def initialize(): global sim global options global extra global rngseed global parallel_safe global rng global n_ext global n_exc global n_inh sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the connections to a file.")) init_logging(None, debug=True) # === General parameters ================================================= threads = 1 rngseed = 98765 parallel_safe = True rng = NumpyRNG(seed=rngseed, parallel_safe=parallel_safe) # === general network parameters (except connections) ==================== n_ext = 60 # number of external stimuli n_exc = 60 # number of excitatory cells n_inh = 60 # number of inhibitory cells # === Options ============================================================ extra = { 'loglevel': 2, 'useSystemSim': True, 'maxNeuronLoss': 0., 'maxSynapseLoss': 0.4, 'hardwareNeuronSize': 8, 'threads': threads, 'filename': "connections.xml", 'label': 'VA' } if sim.__name__ == "pyNN.hardware.brainscales": extra['hardware'] = sim.hardwareSetup['small'] if options.simulator == "neuroml": extra["file"] = "connections.xml"
def initialize(): global sim global options global extra global rngseed global parallel_safe global rng global n_ext global n_exc global n_inh sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the connections to a file.")) init_logging(None, debug=True) # === General parameters ================================================= threads = 1 rngseed = 98765 parallel_safe = True rng = NumpyRNG(seed=rngseed, parallel_safe=parallel_safe) # === general network parameters (except connections) ==================== n_ext = 60 # number of external stimuli n_exc = 60 # number of excitatory cells n_inh = 60 # number of inhibitory cells # === Options ============================================================ extra = {'loglevel': 2, 'useSystemSim': True, 'maxNeuronLoss': 0., 'maxSynapseLoss': 0.4, 'hardwareNeuronSize': 8, 'threads': threads, 'filename': "connections.xml", 'label': 'VA'} if sim.__name__ == "pyNN.hardware.brainscales": extra['hardware'] = sim.hardwareSetup['small'] if options.simulator == "neuroml": extra["file"] = "connections.xml"
""" Example of using a cell type defined in 9ML """ import sys from copy import deepcopy from nineml.abstraction import (Dynamics, Regime, On, OutputEvent, StateVariable, AnalogReceivePort, AnalogReducePort, AnalogSendPort, EventSendPort, Parameter) from nineml import units as un from pyNN.utility import init_logging, get_simulator, normalized_filename sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "plot a figure with the given filename")) init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.1, min_delay=0.1, max_delay=2.0) iaf = Dynamics( name="iaf", regimes=[ Regime( name="subthresholdregime", time_derivatives=["dV/dt = ( gl*( vrest - V ) + ISyn)/(cm)"], transitions=On( "V > vthresh", do=["tspike = t", "V = vreset", OutputEvent('spikeoutput')], to="refractoryregime"),
inhibitory_cells = sim.create(iaf_neuron, n=n_inh) inputs = sim.create(sim.SpikeSourcePoisson(**stimulation_params), n=n_input) all_cells = excitatory_cells + inhibitory_cells sim.initialize(all_cells, v=cell_params['v_rest']) sim.connect(excitatory_cells, all_cells, weight=w_exc, delay=delay, receptor_type='excitatory', p=pconn_recurr) sim.connect(inhibitory_cells, all_cells, weight=w_exc, delay=delay, receptor_type='inhibitory', p=pconn_recurr) sim.connect(inputs, all_cells, weight=w_input, delay=delay, receptor_type='excitatory', p=pconn_input) sim.record('spikes', all_cells, "scenario1a_%s_spikes.pkl" % sim.__name__) sim.record('v', excitatory_cells[0:2], "scenario1a_%s_v.pkl" % sim.__name__) E_count = excitatory_cells.mean_spike_count() I_count = inhibitory_cells.mean_spike_count() print "Excitatory rate : %g Hz" % (E_count*1000.0/tstop,) print "Inhibitory rate : %g Hz" % (I_count*1000.0/tstop,) sim.end() for filename in glob.glob("scenario1a_*"): os.remove(filename) if __name__ == '__main__': from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, args = get_simulator() scenario1(sim) scenario1a(sim)
""" Network of integrate-and-fire neurons with distance-dependent connectivity and STDP. """ from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, options = get_simulator() from pyNN import space n_exc = 80 n_inh = 20 n_stim = 20 cell_parameters = { 'tau_m' : 20.0, 'tau_syn_E': 2.0, 'tau_syn_I': 5.0, 'v_rest': -65.0, 'v_reset' : -70.0, 'v_thresh': -50.0, 'cm': 1.0, 'tau_refrac': 2.0, 'e_rev_E': 0.0, 'e_rev_I': -70.0, } grid_parameters = { 'aspect_ratio': 1, 'dx': 50.0, 'dy': 50.0, 'fill_order': 'random' } stimulation_parameters = { 'rate': 100.0, 'duration': 50.0 } connectivity_parameters = { 'gaussian': {'d_expression': 'exp(-d**2/1e4)'}, 'global': {'p_connect': 0.1}, 'input': {'n': 10}, }
positional arguments: simulator neuron, nest, brian or another backend simulator optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --plot-figure Plot the simulation results to a file. """ import numpy as np from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, normalized_filename, ProgressBar from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel from pyNN.parameters import Sequence sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file.", { "action": "store_true" })) rate_increment = 20 interval = 200 class SetRate(object): """ A callback which changes the firing rate of a population of spike sources at a fixed interval. """ def __init__(self, population, rate_generator, update_interval=20.0): assert isinstance(population.celltype, sim.SpikeSourceArray) self.population = population self.update_interval = update_interval
# encoding: utf-8 """ Example of simple stochastic synapses """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import numpy as np from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, init_logging, normalized_filename # === Configure the simulator ================================================ sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file.", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(quit_on_end=False) # === Build and instrument the network ======================================= spike_source = sim.Population( 1, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=np.arange(10, 100, 10))) connector = sim.AllToAllConnector() synapse_types = {
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --plot-figure Plot the simulation results to a file. --debug DEBUG Print debugging information """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import numpy as np from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, init_logging, normalized_filename # === Configure the simulator ================================================ sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file.", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(quit_on_end=False) # === Build and instrument the network ======================================= spike_times = np.hstack((np.arange(10, 100, 10), np.arange(250, 350, 10))) spike_source = sim.Population(1, sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=spike_times)) connector = sim.AllToAllConnector() depressing = dict(U=0.8, tau_rec=100.0, tau_facil=0.0, weight=0.01, delay=0.5)
firing_period / 2, # (ms) long refractory period to prevent bursting } n = 60 # number of synapses / number of presynaptic neurons delta_t = 1.0 # (ms) time difference between the firing times of neighbouring neurons t_stop = 10 * firing_period + n * delta_t delay = 3.0 # (ms) synaptic time delay # === Configure the simulator =============================================== sim, options = get_simulator(( "--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file", { "action": "store_true" } ), ( "--fit-curve", "Calculate the best-fit curve to the weight-delta_t measurements", { "action": "store_true" } ), ("--dendritic-delay-fraction", "What fraction of the total transmission delay is due to dendritic propagation", { "default": 1 }), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=delay, max_delay=delay) # === Build the network =====================================================
import argparse from importlib import import_module parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "simulator", help="neuron, nest, brian, pcsim or another backend simulator") for argument in arguments: arg_name, help_text = argument[:2] extra_args = {} if len(argument) > 2: extra_args = argument[2] parser.add_argument(arg_name, help=help_text, **extra_args) args = parser.parse_args() # hack around current backend naming issues if args.simulator in ("nmpm1", ): import pyhmf as sim else: sim = import_module("pyNN.%s" % args.simulator) return sim, args sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "plot a graph of the result")) list_benchmarks = glob("run_*.py") for f in list_benchmarks: exec("from %s import benchmarks" % splitext(f)[0]) # benchmarks(sim=sim, **vars(options)) benchmarks(sim=sim, plot_figure=True)
Usage: python <simulator> <benchmark> <simulator> is either neuron, nest, brian or pcsim <benchmark> is either CUBA or COBA. Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS August 2006 """ import os import socket from math import * from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, Timer, ProgressBar, init_logging, normalized_filename sim, options = get_simulator(("benchmark", "Either CUBA or COBA")) from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution init_logging(None, debug=True) timer = Timer() # === Define parameters ======================================================== threads = 1 rngseed = 98765 parallel_safe = True n = 4000 # number of cells r_ei = 4.0 # number of excitatory cells:number of inhibitory cells pconn = 0.02 # connection probability
"v_reset": -60.0, # (mV) "v_rest": -60.0, # (mV) "cm": 1.0, # (nF) "tau_refrac": 20, # (ms) long refractory period to prevent bursting } n = 256 # number of synapses / number of presynaptic neurons t_stop = 0 # defined later if is == 0 delay = 3.0 # (ms) synaptic time delay episodes = 5; # === Configure the simulator =============================================== sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--fit-curve", "Calculate the best-fit curve to the weight-delta_t measurements", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=delay, max_delay=delay) # === Build the network ===================================================== def get_data(filename): dvs_data = ts = dvs_data['ts'][0] ts = (ts - ts[0])/1000 #from ns to ms x = dvs_data['X'][0]
# Search Example: # python --folder EPSPsearch --params --search --map yes nest # python --folder IPSPsearch --params --search --map yes nest # python # Analysis Example # python --folder EPSPsearch --params --search --analysis true nest sim, opts = get_simulator(("--analysis", "Perform analysis only", { "type": bool }), ("--remove", "Remove data files (after analysis)", { "type": bool }), ("--folder", "Folder to save the data in (created if it does not exists)", { "dest": "data_folder", "required": True }), ("--params", "Parameter filename", { "dest": "param_file", "required": True }), ("--search", "Parameter search filename", { "dest": "search_file" }), ("--map", "Produce a map of 2D parameter search", { "type": bool }), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if opts.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) if opts.analysis: print("\nRunning analysis and plotting only ...") if opts.remove:
"command_line_options": options, "timestamp": timestamp} with open("I_f_curve.json", 'r') as f: output["configuration"] = {"model": json.load(f)} print("RESULTS") print(output) # debug with open("results/%s/%s.json" % (timestamp, BENCHMARK_NAME), 'w') as f: json.dump(output, f, indent=4) def benchmarks(sim, **options): from spike_train_statistics import run_model data, times = run_model(sim, **options) timestamp = if not os.path.exists("results/" + timestamp): os.makedirs("results/" + timestamp) results = [] results.append(analysis_quality(data, timestamp, **options)) results = analysis_performance(times, results) output_result(results, options, timestamp) if __name__ == '__main__': try: from pyNN.utility import get_simulator # PyNN 0.8 except ImportError: from utility import get_simulator sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "plot a graph of the result")) benchmarks(sim=sim, **vars(options))
t = # no more synaptic input, neurons decay spiketimes += 2 * t_step spikesources[0].spike_times = spiketimes # note we add no new spikes to the second source t = # first neuron gets depolarized again vm = cells.get_data().segments[0].analogsignals[0] final_v_0 = vm[-1, 0] final_v_1 = vm[-1, 1] sim.end() if plot_figure: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(vm.times, vm[:, 0]) plt.plot(vm.times, vm[:, 1]) plt.savefig("ticket166_%s.png" % sim.__name__) assert final_v_0 > -60.0 # first neuron has been depolarized again assert final_v_1 < -64.99 # second neuron has decayed back towards rest if __name__ == '__main__': from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, args = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", { "help": "generate a figure", "action": "store_true" })) ticket166(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure)
"cm": 1.0, # (nF) "tau_refrac": firing_period / 2, # (ms) long refractory period to prevent bursting } n = 60 # number of synapses / number of presynaptic neurons delta_t = 1.0 # (ms) time difference between the firing times of neighbouring neurons t_stop = 10 * firing_period + n * delta_t delay = 3.0 # (ms) synaptic time delay # === Configure the simulator =============================================== sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--fit-curve", "Calculate the best-fit curve to the weight-delta_t measurements", {"action": "store_true"}), ( "--dendritic-delay-fraction", "What fraction of the total transmission delay is due to dendritic propagation", {"default": 1}, ), ("--debug", "Print debugging information"), ) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=delay, max_delay=delay) # === Build the network ===================================================== def build_spike_sequences(period, duration, n, delta_t):
"v_rest": -60.0, # (mV) "cm": 1.0, # (nF) "tau_refrac": firing_period / 2, # (ms) long refractory period to prevent bursting } n = 60 # number of synapses / number of presynaptic neurons delta_t = 1.0 # (ms) time difference between the firing times of neighbouring neurons t_stop = 10 * firing_period + n * delta_t delay = 1.0 # (ms) synaptic time delay # === Configure the simulator =============================================== sim, options = get_simulator( ("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--fit-curve", "Calculate the best-fit curve to the weight-delta_t measurements", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--debug", "Print debugging information")) if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=delay) # === Build the network ===================================================== def build_spike_sequences(period, duration, n, delta_t): """ Return a spike time generator for `n` neurons (spike sources), where
""" import socket from math import * from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, Timer, ProgressBar, init_logging, normalized_filename from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution # === Configure the simulator ================================================ sim, options = get_simulator( ("benchmark", "either CUBA or COBA"), ("--plot-figure", "plot the simulation results to a file", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--use-views", "use population views in creating the network", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--use-assembly", "use assemblies in creating the network", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--use-csa", "use the Connection Set Algebra to define the connectivity", { "action": "store_true" }), ("--debug", "print debugging information")) if options.use_csa: import csa if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) timer = Timer() # === Define parameters ========================================================
assert_less(D, 0.1) return data test_SpikeSourcePoissonRefractory.__test__ = False @register() def issue511(sim): """Giving SpikeSourceArray an array of non-ordered spike times should produce an InvalidParameterValueError error""" sim.setup() celltype = sim.SpikeSourceArray(spike_times=[[2.4, 4.8, 6.6, 9.4], [3.5, 6.8, 9.6, 8.3]]) assert_raises(InvalidParameterValueError, sim.Population, 2, celltype) # todo: add test of Izhikevich model if __name__ == '__main__': from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, args = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", {"help": "generate a figure", "action": "store_true"})) test_EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) test_HH_cond_exp(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) issue367(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) test_SpikeSourcePoisson(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) test_SpikeSourceGamma(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) test_SpikeSourcePoissonRefractory(sim, plot_figure=args.plot_figure) issue511(sim)
""" Test of the EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista model Andrew Davison, UNIC, CNRS December 2007 """ from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, normalized_filename sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file.")) sim.setup(timestep=0.01, min_delay=0.1, max_delay=4.0) cell_type = sim.EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista(i_offset=1.0, tau_refrac=2.0, v_spike=-40) ifcell = sim.create(cell_type) print ifcell[0].get_parameters() filename = normalized_filename("Results", "EIF_cond_alpha_isfa_ista", "pkl", options.simulator) sim.record('v', ifcell, filename, annotations={'script_name': __file__}) if options.plot_figure: from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel data = ifcell.get_data().segments[0] vm = data.filter(name="v")[0] Figure( Panel(vm, ylabel="Membrane potential (mV)", xlabel="Time (ms)", xticks=True),
# ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS --------------------------------------------------------- def replace(dic, keys,value): getValue(dic,keys[:-1])[keys[-1]]=value def getValue(dic, keys): return reduce(lambda d, k: d[k], keys, dic) sim, opts = get_simulator( ("--analysis", "Perform analysis only", {"type":bool}), ("--remove", "Remove data files (after analysis)", {"type":bool}), ("--folder", "Folder to save the data in (created if it does not exists)", {"dest":"data_folder", "required":True}), ("--params", "Parameter filename", {"dest":"param_file", "required":True}), ("--search", "Parameter search filename", {"dest":"search_file"}), ("--map", "Produce a map of 2D parameter search", {"type":bool}), ("--debug", "Print debugging information") ) if opts.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) if opts.analysis: print "Running analysis and plotting only ..." if opts.remove: print "Removing data files after analysis ..." if opts.data_folder:
file_name = self.results_dir if fname == None: file_name +="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") else: if fname_time: file_name +="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") file_name += fname file_name += '.csv' with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('Time/ms,NeuronID\n') for i in range(neurons.shape[0]): line = '{},{}'.format(spike_times[i], neurons[i]) f.write(line + '\n') if __name__ == '__main__': from pyNN.utility import get_simulator Gexc = ("Gexc","Excitatory Conductance", {"action":"store", "type": float}) Ginh = ("Ginh","Inhibitory Conductance", {"action":"store", "type": float}) pconn = ("pconn", "Probability of Connectivity", {"action":"store", "type": float}) n = ("n", "Number of Neurons", {"action":"store", "type":int}) tstop = ("tstop", "Length of Sim", {"action":"store", "type":int}) p, options = get_simulator(Gexc, Ginh, pconn, n, tstop) run_script(p, options)
""" """ from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, options = get_simulator() sim.setup(timestep=0.01) cell = sim.Population( 1, sim.EIF_cond_exp_isfa_ista(v_thresh=-55.0, tau_refrac=5.0)) current_source = sim.StepCurrentSource( times=[50.0, 200.0, 250.0, 400.0, 450.0, 600.0, 650.0, 800.0], amplitudes=[1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) cell.inject(current_source) cell.record('v') for a in (0.0, 4.0, 20.0, 100.0): print("Setting current to %g nA" % a) cell.set(a=a) cell.write_data("Results/parameter_changes_%s.pkl" % options.simulator) sim.end()
""" import os import socket from math import * from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, Timer, ProgressBar, init_logging, normalized_filename from pyNN.random import NumpyRNG, RandomDistribution # === Configure the simulator ================================================ sim, options = get_simulator( ("benchmark", "either CUBA or COBA"), ("--plot-figure", "plot the simulation results to a file", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--use-views", "use population views in creating the network", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--use-assembly", "use assemblies in creating the network", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--use-csa", "use the Connection Set Algebra to define the connectivity", {"action": "store_true"}), ("--debug", "print debugging information")) if options.use_csa: import csa if options.debug: init_logging(None, debug=True) timer = Timer() # === Define parameters ======================================================== threads = 1
""" dt = 0.1 sim.setup(timestep=dt, min_delay=dt) p = sim.Population(1, sim.IF_curr_exp()) c = sim.DCSource(amplitude=0.5) c.inject_into(p) p.record('v') simtime = 200.0 v = p.get_data().segments[0].filter(name="v")[0] # check that the length of vm vector is as expected theoretically assert (len(v) == (int(simtime / dt) + 1)) if __name__ == '__main__': from pyNN.utility import get_simulator sim, args = get_simulator() test_changing_electrode(sim) ticket226(sim) issue165(sim) issue321(sim) issue437(sim) issue442(sim) issue445(sim) issue451(sim) issue483(sim)
from numpy import arange #from pyNN.carlsim import * from pyNN.utility import get_simulator import time # Configure the application (i.e) configure the additional # simualator parameters sim, options = get_simulator( ("netName", "String for name of simulation"), ("--gpuMode", "Enable GPU_MODE (CPU_MODE by default)", { "action": "store_true" }), ("logMode", "Enter logger mode (USER by default)", { "default": "USER" }), ("ithGPUs", "Number of GPUs"), ("randSeed", "Random seed")) ################################################################## # Utility section (move to different utility class later) ################################################################## # Create file scope vars for options netName = None simMode = None logMode = None ithGPUs = None randSeed = None # Validate and assign appropriate options netName = options.netName if options.gpuMode: simMode = sim.GPU_MODE
Usage: [-h] [--plot-figure] simulator positional arguments: simulator neuron, nest, brian or another backend simulator optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --plot-figure Plot the simulation results to a file. """ import numpy as np from pyNN.utility import get_simulator, normalized_filename, ProgressBar from pyNN.utility.plotting import Figure, Panel sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "Plot the simulation results to a file.", {"action": "store_true"})) rate_increment = 20 interval = 200 class SetRate(object): """ A callback which changes the firing rate of a population of poisson processes at a fixed interval. """ def __init__(self, population, rate_generator, interval=20.0): assert isinstance(population.celltype, sim.SpikeSourcePoisson) self.population = population self.interval = interval self.rate_generator = rate_generator
""" Example of using a cell type defined in 9ML """ import sys from copy import deepcopy from nineml.abstraction import ( Dynamics, Regime, On, OutputEvent, StateVariable, AnalogReceivePort, AnalogReducePort, AnalogSendPort, EventSendPort, Parameter) from nineml import units as un from pyNN.utility import init_logging, get_simulator, normalized_filename sim, options = get_simulator(("--plot-figure", "plot a figure with the given filename")) init_logging(None, debug=True) sim.setup(timestep=0.1, min_delay=0.1, max_delay=2.0) iaf = Dynamics( name="iaf", regimes=[ Regime( name="subthresholdregime", time_derivatives=["dV/dt = ( gl*( vrest - V ) + ISyn)/(cm)"], transitions=On("V > vthresh", do=["tspike = t", "V = vreset", OutputEvent('spikeoutput')], to="refractoryregime"), ),