Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        IntegratedLineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid')
            self.group = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'group', 'MSCBMLO')
            #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')

            # determine the number of required dimensions on the PBEAM
            ndim = self.validTypes[self.Type]
            #nAll = ndim + 1

            #: dimension list
            self.dim = []
            Dim = []

            #: Section position
            self.xxb = [0.]

            #: Output flag
            self.so = ['YES']

            #: non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
            self.nsm = []

            i = 9
            n = 0
            while i < len(card):
                if n > 0:
                    so = string_or_blank(card, i, 'so_n=%i' % n, 'YES')
                    xxb = double_or_blank(card, i + 1, 'xxb_n=%i' % n, 1.0)
                    i += 2

                Dim = []
                for ii in range(ndim):
                    dim = double(card, i, 'dim_n=%i_ii=%i' % (n, ii))
                    i += 1

                nsm = double_or_blank(card, i, 'nsm_n=%i' % n, 0.0)
                n += 1
                i += 1
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        IntegratedLineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'pid')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'mid')
            self.group = string_or_blank(card, 3, 'group', 'MSCBMLO')
            #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
            self.Type = string(card, 4, 'Type')

            # determine the number of required dimensions on the PBEAM
            ndim = self.validTypes[self.Type]
            #nAll = ndim + 1

            #: dimension list
            self.dim = []
            Dim = []

            #: Section position
            self.xxb = [0.]

            #: Output flag
            self.so = ['YES']

            #: non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
            self.nsm = []

            i = 9
            n = 0
            while i < len(card):
                if n > 0:
                    so = string_or_blank(card, i, 'so_n=%i' % n, 'YES')
                    xxb = double_or_blank(card, i + 1, 'xxb_n=%i' % n, 1.0)
                    i += 2

                Dim = []
                for ii in range(ndim):
                    dim = double(card, i, 'dim_n=%i_ii=%i' % (n, ii))
                    i += 1

                nsm = double_or_blank(card, i, 'nsm_n=%i' % n, 0.0)
                n += 1
                i += 1
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, pid, mid, group, Type, xxb, so, dims, nsm, comment=''):
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        #: Property ID
        self.pid = pid
        #: Material ID
        self.mid = mid
        self.group = group
        #: Section Type (e.g. 'ROD', 'TUBE', 'I', 'H')
        self.Type = Type
        ndim = self.valid_types[self.Type]

        self.dim = dims
        for xxbi, dim in zip(xxb, dims):
            assert len(dim) == ndim, 'Type=%s ndim=%s len(dim)=%s xxb=%s dim=%s' % (
                Type, ndim, len(dim), xxbi, dim)
        self.xxb = xxb
        self.so = so
        self.nsm = nsm
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, pid, mid, xxb, so, area, i1, i2, i12, j, nsm,
                 c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2, f1, f2,
                 k1, k2, s1, s2, nsia, nsib, cwa, cwb,
                 m1a, m2a, m1b, m2b,
                 n1a, n2a, n1b, n2b,
        .. todo:: fix 0th entry of self.so, self.xxb
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment
        #: Property ID
        self.pid = pid
        #: Material ID
        self.mid = mid

        assert isinstance(xxb, list), xxb
        assert isinstance(so, list), so
        #assert min(so) in [0., 1.], so  # YES, NO
        #assert max(so) == 1.0, so
        #print('xxb', xxb)
        assert 0. <= min(xxb) <= 0.0, xxb  # x/L
        assert 0. <= max(xxb) <= 1.0, xxb
        assert isinstance(area, list), area
        assert isinstance(i1, list), i1
        assert isinstance(i2, list), i2
        assert isinstance(i12, list), i12
        assert isinstance(j, list), j
        assert isinstance(nsm, list), nsm
        # at least one cross section is required; even if it's empty
        # xxb[0] isn't explicitly used
        #: Section position
        #self.xxb = xxb
        #: Output flag
        #self.so = so
        #: Area
        #self.A = area
        #: Moment of Inertia about the 1 axis :math:`I_1`
        #self.i1 = i1
        #: Moment of Inertia about the 2 axis  :math:`I_2`
        #self.i2 = i2
        #: Moment of Inertia about the 12 axis  :math:`I_{12}`
        #self.i12 = i12
        #: Polar Moment of Inertia :math:`J`
        #self.j = j
        #: Non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
        #self.nsm = nsm

        assert isinstance(c1, list), c1
        assert isinstance(c2, list), c2
        assert isinstance(d1, list), d1
        assert isinstance(d2, list), d2
        assert isinstance(e1, list), e1
        assert isinstance(e2, list), e2
        assert isinstance(f1, list), f1
        assert isinstance(f2, list), f2
        #self.c1 = c1
        #self.c2 = c2
        #self.d1 = d1
        #self.d2 = d2
        #self.e1 = e1
        #self.e2 = e2
        #self.f1 = f1
        #self.f2 = f2

        #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1.
        self.k1 = k1
        #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 2.
        self.k2 = k2

        #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 1.
        self.s1 = s1
        #assert self.s1 == 0., self.s1
        #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 2.
        self.s2 = s2
        #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
        #: about nsm center of gravity at Point A.
        self.nsia = nsia
        #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
        #: about nsm center of gravity at Point B.
        self.nsib = nsib

        #: warping coefficient for end A.
        self.cwa = cwa
        #: warping coefficient for end B.
        self.cwb = cwb

        #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end A.
        self.m1a = m1a
        #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end A.
        self.m2a = m2a

        #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end B.
        self.m1b = m1b
        #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
        #: nonstructural mass for end B.
        self.m2b = m2b

        #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
        self.n1a = n1a
        #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
        self.n2a = n2a
        #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
        self.n1b = n1b
        #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
        self.n2b = n2b

        # sort xxb
        ixxb = argsort(xxb)
        self.so = array(so, dtype='|U8')[ixxb]
        self.xxb = array(xxb, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        #print('ixxb = %s' % ixxb)
        #print('i12 = %s' % i12)

        self.A = array(area, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.i1 = array(i1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.i2 = array(i2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.i12 = array(i12, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.j = array(j, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.nsm = array(nsm, dtype='float64')[ixxb]

        self.c1 = array(c1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.c2 = array(c2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.d1 = array(d1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.d2 = array(d2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.e1 = array(e1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.e2 = array(e2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.f1 = array(f1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
        self.f2 = array(f2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]

        # now we interpolate to fix up missing data
        # from arrays that were potentially out of order
        # (they're sorted now)
        # we've also already checked xxb=0.0 and xxb=1.0 for I1, I2, I12, J
        loop_vars = (
            count(), self.xxb, self.A, self.i1, self.i2, self.i12, self.j, self.nsm,
            self.c1, self.c2, self.d1, self.d2, self.e1, self.e2, self.f1, self.f2
        for interp_data in zip(*loop_vars):
            i, xxb, a, i1, i2, i12, j, nsm, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2, f1, f2 = interp_data
            if xxb not in [0., 1.]:
                if a == 0.0:
                    self.A[i] = self.A[-1] + self.A[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if i1 == 0.0:
                    self.i1[i] = self.i1[-1] + self.i1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if i2 == 0.0:
                    self.i12[i] = self.i2[-1] + self.i2[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if j == 0.0:
                    self.j[i] = self.j[-1] + self.j[0] * (1 - xxb)

                assert self.A[i] >= 0., self.A
                assert self.i1[i] >= 0., self.i1
                assert self.i2[i] >= 0., self.i2
                assert self.j[i] >= 0., self.j  # we check warping later
                di12 = self.i1[i] * self.i2[i] - self.i12[i] ** 2
                if not di12 > 0.:
                    msg = 'I1 * I2 - I12^2=0 and must be greater than 0.0 at End B\n'
                    msg += 'xxb=%s i1=%s i2=%s i12=%s i1*i2-i12^2=%s'  % (
                        self.xxb[i], self.i1[i], self.i2[i], self.i12[i], di12)
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                if nsm == 0.0:
                    #print('iterpolating nsm; i=%s xxb=%s' % (i, xxb))
                    self.nsm[i] = self.nsm[-1] + self.nsm[0] * (1 - xxb)

                if c1 == 0.0:
                    self.c1[i] = self.c1[-1] + self.c1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if c2 == 0.0:
                    self.c2[i] = self.c2[-1] + self.c2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                if d1 == 0.0:
                    self.d1[i] = self.d1[-1] + self.d1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if d2 == 0.0:
                    self.d2[i] = self.d2[-1] + self.d2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                if e1 == 0.0:
                    self.e1[i] = self.e1[-1] + self.e1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if e2 == 0.0:
                    self.e2[i] = self.e2[-1] + self.e2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                if f1 == 0.0:
                    self.f1[i] = self.f1[-1] + self.f1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                if f2 == 0.0:
                    self.f2[i] = self.f2[-1] + self.f2[0] * (1 - xxb)

        if self.cwa or self.cwb:  # if either is non-zero
            for i, xxb, j in zip(count(), self.xxb, self.j):
                if self.j[i] < 0.:
                    ji = self.j[i]
                    msg = 'Warping Check Error; j[%i] must be greater than 0.0' % i
                    msg += '  cwa=%s cwb=%s\n' % (self.cwa, self.cwb)
                    msg += '  i=%s xxb=%s j=%s; j[%i]=%s\n' % (i, xxb, self.j, i, j)
                    raise ValueError(msg)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        .. todo:: fix 0th entry of self.so, self.xxb
        IntegratedLineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'property_id')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'material_id')

            area0 = double(card, 3, 'Area')
            #: Area
            self.A = [area0]
            i1a = double_or_blank(card, 4, 'I1', 0.0)
            i2a = double_or_blank(card, 5, 'I2', 0.0)
            i12a = double_or_blank(card, 6, 'I12', 0.0)
            ja = double_or_blank(card, 7, 'J', 0.0)
            nsma = double_or_blank(card, 8, 'nsm', 0.0)
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 1 axis :math:`I_1`
            self.i1 = [i1a]
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 2 axis  :math:`I_2`
            self.i2 = [i2a]
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 12 axis  :math:`I_{12}`
            self.i12 = [i12a]
            #: Polar Moment of Inertia :math:`J`
            self.j = [ja]
            #: Non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
            self.nsm = [nsma]

            assert self.A[0] >= 0., self.A
            assert self.i1[0] >= 0., self.i1
            assert self.i2[0] >= 0., self.i2

            # we'll do a check for warping later; cwa/cwb -> j > 0.0
            assert self.j[0] >= 0., self.j

            if not (i1a*i2a - i12a **2 > 0.):
                msg = 'I1 * I2 - I12^2=0 and must be greater than 0.0 at End A\n'
                msg += 'i1=%s i2=%s i12=%s'  % (i1a, i2a, i12a)
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # TODO: can you have a single lined PBEAM...I think so...
            # the second line is blank, so all values would be None (End A)
            # the NO xxb would be implicitly defined as 1.0
            # the End B values would try to use End A values, but because they're not set,
            # the defaults would get applied
            # the final 2 lines will default
            # finally, there would be no output at End A, but there would be output at End A.
            ifield = 9
            field9 = double_string_or_blank(card, 9, 'field9', 0.0)
            if isinstance(field9, float):
                # C/D/E/F
                c1a = double_or_blank(card, 9, 'c1', 0.0)
                c2a = double_or_blank(card, 10, 'c2', 0.0)
                d1a = double_or_blank(card, 11, 'd1', 0.0)
                d2a = double_or_blank(card, 12, 'd2', 0.0)
                e1a = double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e1', 0.0)
                e2a = double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e2', 0.0)
                f1a = double_or_blank(card, 15, 'f1', 0.0)
                f2a = double_or_blank(card, 16, 'f2', 0.0)
                self.c1 = [c1a]
                self.c2 = [c2a]
                self.d1 = [d1a]
                self.d2 = [d2a]
                self.e1 = [e1a]
                self.e2 = [e2a]
                self.f1 = [f1a]
                self.f2 = [f2a]
                so = 'YES'
                ifield += 8 # 9 + 8 = 17
                c1a = c2a = d1a = d2a = e1a = e2a = f1a = f2a = 0.0
                self.c1 = [None]
                self.c2 = [None]
                self.d1 = [None]
                self.d2 = [None]
                self.e1 = [None]
                self.e2 = [None]
                self.f1 = [None]
                self.f2 = [None]
                so = 'NO'
                if field9 not in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:
                    msg = 'field9=%r on the PBEAM pid=%s must be [YES, YESA, NO] because C/D/E/F at A is not specified' % field9
                    raise ValueError(field9)
            # at least one cross section is required; even if it's empty
            # xxb[0] isn't explicitly used
            #: Section position
            self.xxb = [0.]
            #: Output flag
            self.so = [so]

            irow = 0
            nrows_max = 10
            for irow in range(nrows_max):
                nrepeated = irow + 1
                SOi_k1 = double_string_or_blank(card, ifield, 'SO_%i/K1' % nrepeated)
                if isinstance(SOi_k1, float) or SOi_k1 is None:
                    # we found K1
                    so = string(card, ifield, 'SO%i' % nrepeated)
                    xxb = double(card, ifield + 1, 'x/xb%i' % nrepeated)
                    if xxb == 1.0:
                        # these have already been checked such that they're greater than 0
                        # so when we interpolate, our values will be correct
                        A = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 2, 'Area%i' % nrepeated, area0)
                        i1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 3, 'I1 %i' % nrepeated, i1a)
                        i2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 4, 'I2 %i' % nrepeated, i2a)

                        i12 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 5, 'I12 %i' % nrepeated, i12a)

                        assert self.A[-1] >= 0., self.A
                        assert self.i1[-1] >= 0., self.i1
                        assert self.i2[-1] >= 0., self.i2

                        # we'll do a check for warping later; cwa/cwb -> j > 0.0
                        assert self.j[-1] >= 0., self.j
                        if not (i1 * i2 - i12 ** 2 > 0.):
                            msg = 'I1 * I2 - I12^2=0 and must be greater than 0.0 at End B\n'
                            msg += 'xxb=1.0 i1=%s i2=%s i12=%s'  % (i1, i2, i12)
                            raise ValueError(msg)

                        j = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 6, 'J%i' % nrepeated, ja)
                        nsm = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 7, 'nsm%i' % nrepeated, nsma)
                        # we'll go through and do linear interpolation afterwards
                        A = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 2, 'Area%i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        i1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 3, 'I1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        i2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 4, 'I2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        i12 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 5, 'I12 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        j = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 6, 'J%i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        nsm = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 7, 'nsm%i' % nrepeated, 0.0)


                    if so == 'YES':
                        c1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 8, 'c1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        c2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 9, 'c2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        d1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 10, 'd1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        d2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 11, 'd2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        e1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 12, 'e1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        e2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 13, 'e2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        f1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 14, 'f1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        f2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 15, 'f2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                        ifield += 16
                    elif so == 'YESA':
                        c1 = c1a
                        c2 = c2a
                        d1 = d1a
                        d2 = d2a
                        e1 = e1a
                        e2 = e2a
                        f1 = f1a
                        f2 = f2a
                        ifield += 8
                    elif so == 'NO':
                        c1 = None
                        c2 = None
                        d1 = None
                        d2 = None
                        e1 = None
                        e2 = None
                        f1 = None
                        f2 = None
                        ifield += 8
                        raise RuntimeError('so=%r and not [YES, YESA, NO]' % so)
                if irow != 0:
                    assert min(self.xxb) == 0.0, self.xxb
                    assert max(self.xxb) == 1.0, self.xxb
                    assert len(self.xxb) == len(unique(self.xxb)), self.xxb
                #ifield += 8

            # sort xxb
            ixxb = argsort(self.xxb)

            self.so = array(self.so, dtype='|U8')[ixxb]
            self.xxb = array(self.xxb, dtype='float64')[ixxb]

            self.A = array(self.A, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.i1 = array(self.i1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.i2 = array(self.i2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.i12 = array(self.i12, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.j = array(self.j, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.nsm = array(self.nsm, dtype='float64')[ixxb]

            self.c1 = array(self.c1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.c2 = array(self.c2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.d1 = array(self.d1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.d2 = array(self.d2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.e1 = array(self.e1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.e2 = array(self.e2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.f1 = array(self.f1, dtype='float64')[ixxb]
            self.f2 = array(self.f2, dtype='float64')[ixxb]

            # now we interpolate to fix up missing data
            # from arrays that were potentially out of order
            # (they're sorted now)
            # we've also already checked xxb=0.0 and xxb=1.0 for I1, I2, I12, J
            loop_vars = (
                count(), self.xxb, self.A, self.i1, self.i2, self.i12, self.j, self.nsm,
                self.c1, self.c2, self.d1, self.d2, self.e1, self.e2, self.f1, self.f2
            #for i, xxb, a, i1, i2, j, nsm, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2, f1, f2 in zip(loop_vars):
            for interp_data in zip(*loop_vars):
                i, xxb, a, i1, i2, i12, j, nsm, c1, c2, d1, d2, e1, e2, f1, f2 = interp_data
                if xxb not in [0., 1.]:
                    if a == 0.0:
                        self.A[i] = self.A[-1] + self.A[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if i1 == 0.0:
                        self.i1[i] = self.i1[-1] + self.i1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if i2 == 0.0:
                        self.i12[i] = self.i2[-1] + self.i2[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if j == 0.0:
                        self.j[i] = self.j[-1] + self.j[0] * (1 - xxb)

                    assert self.A[i] >= 0., self.A
                    assert self.i1[i] >= 0., self.i1
                    assert self.i2[i] >= 0., self.i2
                    assert self.j[i] >= 0., self.j  # we check warping later
                    di12 = self.i1[i] * self.i2[i] - self.i12[i] ** 2
                    if not di12 > 0.:
                        msg = 'I1 * I2 - I12^2=0 and must be greater than 0.0 at End B\n'
                        msg += 'xxb=%s i1=%s i2=%s i12=%s i1*i2-i12^2=%s'  % (
                            self.xxb[i], self.i1[i], self.i2[i], self.i12[i], di12)
                        raise ValueError(msg)

                    if nsm == 0.0:
                        #print('iterpolating nsm; i=%s xxb=%s' % (i, xxb))
                        self.nsm[i] = self.nsm[-1] + self.nsm[0] * (1 - xxb)

                    if c1 == 0.0:
                        self.c1[i] = self.c1[-1] + self.c1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if c2 == 0.0:
                        self.c2[i] = self.c2[-1] + self.c2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                    if d1 == 0.0:
                        self.d1[i] = self.d1[-1] + self.d1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if d2 == 0.0:
                        self.d2[i] = self.d2[-1] + self.d2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                    if e1 == 0.0:
                        self.e1[i] = self.e1[-1] + self.e1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if e2 == 0.0:
                        self.e2[i] = self.e2[-1] + self.e2[0] * (1 - xxb)

                    if f1 == 0.0:
                        self.f1[i] = self.f1[-1] + self.f1[0] * (1 - xxb)
                    if f2 == 0.0:
                        self.f2[i] = self.f2[-1] + self.f2[0] * (1 - xxb)

            # calculate:
            #    k1, k2, s1, s2
            #    m1a, m2a, n1a, n2a, etc.

            # footer fields
            #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1.
            self.k1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield, 'k1', 1.0)
            #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 2.
            self.k2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 1, 'k2', 1.0)

            #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 1.
            self.s1 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 2, 's1', 0.0)
            #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 2.
            self.s2 = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 3, 's2', 0.0)

            #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
            #: about nsm center of gravity at Point A.
            self.nsia = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 4, 'nsia', 0.0)
            #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
            #: about nsm center of gravity at Point B.
            self.nsib = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 5, 'nsib', self.nsia)

            #: warping coefficient for end A.
            self.cwa = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 6, 'cwa', 0.0)
            #: warping coefficient for end B.
            self.cwb = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 7, 'cwb', self.cwa)

            #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end A.
            self.m1a = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 8, 'm1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end A.
            self.m2a = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 9, 'm2a', self.m1a)

            #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end B.
            self.m1b = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 10, 'm1b', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end B.
            self.m2b = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 11, 'm2b', self.m1b)

            #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
            self.n1a = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 12, 'n1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
            self.n2a = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 13, 'n2a', self.n1a)

            #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
            self.n1b = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 14, 'n1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
            self.n2b = double_or_blank(card, ifield + 15, 'n2b', self.n1b)

            if self.cwa or self.cwb:  # if either is non-zero
                for i, xxb, j in zip(count(), self.xxb, self.j):
                    if self.j[i] > 0.:
                        msg = 'Warping Check Error; j[%i] must be greater than 0.0' % i
                        msg += '  cwa=%s cwb=%s\n' % (self.cwa, self.cwb)
                        msg += '  i=%s xxb=%s j=%s; j[%i]=%s\n' % (i, xxb, self.j, i, j)
                        raise ValueError(msg)

            ifield += 16
            if len(card) > ifield:
                msg = 'len(card)=%s is too long; max=%s\n' % (len(card), ifield)
                msg += 'You probably have a empty line after the YESA/NO line.\n'
                msg += 'The next line must have K1.\n'
                msg += 'pid = %s\n' % self.pid
                msg += 'mid = %s\n' % self.mid
                msg += 's0 = %s\n' % self.so
                msg += 'xxb = %s\n' % self.xxb

                msg += 'A = %s\n' % self.A
                msg += 'i1 = %s\n' % self.i1
                msg += 'i2 = %s\n' % self.i2
                msg += 'i12 = %s\n' % self.i12
                msg += 'j = %s\n' % self.j
                msg += 'nsm = %s\n\n' % self.nsm

                msg += 'c1 = %s\n' % self.c1
                msg += 'c2 = %s\n' % self.c2
                msg += 'd1 = %s\n' % self.d1
                msg += 'd2 = %s\n' % self.d2
                msg += 'e1 = %s\n' % self.e1
                msg += 'e2 = %s\n' % self.e2
                msg += 'f1 = %s\n' % self.f1
                msg += 'f2 = %s\n\n' % self.f2

                msg += 'k1 = %s\n' % self.k1
                msg += 'k2 = %s\n' % self.k2
                msg += 's1 = %s\n' % self.s1
                msg += 's2 = %s\n' % self.s2
                msg += 'nsia = %s\n' % self.nsia
                msg += 'nsib = %s\n\n' % self.nsib

                msg += 'cwa = %s\n' % self.cwa
                msg += 'cwb = %s\n' % self.cwb
                msg += 'm1a = %s\n' % self.m1a
                msg += 'm2a = %s\n' % self.m2a
                msg += 'mb1 = %s\n' % self.m1b
                msg += 'm2b = %s\n' % self.m2b
                msg += 'n1a = %s\n' % self.n1a
                msg += 'n2a = %s\n' % self.n2a
                msg += 'n1b = %s\n' % self.n1b
                msg += 'n2b = %s\n' % self.n2b

                raise RuntimeError(msg)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self):
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self):
     .. todo:: fix 0th entry of self.so, self.xxb
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, card=None, data=None, comment=''):
        .. todo:: fix 0th entry of self.so, self.xxb
        IntegratedLineProperty.__init__(self, card, data)
        if comment:
            self._comment = comment

        if card:
            #: Property ID
            self.pid = integer(card, 1, 'property_id')
            #: Material ID
            self.mid = integer(card, 2, 'material_id')

            # at least one cross section are required
            # so[0] and xxb[0] aren't used
            #: Output flag
            self.so = ['YES']
            #: Section position
            self.xxb = [0.]
            A = double(card, 3, 'Area')
            #: Area
            self.A = [A]
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 1 axis :math:`I_1`
            self.i1 = [double_or_blank(card, 4, 'I1', 0.0)]
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 2 axis  :math:`I_2`
            self.i2 = [double_or_blank(card, 5, 'I2', 0.0)]
            #: Moment of Inertia about the 12 axis  :math:`I_{12}`
            self.i12 = [double_or_blank(card, 6, 'I12', 0.0)]
            #: Polar Moment of Inertia :math:`J`
            self.j = [double_or_blank(card, 7, 'J', 0.0)]
            #: Non-structural mass :math:`nsm`
            self.nsm = [double_or_blank(card, 8, 'nsm', 0.0)]

            assert self.A[0] >= 0., self.A
            assert self.i1[0] >= 0., self.i1
            assert self.i2[0] >= 0., self.i2

            is_cdef = False
            field9 = double_string_or_blank(card, 9, 'field9')
            field17 = double_string_or_blank(card, 17, 'field17')
                isinstance(field17, float)
                is_cdef = True
                is_footer = True
            except SyntaxError:
            #print("f9=%s f17=%s" % (field9, field17))

            #nlines = nfields // 8

            if field9 in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:
                is_cdef = False
                is_continue = True
            elif field17 in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:
                is_cdef = True
                is_continue = True
                is_continue = False
                is_cdef = True
                #if nlines == 2:
                #    isCDEF = True
                #elif nlines == 3:
                #    isCDEF = Tru

            #print("isCDEF=%s isContinue=%s" % (isCDEF, isContinue))
            #if isCDEF:
            self.c1 = [double_or_blank(card, 9, 'c1', 0.0)]
            self.c2 = [double_or_blank(card, 10, 'c2', 0.0)]
            self.d1 = [double_or_blank(card, 11, 'd1', 0.0)]
            self.d2 = [double_or_blank(card, 12, 'd2', 0.0)]
            self.e1 = [double_or_blank(card, 13, 'e1', 0.0)]
            self.e2 = [double_or_blank(card, 14, 'e2', 0.0)]
            self.f1 = [double_or_blank(card, 15, 'f1', 0.0)]
            self.f2 = [double_or_blank(card, 16, 'f2', 0.0)]
            #msg = ('On PBEAM %s, only YES format is supported.\n'
            #       'All C, D, E, and F fields must be specified.'% self.pid)
            #raise RuntimeError(msg)
            #self.c1 = [None]
            #self.c2 = [None]
            #self.d1 = [None]
            #self.d2 = [None]
            #self.e1 = [None]
            #self.e2 = [None]
            #self.f1 = [None]
            #self.f2 = [None]

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            # figure out how many YES/YESA/NO fields there are
            # and if there is a footer

            # counting continuation cards
            nfields = len(card) - 1  # -1 for PBEAM field
            if is_cdef:
                nmajor = nfields // 16
                nleftover = nfields % 16
                if nleftover == 0:
                    nmajor -= 1

                if nmajor == 0:
                    nmajor = 1

                # jump to the last block of 16
                x = nmajor * 16 + 1

                # If it's an SO field, we don't read the footer
                # remark 6:
                # The fourth and fifth continuation entries, which
                # contain fields K1 through N2(B), are optional
                # and may be omitted if the default values are appropriate.
                val = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, x, 'YES/YESA/NO')
                if val in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:  # there is no footer
                    nmajor += 1
                    x += 16
                    # read the footer
                nmajor = nfields // 8
                nleftover = nfields % 8
                if nleftover == 0:
                    nmajor -= 1
                if nmajor == 0:
                    nmajor = 1
                x = nmajor * 8 + 1

                val = integer_double_string_or_blank(card, x, 'YES/YESA/NO')
                if val in ['YES', 'YESA', 'NO']:  # there is no footer
                    nmajor += 1
                    x += 8
                    # read the footer

            # ----------------------------------------------------------------
            for nrepeated in range(1, nmajor):  # start at 1 to drop the header
                #print("  adding a major")
                # field 17 is the first possible so
                if is_cdef:
                    nstart = nrepeated * 16 + 1
                    nstart = nrepeated * 8 + 1

                #propFields = []
                #n = 1
                so = string(card, nstart, 'SO%i' % nrepeated)
                xxb = double(card, nstart + 1, 'x/xb%i' % nrepeated)
                A = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 2, 'Area%i' % nrepeated,
                i1 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 3, 'I1 %i' % nrepeated,
                i2 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 4, 'I2 %i' % nrepeated,
                i12 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 5, 'I12 %i' % nrepeated,
                j = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 6, 'J%i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                nsm = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 7, 'nsm%i' % nrepeated,


                if is_cdef:
                    c1 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 8, 'c1 %i' % nrepeated,
                    c2 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 9, 'c2 %i' % nrepeated,
                    d1 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 10,
                                         'd1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    d2 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 11,
                                         'd2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    e1 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 12,
                                         'e1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    e2 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 13,
                                         'e2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    f1 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 14,
                                         'f1 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    f2 = double_or_blank(card, nstart + 15,
                                         'f2 %i' % nrepeated, 0.0)
                    # YESA or NO, values MUST be omitted; remark 5
            if len(self.xxb) > 1:
                assert min(
                    self.xxb) == 0.0, 'min=%s, but should be 0.0\nxxb=%s' % (
                        min(self.xxb), self.xxb)
                assert max(
                    self.xxb) == 1.0, 'max=%s, but should be 1.0\nxxb=%s' % (
                        max(self.xxb), self.xxb)

            # footer fields
            #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 1.
            self.k1 = double_or_blank(card, x, 'k1', 1.0)
            #: Shear stiffness factor K in K*A*G for plane 2.
            self.k2 = double_or_blank(card, x + 1, 'k2', 1.0)

            #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 1.
            self.s1 = double_or_blank(card, x + 2, 's1', 0.0)
            #: Shear relief coefficient due to taper for plane 2.
            self.s2 = double_or_blank(card, x + 3, 's2', 0.0)

            #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
            #: about nsm center of gravity at Point A.
            self.nsia = double_or_blank(card, x + 4, 'nsia', 0.0)
            #: non structural mass moment of inertia per unit length
            #: about nsm center of gravity at Point B.
            self.nsib = double_or_blank(card, x + 5, 'nsib', self.nsia)

            #: warping coefficient for end A.
            self.cwa = double_or_blank(card, x + 6, 'cwa', 0.0)
            #: warping coefficient for end B.
            self.cwb = double_or_blank(card, x + 7, 'cwb', self.cwa)

            #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end A.
            self.m1a = double_or_blank(card, x + 8, 'm1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end A.
            self.m2a = double_or_blank(card, x + 9, 'm2a', self.m1a)

            #: y coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end B.
            self.m1b = double_or_blank(card, x + 10, 'm1b', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of center of gravity of
            #: nonstructural mass for end B.
            self.m2b = double_or_blank(card, x + 11, 'm2b', self.m1b)

            #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
            self.n1a = double_or_blank(card, x + 12, 'n1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end A.
            self.n2a = double_or_blank(card, x + 13, 'n2a', self.n1a)

            #: y coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
            self.n1b = double_or_blank(card, x + 14, 'n1a', 0.0)
            #: z coordinate of neutral axis for end B.
            self.n2b = double_or_blank(card, x + 15, 'n2b', self.n1b)
            raise NotImplementedError(data)