find(".")+1:]

						''' Look at how much of the image has changed '''
						if depthOld != []:
								diff = np.sum(np.logical_and((depthRaw8 - depthOld[0]) > 200, (depthRaw8 - depthOld[0]) < 20000)) / 307200.0 * 100

								''' We want to watch all video for at least 5 seconds after we seen motion '''
								''' This prevents problems where there is small motion that doesn't trigger the motion detector '''
								if diff > frameDifferencePercent:
										recentMotionTime = time.clock()


						if anonomize:
							'''Background model'''
							if backgroundModel is None:
								bgSubtraction = AdaptiveMixtureOfGaussians(depthRaw8, maxGaussians=3, learningRate=0.2, decayRate=0.9, variance=100**2)
								backgroundModel = bgSubtraction.getModel()

							backgroundModel = bgSubtraction.getModel()
							cv2.imshow("BG Model", backgroundModel/backgroundModel.max())
							foregroundMask = bgSubtraction.getForeground(thresh=100)
							''' Find people '''
							foregroundMask, _, _ = extractPeople(depthRaw8, foregroundMask, minPersonPixThresh=5000, gradientFilter=True, gradThresh=15)
							foregroundMask = None

						''' Write to file if there has been substantial change. '''
						# if 1:
						if diff > frameDifferencePercent or time.clock()-prevFrameTime > 1/minFramerate or time.clock()-recentMotionTime < motionLagTime:
								if depthRaw8 != []:

										''' Logical time '''
										if second != prevSec:
												prevSecondCountMax = secondCount                                
												secondCount = 0
												prevSec = second
												secondCount = int(secondCount) + 1

										secondCount = str(secondCount)
										if len(ms_str) == 1:
												ms_str = '0' + ms_str
										if len(secondCount) == 1:
												secondCount = '0' + secondCount

										''' Keep track of framerate '''
										if prevTime != second:
												prevTime = second
												# print currentFrame - prevFrame, " fps. Diff = ", str(diff)[:4] + "%" #" #threads = ", len(processList), 
												print "FPS: "+ str(prevSecondCountMax) + " Diff: " + str(diff)[:4] + "%" #" #threads = ", len(processList), 
												prevFrame = currentFrame

										''' Create folder/file names '''
										depthDir = baseDir+'depth/'+day+"/"+hour+"/"+minute+"/device_"+str(deviceID)
										depthName = depthDir + "/depth_"+day+"_"+hour+"_"+minute+"_"+second+"_"+secondCount+"_"+ms_str+".png"
										colorDir = baseDir+'color/'+day+"/"+hour+"/"+minute+"/device_"+str(deviceID)
										colorName = colorDir + "/color_"+day+"_"+hour+"_"+minute+"_"+second+"_"+secondCount+"_"+ms_str+".jpg"
										if getSkel:
											skelDir = baseDir+'skel/'+day+"/"+hour+"/"+minute+"/device_"+str(deviceID)
											usersName = skelDir + "/skel_"+day+"_"+hour+"_"+minute+"_"+second+"_"+secondCount+"_"+ms_str+"_.dat"
											skelDir = None
											usersName = None

										if anonomize:
											maskDir = baseDir+'mask/'+day+"/"+hour+"/"+minute+"/device_"+str(deviceID)										
											maskName = maskDir + "/mask_"+day+"_"+hour+"_"+minute+"_"+second+"_"+secondCount+"_"+ms_str+".jpg"
											maskDir = None
											maskName = None

										''' Create folders if they doesn't exist '''
										if getSkel:
										if anonomize:

										# if not os.path.isdir(depthDir):
										# 		for p in xrange(4, len(depthDir.split("/"))+1):                         
										# 				try:
										# 						os.mkdir("/".join(depthDir.split('/')[0:p])) 
										# 						os.mkdir("/".join(colorDir.split('/')[0:p]))
										# 						if getSkel:
										# 							os.mkdir("/".join(skelDir.split('/')[0:p]))
										# 						if anonomize:
										# 							os.mkdir("/".join(maskDir.split('/')[0:p]))																
										# 				except:
										# 						# print "error making dir"
										# 						pass

										''' Save data '''
										if record:
											save_frame(depthName, depthRaw8, colorName, colorRaw, usersName, users, maskName=maskName, mask=foregroundMask)

										prevFrameTime = time.clock()

								''' Display skeletons '''
								if viz and getSkel:
										# print "Users: ", len(users)
										for u_key in users.keys():
												u = users[u_key]
												pt = world2depth(u.com)
												w = 10
												d[pt[0]-w:pt[0]+w, pt[1]-w:pt[1]+w] = 255
												w = 3
												if u.tracked:
														print "Joints: ", len(u.jointPositions)
														for j in u.jointPositions.keys():
																pt = world2depth(u.jointPositions[j])
																d[pt[0]-w:pt[0]+w, pt[1]-w:pt[1]+w] = 200                                                        

								if viz:
										if 1:
												cv2.imshow("imageD", d)
										if 0:
												# cv2.imshow("imageM", mask/float(mask.max()))
												cv2.imshow("imageM", colorRaw + (255-colorRaw)*(foregroundMask>0)[:,:,np.newaxis] + 50*(((foregroundMask)[:,:,np.newaxis])))
										if 1:
												cv2.imshow("imageC", colorRaw)
												# cv2.imshow("image", colorRaw + (255-colorRaw)*(foregroundMask>0)[:,:,np.newaxis] + 50*(((foregroundMask)[:,:,np.newaxis])))

										ret = cv2.waitKey(10)
										if ret >= 0:
def compute_features(name, vis=False, person_rez=[144,72]):
	filename : base filename for depth/color/skel
	vis: turn visualize on?
	person_rez : all hog/hof features should be the same dimensions, so we resize the people to this resolution
	features: features in a dictionary

	''' Get filenames '''
	depth_file = name + "depth.bin"
	color_file = name + "rgb.avi"
	skeleton_file = name + "skeleton.txt"
	''' Read data from each video/sequence '''
		depthIms, maskIms = read_MSR_depth_ims(depth_file)
		colorIms = read_MSR_color_ims(color_file)
		skels_world, skels_im = read_MSR_skeletons(skeleton_file)
		print "Error reading data"
		return -1

	#print depthIms.shape, colorIms.shape
	framecount = np.minimum(depthIms.shape[0], colorIms.shape[0])
	dataset_features = {'framecount':framecount, 'hog':[], 'hof':[], 'skel_image':[], 'skel_world':[]}
	grayIm_prev = None

	''' View all data'''
	for frame in xrange(framecount):
		depth = depthIms[frame]
		mask = maskIms[frame]
		color = colorIms[frame]
		# Skeleton in world (w) and image (i) coordinates
		skel_w = skels_world[frame]
		skel_i = world2depth(skel_w, rez=[240,320])

		''' Calculate hogs '''
		grayIm = (rgb2gray(color) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
		hogIm = np.zeros_like(depth)

		person_mask, bounding_boxes, labels = extract_people(grayIm, mask>0)
		rez = grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]].shape

		#hog_input_im = sm.imresize(grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]], person_rez)
		hog_input_im = cv2.resize(grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]], (person_rez[1], person_rez[0]))
		hogData, hogImBox = hog(hog_input_im, orientations=4, visualise=True)
		#hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = sm.imresize(hogImBox, [rez[0],rez[1]])
		hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = cv2.resize(hogImBox, (rez[1],rez[0]))
		# hogIm[bounding_boxes[0]] = hogImBox
		hogIm *= person_mask

		''' Calculate HOF '''
		hofIm = np.zeros_like(depth)
		if grayIm_prev is None:
			grayIm_prev = np.copy(grayIm)
			flow = getFlow(grayIm_prev[bounding_boxes[0]], grayIm[bounding_boxes[0]])
			rez = flow.shape
			bounding_boxes = (bounding_boxes[0][0], bounding_boxes[0][1], slice(0,2))

			#hof_input_im = np.dstack([sm.imresize(flow[0], [person_rez[0],person_rez[1]]),
			#							sm.imresize(flow[1], [person_rez[0],person_rez[1]])])i
			hof_input_im = np.dstack([cv2.resize(flow[0], (person_rez[1],person_rez[0])), cv2.resize(flow[1], (person_rez[1], person_rez[0]))])

			hofData, hofImBox = hof(hof_input_im, orientations=5, visualise=True)
			#hofIm[bounding_boxes[:2]] = sm.imresize(hofImBox, [rez[0],rez[1]])
			hofIm[bounding_boxes[:2]] = cv2.resize(hogImBox, (rez[1],rez[0]))
			hofIm *= person_mask
		grayIm_prev = np.copy(grayIm)

		''' Add features '''
		dataset_features['hog'] += [hogData]
		dataset_features['hof'] += [hofData]
		dataset_features['skel_image'] += [skel_i]
		dataset_features['skel_world'] += [skel_w]

		''' Plot skeletons on color image'''
		if vis:
			color = display_skeletons(color, skel_i)

			''' Visualization '''
			cv2.imshow("Depth", depth/float(depth.max()))
			cv2.imshow("HOG", hogIm/float(hogIm.max()))
			cv2.imshow("RGB", color)
			cv2.imshow("RGB masked", color*(mask[:,:,None]>0))
			cv2.imshow("HOF", hofIm/float(hofIm.max()))
			ret = cv2.waitKey(10)

			if ret >= 0:

	print "Done calculating ", name
	return dataset_features