def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('sinex', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="SINEX file to update.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format') args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) sinex = args.sinex[0] project = args.project[0] process_sinex(cnn, project, dates, sinex)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format') args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions # create the execution log dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # create folder for plots if not os.path.isdir(args.project[0]): os.makedirs(args.project[0]) ######################################## # load polyhedrons project = dra(cnn, args.project[0], dates)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument('project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help="Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT.") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions if not args.noparallel: JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(Config, run_node_test=False) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer else: JobServer = None Config.run_parallel = False # create the execution log # load polyhedrons project = Project(cnn, args.project[0]) # plot initial state tqdm.write(' -- Plotting initial ETMs (unaligned)...') #for etm in tqdm(project.etms, ncols=160): # etm.plot(pngfile=args.project[0] + '/' + etm.NetworkCode + '.' + etm.StationCode + '_0.png', residuals=True) project.align_stack() tqdm.write(' -- Plotting intermediate step ETMs (aligned)...')
def check_rinex_stn(NetworkCode, StationCode, start_date, end_date): # load the connection try: # try to open a connection to the database cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") except Exception: return traceback.format_exc() + ' processing: (' + NetworkCode + '.' + StationCode \ + ') using node ' + platform.node(), None try: Archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) rs = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM rinex WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"ObservationSTime" BETWEEN \'%s\' AND \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "ObservationSTime"' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, start_date.yyyymmdd(), end_date.yyyymmdd())) rnxtbl = rs.dictresult() missing_files = [] for rnx in rnxtbl: crinex_path = os.path.join( Config.archive_path, Archive.build_rinex_path(NetworkCode, StationCode, rnx['ObservationYear'], rnx['ObservationDOY'], filename=rnx['Filename'])) if not os.path.exists(crinex_path): # problem with file! does not appear to be in the archive Archive.remove_rinex(rnx) event = pyEvents.Event( Description= 'A missing RINEX file was found during RINEX integrity check: ' + crinex_path + '. It has been removed from the database. Consider rerunning PPP for this station.', NetworkCode=NetworkCode, StationCode=StationCode, Year=rnx['ObservationYear'], DOY=rnx['ObservationDOY']) cnn.insert_event(event) missing_files += [crinex_path] return None, missing_files except Exception: return traceback.format_exc() + ' processing: ' + NetworkCode + '.' + \ StationCode + ' using node ' + platform.node(), None
def UpdateRecord(rinex, path): cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') try: rnxobj = pyRinex.ReadRinex(rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], path) date = pyDate.Date(year=rinex['ObservationYear'], doy=rinex['ObservationDOY']) if not verify_rinex_date_multiday(date, rnxobj, Config): cnn.begin_transac() # propagate the deletes cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM gamit_soln WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM ppp_soln WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.query( 'DELETE FROM rinex WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' AND "ObservationYear" = %i AND "ObservationDOY" = %i' % (rinex['NetworkCode'], rinex['StationCode'], rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY'])) cnn.commit_transac() return 'Multiday rinex file moved out of the archive: ' + rinex[ 'NetworkCode'] + '.' + rinex['StationCode'] + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationYear']) + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationDOY'] ) + ' using node ' + platform.node() else: cnn.update('rinex', rinex, Completion=rnxobj.completion) except pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionBadFile: # empty file or problem with crinex format, move out archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) archive.remove_rinex( rinex, os.path.join( Config.repository_data_reject, 'bad_rinex/%i/%03i' % (rinex['ObservationYear'], rinex['ObservationDOY']))) except Exception: return traceback.format_exc( ) + ' processing rinex: ' + rinex['NetworkCode'] + '.' + rinex[ 'StationCode'] + ' ' + str(rinex['ObservationYear']) + ' ' + str( rinex['ObservationDOY']) + ' using node ' + platform.node()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to synchronize AWS with OSU\'s archive database') parser.add_argument('date', type=str, nargs=1, help="Check the sync state for this given date. Format can be fyear or yyyy_ddd.") parser.add_argument('-mark', '--mark_uploaded', nargs='+', type=str, help="Pass net.stnm to mark these files as transferred to the AWS", metavar='{net.stnm}') parser.add_argument('-pull', '--pull_rinex', action='store_true', help="Get all the unsynchronized RINEX files in the local dir") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') # before attempting anything, check aliases!! print ' >> Checking GAMIT aliases' check_aliases(cnn) # initialize the PP job server if not args.noparallel: JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(Config, 1500) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer else: JobServer = None Config.run_parallel = False dd =[0] if '_' in dd: date = pyDate.Date(year=int(dd.split('_')[0]), doy=int(dd.split('_')[1])) elif dd == 'all': # run all dates (1994 to 2018) ts = range(pyDate.Date(year=2004, doy=20).mjd, pyDate.Date(year=2018, doy=87).mjd, 1) ts = [pyDate.Date(mjd=tts) for tts in ts] for date in ts: print ' >> Processing ' + str(date) pull_rinex(cnn, date, Config, JobServer) return else: date = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(dd)) if args.pull_rinex: pull_rinex(cnn, date, Config, JobServer) if args.mark_uploaded is not None: print 'Processing %i for day %s' % (len(args.mark_uploaded), date.yyyyddd()) # mark the list of stations as transferred to the AWS mark_uploaded(cnn, date, args.mark_uploaded)
def main(): Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(Config) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) rinex = cnn.query_float( 'SELECT * FROM rinex WHERE "ObservationYear" <= 1995 ORDER BY "NetworkCode", ' '"StationCode", "ObservationYear", "ObservationDOY"', as_dict=True) pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Processing rinex files', total=len(rinex), ncols=160) modules = ('os', 'pyRinex') callback = [] for rnx in rinex: filename = archive.build_rinex_path(rnx['NetworkCode'], rnx['StationCode'], rnx['ObservationYear'], rnx['ObservationDOY'], filename=rnx['Filename']) arguments = (rnx['NetworkCode'], rnx['StationCode'], Config.archive_path, filename) JobServer.SubmitJob(check_rinex, arguments, (), modules, callback, callback_class(pbar), 'callbackfunc') if JobServer.process_callback: # handle any output messages during this batch callback = output_handle(callback) JobServer.process_callback = False tqdm.write(' >> waiting for jobs to finish...') JobServer.job_server.wait() tqdm.write(' >> Done.') # process the errors and the new stations output_handle(callback) pbar.close()
def __init__(self, cnn): self.cnn = cnn # read the structure definition table self.levels = cnn.query( 'SELECT rinex_tank_struct.*, keys.* FROM rinex_tank_struct ' 'LEFT JOIN keys ON keys."KeyCode" = rinex_tank_struct."KeyCode" ' 'ORDER BY "Level"').dictresult() self.keys = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM keys').dictresult() # read the station and network tables self.networks = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM networks').dictresult() self.stations = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM stations').dictresult() self.Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg')
def test_node(check_gamit_tables=None, software_sync=()): # test node: function that makes sure that all required packages and tools are present in the nodes import traceback import platform import os import sys def check_tab_file(tabfile, date): if os.path.isfile(tabfile): # file exists, check contents with open(tabfile, 'rt', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: lines = f.readlines() tabdate = pyDate.Date(mjd=lines[-1].split()[0]) if tabdate < date: return ' -- %s: Last entry in %s is %s but processing %s' \ % (platform.node(), tabfile, tabdate.yyyyddd(), date.yyyyddd()) return [] else: return ' -- %s: Could not find file %s' % (platform.node(), tabfile) # BEFORE ANYTHING! check the python version version = sys.version_info # if version.major > 2 or version.minor < 7 or (version.micro < 12 and version.minor <= 7): # return ' -- %s: Incorrect Python version: %i.%i.%i. Recommended version >= 2.7.12' \ # % (platform.node(), version.major, version.minor, version.micro) if version.major < 3: return ' -- %s: Incorrect Python version: %i.%i.%i. Recommended version >= 3.0.0' \ % (platform.node(), version.major, version.minor, version.micro) # start importing the modules needed try: import shutil import datetime import time import uuid import traceback # deps import numpy import pg import dirsync # app import pyRinex import dbConnection import pyStationInfo import pyArchiveStruct import pyPPP import pyBrdc import pyOptions import Utils import pyOTL import pySp3 import pyETM import pyRunWithRetry import pyDate except: return ' -- %s: Problem found while importing modules:\n%s' % ( platform.node(), traceback.format_exc()) try: if len(software_sync) > 0: # synchronize directories listed in the src and dst arguments from dirsync import sync for source_dest in software_sync: if isinstance(source_dest, str) and ',' in source_dest: s = source_dest.split(',')[0].strip() d = source_dest.split(',')[1].strip() print(' -- Synchronizing %s -> %s' % (s, d)) updated = sync(s, d, 'sync', purge=True, create=True) for f in updated: print(' -- Updated %s' % f) except: return ' -- %s: Problem found while synchronizing software:\n%s ' % ( platform.node(), traceback.format_exc()) # continue with a test SQL connection # make sure that the gnss_data.cfg is present try: cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') q = cnn.query('SELECT count(*) FROM networks') if int(pg.version[0]) < 5: return ' -- %s: Incorrect PyGreSQL version!: %s' % ( platform.node(), pg.version) except: return ' -- %s: Problem found while connecting to postgres:\n%s ' % ( platform.node(), traceback.format_exc()) # make sure we can create the production folder try: test_dir = os.path.join('production/node_test') if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.makedirs(test_dir) except: return ' -- %s: Could not create production folder:\n%s ' % ( platform.node(), traceback.format_exc()) # test try: Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') # check that all paths exist and can be reached if not os.path.exists(Config.archive_path): return ' -- %s: Could not reach archive path %s' % ( platform.node(), Config.archive_path) if not os.path.exists(Config.repository): return ' -- %s: Could not reach repository path %s' % ( platform.node(), Config.repository) # pick a test date to replace any possible parameters in the config file date = pyDate.Date(year=2010, doy=1) except: return ' -- %s: Problem while reading config file and/or testing archive access:\n%s' \ % (platform.node(), traceback.format_exc()) try: brdc = pyBrdc.GetBrdcOrbits(Config.brdc_path, date, test_dir) except: return ' -- %s: Problem while testing the broadcast ephemeris archive (%s) access:\n%s' \ % (platform.node(), Config.brdc_path, traceback.format_exc()) try: sp3 = pySp3.GetSp3Orbits(Config.sp3_path, date, Config.sp3types, test_dir) except: return ' -- %s: Problem while testing the sp3 orbits archive (%s) access:\n%s' \ % (platform.node(), Config.sp3_path, traceback.format_exc()) # check that all executables and GAMIT bins are in the path for prg in ('crz2rnx', 'crx2rnx', 'rnx2crx', 'rnx2crz', 'gfzrnx_lx', 'svdiff', 'svpos', 'tform', 'sh_rx2apr', 'doy', 'sed', 'compress'): with pyRunWithRetry.command('which ' + prg) as run: if run.stdout == '': return ' -- %s: Could not find path to %s' % (platform.node(), prg) # check grdtab and ppp from the config file for opt in ('grdtab', 'otlgrid', 'ppp_exe'): path = Config.options[opt] if not os.path.isfile(path): return ' -- %s: Could not find %s in %s' % (platform.node(), opt, path) ppp_path = Config.options['ppp_path'] for f in ('', 'gpsppp.svb_gps_yrly', 'gpsppp.flt', '', 'gpsppp.met'): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(ppp_path, f)): return ' -- %s: Could not find %s in %s' % (platform.node(), f, ppp_path) for frame in Config.options['frames']: if not os.path.isfile(frame['atx']): return ' -- %s: Could not find atx in %s' % (platform.node(), frame['atx']) if check_gamit_tables is not None: # check the gamit tables if not none date = check_gamit_tables[0] eop = check_gamit_tables[1] gg = os.path.expanduser('~/gg') tables = os.path.expanduser('~/gg/tables') if not os.path.isdir(gg): return ' -- %s: Could not GAMIT installation dir (gg)' % ( platform.node()) elif not os.path.isdir(tables): return ' -- %s: Could not GAMIT tables dir (gg)' % ( platform.node()) # DDG: deprecated -> GAMIT now uses a single nbody file (binary) # for t_name in ('luntab.' + date.yyyy() + '.J2000', # 'soltab.' + date.yyyy() + '.J2000', # 'ut1.' + eop, # # leapseconds # # vmf1 # 'pole.' + eop # ): # result = check_tab_file(os.path.join(tables, t_name), date) # if result: # return result # fes_cmc consistency return ' -- %s: Test passed!' % platform.node()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Plot ETM for stations in the database') parser.add_argument( 'stnlist', type=str, nargs='+', help= "List of networks/stations to plot given in [net].[stnm] format or just [stnm] " "(separated by spaces; if [stnm] is not unique in the database, all stations with that " "name will be plotted). Use keyword 'all' to plot all stations in all networks. " "If [net].all is given, all stations from network [net] will be plotted" ) parser.add_argument('-nop', '--no_plots', action='store_true', help="Do not produce plots", default=False) parser.add_argument('-nom', '--no_missing_data', action='store_true', help="Do not show missing days", default=False) parser.add_argument('-nm', '--no_model', action='store_true', help="Plot time series without fitting a model") parser.add_argument('-r', '--residuals', action='store_true', help="Plot time series residuals", default=False) parser.add_argument( '-dir', '--directory', type=str, help= "Directory to save the resulting PNG files. If not specified, assumed to be the " "production directory") parser.add_argument( '-json', '--json', type=int, help="Export ETM adjustment to JSON. Append '1' to export time " "series or append '0' to just output the ETM parameters.") parser.add_argument( '-gui', '--interactive', action='store_true', help="Interactive mode: allows to zoom and view the plot interactively" ) parser.add_argument( '-win', '--time_window', nargs='+', metavar='interval', help= 'Date range to window data. Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy.doy or as a single ' 'integer value (N) which shall be interpreted as last epoch-N') parser.add_argument( '-gamit', '--gamit', type=str, nargs=2, metavar='{project} {type}', help= "Plot the GAMIT time series. Specify project and type = \'stack\' to plot the time " "series after stacking or \'gamit\' to just plot the coordinates of the polyhedron" ) args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') if len(args.stnlist) == 1 and os.path.isfile(args.stnlist[0]): print ' >> Station list read from ' + args.stnlist[0] stnlist = [line.strip() for line in open(args.stnlist[0], 'r')] stnlist = [{ 'NetworkCode': item.split('.')[0], 'StationCode': item.split('.')[1] } for item in stnlist] else: stnlist = Utils.process_stnlist(cnn, args.stnlist) ##################################### # date filter dates = None if args.time_window is not None: if len(args.time_window) == 1: try: dates = process_date(args.time_window, missing_input=None, allow_days=False) dates = (dates[0].fyear, ) except ValueError: # an integer value dates = float(args.time_window[0]) else: dates = process_date(args.time_window) dates = (dates[0].fyear, dates[1].fyear) if stnlist: # do the thing if if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( else: if not os.path.exists('production'): os.mkdir('production') = 'production' for stn in stnlist: try: if args.gamit is None: etm = pyETM.PPPETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], False, args.no_model) else: if args.gamit[1] == 'stack': polyhedrons = cnn.query_float( 'SELECT "X", "Y", "Z", "Year", "DOY" FROM stacks ' 'WHERE "Project" = \'%s\' AND "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND ' '"StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'ORDER BY "Year", "DOY", "NetworkCode", "StationCode"' % (args.gamit[0], stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'])) soln = pyETM.GamitSoln(cnn, polyhedrons, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], args.gamit[0]) etm = pyETM.GamitETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], False, args.no_model, gamit_soln=soln) # print ' > %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %i %i' % \ # (etm.factor[0]*1000, etm.factor[1]*1000, etm.factor[2]*1000, etm.soln.t.shape[0], # etm.soln.t.shape[0] - np.sum(np.logical_and(np.logical_and(etm.F[0], etm.F[1]), etm.F[2]))) # print two largest outliers if etm.A is not None: lres = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(etm.R), axis=0)) slres = lres[np.argsort(-lres)] print ' >> Two largest residuals:' for i in [0, 1]: print(' %s %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f' % (pyDate.Date(mjd=etm.soln.mjd[ lres == slres[i]]).yyyyddd(), etm.R[0, lres == slres[i]], etm.R[1, lres == slres[i]], etm.R[2, lres == slres[i]])) elif args.gamit[1] == 'gamit': etm = pyETM.GamitETM(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], False, args.no_model, project=args.gamit[1]) else: parser.error('Invalid option for -gamit switch') etm = None if args.interactive: xfile = None else: if args.gamit is None: xfile = os.path.join(, '%s.%s_ppp' % (etm.NetworkCode, etm.StationCode)) else: xfile = os.path.join(, '%s.%s_gamit' % (etm.NetworkCode, etm.StationCode)) # leave pngfile empty to enter interactive mode (GUI) if not args.no_plots: etm.plot(xfile + '.png', t_win=dates, residuals=args.residuals, plot_missing=not args.no_missing_data) if args.json is not None: with open(xfile + '.json', 'w') as f: if args.json != 0: json.dump(etm.todictionary(True), f, indent=4, sort_keys=False) else: json.dump(etm.todictionary(False), f, indent=4, sort_keys=False) print 'Successfully plotted ' + stn['NetworkCode'] + '.' + stn[ 'StationCode'] except pyETM.pyETMException as e: print str(e) except Exception: print 'Error during processing of ' + stn[ 'NetworkCode'] + '.' + stn['StationCode'] print traceback.format_exc() pass
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Simple PPP python wrapper. Calculate a coordinate for a RINEX file. ' 'Output one line per file with stnm epoch x y z lat lon h') parser.add_argument( 'files', type=str, nargs='+', help= "List of files, directories or wildcards to process. If directories are given, searches " "for .Z files. Individual files or wildcards can be either .Z or ??o. " "Eg: ./igm10010.10d.Z ./igm1002a.10o ./cs*.Z ./rinex2process/" ) parser.add_argument( '-otl', '--ocean_loading', action='store_true', help="Apply ocean loading coefficients (obtained from grdtab).") parser.add_argument( '-ns', '--no_split', action='store_true', help="Do not split multiday RINEX files and obtain a single coordinate." ) parser.add_argument( '-no_met', '--no_met', action='store_true', help= "Do not apply the GPT2 model to correct tropospheric delays (use GPT)." ) parser.add_argument('-dec', '--decimate', action='store_true', help="Decimate RINEX to 30 s if interval < 15.") parser.add_argument( '-rnx', '--load_rinex', action='store_true', help= "Fix RINEX using pyRinex, create a local copy (with session number+1) and exit. " "Do not run PPP.") parser.add_argument( '-ins', '--insert_sql', action='store_true', help= "Produce a SQL INSERT statement for this station including OTL and coordinates." ) parser.add_argument('-find', '--find', action='store_true', help="Find the matching station in the db using the " "spatial location algorithm.") parser.add_argument( '-ne', '--no_erase', action='store_true', help="Do not erase PPP folder structure after completion.") parser.add_argument('-back', '--backward_substitution', action='store_true', default=False, help="Run PPP with backward substitution.") parser.add_argument( '-fix', '--fix_coordinate', nargs='+', metavar='coordinate_file | x y z', default=None, help= 'Do not solve for station coordinates, fix station position as given in [coordinate_file] ' 'or provide a list of X Y Z coordinates. File should contain the ' 'apriori coordinates as a list starting with the station name ' 'and the X Y Z coordinates. For example: OSU1 595355.1776 -4856629.7091 4077991.9857' ) parser.add_argument( '-st', '--solve_troposphere', type=int, nargs=1, default=105, choices=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 102, 103, 104, 105), help= 'Solve for the tropospheric wet delay. Possible options are 1: do not solve, 2-5: solve ' 'without gradients (number determine the random walk in mm/hr), +100: solve gradients.' ) parser.add_argument('-elv', '--elevation_mask', type=int, nargs=1, default=10, help='Elevation mask (default=10).') parser.add_argument( '-c', '--copy_results', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='storage_dir', help= 'Copy the output files (.ses, .sum, .res, .pos) to [storage_dir]. A folder with the ' 'station name will be created in [storage_dir].') parser.add_argument( '-nocfg', '--no_config_file', type=str, nargs=3, metavar=('sp3_directory', 'sp3_types', 'brdc_directory'), help= 'Do not attempt to open gnss_data.cfg. Append [sp3_directory], [sp3_types] ' 'and [brdc_directory] to access the precise and broadcast orbit files. Use the keywords ' '$year, $doy, $month, $day, $gpsweek, $gpswkday to dynamically replace with the ' 'appropriate values (based on the date in the RINEX file). Grdtab and otl_grid should ' 'have the standard names if -otl is invoked and ppp should be in the PATH ' '(with executable name = ppp).') args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( 'gnss_data.cfg') # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions options = Config.options sp3types = Config.sp3types sp3altrn = Config.sp3altrn brdc_path = Config.brdc_path if args.no_config_file is not None: # options['ppp_path'] = '' # options['ppp_exe'] = 'ppp' # options['grdtab'] = 'grdtab' # options['otlgrid'] = 'otl.grid' options['sp3'] = args.no_config_file[0] sp3types = args.no_config_file[1].split(',') sp3altrn = ['jpl', 'jp2', 'jpr'] # brdc_path = args.no_config_file[2] # flog to determine if should erase or not folder erase = not args.no_erase rinex_list = [] for xfile in args.files: if os.path.isdir(xfile): # add all d.Z files in folder rinex_list += glob.glob(os.path.join(xfile, '*d.Z')) elif os.path.isfile(xfile): # a single file rinex_list += [xfile] else: # a wildcard: expand rinex_list += glob.glob(xfile) for rinex in rinex_list: # read the station name from the file stnm = rinex.split('/')[-1][0:4] try: with pyRinex.ReadRinex('???', stnm, rinex, allow_multiday=args.no_split) as rinexinfo: rnx_days = [rinexinfo] if rinexinfo.multiday and not args.no_split: print('Provided RINEX file is a multiday file!') # rinex file is a multiday file, output all the solutions rnx_list = rinexinfo.multiday_rnx_list for rnx in rnx_days: execute_ppp(rnx, args, stnm, options, sp3types, sp3altrn, brdc_path, erase, not args.no_met, args.decimate, args.fix_coordinate, args.solve_troposphere[0], args.copy_results, args.backward_substitution, args.elevation_mask[0]) except pyRinex.pyRinexException as e: print(str(e)) continue
def process_crinex_file(crinez, filename, data_rejected, data_retry): # create a uuid temporary folder in case we cannot read the year and doy from the file (and gets rejected) reject_folder = os.path.join(data_rejected, str(uuid.uuid4())) try: cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) # apply local configuration (path to repo) in the executing node crinez = os.path.join(Config.repository_data_in, crinez) except Exception: return traceback.format_exc() + ' while opening the database to process file ' + \ crinez + ' node ' + platform.node(), None # assume a default networkcode NetworkCode = 'rnx' # get the station code year and doy from the filename fileparts = archive.parse_crinex_filename(filename) if fileparts: StationCode = fileparts[0].lower() doy = int(fileparts[1]) year = int(Utils.get_norm_year_str(fileparts[3])) else: event = pyEvents.Event( Description='Could not read the station code, year or doy for file ' + crinez, EventType='error') error_handle(cnn, event, crinez, reject_folder, filename, no_db_log=True) return event['Description'], None # we can now make better reject and retry folders reject_folder = os.path.join( data_rejected, '%reason%/' + Utils.get_norm_year_str(year) + '/' + Utils.get_norm_doy_str(doy)) retry_folder = os.path.join( data_retry, '%reason%/' + Utils.get_norm_year_str(year) + '/' + Utils.get_norm_doy_str(doy)) try: # main try except block with pyRinex.ReadRinex(NetworkCode, StationCode, crinez) as rinexinfo: # type: pyRinex.ReadRinex # STOP! see if rinexinfo is a multiday rinex file if not verify_rinex_multiday(cnn, rinexinfo, Config): # was a multiday rinex. verify_rinex_date_multiday took care of it return None, None # DDG: we don't use otl coefficients because we need an approximated coordinate # we therefore just calculate the first coordinate without otl # NOTICE that we have to trust the information coming in the RINEX header (receiver type, antenna type, etc) # we don't have station info data! Still, good enough # the final PPP coordinate will be calculated by pyScanArchive on a different process # make sure that the file has the appropriate coordinates in the header for PPP. # put the correct APR coordinates in the header. # ppp didn't work, try using sh_rx2apr brdc = pyBrdc.GetBrdcOrbits(Config.brdc_path,, rinexinfo.rootdir) # inflate the chi**2 limit to make sure it will pass (even if we get a crappy coordinate) try: rinexinfo.auto_coord(brdc, chi_limit=1000) # normalize header to add the APR coordinate # empty dict since nothing extra to change (other than the APR coordinate) rinexinfo.normalize_header(dict()) except pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionNoAutoCoord: # could not determine an autonomous coordinate, try PPP anyways. 50% chance it will work pass with pyPPP.RunPPP( rinexinfo, '', Config.options, Config.sp3types, Config.sp3altrn, rinexinfo.antOffset, strict=False, apply_met=False, clock_interpolation=True) as ppp: # type: pyPPP.RunPPP try: ppp.exec_ppp() except pyPPP.pyRunPPPException as ePPP: # inflate the chi**2 limit to make sure it will pass (even if we get a crappy coordinate) # if coordinate is TOO bad it will get kicked off by the unreasonable geodetic height try: auto_coords_xyz, auto_coords_lla = rinexinfo.auto_coord( brdc, chi_limit=1000) except pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionNoAutoCoord as e: # catch pyRinexExceptionNoAutoCoord and convert it into a pyRunPPPException raise pyPPP.pyRunPPPException( 'Both PPP and sh_rx2apr failed to obtain a coordinate for %s.\n' 'The file has been moved into the rejection folder. ' 'Summary PPP file and error (if exists) follows:\n%s\n\n' 'ERROR section:\n%s\npyRinex.auto_coord error follows:\n%s' % (crinez.replace(Config.repository_data_in, ''), ppp.summary, str(ePPP).strip(), str(e).strip())) # DDG: this is correct - auto_coord returns a numpy array (calculated in ecef2lla), # so = auto_coords_lla is consistent. = auto_coords_lla[0] ppp.lon = auto_coords_lla[1] ppp.h = auto_coords_lla[2] ppp.x = auto_coords_xyz[0] ppp.y = auto_coords_xyz[1] ppp.z = auto_coords_xyz[2] # check for unreasonable heights if ppp.h[0] > 9000 or ppp.h[0] < -400: raise pyRinex.pyRinexException( os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) + ' : unreasonable geodetic height (%.3f). ' 'RINEX file will not enter the archive.' % (ppp.h[0])) Result, match, _ = ppp.verify_spatial_coherence( cnn, StationCode) if Result: # insert: there is only 1 match with the same StationCode. rinexinfo.rename(NetworkCode=match[0]['NetworkCode']) insert_data(cnn, archive, rinexinfo) else: if len(match) == 1: error = "%s matches the coordinate of %s.%s (distance = %8.3f m) but the filename " \ "indicates it is %s. Please verify that this file belongs to %s.%s, rename it and " \ "try again. The file was moved to the retry folder. " \ "Rename script and pSQL sentence follows:\n" \ "BASH# mv %s %s\n" \ "PSQL# INSERT INTO stations (\"NetworkCode\", \"StationCode\", \"auto_x\", " \ "\"auto_y\", \"auto_z\", \"lat\", \"lon\", \"height\") VALUES " \ "('???','%s', %12.3f, %12.3f, %12.3f, " \ "%10.6f, %10.6f, %8.3f)\n" \ % (os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in), match[0]['NetworkCode'], match[0]['StationCode'], float(match[0]['distance']), StationCode, match[0]['NetworkCode'], match[0]['StationCode'], os.path.join(retry_folder, filename), os.path.join(retry_folder, filename.replace(StationCode, match[0]['StationCode'])), StationCode, ppp.x, ppp.y, ppp.z,[0], ppp.lon[0], ppp.h[0]) raise pyPPP.pyRunPPPExceptionCoordConflict(error) elif len(match) > 1: # a number of things could have happened: # 1) wrong station code, and more than one matching stations # (that do not match the station code, of course) # see rms.lhcl 2007 113 -> matches rms.igm0: 34.293 m, rms.igm1: 40.604 m, rms.byns: 4.819 m # 2) no entry in the database for this solution -> add a lock and populate the exit args # no match, but we have some candidates error = "Solution for RINEX in repository (%s %s) did not match a unique station location " \ "(and station code) within 5 km. Possible cantidate(s): %s. This file has been moved " \ "to data_in_retry. pSQL sentence follows:\n" \ "PSQL# INSERT INTO stations (\"NetworkCode\", \"StationCode\", \"auto_x\", " \ "\"auto_y\", \"auto_z\", \"lat\", \"lon\", \"height\") VALUES " \ "('???','%s', %12.3f, %12.3f, %12.3f, %10.6f, %10.6f, %8.3f)\n" \ % (os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in),, ', '.join(['%s.%s: %.3f m' % (m['NetworkCode'], m['StationCode'], m['distance']) for m in match]), StationCode, ppp.x, ppp.y, ppp.z,[0], ppp.lon[0], ppp.h[0]) raise pyPPP.pyRunPPPExceptionCoordConflict(error) else: # only found a station removing the distance limit (could be thousands of km away!) # The user will have to add the metadata to the database before the file can be added, # but in principle no problem was detected by the process. This file will stay in this folder # so that it gets analyzed again but a "lock" will be added to the file that will have to be # removed before the service analyzes again. # if the user inserted the station by then, it will get moved to the appropriate place. # we return all the relevant metadata to ease the insert of the station in the database otl = pyOTL.OceanLoading(StationCode, Config.options['grdtab'], Config.options['otlgrid']) # use the ppp coordinates to calculate the otl coeff = otl.calculate_otl_coeff(x=ppp.x, y=ppp.y, z=ppp.z) # add the file to the locks table so that it doesn't get processed over and over # this will be removed by user so that the file gets reprocessed once all the metadata is ready cnn.insert('locks', filename=os.path.relpath( crinez, Config.repository_data_in)) return None, [ StationCode, (ppp.x, ppp.y, ppp.z), coeff, ([0], ppp.lon[0], ppp.h[0]), crinez ] except (pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionBadFile, pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionSingleEpoch, pyRinex.pyRinexExceptionNoAutoCoord) \ as e: reject_folder = reject_folder.replace('%reason%', 'bad_rinex') # add more verbose output e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + '\n' + os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) + \ ': (file moved to ' + reject_folder + ')' e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy # error, move the file to rejected folder error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, reject_folder, filename) return None, None except pyRinex.pyRinexException as e: retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'rinex_issues') # add more verbose output e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + '\n' + os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) + \ ': (file moved to ' + retry_folder + ')' e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy # error, move the file to rejected folder error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, retry_folder, filename) return None, None except pyPPP.pyRunPPPExceptionCoordConflict as e: retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'coord_conflicts') e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'].replace( '%reason%', 'coord_conflicts') e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, retry_folder, filename) return None, None except pyPPP.pyRunPPPException as e: reject_folder = reject_folder.replace('%reason%', 'no_ppp_solution') e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, reject_folder, filename) return None, None except pyStationInfo.pyStationInfoException as e: retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'station_info_exception') e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + '. The file will stay in the repository and will be ' \ 'processed during the next cycle of pyArchiveService.' e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, retry_folder, filename) return None, None except pyOTL.pyOTLException as e: retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'otl_exception') e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + ' while calculating OTL for %s. ' \ 'The file has been moved into the retry folder.' \ % os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, retry_folder, filename) return None, None except pyProducts.pyProductsExceptionUnreasonableDate as e: # a bad RINEX file requested an orbit for a date < 0 or > now() reject_folder = reject_folder.replace('%reason%', 'bad_rinex') e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + ' during %s. The file has been moved to the rejected ' \ 'folder. Most likely bad RINEX header/data.' \ % os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, reject_folder, filename) return None, None except pyProducts.pyProductsException as e: # if PPP fails and ArchiveService tries to run sh_rnx2apr and it doesn't find the orbits, send to retry retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'sp3_exception') e.event['Description'] = e.event['Description'] + ': %s. Check the brdc/sp3/clk files and also check that ' \ 'the RINEX data is not corrupt.' \ % os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) e.event['StationCode'] = StationCode e.event['NetworkCode'] = '???' e.event['Year'] = year e.event['DOY'] = doy error_handle(cnn, e.event, crinez, retry_folder, filename) return None, None except dbConnection.dbErrInsert as e: reject_folder = reject_folder.replace('%reason%', 'duplicate_insert') # insert duplicate values: two parallel processes tried to insert different filenames # (or the same) of the same station to the db: move it to the rejected folder. # The user might want to retry later. Log it in events # this case should be very rare event = pyEvents.Event( Description='Duplicate rinex insertion attempted while processing ' + os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) + ' : (file moved to rejected folder)\n' + str(e), EventType='warn', StationCode=StationCode, NetworkCode='???', Year=year, DOY=doy) error_handle(cnn, event, crinez, reject_folder, filename) return None, None except Exception: retry_folder = retry_folder.replace('%reason%', 'general_exception') event = pyEvents.Event( Description=traceback.format_exc() + ' processing: ' + os.path.relpath(crinez, Config.repository_data_in) + ' in node ' + platform.node() + ' (file moved to retry folder)', EventType='error') error_handle(cnn, event, crinez, retry_folder, filename, no_db_log=True) return event['Description'], None return None, None
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument( 'project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help= "Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT." ) parser.add_argument( '-max', '--max_iters', nargs=1, type=int, metavar='{max_iter}', help="Specify maximum number of iterations. Default is 4.") parser.add_argument( '-exclude', '--exclude_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to remove from the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-use', '--use_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to use for the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-dir', '--directory', type=str, help= "Directory to save the resulting PNG files. If not specified, assumed to be the " "production directory") parser.add_argument('-redo', '--redo_stack', action='store_true', help="Delete the stack and redo it from scratch") parser.add_argument( '-itrf', '--itrf', nargs='+', help= "File with the ITRF periodic space parameters as given by Zuheir Altamimi and the list " "of stations to inherit the periodic terms from. Example: -itrf periodic.dat igs.braz " "rms.autf rms.igm1 rms.sant ...") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer if args.max_iters: max_iters = int(args.max_iters[0]) else: max_iters = 4 print ' >> Defaulting to 4 iterations' if args.exclude_stations: exclude_stn = args.exclude_stations else: exclude_stn = [] if args.use_stations: use_stn = args.use_stations else: use_stn = [] # create folder for plots if if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( else: if not os.path.exists('production'): os.mkdir('production') = 'production' # load the ITRF dat file with the periodic space components if args.itrf: periodic = load_periodic_space(args.itrf[0]) else: periodic = None # create the stack object stack = pyStack.Stack(cnn, args.project[0], args.redo_stack) for i in range(max_iters): # create the target polyhedrons based on iteration number (i == 0: PPP) target = calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, i) qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack), ncols=160, desc=' >> Aligning polyhedrons (%i of %i)' % (i + 1, max_iters)) # work on each polyhedron of the stack for j in range(len(stack)): qbar.update() if stack[j].date != target[j].date: # raise an error if dates don't agree! raise StandardError( 'Error processing %s: dates don\'t agree (target date %s)' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), target[j].date.yyyyddd())) else: if not stack[j].aligned: # should only attempt to align a polyhedron that is unaligned # do not set the polyhedron as aligned unless we are in the max iteration step stack[j].align(target[j], True if i == max_iters - 1 else False) # write info to the screen qbar.write( ' -- %s (%3i) %2i it: wrms: %4.1f T %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f ' 'R (%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f)*1e-9' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), stack[j].stations_used, stack[j].iterations, stack[j].wrms * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-3] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-2] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-1] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-6], stack[j].helmert[-5], stack[j].helmert[-4])) qbar.close() # before removing common modes (or inheriting periodic terms), calculate ETMs with final aligned solutions calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None) if args.redo_stack: # only apply common mode removal if redoing the stack if args.itrf: stack.remove_common_modes(periodic, args.itrf[1:]) else: stack.remove_common_modes() # here, we also align the stack in velocity and coordinate space # TODO: include alignment to velocity and coordinate space # calculate the etms again, after removing or inheriting parameters calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None) # save polyhedrons to the database qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack.stations), ncols=160) for stn in stack.stations: # plot the ETMs qbar.update() qbar.postfix = '%s.%s' % (stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) plot_etm(cnn, stack, stn, qbar.close()
def main(): global wrms_n, wrms_e, wrms_u, project parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='GNSS daily repetitivities analysis (DRA)') parser.add_argument( 'project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help= "Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT." ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help= 'Date range filter. Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format' ) parser.add_argument( '-w', '--plot_window', nargs='+', metavar='date', help= 'Date window range to plot. Can be specified in yyyy/mm/dd yyyy_doy wwww-d format' ) parser.add_argument('-hist', '--histogram', action='store_true', help="Plot a histogram of the daily repetitivities") parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help= "Provide additional information during the alignment process (for debugging purposes)" ) parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") project = args.project[0] dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) pdates = None if args.plot_window is not None: if len(args.plot_window) == 1: try: pdates = process_date(args.plot_window, missing_input=None, allow_days=False) pdates = (pdates[0].fyear, ) except ValueError: # an integer value pdates = float(args.plot_window[0]) else: pdates = process_date(args.plot_window) pdates = (pdates[0].fyear, pdates[1].fyear) # create folder for plots path_plot = project + '_dra' if not os.path.isdir(path_plot): os.makedirs(path_plot) ######################################## # load polyhedrons # create the DRA object dra = DRA(cnn, args.project[0], dates[0], dates[1], args.verbose) dra.stack_dra() dra.to_json(project + '_dra.json') missing_doys = [] tqdm.write( ' >> Daily repetitivity analysis done. DOYs with wrms > 8 mm are shown below:' ) for i, d in enumerate(dra): if d.wrms is not None: if d.wrms > 0.008: tqdm.write( ' -- %s (%04i) %2i it wrms: %4.1f D-W: %5.3f IQR: %4.1f' % (, d.stations_used, d.iterations, d.wrms * 1000, d.down_frac, d.iqr * 1000)) qbar = tqdm(total=len(dra.stations), desc=' >> Computing DRAs', ncols=160, disable=None) modules = ('pyETM', 'dbConnection', 'traceback', 'io', 'numpy') JobServer.create_cluster(compute_dra, progress_bar=qbar, callback=callback_handler, modules=modules) # plot each DRA for stn in dra.stations: NetworkCode = stn['NetworkCode'] StationCode = stn['StationCode'] ts = dra.get_station(NetworkCode, StationCode) JobServer.submit(ts, NetworkCode, StationCode, pdates, project, args.histogram) JobServer.wait() qbar.close() JobServer.close_cluster() wrms_n = np.array(wrms_n) wrms_e = np.array(wrms_e) wrms_u = np.array(wrms_u) # plot the WRM of the DRA stack and number of stations f, axis = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(15, 10)) # type: plt.subplots # WRMS ax = axis[0][0] ax.plot([t['fyear'] for t in dra.transformations[0]], [t['wrms'] * 1000 for t in dra.transformations[0]], 'ob', markersize=2) ax.set_ylabel('WRMS [mm]') ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylim(0, 10) # station count ax = axis[1][0] ax.plot([t['fyear'] for t in dra.transformations[0]], [t['stations_used'] for t in dra.transformations[0]], 'ob', markersize=2) ax.set_ylabel('Station count') ax.grid(True) # d-w fraction ax = axis[2][0] ax.plot([t['fyear'] for t in dra.transformations[0]], [t['downweighted_fraction'] for t in dra.transformations[0]], 'ob', markersize=2) ax.set_ylabel('DW fraction') ax.grid(True) ax = axis[0][1] ax.hist(wrms_n[wrms_n <= 8], 40, alpha=0.75, facecolor='blue') ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel('# stations') ax.set_xlabel('WRMS misfit N [mm]') ax.set_title('Daily repetitivities NEU') ax = axis[1][1] ax.hist(wrms_e[wrms_e <= 8], 40, alpha=0.75, facecolor='blue') ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim(0, 8) ax.set_ylabel('# stations') ax.set_xlabel('WRMS misfit E [mm]') ax = axis[2][1] ax.hist(wrms_u[wrms_u <= 10], 40, alpha=0.75, facecolor='blue') ax.grid(True) ax.set_xlim(0, 10) ax.set_ylabel('# stations') ax.set_xlabel('WRMS misfit U [mm]') f.suptitle('Daily repetitivity analysis for project %s\n' 'Solutions with WRMS > 10 mm are not shown' % project, fontsize=12, family='monospace') plt.savefig(project + '_dra.png') plt.close() ax.set_xlim(0, 8)
""" import pyOptions import argparse import dbConnection import pyStationInfo import pyDate import curses from curses import panel import curses.ascii from curses.textpad import Textbox, rectangle from collections import OrderedDict import traceback cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions("gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions selection = 0 stn = None records = [] class _Textbox(Textbox): """ curses.textpad.Textbox requires users to ^g on completion, which is sort of annoying for an interactive chat client such as this, which typically only reuquires an enter. This subclass fixes this problem by signalling completion on Enter as well as ^g. Also, map <Backspace> key to ^h. """ def __init__(self, win, insert_mode=False, text=''): Textbox.__init__(self, win, insert_mode)
' >> There were unhandled errors during this batch. Please check errors_pyScanArchive.log for details' ) # function to print any error that are encountered during parallel execution for msg in messages: if msg: file_append( 'errors_amend.log', 'ON ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' an unhandled error occurred:\n' + msg + '\n' + 'END OF ERROR =================== \n\n') return [] cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') options = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(options) archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) for table in ['rinex']: print(" >> Processing " + table) tbl = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM ' + table + ' WHERE "Completion" is null') rnx = tbl.dictresult() callback = [] pbar = tqdm(total=len(rnx), ncols=80)
def main(): # put connection and config in global variable to use inside callback_handle global cnn global repository_data_in # bind to the repository directory parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Archive operations Main Program') parser.add_argument( '-purge', '--purge_locks', action='store_true', help= "Delete any network starting with '?' from the stations table and purge the contents of " "the locks table, deleting the associated files from data_in.") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') repository_data_in = Config.repository_data_in if not os.path.isdir(Config.repository): print "the provided repository path in gnss_data.cfg is not a folder" exit() JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer(Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel, software_sync=[ Config.options['ppp_remote_local'] ]) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') # create the execution log cnn.insert('executions', script='') # set the data_xx directories data_in = os.path.join(Config.repository, 'data_in') data_in_retry = os.path.join(Config.repository, 'data_in_retry') data_reject = os.path.join(Config.repository, 'data_rejected') # if if the subdirs exist if not os.path.isdir(data_in): os.makedirs(data_in) if not os.path.isdir(data_in_retry): os.makedirs(data_in_retry) if not os.path.isdir(data_reject): os.makedirs(data_reject) # delete any locks with a NetworkCode != '?%' cnn.query('delete from locks where "NetworkCode" not like \'?%\'') # get the locks to avoid reprocessing files that had no metadata in the database locks = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM locks') locks = locks.dictresult() if args.purge_locks: # first, delete all associated files for lock in tqdm(locks, ncols=160, unit='crz', desc='%-30s' % ' >> Purging locks', disable=None): try: os.remove( os.path.join(Config.repository_data_in, lock['filename'])) except Exception: sys.exc_clear() # purge the contents of stations. This will automatically purge the locks table cnn.query('delete from stations where "NetworkCode" like \'?%\'') # purge the networks cnn.query('delete from networks where "NetworkCode" like \'?%\'') # purge the locks already taken care of (just in case) cnn.query('delete from locks where "NetworkCode" not like \'?%\'') # get the locks to avoid reprocessing files that had no metadata in the database locks = cnn.query('SELECT * FROM locks') locks = locks.dictresult() # look for data in the data_in_retry and move it to data_in archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct(cnn) pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Scanning data_in_retry', ncols=160, unit='crz', disable=None) rfiles, paths, _ = archive.scan_archive_struct(data_in_retry, pbar) pbar.close() pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' -- Moving files to data_in', total=len(rfiles), ncols=160, unit='crz', disable=None) for rfile, path in zip(rfiles, paths): dest_file = os.path.join(data_in, rfile) # move the file into the folder Utils.move(path, dest_file) pbar.set_postfix(crinez=rfile) pbar.update() # remove folder from data_in_retry (also removes the log file) try: # remove the log file that accompanies this Z file os.remove(path.replace('d.Z', '.log')) except Exception: sys.exc_clear() pbar.close() tqdm.write(' -- Cleaning data_in_retry') remove_empty_folders(data_in_retry) # take a break to allow the FS to finish the task time.sleep(5) files_path = [] files_list = [] pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Repository crinez scan', ncols=160, disable=None) rpaths, _, files = archive.scan_archive_struct(data_in, pbar) pbar.close() pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' -- Checking the locks table', total=len(files), ncols=130, unit='crz', disable=None) for file, path in zip(files, rpaths): pbar.set_postfix(crinez=file) pbar.update() if path not in [lock['filename'] for lock in locks]: files_path.append(path) files_list.append(file) pbar.close() tqdm.write(" -- Found %i files in the lock list..." % (len(locks))) tqdm.write( " -- Found %i files (matching format [stnm][doy][s].[yy]d.Z) to process..." % (len(files_list))) pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Processing repository', total=len(files_path), ncols=160, unit='crz', disable=None) # dependency functions depfuncs = (check_rinex_timespan_int, write_error, error_handle, insert_data, verify_rinex_multiday) # import modules modules = ('pyRinex', 'pyArchiveStruct', 'pyOTL', 'pyPPP', 'pyStationInfo', 'dbConnection', 'Utils', 'os', 'uuid', 'datetime', 'pyDate', 'numpy', 'traceback', 'platform', 'pyBrdc', 'pyProducts', 'pyOptions', 'pyEvents') JobServer.create_cluster(process_crinex_file, depfuncs, callback_handle, pbar, modules=modules) for file_to_process, sfile in zip(files_path, files_list): JobServer.submit(file_to_process, sfile, data_reject, data_in_retry) JobServer.wait() pbar.close() JobServer.close_cluster() print_archive_service_summary() # iterate to delete empty folders remove_empty_folders(data_in)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument( 'project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help= "Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT." ) parser.add_argument( 'stack_name', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{stack name}', help= "Specify a name for the stack: eg. itrf2014 or posgar07b. This name should be unique " "and cannot be repeated for any other solution project") parser.add_argument( '-max', '--max_iters', nargs=1, type=int, metavar='{max_iter}', help="Specify maximum number of iterations. Default is 4.") parser.add_argument( '-exclude', '--exclude_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to remove from the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-use', '--use_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to use for the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-dir', '--directory', type=str, help= "Directory to save the resulting PNG files. If not specified, assumed to be the " "production directory") parser.add_argument('-redo', '--redo_stack', action='store_true', help="Delete the stack and redo it from scratch") parser.add_argument('-plot', '--plot_stack_etms', action='store_true', default=False, help="Plot the stack ETMs after computation is done") parser.add_argument( '-constrains', '--external_constrains', nargs='+', help= "File with external constrains parameters (position, velocity and periodic). These may be " "from a parent frame such as ITRF. " "Inheritance will occur with stations on the list whenever a parameter exists. " "Example: -constrains itrf14.txt " "Format is: net.stn x y z epoch vx vy vz sn_1y sn_6m cn_1y cn_6m se_1y se_6m ce_1y ce_6m " "su_1y su_6m cu_1y cu_6m ") parser.add_argument( '-d', '--date_end', nargs=1, metavar='date', help= 'Limit the polyhedrons to the specified date. Can be in wwww-d, yyyy_ddd, yyyy/mm/dd ' 'or fyear format') parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer if args.max_iters: max_iters = int(args.max_iters[0]) else: max_iters = 4 print ' >> Defaulting to 4 iterations' if args.exclude_stations: exclude_stn = args.exclude_stations else: exclude_stn = [] if args.use_stations: use_stn = args.use_stations else: use_stn = [] dates = [Date(year=1980, doy=1), Date(] if args.date_end is not None: try: dates = process_date( [str(Date(year=1980, doy=1).fyear), args.date_end[0]]) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) # create folder for plots if if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( else: if not os.path.exists('production'): os.mkdir('production') = 'production' # load the ITRF dat file with the periodic space components if args.external_constrains: constrains = load_constrains(args.external_constrains[0]) else: constrains = None # create the stack object stack = pyStack.Stack(cnn, args.project[0], args.stack_name[0], args.redo_stack, end_date=dates[1]) # stack.align_spaces(frame_params) # stack.to_json('alignment.json') # exit() for i in range(max_iters): # create the target polyhedrons based on iteration number (i == 0: PPP) target = calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, i) qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack), ncols=160, desc=' >> Aligning polyhedrons (%i of %i)' % (i + 1, max_iters)) # work on each polyhedron of the stack for j in range(len(stack)): qbar.update() if not stack[j].aligned: # do not move this if up one level: to speed up the target polyhedron loading process, the target is # set to an empty list when the polyhedron is already aligned if stack[j].date != target[j].date: # raise an error if dates don't agree! raise StandardError( 'Error processing %s: dates don\'t agree (target date %s)' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), target[j].date.yyyyddd())) else: # should only attempt to align a polyhedron that is unaligned # do not set the polyhedron as aligned unless we are in the max iteration step stack[j].align(target[j], True if i == max_iters - 1 else False) # write info to the screen qbar.write( ' -- %s (%3i) %2i it: wrms: %4.1f T %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f ' 'R (%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f)*1e-9' % (stack[j].date.yyyyddd(), stack[j].stations_used, stack[j].iterations, stack[j].wrms * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-3] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-2] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-1] * 1000, stack[j].helmert[-6], stack[j].helmert[-5], stack[j].helmert[-4])) stack.transformations.append([ for poly in stack]) qbar.close() if args.redo_stack: # before removing common modes (or inheriting periodic terms), calculate ETMs with final aligned solutions calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None, create_target=False) # only apply common mode removal if redoing the stack if args.external_constrains: stack.remove_common_modes(constrains) else: stack.remove_common_modes() # here, we also align the stack in velocity and coordinate space stack.align_spaces(constrains) # calculate the etms again, after removing or inheriting parameters calculate_etms(cnn, stack, JobServer, iterations=None, create_target=False) # save the json with the information about the alignment stack.to_json(args.stack_name[0] + '_alignment.json') # save polyhedrons to the database if args.plot_stack_etms: qbar = tqdm(total=len(stack.stations), ncols=160) for stn in stack.stations: # plot the ETMs qbar.update() qbar.postfix = '%s.%s' % (stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode']) plot_etm(cnn, stack, stn, qbar.close()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Archive operations Main Program') parser.add_argument('-date', '--date_range', nargs='+', action=required_length(1, 2), metavar='date_start|date_end', help="Date range to check given as [date_start] or [date_start] and [date_end]. " "Allowed formats are yyyy.doy or yyyy/mm/dd..") parser.add_argument('-win', '--window', nargs=1, metavar='days', type=int, help="Download data from a given time window determined by today - {days}.") try: args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') dates = [] try: if args.window: # today - ndays d = pyDate.Date(,, dates = [d-int(args.window[0]), d] else: dates = process_date(args.date_range) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) if dates[0] < pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0): dates = [pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0), pyDate.Date(,,] # go through the dates drange = np.arange(dates[0].mjd, dates[1].mjd, 1) pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Synchronizing orbit files', total=len(drange), ncols=160) # connect to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP('', 'Anonymous', '*****@*****.**') for date in [pyDate.Date(mjd=mdj) for mdj in drange]: sp3_archive = get_archive_path(Config.sp3_path, date) if not os.path.exists(sp3_archive): os.makedirs(sp3_archive) for repro in ['', '/repro2']: # try both in the repro and / folders folder = "/pub/gps/products/" + date.wwww() + repro try: ftp.cwd(folder) except Exception: # folder not present, skip continue tqdm.write(' -- Changing folder to ' + folder) ftp_list = ftp.nlst() for orbit in Config.sp3types + Config.sp3altrn: for ext in ['.sp3.Z', '.clk.Z', '.erp.Z']: filename = orbit + date.wwwwd() + ext if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sp3_archive, filename)) and filename in ftp_list: tqdm.write('%-31s: %s' % (' -- trying to download ' + ext.replace('.Z', '').upper(), filename)) try: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, open(os.path.join(sp3_archive, filename), 'wb').write) except Exception: continue # now the eop file filename = orbit + date.wwww() + '7.erp.Z' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sp3_archive, filename)) and filename in ftp_list: tqdm.write('%-31s: %s' % (' -- trying to download EOP', filename)) try: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, open(os.path.join(sp3_archive, filename), 'wb').write) except Exception: continue ###### now the brdc files ######### try: folder = "/pub/gps/data/daily/%s/%s/%sn" % (date.yyyy(), date.ddd(), date.yyyy()[2:]) tqdm.write(' -- Changing folder to ' + folder) ftp.cwd(folder) ftp_list = ftp.nlst() except Exception: continue brdc_archive = get_archive_path(Config.brdc_path, date) if not os.path.exists(brdc_archive): os.makedirs(brdc_archive) filename = 'brdc' + str(date.doy).zfill(3) + '0.' + str(date.year)[2:4] + 'n' if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(brdc_archive, filename)) and filename + '.Z' in ftp_list: tqdm.write('%-31s: %s' % (' -- trying to download BRDC', filename)) try: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename + '.Z', open(os.path.join(brdc_archive, filename + '.Z'), 'wb').write) # decompress file cmd = pyRunWithRetry.RunCommand('gunzip -f ' + os.path.join(brdc_archive, filename + '.Z'), 15) cmd.run_shell() except Exception: continue pbar.set_postfix(gpsWeek='%i %i' % (date.gpsWeek, date.gpsWeekDay)) pbar.update() pbar.close() ftp.quit() except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as e: parser.error(str(e))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Database integrity tools, metadata check and fixing tools program') parser.add_argument( 'stnlist', type=str, nargs='+', metavar='all|net.stnm', help= "List of networks/stations to process given in [net].[stnm] format or just [stnm] " "(separated by spaces; if [stnm] is not unique in the database, all stations with that " "name will be processed). Use keyword 'all' to process all stations in the database. " "If [net].all is given, all stations from network [net] will be processed. " "Alternatevily, a file with the station list can be provided.") parser.add_argument( '-d', '--date_filter', nargs='+', metavar='date', help='Date range filter for all operations. ' 'Can be specified in wwww-d, yyyy_ddd, yyyy/mm/dd or fyear format') parser.add_argument( '-rinex', '--check_rinex', choices=['fix', 'report'], type=str, nargs=1, help= 'Check the RINEX integrity of the archive-database by verifying that the RINEX files ' 'reported in the rinex table exist in the archive. If argument = "fix" and a RINEX file ' 'does not exist, remove the record. PPP records or gamit_soln are deleted. If argument = ' '"report" then just list the missing files.') parser.add_argument( '-rnx_count', '--rinex_count', action='store_true', help='Count the total number of RINEX files (unique station-days) ' 'per day for a given time interval.') parser.add_argument( '-stnr', '--station_info_rinex', action='store_true', help= 'Check that the receiver serial number in the rinex headers agrees with the station info ' 'receiver serial number.') parser.add_argument( '-stns', '--station_info_solutions', action='store_true', help='Check that the PPP hash values match the station info hash.') parser.add_argument( '-stnp', '--station_info_proposed', metavar='ignore_days', const=0, type=int, nargs='?', help= 'Output a proposed using the RINEX metadata. Optional, specify [ignore_days] ' 'to ignore records <= days.') parser.add_argument( '-stnc', '--station_info_check', action='store_true', help= 'Check the consistency of the station information records in the database. Date range ' 'does not apply. Also, check that the RINEX files fall within a valid station information ' 'record.') parser.add_argument( '-g', '--data_gaps', metavar='ignore_days', const=0, type=int, nargs='?', help= 'Check the RINEX files in the database and look for gaps (missing days). ' 'Optional, [ignore_days] with the smallest gap to display.') parser.add_argument('-gg', '--graphical_gaps', action='store_true', help='Visually output RINEX gaps for stations.') parser.add_argument( '-sc', '--spatial_coherence', choices=['exclude', 'delete', 'noop'], type=str, nargs=1, help= 'Check that the RINEX files correspond to the stations they are linked to using their ' 'PPP coordinate. If keyword [exclude] or [delete], add the PPP solution to the excluded ' 'table or delete the PPP solution. If [noop], then only report but do not ' 'exlude or delete.') parser.add_argument( '-print', '--print_stninfo', choices=['long', 'short'], type=str, nargs=1, help= 'Output the station info to stdout. [long] outputs the full line of the station info. ' '[short] outputs a short version (better for screen visualization).') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--rename', metavar='net.stnm', nargs=1, help= "Takes the data from the station list and renames (merges) it to net.stnm. " "It also changes the rinex filenames in the archive to match those of the new destiny " "station. Only a single station can be given as the origin and destiny. " "Limit the date range using the -d option.") parser.add_argument( '-es', '--exclude_solutions', metavar=('{start_date}', '{end_date}'), nargs=2, help= 'Exclude PPP solutions (by adding them to the excluded table) between {start_date} ' 'and {end_date}') parser.add_argument( '-del', '--delete_rinex', metavar=('{start_date}', '{end_date}', '{completion}'), nargs=3, help='Delete RINEX files (and associated solutions, PPP and GAMIT) ' 'from archive between {start_date} and {end_date} with completion <= {completion}. ' 'Completion ranges form 1.0 to 0.0. Use 1.0 to delete all data. ' 'Operation cannot be undone!') parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") # type: dbConnection.Cnn # create the execution log cnn.insert('executions', script='') Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions stnlist = Utils.process_stnlist(cnn, args.stnlist) JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_parallel=not args.noparallel) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer ##################################### # date filter dates = [pyDate.Date(year=1980, doy=1), pyDate.Date(year=2100, doy=1)] try: dates = process_date(args.date_filter) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) ##################################### if args.check_rinex: CheckRinexIntegrity(cnn, Config, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1], args.check_rinex[0], JobServer) ##################################### if args.rinex_count: RinexCount(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1]) ##################################### if args.station_info_rinex: StnInfoRinexIntegrity(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1], JobServer) ##################################### if args.station_info_check: StnInfoCheck(cnn, stnlist, Config) ##################################### if args.data_gaps is not None: GetStnGaps(cnn, stnlist, args.data_gaps, dates[0], dates[1]) if args.graphical_gaps: VisualizeGaps(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1]) ##################################### if args.spatial_coherence is not None: CheckSpatialCoherence(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1]) ##################################### if args.exclude_solutions is not None: try: dates = process_date(args.exclude_solutions) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) ExcludeSolutions(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1]) ##################################### if args.print_stninfo is not None: if args.print_stninfo[0] == 'short': PrintStationInfo(cnn, stnlist, True) elif args.print_stninfo[0] == 'long': PrintStationInfo(cnn, stnlist, False) else: parser.error( 'Argument for print_stninfo has to be either long or short') ##################################### if args.station_info_proposed is not None: for stn in stnlist: stninfo = pyStationInfo.StationInfo(cnn, stn['NetworkCode'], stn['StationCode'], allow_empty=True) sys.stdout.write( stninfo.rinex_based_stninfo(args.station_info_proposed)) ##################################### if args.delete_rinex is not None: try: dates = process_date(args.delete_rinex[0:2]) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) DeleteRinex(cnn, stnlist, dates[0], dates[1], float(args.delete_rinex[2])) ##################################### if args.rename: if len(stnlist) > 1: parser.error( 'Only a single station should be given for the origin station') if '.' not in args.rename[0]: parser.error('Format for destiny station should be net.stnm') else: DestNetworkCode = args.rename[0].split('.')[0] DestStationCode = args.rename[0].split('.')[1] RenameStation(cnn, stnlist[0]['NetworkCode'], stnlist[0]['StationCode'], DestNetworkCode, DestStationCode, dates[0], dates[1], Config.archive_path) JobServer.close_cluster()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Simple PPP python wrapper. Calculate a coordinate for a RINEX file. ' 'Output one line per file with stnm epoch x y z lat lon h') parser.add_argument( 'files', type=str, nargs='+', help= "List of files, directories or wildcards to process. If directories are given, searches " "for .Z files. Individual files or wildcards can be either .Z or ??o. " "Eg: ./igm10010.10d.Z ./igm1002a.10o ./cs*.Z ./rinex2process/" ) parser.add_argument( '-otl', '--ocean_loading', action='store_true', help="Apply ocean loading coefficients (obtained from grdtab).") parser.add_argument( '-ns', '--no_split', action='store_true', help="Do not split multiday RINEX files and obtain a single coordinate." ) parser.add_argument( '-no_met', '--no_met', action='store_true', help= "Do not apply the GPT2 model to correct tropospheric delays (use GPT)." ) parser.add_argument('-dec', '--decimate', action='store_true', help="Decimate RINEX to 30 s if interval < 15.") parser.add_argument( '-rnx', '--load_rinex', action='store_true', help= "Fix RINEX using pyRinex, create a local copy (with session number+1) and exit. " "Do not run PPP.") parser.add_argument( '-ins', '--insert_sql', action='store_true', help= "Produce a SQL INSERT statement for this station including OTL and coordinates." ) parser.add_argument('-find', '--find', action='store_true', help="Find the matching station in the db using the " "spatial location algorithm.") parser.add_argument( '-ne', '--no_erase', action='store_true', help="Do not erase PPP folder structure after completion.") parser.add_argument( '-nocfg', '--no_config_file', type=str, nargs=3, metavar=('sp3_directory', 'sp3_types', 'brdc_directory'), help= 'Do not attempt to open gnss_data.cfg. Append [sp3_directory], [sp3_types] ' 'and [brdc_directory] to access the precise and broadcast orbit files. Use the keywords ' '$year, $doy, $month, $day, $gpsweek, $gpswkday to dynamically replace with the ' 'appropriate values (based on the date in the RINEX file). Grdtab and otl_grid should ' 'have the standard names if -otl is invoked and ppp should be in the PATH ' '(with executable name = ppp).') args = parser.parse_args() options = {} if args.no_config_file is not None: options['ppp_path'] = '' options['ppp_exe'] = 'ppp' options['grdtab'] = 'grdtab' options['otlgrid'] = 'otl.grid' options['sp3'] = args.no_config_file[0] sp3types = args.no_config_file[1].split(',') sp3altrn = ['jpl', 'jp2', 'jpr'] brdc_path = args.no_config_file[2] else: Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( 'gnss_data.cfg') # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions options = Config.options sp3types = Config.sp3types sp3altrn = Config.sp3altrn brdc_path = Config.brdc_path # flog to determine if should erase or not folder if args.no_erase: erase = False else: erase = True rinex = [] for xfile in args.files: if os.path.isdir(xfile): # add all d.Z files in folder rinex = rinex + glob.glob(os.path.join(xfile, '*d.Z')) elif os.path.isfile(xfile): # a single file rinex = rinex + [xfile] else: # a wildcard: expand rinex = rinex + glob.glob(xfile) for rinex in rinex: # read the station name from the file stnm = rinex.split('/')[-1][0:4] try: with pyRinex.ReadRinex('???', stnm, rinex, allow_multiday=args.no_split) as rinexinfo: if rinexinfo.multiday and not args.no_split: print 'Provided RINEX file is a multiday file!' # rinex file is a multiday file, output all the solutions for rnx in rinexinfo.multiday_rnx_list: execute_ppp(rnx, args, stnm, options, sp3types, sp3altrn, brdc_path, erase, not args.no_met, args.decimate) else: execute_ppp(rinexinfo, args, stnm, options, sp3types, sp3altrn, brdc_path, erase, not args.no_met, args.decimate) except pyRinex.pyRinexException as e: print str(e) continue
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Archive operations Main Program') parser.add_argument( 'stnlist', type=str, nargs='+', metavar='all|net.stnm', help= "List of networks/stations to process given in [net].[stnm] format or just [stnm] " "(separated by spaces; if [stnm] is not unique in the database, all stations with that " "name will be processed). Use keyword 'all' to process all stations in the database. " "If [net].all is given, all stations from network [net] will be processed. " "Alternatevily, a file with the station list can be provided.") parser.add_argument( '-date', '--date_range', nargs='+', action=required_length(1, 2), metavar='date_start|date_end', help="Date range to check given as [date_start] or [date_start] " "and [date_end]. Allowed formats are yyyy.doy or yyyy/mm/dd..") parser.add_argument( '-win', '--window', nargs=1, metavar='days', type=int, help= "Download data from a given time window determined by today - {days}.") try: args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') stnlist = Utils.process_stnlist(cnn, args.stnlist) print ' >> Selected station list:' print_columns([ item['NetworkCode'] + '.' + item['StationCode'] for item in stnlist ]) dates = [] try: if args.window: # today - ndays d = pyDate.Date(,, dates = [d - int(args.window[0]), d] else: dates = process_date(args.date_range) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) if dates[0] < pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0): dates = [ pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0), pyDate.Date(,, ] # go through the dates drange = np.arange(dates[0].mjd, dates[1].mjd + 1, 1) download_data(cnn, Config, stnlist, drange) except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as e: parser.error(str(e))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Archive operations Main Program') parser.add_argument( '-date', '--date_range', nargs='+', action=required_length(1, 2), metavar='date_start|date_end', help= "Date range to check given as [date_start] or [date_start] and [date_end]. " "Allowed formats are yyyy.doy or yyyy/mm/dd..") parser.add_argument( '-win', '--window', nargs=1, metavar='days', type=int, help= "Download data from a given time window determined by today - {days}.") try: args = parser.parse_args() Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions('gnss_data.cfg') dates = () now = try: if args.window: # today - ndays d = pyDate.Date(year=now.year, month=now.month, dates = (d - int(args.window[0]), d) else: dates = process_date(args.date_range) except ValueError as e: parser.error(str(e)) if dates[0] < pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0): dates = (pyDate.Date(gpsWeek=650, gpsWeekDay=0), pyDate.Date(year=now.year, month=now.month, # go through the dates drange = np.arange(dates[0].mjd, dates[1].mjd, 1) pbar = tqdm(desc='%-30s' % ' >> Synchronizing orbit files', total=len(drange), ncols=160) # connect to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS(FTP_HOST, FTP_USER, FTP_PASS) ftp.set_pasv(True) ftp.prot_p() def downloadIfMissing(ftp_list, ftp_filename, local_filename, local_dir, desc): mark_path = os.path.join(local_dir, local_filename) if not os.path.isfile(mark_path) and ftp_filename in ftp_list: tqdm.write('%-31s: %s' % (' -- trying to download ' + desc, filename)) down_path = os.path.join(local_dir, ftp_filename) with open(down_path, 'wb') as f: ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + ftp_filename, f.write) return True def get_archive_path(archive, date): return archive.replace('$year', str(date.year)) \ .replace('$doy', str(date.doy).zfill(3)) \ .replace('$gpsweek', str(date.gpsWeek).zfill(4)) \ .replace('$gpswkday', str(date.gpsWeekDay)) for date in (pyDate.Date(mjd=mdj) for mdj in drange): sp3_archive = get_archive_path(Config.sp3_path, date) if not os.path.exists(sp3_archive): os.makedirs(sp3_archive) for repro in ('', '/repro2'): # try both in the repro and / folders folder = "/pub/gps/products/" + date.wwww() + repro try: tqdm.write(' -- Changing folder to ' + folder) ftp.cwd(folder) ftp_list = set(ftp.nlst()) except: # folder not present, skip continue for orbit in Config.sp3types + Config.sp3altrn: for ext in ('.sp3', '.clk', '.erp', '7.erp'): try: filename = orbit + date.wwwwd() + ext + '.Z' downloadIfMissing( ftp_list, filename, filename, sp3_archive, 'EOP' if ext == '7.erp' else ext.upper()) except: pass ###### now the brdc files ######### try: folder = "/pub/gps/data/daily/%s/%s/%sn" % ( date.yyyy(), date.ddd(), date.yyyy()[2:]) tqdm.write(' -- Changing folder to ' + folder) ftp.cwd(folder) ftp_list = set(ftp.nlst()) except: continue brdc_archive = get_archive_path(Config.brdc_path, date) if not os.path.exists(brdc_archive): os.makedirs(brdc_archive) try: filename = 'brdc%s0.%sn' % (str( date.doy).zfill(3), str(date.year)[2:4]) ftp_filename = filename + '.Z' if downloadIfMissing(ftp_list, ftp_filename, filename, brdc_archive, 'BRDC'): # decompress file pyRunWithRetry.RunCommand('gunzip -f ' + ftp_filename, 15).run_shell() except: continue pbar.set_postfix(gpsWeek='%i %i' % (date.gpsWeek, date.gpsWeekDay)) pbar.update() pbar.close() ftp.quit() except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as e: parser.error(str(e))
def rinex_task(NetworkCode, StationCode, date, ObservationFYear, metafile): from pyRunWithRetry import RunCommandWithRetryExeception etm_err = '' # local directory as destiny for the CRINEZ files pwd_rinex = '/media/leleiona/aws-files/' + date.yyyy() + '/' + date.ddd() stop_no_aprs = False Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions cnn = dbConnection.Cnn('gnss_data.cfg') # create Archive object Archive = pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct( cnn) # type: pyArchiveStruct.RinexStruct ArchiveFile = Archive.build_rinex_path(NetworkCode, StationCode, date.year, date.doy) ArchiveFile = os.path.join(Config.archive_path, ArchiveFile) # check for a station alias in the alias table alias = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM stationalias WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) sa = alias.dictresult() if len(sa) > 0: StationAlias = sa[0]['StationAlias'] else: StationAlias = StationCode # create the crinez filename filename = StationAlias + date.ddd() + '0.' + date.yyyy()[2:4] + 'd.Z' try: # create the ETM object etm = pyETM.PPPETM(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode) # get APRs and sigmas (only in NEU) Apr, sigmas, Window, source = etm.get_xyz_s(date.year, date.doy) del etm except pyETM.pyETMException as e: # no PPP solutions available! MUST have aprs in the last run, try that stop_no_aprs = True Window = None source = '' etm_err = str(e) except Exception: return (None, None, traceback.format_exc() + ' processing ' + NetworkCode + '.' + StationCode + ' using node ' + platform.node() + '\n', metafile) # find this station-day in the lastest global run APRs apr_tbl = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM apr_coords WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, date.year, date.doy)) apr = apr_tbl.dictresult() if len(apr) > 0: # APRs exist for this station-day # replace PPP ETM with Mike's APRs Apr = numpy.array( ([float(apr[0]['x'])], [float(apr[0]['y'])], [float(apr[0]['z'])])) sigmas = numpy.array(([float(apr[0]['sn'])], [float(apr[0]['se'])], [float(apr[0]['su'])])) source = apr[0]['ReferenceFrame'] + ' APRs' elif len(apr) == 0 and stop_no_aprs: return ( None, None, '%s.%s has no PPP solutions and no APRs from last global run for %s! ' 'Specific error from pyETM.PPPETM (if available) was: %s' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, date.yyyyddd(), etm_err), metafile) # convert sigmas to XYZ stn = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM stations WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\'' % (NetworkCode, StationCode)) stn = stn.dictresult() sigmas_xyz = sigmas_neu2xyz(stn[0]['lat'], stn[0]['lon'], sigmas) # write the # if no station info comes back for this date, program will print a message and continue with next try: # Use the argument 'ObservationFYear' to get the exact RINEX session fyear without opening the file rnx_date = pyDate.Date(fyear=float(ObservationFYear)) stninfo = pyStationInfo.StationInfo(cnn, NetworkCode, StationCode, rnx_date, h_tolerance=12) except pyStationInfo.pyStationInfoException: # if no metadata, warn user and continue return ( None, None, '%s.%s has no metadata available for this date, but a RINEX exists!' % (NetworkCode, StationCode), metafile) # check if RINEX file needs to be synced or not. aws_sync = cnn.query( 'SELECT * FROM aws_sync WHERE "NetworkCode" = \'%s\' AND "StationCode" = \'%s\' ' 'AND "Year" = %i AND "DOY" = %i' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, date.year, date.doy)).dictresult() if len(aws_sync) == 0: # only copy RINEX if not synced! # open the RINEX file in the Archive try: with pyRinex.ReadRinex(NetworkCode, StationCode, ArchiveFile, False) as Rinex: # type: pyRinex.ReadRinex Rnx = None if Rinex.multiday: # find the rinex that corresponds to the session being processed, if multiday for rinex in Rinex.multiday_rnx_list: if == date: Rnx = rinex break if Rnx is None: return ( None, None, '%s.%s was a multiday file and date %8.3f could not be found!' % (NetworkCode, StationCode, date.fyear), metafile) else: # if Rinex is not multiday Rnx = Rinex Rnx.purge_comments() Rnx.normalize_header(stninfo) Rnx.rename(filename) if Window is not None: window_rinex(Rnx, Window) source += ' windowed from/to ' + Window.datetime( ).strftime('%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S') # before creating local copy, decimate file Rnx.decimate(30) Rnx.compress_local_copyto(pwd_rinex) except (pyRinex.pyRinexException, RunCommandWithRetryExeception): # new behavior: if error occurs while generating RINEX, then copy raw file from the archive try: shutil.copy(ArchiveFile, os.path.join(pwd_rinex, filename)) except Exception: return (None, None, traceback.format_exc() + ' processing ' + NetworkCode + '.' + StationCode + ' using node ' + platform.node() + '\n', metafile) except Exception: return (None, None, traceback.format_exc() + ' processing ' + NetworkCode + '.' + StationCode + ' using node ' + platform.node() + '\n', metafile) # everything ok, return information APR = '%s.%s %s %12.3f %12.3f %12.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %s' % ( NetworkCode, StationCode, StationAlias, Apr[0, 0], Apr[1, 0], Apr[2, 0], sigmas_xyz[0, 0], sigmas_xyz[1, 0], sigmas_xyz[2, 0], sigmas[1, 0], sigmas[0, 0], sigmas[2, 0], source.replace(' ', '_')) return APR, stninfo.return_stninfo().replace( StationCode.upper(), StationAlias.upper()), None, metafile
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GNSS time series stacker') parser.add_argument( 'project', type=str, nargs=1, metavar='{project name}', help= "Specify the project name used to process the GAMIT solutions in Parallel.GAMIT." ) parser.add_argument( '-max', '--max_iters', nargs=1, type=int, metavar='{max_iter}', help="Specify maximum number of iterations. Default is 4.") parser.add_argument( '-exclude', '--exclude_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to remove from the stacking process.") parser.add_argument( '-use', '--use_stations', nargs='+', type=str, metavar='{net.stnm}', help="Manually specify stations to use for the stacking process.") parser.add_argument('-np', '--noparallel', action='store_true', help="Execute command without parallelization.") args = parser.parse_args() cnn = dbConnection.Cnn("gnss_data.cfg") Config = pyOptions.ReadOptions( "gnss_data.cfg") # type: pyOptions.ReadOptions if not args.noparallel: JobServer = pyJobServer.JobServer( Config, run_node_test=False) # type: pyJobServer.JobServer else: JobServer = None Config.run_parallel = False if args.max_iters: max_iters = int(args.max_iters[0]) else: max_iters = 4 if args.exclude_stations: exclude_stn = args.exclude_stations else: exclude_stn = [] if args.use_stations: use_stn = args.use_stations else: use_stn = [] # create folder for plots if not os.path.isdir(args.project[0]): os.makedirs(args.project[0]) ######################################## # load polyhedrons project = Project(cnn, args.project[0], max_iters, use=use_stn, exclude=exclude_stn) #project.remove_common_modes(cnn) #exit() calculate_etms(cnn, project, JobServer) align_stack(cnn, project, JobServer) # remove common modes updated_poly = project.remove_common_modes(cnn) updated_poly.sort(key=lambda k: k['FYear']) # replace with new polyhedrons project.polyhedrons = updated_poly # last call to calculate ETMs calculate_etms(cnn, project, JobServer) tqdm.write(' -- Plotting final ETMs (aligned)...') project.plot_etms()