def update_grid_function(unused_nid_map, ugrid, points, nodes):  # pragma: no cover
            """custom function to update the 3d bars"""
            if not gui.settings.nastran_is_3d_bars_update:
            points_list = []
            node0b = 0
            for eid in bar_beam_eids:
                elem = self.model.elements[eid]
                pid_ref = elem.pid_ref
                if pid_ref is None:
                    pid_ref = self.model.Property(
                assert not isinstance(pid_ref, integer_types), elem

                ptype = pid_ref.type
                bar_type = _get_bar_type(ptype, pid_ref)

                #nids = elem.nodes
                (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
                node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
                node2 = model.nodes[nid2]

                i1, i2 = np.searchsorted(self.node_ids, [nid1, nid2])
                n1 = nodes[i1, :]
                n2 = nodes[i2, :]
                #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.

                i = n2 - n1
                Li = norm(i)
                ihat = i / Li

                unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
                    model, elem,
                    n1, n2, node1, node2,
                    ihat, i, eid, Li, model.log)
                if wb is None:
                    # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

                ugridi = None
                node0b = add_3d_bar_element(
                    bar_type, ptype, pid_ref,
                    n1+wa, n2+wb, xform,
                    ugridi, node0b, points_list, add_to_ugrid=False)

            points_array = _make_points_array(points_list)
            points_array2 = numpy_to_vtk(

Exemple #2
    def get_axes(self, model):
        Gets the axes of a CBAR/CBEAM, while respecting the OFFT flag.

        ``_rotate_v_wa_wb`` for a description of the OFFT flag.

        TODO: not integrated with CBAR yet...
        is_failed = True
        ihat = None
        yhat = None
        zhat = None
        eid = self.eid
        (nid1, nid2) = self.node_ids
        node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
        node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
        n1 = node1.get_position()
        n2 = node2.get_position()
        #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
        #i = n2 - n1
        #Li = norm(i)
        #ihat = i / Li

        elem = model.elements[eid]
        pid_ref = elem.pid_ref
        if pid_ref is None:
            pid_ref = model.Property(
        assert not isinstance(pid_ref, integer_types), elem

        (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
        node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
        node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
        n1 = node1.get_position()
        n2 = node2.get_position()

        # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
        # they are considered in ihat
        i = n2 - n1
        Li = norm(i)
        i_offset = i / Li

        unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(model, elem, n1, n2, node1,
                                                 node2, i_offset, i, eid, Li)
        if wb is None:
            # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad
            return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)

        ihat = xform[0, :]
        yhat = xform[1, :]
        zhat = xform[2, :]

        is_failed = False
        return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)
Exemple #3
    def get_axes_by_nodes(self, model: BDF, pid_ref, node1, node2, xyz1, xyz2, log):
        Gets the axes of a CBAR/CBEAM, while respecting the OFFT flag.

        :func:`` for a
        description of the OFFT flag.

        #TODO: not integrated with CBAR yet...

        is_failed = True
        eid = self.eid
        #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
        #i = n2 - n1
        #Li = norm(i)
        #ihat = i / Li

        elem = self
        #(nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
        #node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
        #node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
        #xyz1 = node1.get_position()
        #xyz2 = node2.get_position()

        # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
        # they are considered in ihat
        i = xyz2 - xyz1
        ihat_norm = norm(i)
        if ihat_norm== 0.:
            msg = 'xyz1=%s xyz2=%s\n%s' % (xyz1, xyz2, self)
            raise ValueError(msg)
        i_offset = i / ihat_norm

        unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
            model, elem,
            xyz1, xyz2, node1, node2,
            i_offset, i, eid, ihat_norm, log)
        if wb is None:
            # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

            # xform is xform_offset...assuming None
            ihat = None
            yhat = None
            zhat = None
            return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)

        ihat = xform[0, :]
        yhat = xform[1, :]
        zhat = xform[2, :]

        is_failed = False
        return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)
Exemple #4
    def get_axes_by_nodes(self, model, pid_ref, node1, node2, xyz1, xyz2, log):
        Gets the axes of a CBAR/CBEAM, while respecting the OFFT flag.

        ``_rotate_v_wa_wb`` for a description of the OFFT flag.

        TODO: not integrated with CBAR yet...
        is_failed = True
        eid = self.eid
        #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
        #i = n2 - n1
        #Li = norm(i)
        #ihat = i / Li

        elem = self
        #(nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
        #node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
        #node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
        #xyz1 = node1.get_position()
        #xyz2 = node2.get_position()

        # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
        # they are considered in ihat
        i = xyz2 - xyz1
        Li = norm(i)
        i_offset = i / Li

        unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
            model, elem,
            xyz1, xyz2, node1, node2,
            i_offset, i, eid, Li, log)
        if wb is None:
            # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

            # xform is xform_offset...assuming None
            ihat = None
            yhat = None
            zhat = None
            return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)

        ihat = xform[0, :]
        yhat = xform[1, :]
        zhat = xform[2, :]

        is_failed = False
        return is_failed, (wa, wb, ihat, yhat, zhat)
Exemple #5
def update_3d_beams(ugrid,
                    model: BDF,
                    bar_pid_to_eids: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> Any:
    node0 = 0
    points_list = []
    for pid, eids in bar_pid_to_eids.items():
        pid_ref =[pid]
        ptype = pid_ref.type
        bar_type = pid_ref.bar_type
        #if bar_type == {'BAR', 'TUBE', 'TUBE2', 'ROD'}:

        if ptype == 'PBARL':
            dim1 = dim2 = pid_ref.dim
        elif ptype == 'PBEAML':
            dim1 = pid_ref.dim[0, :]
            dim2 = pid_ref.dim[-1, :]
            raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref)
            #dim1 = dim2 = None
            #return node0

            func = BEAM_SETUP_MAP[bar_type]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref)
            #print('skipping 3d bar_type = %r' % bar_type)
            #return node0
        faces, points1, points2 = func(dim1, dim2)
        del faces

        for eid in eids:
            elem = model.elements[eid]
            (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
            #bar_nids.update([nid1, nid2])
            node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
            node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
            n1 = node1.get_position()
            n2 = node2.get_position()

            # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
            # they are considered in ihat
            i = n2 - n1
            Li = norm(i)
            ihat = i / Li

            unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
                model, elem,
                n1, n2, node1, node2,
                ihat, i, eid, Li, model.log)
            if wb is None:
                # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

            pointsi = transform_points(n1+wa, n2+wb, points1, points2, xform)
            dnode = points1.shape[0] * 2
            node0 += dnode
    if node0:
        points = _create_vtk_points_from_list(points_list)
Exemple #6
def create_3d_beams(model: BDF,
                    bar_pid_to_eids: Dict[int, List[int]]) -> Optional[vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid]:
    if len(bar_pid_to_eids) == 0:
        return None
    ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
    node0 = 0
    points_list = []
    eids_bad = []
    for pid, eids in bar_pid_to_eids.items():
        pid_ref =[pid]
        ptype = pid_ref.type
        bar_type = pid_ref.beam_type
        if bar_type == {'BAR', 'TUBE', 'TUBE2', 'ROD', 'DBOX', 'HAT1', 'BOX1'}:

        if ptype == 'PBARL':
            dim1 = dim2 = pid_ref.dim
        elif ptype == 'PBEAML':
            dim1 = pid_ref.dim[0, :]
            dim2 = pid_ref.dim[-1, :]
            raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref)
            #dim1 = dim2 = None
            #return node0

            func = BEAM_SETUP_MAP[bar_type]
        except KeyError:
            raise NotImplementedError(pid_ref)
            #print('skipping 3d bar_type = %r' % bar_type)
            #return node0
        faces, points1, points2 = func(dim1, dim2)
        for eid in eids:
            elem = model.elements[eid]
            (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
            #bar_nids.update([nid1, nid2])
            node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
            node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
            n1 = node1.get_position()
            n2 = node2.get_position()

            # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
            # they are considered in ihat
            i = n2 - n1
            Li = norm(i)
            ihat = i / Li

            #if != 0:
            #if elem.pb != 0:
                #nid_release_map[nid2].append((eid, elem.pb))

            unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
                model, elem,
                n1, n2, node1, node2,
                ihat, i, eid, Li, model.log)
            if wb is None:
                # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

            yhat = xform[1, :]
            zhat = xform[2, :]
            pointsi = transform_points(n1+wa, n2+wb, points1, points2, xform)
            face_idlist = faces_to_element_facelist(faces, node0)
            ugrid.InsertNextCell(vtk.VTK_POLYHEDRON, face_idlist)

            dnode = points1.shape[0] * 2
            node0 += dnode
            #bar_typei = get_bar_type(ptype, pid_ref)
            #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
            #bar_types[bar_typei][1].append((centroid, centroid + yhat * Li * scale))
            #bar_types[bar_typei][2].append((centroid, centroid + zhat * Li * scale))

    if eids_bad:
        model.log.warning(f'failed transform PBARL/PBEAML for eids={eids_bad}')
    points = _create_vtk_points_from_list(points_list)
    return ugrid
    def _get_bar_yz_arrays(self, model, bar_beam_eids, scale, debug):
        lines_bar_y = []
        lines_bar_z = []
        points_list = []

        bar_types = {
            # PBAR
            'bar' : [],

            # PBEAML/PBARL
            "ROD": [],
            "TUBE": [],
            "TUBE2" : [],
            "I": [],
            "CHAN": [],
            "T": [],
            "BOX": [],
            "BAR": [],
            "CROSS": [],
            "H": [],
            "T1": [],
            "I1": [],
            "CHAN1": [],
            "Z": [],
            "CHAN2": [],
            "T2": [],
            "BOX1": [],
            "HEXA": [],
            "HAT": [],
            "HAT1": [],
            "DBOX": [],  # was 12

            # PBEAM
            'beam' : [],

            # PBEAML specfic
            "L" : [],
        }  # for GROUP="MSCBML0"
        allowed_types = [
            'BAR', 'BOX', 'BOX1', 'CHAN', 'CHAN1', 'CHAN2', 'CROSS', 'DBOX',
            'H', 'HAT', 'HAT1', 'HEXA', 'I', 'I1', 'L', 'ROD',
            'T', 'T1', 'T2', 'TUBE', 'TUBE2', 'Z', 'bar', 'beam',

        # bar_types['bar'] = [ [...], [...], [...] ]
        #bar_types = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))

        found_bar_types = set([])
        #neids = len(self.element_ids)
        for bar_type, data in iteritems(bar_types):
            eids = []
            lines_bar_y = []
            lines_bar_z = []
            bar_types[bar_type] = (eids, lines_bar_y, lines_bar_z)
            #bar_types[bar_type] = [eids, lines_bar_y, lines_bar_z]

        ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
        node0 = 0

        nid_release_map = defaultdict(list)

        #debug = True
        bar_nids = set([])
        #print('bar_beam_eids = %s' % bar_beam_eids)
        for eid in bar_beam_eids:
            if eid not in self.eid_map:
                self.log.error('eid=%s is not a valid bar/beam element...' % eid)
                if debug:  # pragma: no cover
                    print('eid=%s is not a valid bar/beam element...' % eid)
            #unused_ieid = self.eid_map[eid]
            elem = model.elements[eid]
            pid_ref = elem.pid_ref
            if pid_ref is None:
                pid_ref = model.Property(
            assert not isinstance(pid_ref, integer_types), elem

            ptype = pid_ref.type
            bar_type = _get_bar_type(ptype, pid_ref)

            if debug:  # pragma: no cover
                print('%s' % elem)
                print('  bar_type =', bar_type)

            (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
            bar_nids.update([nid1, nid2])
            node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
            node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
            n1 = node1.get_position()
            n2 = node2.get_position()

            # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
            # they are considered in ihat
            i = n2 - n1
            Li = norm(i)
            ihat = i / Li

            if != 0:
            if elem.pb != 0:
                nid_release_map[nid2].append((eid, elem.pb))

            unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
                model, elem,
                n1, n2, node1, node2,
                ihat, i, eid, Li)
            if wb is None:
                # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

            yhat = xform[1, :]
            zhat = xform[2, :]

            ## concept has a GOO

            #if debug:  # pragma: no cover
                #print('  centroid = %s' % centroid)
                #print('  ihat = %s' % ihat)
                #print('  yhat = %s' % yhat)
                #print('  zhat = %s' % zhat)
                #print('  scale = %s' % scale)
            #if eid == 616211:
                #print('  check - eid=%s yhat=%s zhat=%s v=%s i=%s n%s=%s n%s=%s' % (
                      #eid, yhat, zhat, v, i, nid1, n1, nid2, n2))

                #print('adding bar %s' % bar_type)
                #print('   centroid=%s' % centroid)
                #print('   yhat=%s len=%s' % (yhat, np.linalg.norm(yhat)))
                #print('   zhat=%s len=%s' % (zhat, np.linalg.norm(zhat)))
                #print('   Li=%s scale=%s' % (Li, scale))
            if bar_type not in allowed_types:
                msg = 'bar_type=%r allowed=[%s]' % (bar_type, ', '.join(allowed_types))
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            if bar_type in BEAM_GEOM_TYPES:
                node0 = add_3d_bar_element(
                    bar_type, ptype, pid_ref,
                    n1+wa, n2+wb, xform,
                    ugrid, node0, points_list)

            centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
            bar_types[bar_type][1].append((centroid, centroid + yhat * Li * scale))
            bar_types[bar_type][2].append((centroid, centroid + zhat * Li * scale))

        if node0: # and '3d_bars' not in self.alt_grids:
            def update_grid_function(unused_nid_map, ugrid, points, nodes):  # pragma: no cover
                """custom function to update the 3d bars"""
                points_list = []
                node0b = 0
                for eid in bar_beam_eids:
                    elem = self.model.elements[eid]
                    pid_ref = elem.pid_ref
                    if pid_ref is None:
                        pid_ref = self.model.Property(
                    assert not isinstance(pid_ref, integer_types), elem

                    ptype = pid_ref.type
                    bar_type = _get_bar_type(ptype, pid_ref)

                    #nids = elem.nodes
                    (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
                    node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
                    node2 = model.nodes[nid2]

                    i1, i2 = np.searchsorted(self.node_ids, [nid1, nid2])
                    n1 = nodes[i1, :]
                    n2 = nodes[i2, :]
                    #centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.

                    i = n2 - n1
                    Li = norm(i)
                    ihat = i / Li

                    unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(
                        model, elem,
                        n1, n2, node1, node2,
                        ihat, i, eid, Li)
                    if wb is None:
                        # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

                    ugridi = None
                    node0b = add_3d_bar_element(
                        bar_type, ptype, pid_ref,
                        n1+wa, n2+wb, xform,
                        ugridi, node0b, points_list, add_to_ugrid=False)

                points_array = _make_points_array(points_list)

                points_array2 = numpy_to_vtk(


            if points_list:
                if not sys.argv[0].startswith('test_'):
                    update_grid_function = None
                    '3d_bars', color=BLUE, opacity=0.2,
                    representation='surface', is_visible=True,
                points_array = _make_points_array(points_list)
                points = numpy_to_vtk_points(points_array)

        #print('bar_types =', bar_types)
        for bar_type in list(bar_types):
            bars = bar_types[bar_type]
            if len(bars[0]) == 0:
                del bar_types[bar_type]
            #bar_types[bar_type][1] = np.array(bars[1], dtype='float32')  # lines_bar_y
            #bar_types[bar_type][2] = np.array(bars[2], dtype='float32')  # lines_bar_z

        debug = False
        if debug:  # pragma: no cover
            #np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 0.3f}'.format})
            for bar_type, data in sorted(iteritems(bar_types)):
                eids, lines_bar_y, lines_bar_z = data
                if len(eids):
                    #print('barsi =', barsi)
                    #print('bar_type = %r' % bar_type)
                    for eid, line_y, line_z  in zip(eids, lines_bar_y, lines_bar_z):
                        print('eid=%s centroid=%s cy=%s cz=%s' % (
                            eid, line_y[0], line_y[1], line_z[1]))

        #print('found_bar_types =', found_bar_types)
        #no_axial_torsion = (no_axial, no_torsion)
        #no_shear_bending = (no_shear_y, no_shear_z, no_bending_y, no_bending_z)
        #no_dofs = (no_bending, no_bending_bad, no_6_16, no_0_456,
                   #no_0_56, no_56_456, no_0_6, no_0_16)
        return bar_nids, bar_types, nid_release_map
Exemple #8
def _create_bar_types_dict(model: BDF,
                           bar_types: Dict[str, List[List[int], List[Any],
                           bar_beam_eids: List[int],
                           log: SimpleLogger,
                           scale: float,
                           debug: bool = False):
    node0 = 0
    found_bar_types = set()
    nid_release_map = defaultdict(list)
    ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid()
    points_list = []

    allowed_types = [

    #debug = True
    bar_nids = set()
    #print('bar_beam_eids = %s' % bar_beam_eids)
    for eid in bar_beam_eids:
        if eid not in eid_map:
            log.error('eid=%s is not a valid bar/beam element...' % eid)
            if debug:  # pragma: no cover
                print('eid=%s is not a valid bar/beam element...' % eid)
        #unused_ieid = self.eid_map[eid]
        elem = model.elements[eid]
        pid_ref = elem.pid_ref
        if pid_ref is None:
            pid_ref = model.Property(
        assert not isinstance(pid_ref, integer_types), elem

        ptype = pid_ref.type
        bar_type = get_bar_type(ptype, pid_ref)

        if debug:  # pragma: no cover
            print('%s' % elem)
            print('  bar_type = %s' % bar_type)

        (nid1, nid2) = elem.node_ids
        bar_nids.update([nid1, nid2])
        node1 = model.nodes[nid1]
        node2 = model.nodes[nid2]
        n1 = node1.get_position()
        n2 = node2.get_position()

        # wa/wb are not considered in i_offset
        # they are considered in ihat
        i = n2 - n1
        Li = norm(i)
        ihat = i / Li

        if != 0:
        if elem.pb != 0:
            nid_release_map[nid2].append((eid, elem.pb))

        if isinstance(elem.offt, int):
        unused_v, wa, wb, xform = rotate_v_wa_wb(model, elem, n1, n2, node1,
                                                 node2, ihat, i, eid, Li,
        if wb is None:
            # one or more of v, wa, wb are bad

        yhat = xform[1, :]
        zhat = xform[2, :]

        ## concept has a GOO

        #if debug:  # pragma: no cover
        #print('  centroid = %s' % centroid)
        #print('  ihat = %s' % ihat)
        #print('  yhat = %s' % yhat)
        #print('  zhat = %s' % zhat)
        #print('  scale = %s' % scale)
        #if eid == 616211:
        #print('  check - eid=%s yhat=%s zhat=%s v=%s i=%s n%s=%s n%s=%s' % (
        #eid, yhat, zhat, v, i, nid1, n1, nid2, n2))

        #print('adding bar %s' % bar_type)
        #print('   centroid=%s' % centroid)
        #print('   yhat=%s len=%s' % (yhat, np.linalg.norm(yhat)))
        #print('   zhat=%s len=%s' % (zhat, np.linalg.norm(zhat)))
        #print('   Li=%s scale=%s' % (Li, scale))
        if bar_type not in allowed_types:
            allowed_types_str = ', '.join(allowed_types)
            msg = f'bar_type={bar_type!r} allowed=[{allowed_types_str}]'
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        if bar_type in BEAM_GEOM_TYPES:
            node0 = add_3d_bar_element(bar_type, ptype, pid_ref, n1 + wa,
                                       n2 + wb, xform, ugrid, node0,

        centroid = (n1 + n2) / 2.
        bar_types[bar_type][1].append((centroid, centroid + yhat * Li * scale))
        bar_types[bar_type][2].append((centroid, centroid + zhat * Li * scale))
    return node0, ugrid, points_list, bar_nids, nid_release_map